Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto's Book of Fairy Tales ❯ Cinderella ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not and never will own Naruto. TAKE THAT, YA STUPID LAWYERS! YOU CAN'T SUE ME, YOU CAN'T SUE ME! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Title: Naruto's Book of Fairy Tales

Chapter Title: Cinderella

Rating: PG-13

Pairing for the Chapter: Sasuke/Naruto. Just for you Iceheart19! Sorry it ain't Naruto/Sasuke, but this made more sense in the story line. Hope that's okay ^^;

Warnings: Yaoi


Once upon a time there was a man whose wife died, leaving him to bring up their only son, Naruto; so he married again. His second wife, Tsunade (A/N: GOMEN NE TO ALL TSUNADE FANS! BUT I NEEDED A GIRL FOR THIS AND SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE I COULD THINK OF SINCE I HAD A REQUEST TO NOT BASH SAKURA SO MUCH!!!!), was a sharp-tongued, stuck-up sort, and she had two daughters of her own her were just as bad. The man's own son was as gentle and good-natured as his mother had been. Even though he could be VEEEEEEEERRRRRRYYYY loud and obnoxious.

It wasn't long before the stepmother and her two daughters, Tenten and Ino, began to make Naruto's life miserable. They were always mean to him, and treated him just like a servant. Ok, so they did this just because everyone else did, because somehow Naruto still has the Kyuubi inside him, even in THIS story. But we're just going to ignore that, ok?

The only place Naruto could find any peace was in the chimney-corner, among the cinders, so they decided to call him Cinderella. But then they realized that that would make them look a bit childish and all three evil people didn't want their dignity to suffer. So they just called him Naruto. But Naruto in rags was still far prettier than his step-sisters in all their fancy-shmancy ninja clothing.

Now Sasuke, the king's son, decided that he was gay. So the queen hosted a ball to try and change his sons mind by inviting all the girls within 15 miles of the castle to come. The king didn't do anything. Once an Uchiha says he's gay, then he's gay. Happens all the time.

Tenten and Ino were thrilled. They could think and talk of nothing else, and they soon had Naruto waiting on them hand and foot to make sure they looked their best. Naruto even did their hair for them, and although he was as gentle a he could be, they kept snapping, "Don't tug, boy," and "It's a good thing you're not invited to the ball you clumsy oaf!"

"Um, technically I was invited, but you guys won't let me go," Naruto said.

"When were you invited?" Ino asked. "The invitation said girls only!"

"Yeah, well, an invitation came yesterday from the prince himself saying all boys could come as well," Naruto said.

"Whatever. You're still not going!" Tenten said.

Anyone else would have tangled the girls hair, but Naruto didn't have time to do that, seeing as he was working with all his strength trying to convince the Kyuubi NOT to kill the girls.

When at last the sisters had squeezed themselves into their new dresses and set off for the ball, Naruto sat down among the ashes, all alone. Then he began to cry.

When he looked up from his tears, a young pretty girl with pink hair was standing there. She had a kind face and was holding a wand in one hand.

"Why are you crying?" she asked. "Tell me. I am your fairy godmother. My name is Sakura."

So Naruto told Sakura how much he longed to go to the ball.

"Are you hoping to meet a pretty girl there?" Sakura asked.

"No, I just wanna get out of this damn house and break some rules," Naruto said.

"Alright then. Fetch me a pumpkin," Sakura said.

"No. I don't wanna," Naruto said.

"FETCH ME A GOD DAMN PUMPKIN!" This was Inner Sakura.

Naruto immediately went and got a pumpkin. But not just any pumpkin. The largest one he could find. Sakura scooped out the insides, tapped it with her wand, and in an instant it had turned into a beautiful gilded carriage.

"WOW! TEACH ME HOW TO DO THAT!!" Naruto yelled.

"Not till you're dead and get your fairy godfather license."


Then Sakura looked in the mouse trap and found six live mice. Mouse traps were obviously not very helpful back then. When Sakura touched the mice with her wand, they turned into six handsome dapple-gray horses.

"Now we need a coachman," said Sakura, looking around for something suitable.

"I'll see if there's a rat in the rat trap," Naruto said excitedly. "But why we can't just use the mouse trap for rats is a mystery to me. Wouldn't it be more time efficient to just check one trap instead of two?"

Sakura shrugged. "Maybe they want to give you more work."

Naruto again had to stop the Kyuubi from trying to go kill Tsunade, Tenten and Ino.

So Naruto checked in the rat trap. There were three rats there, one with the finest whiskers you had ever seen. Although how any rat ever got fine whiskers…Well, that's impossible unless it's a pet, and they didn't keep pet rats in those days.

"He'd make a good coachman," said Naruto.

So Sakura tapped the rat with her wand, and the rat turned into a fat coachman with an enormous mustache.

"Now," said Sakura. "Behind the watering can you will find six lizards. Bring them to me." When she tapped the lizards with her wand, they turned into six footmen. "There-now you can go to the ball!"

"In these rags?" cried Naruto.

So Sakura tapped Naruto with her wand, and instantly his ragged clothes became a gown of silver and gold embroidered pearls; and his worn out shoes became glass slippers.

"What the hell are you thinking? I'm a guy! Guys don't were dresses!" Naruto yelled.

"Yeah, but you'll better capture the attention of the prince this way," Sakura retorted.


Sakura smirked. "You'll see."

Naruto grumbled as he got into the carriage.

"Also, you have to leave the ball before midnight. For then the spell will end, and all these enchanted things will return to their true forms!" Sakura said.


"The ball will be going on for two nights, you twit."

Naruto grumbled again.

When Naruto arrived at the palace, no one could take their eyes off him. Sasuke actually stared at him for a full three minutes with his mouth open. Three minutes. With his mouth open. Uchiha Sasuke. He was completely oblivious to the fact that the rest of the guests were running around screaming, "THE APOCOLYPSE IS COMING!!!! EVERYONE RUN FOR YOU LIFE'S!!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIIIIIIIIIIEEEEE!!!!" Naruto was melting under Sasuke's stare because 1) He had never had anyone stare at him before, at least not in a good way and 2) Sasuke was really, really hot.

After his three minutes of staring, Sasuke grabbed Naruto and dragged him off to a secluded area where they both released many years of sexual frustration. Itachi couldn't have been more proud of his brother for pissing their mom off so bad. Although after two minutes of her screeching, Itachi decided he didn't like her anymore and killed her. And there was much rejoicing.

At a quarter to twelve Naruto woke up, slipped out of the palace, and back to his carriage.

The next day, Tenten and Ino were full of excited talk about the ball, and especially about the boy in the dress who had arrived so unexpectedly, and vanished so suddenly. Whoever could he be?

"Oh, I wish I could see him," said Naruto. "Please, won't you let me get a suit so that I may go to the ball?"

"Certainly not!" said Tenten.

"You'd disgrace us in front of the prince. And what would that lovely boy think, seeing us with a grubby creature like you?"

Stopping the Kyuubi from killing anyone is getting very hard for our dear Naruto.

That night, when Ino and Tenten and left, Sakura transformed the pumpkin, rat, mice, and lizards again and sent Naruto to the ball in his glass slippers and an even grander dress. "Don't forget to leave before midnight," she said.

Naruto and Sasuke went out in to the courtyard where they talked all night, exchanging light kisses and caresses, whispering secrets to each other, laughing, even snuggling under the old willow by the pond (A/N: KAAAAAAWWWWAAAAIIIIII!!!). Naruto completely forgot the time. When he heard the chimes of midnight, he swore very loudly and fled. This was very hard in a dress, and Naruto got about two steps before he had to let the Kyuubi take over, because the Kyuubi is special and he can run in a dress. Sasuke ran after him, but all he found was one glass slipper that Naruto had carelessly dropped. He questioned the palace guards, but they had not seen a boy in a dress leave- just a peasant boy.

Naruto, meanwhile, made his own way home, with no carriage or any of that crap. Except one glass slipper. Naruto didn't even notice this, however, because he was to busy cursing the spells for wearing off at midnight. He only got to spend four hours with Sasuke, damnit!

Sasuke, who was very determined to get Naruto back, proclaimed that he would marry the boy whose foot fit in the glass slipper. He visited every house in the kingdom in search of Naruto, and almost died several times when fangirls tried to glomp him. They are now all lying six feet under, thanks to Itachi, who prefers being Sasuke's body guard to being a prince.

At last Sasuke arrived at Naruto's house. Tenten and Ino tried to convince Sasuke that he didn't need the boy, and that they would make fine wives. Sasuke didn't listen. He just asked, "Are you sure there are no males in the house?"

"Well, there was Naruto, but he left yesterday," Ino said.

But that wasn't true. They were really keeping Naruto lodked up in a closet because they found his other glass slipper and they were going to kill him when Sasuke left.

But Sasuke wasn't the number one rookie genin for nothing. He could tell the sisters were lying. So he looked in every room of the house until he came upon the closet where Naruto was being kept. When he opened it, he found a very bound up Naruto. Sasuke blinked once. Then he went into a fit of rage, because unlike stupid princes, Sasuke can tell who his lover was just by looking at them. He grabbed two kunai and killed Tenten and Ino with them, then untied Naruto and dragged him off to a secluded area where they released the sexual frustration that had built up since two days ago. Itachi was very proud of his little brother.

The next week, Sasuke married Naruto. The wedding was a very glamorous wedding for something that had been put together in a week. Sasuke was happy for the first time in four years, Naruto was happy for the first time ever, and everyone else was happy because there was no girl in the kingdom right for Sasuke, and Uchiha's look better with guys anyway.


Author's Notes: Ok, there's the SasuNaru that everyone wanted! Hope you guys like it/ I know that Cinderella didn't originally get tied up in a closet, but trying on a glass slipper was just too corny. So, yeah.

Also, the number of stories there are going to be has increased as I found a whole crapload of awesome fairy tale books from other countries at my high school library. So, I don't know how many there are going to be now.

I WILL NOT be doing any Sasuke/Sakura, Itachi/Sakura, Gaara/Sakura or Naruto/Sakura in these stories. Why? Because I hate Sakura. I will make an effort to let up on her bashing, but this does not mean I will pair her up with those four mentioned above. So don't even think about requesting those pairings.