Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Not As Planned ❯ And so it begins... ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: This Ebon_Rose™ does not own her favorite anime Naruto ¬¬
AN: I seriously tried not to make it clichéd, but the wonderful idea of Sasuke and Sakura being married has been made for quite many times. I hope that you find this story and plot a little more original. I thought that maybe Sakura shouldn't be too sweet with Sasuke, so you may see this of a bit of OOC or you can think like me, and see how they would react in my mind if they were to grow up. Well it's up to you if I continue…so REVIEW! Funny though, how there two other fics that I should update but I decide to make a new one and it means more updating. I am really into this fic at the moment though, so…it's up to you.

Haruno Sakura hated him. There was no other feeling and she was sure of that. So he'd decided to come back after ten years of absence. She did not care.
Sakura did not care.
She was surprised though, as she heard about the village being friendly towards him. She would have expected hate, and even if he had been on probation for what seemed to be the smallest of time, he'd managed to get out of it for good conduct. Also the fact that he'd defeated Orochimaru for the sake of the village.
The rumors said that he'd come stronger than ever. The rumors said that the village was at first skeptical, but soon found that the missing-nin was the same boy so long ago that would protect Konoha. He was not in Orochimaru's grasp anymore and he even killed him. How was it that even Tsunade forgave him just like that? All he had needed to do was have good conduct.
Sakura scoffed, to think that even Naruto had accepted him again. She wasn't that surprised though, for she knew that Naruto had one of the biggest hearts out there. He would not hesitate to welcome his comrade, his best friend; even if that so called friend tried to kill him ten years ago.
It was rumored that besides strength, the prodigy had not disappointed the women that had been in his fan club years ago. “He is so handsome!” She had heard one say. To think that she'd been part of that club; she shuddered.
How she hated Uchiha Sasuke.
She heard that he'd come back a month ago, but she hadn't been there for a month. As a jounin and medic-nin, she now had more important things to do than to wait for his arrival. She ignored the fact that she had done just that for an entire three years. She'd only come back the day before and Naruto and his fiancé Hinata came to her and welcomed her, and of course told her the news.
She'd been surprised to feel her heart thunder for the briefest of seconds, but that odd yet so familiar feeling vanished as soon as she acknowledged it. Her mouth had been opened in astonishment as Naruto told her all about the Uchiha. Her friend had seemed so happy, too happy in fact for such an idiot like Sasuke.
Couldn't anyone see that he still could not be trusted? Who cared if he'd defeated Orochimaru and proved to Konoha that he was trustworthy? Didn't they care that he had betrayed Konoha and gone to him in the first place? Had they forgotten? Was she the only person in Konoha who saw Sasuke as the person he really was…a traitor? It bothered her that Sasuke had returned. It bothered that no one was bothered like her.
After one month, Naruto still found it difficult to believe that Sasuke had returned. Not that he complained, heck, he was ecstatic. His best friend was going to be his best man. He was also glad that Konoha had accepted him back.
With an open expression, he stared at Sasuke while almost chocking on his ramen. There were so many things they'd still not talked about. If anything, Sasuke seemed more distant than ever. It made Naruto wonder what had made his friend cold. He'd always been distant to be cool he supposed, but now he was just there. All he had bothered to say is that he had returned because he realized that the path he had chosen was the wrong way to defeat Itachi.
With hooded eyes Sasuke watched Naruto and his blatant stare. He continued to silently eat his meal and thought that besides his exterior, being an anbu and being twenty-two; the man hadn't grown up yet.
As if reading his thoughts Naruto looked down at his plate and sighed when he noticed that it was all gone.
“Naruto-kun!” A soft, warm voice called to his friend. Sasuke immediately recognized Hinata since all this month she'd seem to be glued to Naruto's side. In fact he found it quite pathetic. It was still hard to believe that they were going to wed in only a month.
It was quite hard to believe that he would wed in only a week. He remembered Tsunade's words, “Sasuke, this is the last trial you have to do to prove to us—to me, that you are a changed man. It is time to restore your clan.”
I see,” the Uchiha said in monotone. He seemed calm and collected, but inside his blood was boiling. He still hadn't killed Itachi and that was still his main priority. Too late he had realized that Orochimaru was more twisted than he had thought. He had accepted his mistake and now he would regain his integrity and honor. Deep down he felt the need to be accepted by the place he denied to be home. Either way, it was time to accept the consequences of his acts.
I want you married in a at least a month from now. If you want, I will allow you to choose your wife. Otherwise, I will choose one for you.”
He shrugged; he really didn't care.
The fifth hokage sighed, “I see. Then it is decided that I shall choose your wife.”
:End of Flashback:
Had that only been half a month ago?
“Hello Sasuke-san?” Hinata repeated for the third time. Sasuke finally realized she was speaking to him and nodded in greeting.
He really didn't feel like hanging around Naruto when he was with his fiancé. Already they were giving each other loving stares and that made him almost sick. He was about to stand up to say good-bye when another feminine voice was heard from behind.
“Hey Naruto! Hinata!” The husky voice sounded faintly familiar.
Sakura had decided to go eat at Naruto's favorite ramen place when she spotted him and Hinata. She smiled, greeted, and waited for them to greet her as well. The greeting never came and both seemed nervous. Hinata looked paler than usual and Naruto looked like he committed a crime.
Her emerald eyes involuntarily moved to the man sitting next to Naruto. His back was to her and he seemed to be eating his ramen as if nothing else mattered. As sudden jolt invaded her senses and the sensation was all too familiar that she immediately knew who the man was.
She didn't have to recognize his spiky dark hair or the Uchiha symbol on the back of his shirt to realize who he was. The aura that he emitted was enough; she would recognize it anywhere. She suddenly felt the world spin beneath her feet and she had to hang on to the doorway for support.
“Sakura-chan are you okay?” Naruto held her for support. She felt like she would blush of embarrassment but she controlled her emotions.
“Of course, I guess I've just been training too much lately.” Naruto seemed appeased with her answer and let her go.
Hinata was not as dense when it came to these things as her fiancé was though. Over the years, she Ten Ten and Sakura had become rather close. She knew her friend well enough that she was lying. Instead of telling her of this, she decided to cut the silence that had suddenly fallen upon them.
Sasuke slowly turned as he heard the name of Sakura. He stood up to his full six feet and three inches height, before looking directly at his old teammate.
Green clashed with onyx and something in that small stare happened that both felt like a ray of electricity had swept their bodies for a brief second.
Sakura at mere five and three inches had to strain her neck to look at his face. My! Had he changed! She could not help but notice how very well he looked. He was still very handsome, more so, she had to admit. His jet black hair looked in a bit of disarray and his smirk made his lips look all the more alluring. Sakura mentally kicked herself. What the hell was she thinking?
Haruno Sakura looked nothing like a girl any more, Sasuke had to admit. Her eyes seemed if anything to be challenging him, her full red lips were so tempting that it made a man want to crush them with his own. Her hair was in a tight bun and her graceful, slender neck seemed to urge him to nip it. Her figure was delicate. Her breast still seemed to be the size of a young girl, and her jounin outfit fitted her body like a second skin. Had you told him long ago that he would be checking out the lovesick girl, he would have probably laughed—which was rare for him. He was a man now, and he could admit that she was attractive.
On the outside Uchiha Sasuke looked to be bored to see her. He hadn't even acknowledged her for that fact, and this made Sakura a little irritated. Ten years had not taken the arrogance out of the man. She pressed her lips together in annoyance and soon the silence was too unbearable that she decided to break it.
“Well Sakura-chan, can't you tell that this baka is Sasuke?” Naruto asked the stupid question.
She managed not grit her teeth or loose her temper. Why was Sasuke having such a stupid effect on her? She sighed and politely said, “Sasuke, it's wonderful to see you again.” Her voice dripped in sarcasm and no one failed to notice.
Sasuke was not amused and didn't care. Funny how the lovesick girl seemed to be gone. Funny because many other women had already fallen for him again; without even trying like always. If there was anything he had learned in his experience with women over the years is that they were a seducing, stubborn bunch.
“What no Sasuke-kun?” He returned and smirked when he saw her challenging eyes flicker in anger.
“It's all in the past.” She would not loose her calmness, she told herself over and over.
“Huh. So is that love deceleration you made so long ago also forgotten?” His emotionless mask gave no hint that he cared.
That hit a nerve and Sakura felt like she lost it. “Baka! After all this time you can't just come and—how dare you come back?”
Hinata saw this get out of hand, all these years her friend had harvested nothing but hurt and now she was letting it loose. “Sakura…” She calmly began.
“Sakura-chan relax, just be happy that he returned. Aren't you happy that he returned?” Naruto knew what he said was completely stupid, but he would try his best to make them two come to peace before they became enemies.
Sakura turned to him, “Naruto I can't believe you! I know that your heart is not cold and vengeful, but—“ It was her turn to smirk when Sasuke raised an eyebrow when she stressed that word. She breathed in deeply and tried to calm down, “I could careless why you returned.” She told Sasuke as indifferent as she could muster.
Sasuke shrugged, he didn't care what the woman thought.
He suddenly walked towards her and Sakura wondered why he suddenly stood so close. “What…”
“You're in my way.” He said indifferently. She gulped and looked away as she let him go through.
She heard Naruto yell, “Sasuke-bastard! Show a little friendliness won't you!”
“He's gone.” Hinata quietly informed her friend. “Sakura-chan, are you alright? I know that you must feel awful now that you know he is getting married to her.”
Sakura took a sharp breath and a pang of something came to her but she ignored it. She didn't love him. That love was dead. She dryly laughed, “Oh Hinata-chan, you should know by now that I don't care for that bastard.”
Hinata slightly winced as she recognized that language, “So it doesn't matter even if it's Ino-san?”
Sakura's head was beginning to spin again. “Ino huh? Well it seems like she won in the end. Not that I care anyways.”
“Sakura-chan you've truly forgotten Sasuke?” Inquired Naruto.
She looked at both with impatience, “You ask me this when I haven't talked about him since I was fifteen?” She answered with her own question. Both remained quiet and she sweetly smiled at them, “It's okay guys, I know that you still believe that I silently pinned over him. Trust me, the strong feeling I once had for him is truly gone.” With that she left them.
“Hinata-chan, I thought you said that she still loved him.”
She frowned a little, “I did think that at the bottom of her heart she did. Yet, she showed no emotion when she knew about the upcoming wedding. I don't understand. Naruto-kun, she's never been with anyone that I know of.”
Naruto's handsome mouth smiled at her and he gently ran his finger down the frown. “Don't worry about it; if Sakura-chan has truly forgotten him, it's better for her. We all know that Sasuke doesn't return his feelings and ten years haven't changed that fact.”
Hinata blushed and looked away; she always got nervous around Naruto. “Yes.” She said softly.
Her soft, shy voice made him feel like nothing ever had in his life. He pulled her into a warm embrace and brushed his lips tenderly upon hers.
Sakura took off her tight, black, jounin shirt and she was left with nothing but the bandages on her chest. She swiftly took them off and sighed of relief when her breasts were released by the tight confinement. She had to always wear the bandages seeing as how her breasts seemed too large for her and how they sometimes got in the way of battle.
Tsunade had laughed when Sakura had told her what she needed to do because she found it rather embarrassing and uncomfortable. She had said that if you have it flaunt it, to take her as an example. She would get used to training and fighting once she got used to it. Sakura disagreed, and said that she could move faster with her chest confined. Tsunade had laughed yet again.
Once she had changed to her night clothing and prepared for bed, she exhaustingly got beneath the covers. She tried hard to lure sleep into claiming her tired mind and body, but Sasuke came to her mind instead. She writhed and turned side to side trying to forget how her heart had thudded hard against her rib cage, and how she had felt almost like fainting when she had realized who he was. She tried to forget that it more than bothered her that he was going to wed. It didn't even matter that he was going to wed Ino, it mattered because it wasn't her—she gasped at her own thought.
“What the hell is wrong with me?” She told herself as she tried to ran her fingers through her hair. She almost laughed when she realized that she still had her hair in a bun. She always did her bun even after her bath. She sat up, pulled it loose and her long, dark pink hair, cascaded down her lower back.
She lay back down and stared at the ceiling. A small frown came to her delicate features and she closed her eyes. “I don't love you. That feeling is gone, so why does it feel like I am loosing you again?”
Tsunade had a problem. It might seem somewhat close to huge at least. She had meant for the idea of Sasuke marrying off already for three certain reasons. 1: He would prove to her and to Konoha that he was planning to stay there, not betray them again, and that he was truly sorry for doing that in the first place when he was a kid. 2: It would certainly do him good and a favor in restoring his clan. 3: He might even realize that killing his brother does not have to be his goal in life.
Her reasons were not at all clear to many, save for Kakashi, Gai and Jiraiya. Either way, everyone in Konoha expected the wedding of the year on Saturday. The last Uchiha was to wed and although many girls were sad, many fathers were happy. It was important to Konoha this wedding nonetheless…but now she felt guilt.
She and Kurenai watched as Mr. Yamanaka scolded at his daughter.
“How dare you say that you don't want to wed him? Was it not you the one that immediately volunteered to wed him? Haven't you been in love with the boy for the longest of time?” He paused, “And now you say you want to cancel the wedding!” The man bellowed
Ino bowed her head and her mother patted her shoulder. She felt horrible for doing this to her family. She knew that their honor was at stake if she was to back down from this wedding. If she did this…her family would loose their integrity. They would be shunned and it would be her fault. How to tell her father or anyone else for that matter though that she loved Shikamaru? Heck, not even he knew about it. He didn't suspect a thing, so busy he was with his love Temari.
So Sasuke had return and immediately all the girls in Konoha had gone wild, along with her. She had been so glad for his return. Shikamaru had acted so strange, him and her being friends and all. He'd been so different. After this strange phase, the next thing she knew he was with Temari. Hadn't he said more than once that she was only a friend?
Not that she'd thought she cared at the time, but now…oh kami-sama! How she cared. It was his darn fault in the first place why she found herself in this predicament. She'd come to realize that she was completely in love with Shikamaru after he'd gotten with Temari. She had never really cared about all his past conquests before, but the fact that well…he and Temari were so close had made her blood boil.
As soon as Tsunade had said that Sasuke needed a wife…it had been she who volunteered right away to be that wife. Deep down she had wanted for Shikamaru to fight for her, to try and win her: To realize that he loved her. Oh, but that had been her mistake, for Shikamaru had no eyes for her but his Temari.
It had seemed like such a perfect plan at the beginning to get him to admit those feelings that she had wished were there, but he didn't. Thanks to you I didn't realize the mistake I made… So now she was caught in the middle. No Shikamaru, and thanks to him, she was unable to love Sasuke-kun.
If only at least that childhood crush for Sasuke came back. Maybe that would help? He was so dreamy, so handsome, so mysterious…so why did her heart only pound in her ears when she saw Shikamaru?
“Ino!” Her father bellowed again and it swiftly brought her back to cruel reality.
“It is decided that you are going to wed.” Her mother faintly said, “You cannot do this to our clan. You very well know that you will disgrace us.”
“Something can still be done.” Tsunade suddenly said and Ino almost jumped of glee.
Kurenai continued the hokage's explanation, “If you can get Sasuke to find another woman to take your place and still have a wedding on Saturday that is.”
Ino felt like crying. She had only spoken for a few minutes with Sasuke to realize that if it was up to him, he would start his clan when he got to his forties. The man seemed to enjoy women, but not get stuck with them.
If only she could find a woman that would make Sasuke-kun want to marry her instead. The idea was completely farfetched and she knew it. Well if she could at least make a deal with him, if—if…
She groaned. How was she to get out of this one? Curse you Shikamaru! Curse you and your sexiness and your lips and your…argh!
A sudden thought came to her. She had not heard from Sakura in quite some months by now, but what if…? What if Sakura still had some feelings for Sasuke-kun? It was rumored that she probably despised him, but who knew…maybe she didn't? Maybe she could also make a deal with Sakura to marry Sasuke instead? Maybe Sasuke would agree? He didn't care after all who he married anyway…
The trick was simply to make Sakura marry Sasuke instead.

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