Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ New Girl in Konoah ❯ The Mission of Odyessy ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Naruto Fan Fiction
Chapter 2
The Mission of Odyssey
“Let's go!!” yelled Naruto in a childish manner. “Ok what's the mission.” said Sasuke in a silent matter. “Is he always that gloomy?” asked Belle silently. “Yeh. And he's creepy too.” “Hey look it's a coin!” “Oooo. How much?” “Maybe ten yen…. Not much at all.” After hours of walking, the group cam up to a tea house. “Hey Sakura, Belle you guys hungry?” “Yeh I am.” ”Oooooooooo…… Look it's a tea Shoppe!” “Let's go eat!” said Naruto. “FOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!” yelled Belle while trampling Sakura and Sasuke. “Wow she must love food.” “RAMEN!” yelled Belle when they got there. While in her food loving frenzy, Belle accidentally kisses Naruto on the lips. “…………………<=).”
“Wow she can kiss…..” said Naruto.
“O_______________O…”(Sasuke and Sakura.) After all the commotion, they sat and ate their food. “Kakashi-sensei you never told us what the mission was.” “Yes well we must protect….” “Yes yes.” “We must protect the great endangered Wannahokaloogi bird!” “The watta awatta who now?!” they all said amazed. “We must protect it at all costs.” “Why?” “Because this bird is an ancient charka holding demon.” “Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.” “Well let's get going before it storms.” (BOOOOOOM)