Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Not So Little Anymore ❯ Chapter 1: Till We Meet Again ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey everyone! Well I am Kakashi x3 as some of you(and possibly all of you) know =], and this is my first fanfiction, and it is about a girl living her life as it changes, and her new experiences and how she changes(the summary isn't too good but I rather you read it :P). Yes very original, but I hope it brings some enjoyment. No flames please, but suggestions are always helpful. ^__^ Thank you and please review.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything of Naruto except characters that are made up.
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Chapter 1: Till We Meet Again

Tick tock. I drummed my fingers on me cheek as I rested my head in my hands, waiting. Tick, tock, tick, tock. I watched the clock with a bored expression on my face and yawned, currently at this moment I was waiting in the Hokage's err.......Waiting room. It was about an hour ago when I was taken out of class at the Academy and was brought to the Hokage's office, I don't fully remember what the Jounin that had picked me up had said to me about why I was here, but I do remember he said that I had to be here. I didn't really care at that moment while I was being pulled to the large building, I was too happy at the thought of missing class to ponder more deeply at my situation. But now staying here for an hour doing absoulutely nothing, I regretted it. Truly it was boring, more boring than class will ever be, at least in class you had friends to talk to or teachers to play pranks on. But in a waiting room...You had velvety red chairs to sit on and a clock you can listen to as it 'tick tocked ' away. Yes, I was indeed bored.

I exhaled a sigh and removed my hands from my face, glaring at the door to the Hokage's office, waiting. I was anxious to know what I was needed for, from what I have learned is that if important people need you then the matter must be really important too. And so the subject being so urgent, I was curious.

As if Kami- sama had answered my prayers, the doors to the Hokage's office opened to reveal an old man with grey hair, dressed in a red and white robe and accompanied the outfit with a matching diamond shaped hat with the sign 'Fire ' written brightly in red on it. This elderly man is our Hokage. He smiles gently at me, his face wrinkling up even more "Hello there Little Natsuki."

"Hello Hokage- sama..." I whisper a reply bashfully, I really got nervous when I was around the elderly, because you never know what they might think about you and at times you'll do something wrong and they'll disapprove of you mentally while you keep doing it like an idiot. I then bowed at him, now careful of my manners, he nods slightly in return and then signals me to enter his office.

"Hokage- sama? Why am I here?" I asked suddenly as I entered inside, now feeling less tense around the kind old man. He looks down at me, with a sad smile as he closed the door.

"Well Natsuki, as you know we only call on people if it is important. And since you're here...We have to discuss of something very important." I was right. It was important, but before I could've asked him anything more a voice had spoken and was echoed in the large, empty office.

"That shrimp is my student?" I turned around, surprised to see a young, beautiful lady sitting in a chair simliar to the ones in the waiting too, looking very bored and somewhat disappointed. My face scrunched up into a frown after hearing what the woman had said.

"Please, Tsunade. Show some respect to the young lady...She may not look like it but she's a very talented kunoichi(A/N:Female ninja)." the Hokage laughs at my puzzled, pouting expression and the scowling honey haired lady that sat in the chair. It was quiet now, and it was then I remembered the woman's comment. 'That shrimp is my student? ' My brows furrow even more at the word 'student', and being the curious girl I was, I asked, "..Hokage- sama...What does..." I pause, looking at the lady who was now staring at her brightly painted red nails, looking as if she could care less, "...That lady mean when she said..student ?" Now this time is was the Hokage's turn to furrow his eyebrows as he frowned, while looking down at me in silence, as if thinking, doubting.

After a long while of silence he cleared his throat and said, "Natsuki- chan will you please take a seat next to Tsunade?" I nodded and obeying his orders, I sat in the empty, red velvet seat next to the woman who was addressed as 'Tsunade'. "...Now..." Tsunade and I avert our attention at Sandaime(A/N: Third Hokage), who sat in back of his desk, all of us looking serious now. "Natsuki. As Tsunade has said, you are going to be her student. Because your parents had died in the Kyuubi incident two years ago...You have no legal guardian--" I rudely interrupted the Hokage, now knowing exactly where he was leading on to.

"But Hokage- sama, I am doing fine living with Kakashi- san! He takes good care of me and I help out by washing our clothes, cook, and--!" I was darn near yelling as I frantically tried to think up all the excuses that I knew of, but this time he had interrupted me, knowing exactly where I was leading on to.

"Natsuki, I know Kakashi takes good care of you and I know you take better care of him...I really do." his eyes lost their liveliness as he whispered the last 3 words to me, "Please. Let me continue." we all waited in silence, when finally I had nodded my head, feeling embarrassed. "...I am fully aware that you can handle yourself, but you have to have a guardian, which has to be Tsunade, for what you are about to do." He stops momentarily to open one of the draws of his desk and pulled out a folder that had my named labled in big black bold letters, KOBAYASHI, NATSUKI. I took a deep breath as the Hokage opens the manilla folder, revealing many, many papers. "From all your reports that I read, it has said that you have surprassed your classes, and not only your class but also advanced classes, knowledge of Genins, Chuunins, and Jounins." he smiles at the shocked look on my face, my mouth slightly open. "And this bright young lady here, you should be please to know Tsunade, is only 8 years old." Tsunade jerks out of her seat, abrubtly standing up, looking quite shocked.

Eight...? This so called ‘gifted’ child is EIGHT?!” I looked smugly at the surprised looking Tsunade, how dare she under estimate me? Well, I don’t blame her really, anyone would’ve been shocked at the thought of an eight-year-old being more intelligent than even a Jounin. It really is hard to believe, even I had found it somewhat difficult to comprehend when I found out(which was only a minute or so ago).

The Hokage chuckles, his low hoarse, voice calming the both of us down from our thoughts, “Yes Tsunade...She is eight. And that is why I am leaving her in your hands, we certainly cannot let this girl’s genius go to waste. Very talented indeed.” After studying me again with a new look of respect in her golden, brown eyes she sits back down in her chair, looking expectantly at Sandaime, waiting for the man to say more. “So Little Natsuki...” now the deep black eyes of the Hokage twinkled ever so lively once again, looked at me. “Tsunade will train you for 10 years, and then you shall return to Konoha as an Elite Ninja...A very special one.” his grin had made me helplessly smile back. But then I had immediately frowned, now repeating the words in my head.

“Return to Konoha? What do you mean...? I won’t be here?” in response the Sandaime grimaces at the sight of my saddened paled blue eyes.

“No Little Natsuki...No. Tsunade and I have decided to take you where you will have no distractions whatsoever from your training, and it will cause less of a commotion that a Sannin is training a cadet, not even a Genin.”

“And we will have more experience traveling around learning about medicines and such.” Tsunade finally has said something not insulting on my behalf. The Hokage nods agreeing to her statement. I look down at my feet, which wasn’t even long enough to touch the ground, and frowned. I could feel tears starting to form at my eyes, threatening to flow freely. “But if you don’t want to go, and in that case not be my apprentice...Then you can stay.” I hear a surprisingly gentle tone coming from Tsunade.

Silence fills the room again, giving me a good position to think about my decision, as I felt sad eyes from the Hokage and even Tsunade. And after another minute, I finally look up, now eyes free of tears, only a bit red on the edges. “I’ll go...” I whipsered lowly, “Besides, I trust your guy’s words on my..talent. And I don’t really have anything here, my entire family has passed on. I live in a with Kakashi- san, which is very troublesome to him, I would believe...I am only going to waste my time if I stay here.” Again those black eyes twinkled magically, making me suddenly feel proud of my answer. Then feeling even more noble, I feel a strong, slender hand on my right shoulder, gripping it lightly.

“Very good decision, kiddo. Get your things packed up and we’ll be leaving tomorrow!” Tsunade’s voice was powerful as she had praised me, making my soul feel strong as well. I was so excited, I hopped out of my chair and ran to the door. I couldn't believe it, me, a talented shinobi? I wasn't even Genin but hey what should I be complaining about?! This is an honour! When my giddy self had reached the handle to open the door, an old, coarse voice had stopped me.

“Little Natsuki, before you leave, it’d be a good thing to say bye to your friends...And you might want to inform Kakashi when he comes back from his ANBU mission.” I freeze, my hand gripped the handle of my exit tightly, remembering. And without turning around, feeling a surge of sadness, I simply nodded and then I darted out the room.

After my leave, Tsunade turns to the older man, her sensei, with a mischevious smirk on her light pink lips. "You sure old man that kid has what it gots?" the Sandaime laughs heartily at his former students doubts, only making her arch a brow.

"Now, now Tsunade. From what I have learned from you is to never under estimate a young kunoichi! I had my doubts at first of you, but now look! A successful medic- nin!" that comment had earned a death glare from the offended Tsunade who only humphed at the laughing old Hokage.

"You're leaving?" I nodded at the bewildered Iruka as the two of you discussed your leave on swings of the Academy. Umino Iruka. Age 15, brown hair, deep black eyes, tanned skin, and a scar running from one cheek to the other. A kind man, one of my good friends. We had many things in common. For one, both of our parents were killed in the Kyuubi incident. In fact...That's how we started our friendship, course we didn't hate the kid that the Kyuubi was put into....Now that was a whole different story. Anyway Iruka- san was one of the last people I had said bye to, "For how long Natsuki?" his dark black pools showed sorrow as he asked me, making me feel like total trash. The last thing I want to happen was to make Iruka- san sad, to make a friend sad.

I smiled sadly then answered, "...Ten years is what the Hokage said..."

"WHAT?!" I had jumped in surprise. At that moment, Iruka had stood up, looking quite shocked. More shocked than me. "T-ten years?!" I giggle softly, my eight year old heart was slowly breaking, I really felt bad. Poor Iruka, he looked so distressed with his mouth wide open along with his eyes.

"Please, Iruka- san. Be glad that I'm not going to be gone forever. I will come back." The young man hesitates, now sitting down, as if taking in my words for consideration. Again, seeing a depressed look in his kind eyes I feel bad again, then I took your short arms and wrapped it lovingly around his neck. "Iruka- san. Don't be sad that a person will return, eventually you'll see me again. This isn't really a...good-bye it's more of a I'll be back sorta thing. And I promise when I come back, you'll be the first person I say hi to!" I pull away from the comforting hug to stare at a half- hearted smiling Iruka.

"Natsuki- chan, really you are a sweet girl. I really am going to miss you, and till the time you leave I shall be expecting you to see me when you return." I could tell my words and hug had cheered the poor guy up a little, maybe more than I will ever know. His comment had earned him a cute little blush from my pale cheeks, which made it very visible. "Have you told Kakashi- san?" he then asks, getting up from his sitting position of the swing.

"No, I will though. It's what time?..About 7:00, he SHOULD be home." I say ever so plainly, as if I left Kakashi alone often. Because of my careless tone, Iruka had given me a yet another look of astonishment. But he had decided to ignore it.

"Well best you tell him now, it will only be a big mess if he found out one night you never came home." we both chuckle at the thought of Kakashi sitting on the couch late at night, waiting with an annoyed expression. But I nodded in reply.

"I will, I will...But I'm waiting for another guest to arrive my dear Iruka!"I smile brightly, looking into the distance. Expecting for my other friend to arrive. Iruka's eyebrows had risen as he stared at my soft blue eyes.

"So who's the lucky young fella?" he smiles cheesily, scratching his cheek with an index finger. Being an oblivious 8-year-old on the subject of 'crushes' or 'love' I had returned his look of puzzlement to him. And that had caused him to sigh deeply, "For being an intelligent girl, you aren't THAT intelligent in everything." he mumbles to himself while I glared at the 15-yeard-old playfully. But suddenly my glare had quickly changed as I see a tiny figure trotting towards me in the horizon. Which had caused Iruka to look as well.

"Naruto- kun!" I bolted out of my swings as the 3-year-old youngster ran in arms length, and then we were enveloped in hugs and giggles. 'Naruto? She was waiting for Naruto? Well I'm not surprised, they're so close! I should've guessed. ' Iruka chuckles to himself watching the both of us chattering rapidly to each other. Yes, I was friends with Uzumaki Naruto. The vessel of the Kyuubi, the murderers of Iruka and my parents. But as I worded it, the Kyuubi not Naruto. People had always wondered why I, a bright girl as they labled me, would hang out with such a horrible, demon child? Okay, one he is not some HORRIBLE, DEMON child. He's a sweet innocent little boy, I don't even blame him for the death of my parents. Kyuubi people! KYUUBI did it. Naruto here is merely a vessel. And the Kyuubi was sealed in the boy when he was only a new born baby! It's not like the kid asked for it...Which he didn't nor does he know anything about it at this moment. And the villagers..Wait, people in general isn't helping much with the situation either. They(as in a big number of people in Konoha) has said that was one thing that was....dumb of me. But Iruka- san has told me that was the smartest thing about me, which is all I really care about. And I think I heard clearly of what the Hokage(Sandaime) had told one of us one day, he said. 'Yondaime has asked us to not look at Naruto as a monster, but as a hero.' something along those lines. And I agree with our Fourth Lord Hokage, Naruto should be earning more respect. He had taken a life risking task for all the other new born babies...For everyone in Konoha in general. I didn't know how to thank the kid without telling him straigh forwardly, 'Hey pal! Thanks for being a vessel for the Kyuubi and not letting the rest of us get eaten and stuff! ' so I moved onto the Plan B, which was to give him what he never recieved from the citizens and shinobi of Konoha, love. And soon enough, being two young orphans, we fell in love with each other(not in that weird way, in a sisterly/brotherly way). I had grown to care about this kid, a lot.

"Suki nee- chan(he couldn't really pronounce my name, so he called me Suki instead of Natsuki), what was it you need to talk with me?" I frowned inwardly hearing his not yet formable sentence and his pure, young voice asking me what I dreaded to tell him. I looked over nervously at Iruka, who only identically frowned at me. I placed two comforting hands on the small boy, giving a little sad grin, then cleared my throat.

"Naruto, Suki nee- chan is going to be gone for a while. For a very long time." the boys large blue eyes gave off a hint of confusion. It was bad enough that I had a soft spot for Naruto, I got sad immediately. I felt a lump being caught in the throat. Ah crap.

"Vacation?" he asks softly, giving a frown. My eyes looked up at the darkening sky, thinking.

"Y-yes...A long vacation Naruto- kun. But I'll be back, okay?" I couldn't tell if Naruto had been fooled or not, but judging by his sudden hug I was guessing he had fell for it. I lifted my own arms and then I gently hugged him back. "N-now Naruto- kun...You have to promise something for me." my choked up voice has barely managed to catch his attention, he looked confused of my sudden changed tone.

"What is it nee- chan?" I quickly rubbed my unshed tears away before I look back at the summer sky eyes. Smiling I wrapped him in another hug.

"...While I am gone. You best take care of yourself! I don't want to come back to a thin boy...Don't let anyone put you down Naruto. Anyone. You are worth more than anyone can imagine...Especially to me. Now kid, no matter what your dreams are! STICK TO IT! Don't let any of those idiots upset you, or make you feel any less important. 'Cause Naruto dear, you truly are." after those last words, everything had gone silent except for the slightly creaking swings that was pushed by the soft summer evening breeze. I sigh getting frustrated at the complicacy of trying to tell a young boy emotional words, "Naruto. You may not understand me now. But you will. Soon." I finally pull away from Naruto, reluctantly. When he was in full view, the child was looking down at the ground, his blonde bangs covering his beautiful blue orbs. I started to feel worry. "N-Naruto- kun--?" I was about to ask what was the matter, besides me leaving him alone for 10 years in a village full of ignorant jerks.

But to my surprise Naruto looks up at me, with a new look of strength in his electric blue eyes. And my I felt confidence in the young one. "Hai Suki nee- chan! I won't let you down!" his little voice and strong words had empowered me with great faith for the child. He'll be all right...but just to be sure...

I smile at the young one, who smiles even brighter back at me, then I turned with a smirk at Iruka, "Iruka- san? Can you do me a favor?" Iruka looks at me questionigly, surprised I have recovered from the sadness so quickly.

"Yes, Natsuki- san?" he looked down at my small 8-year-old figure, my gray- blue eyes twinkling.

"Can..Can you please watch Naruto for me? Please?" I whispered to him in a sweet, little girl tone, then looking at the happy Naruto that played on the swings, Iruka looks at me with a curious tint in his black pools. "...I won't be here to take care of him and defend him. He'll be alone. Like we use to be...." it was silent between the two of us as him and I watch the small, blonde haired boy swing extremely high. We smile.

Then, "Of course Natsuki-san. It's the least I can do...Besides you are going to visit me first right?" I erupted with giggles as Iruka laughs, placing a hand on my head and ruffling my hair softly, as if careful not to break me.

"Thank you Iruka...I owe you one!" Iruka shakes his head, telling me I not need to. "Feh! Stop being so generous!" I giggled again as he shakes his head at me, then a look of realization came upon his face.

"Natsuki, it's getting late. You should get back and tell Kakashi, pack up too." I scowl, remembering what I had to do, but noticed the sun was nearly shining anymore light for the world. Kakashi- san had to be home by now.

"Right Iruka- san.........I'll go now." Iruka grimaces, now noticing Naruto was standing besides him, not looking to cheerful himself. "Aw! You guys I'll be back in no time! Ten years...It'll go by quick! Take care...Okay?" I hug Naruto one last time for a very long time, his tiny arms wrap around me. Then I pulled away from the young boy and Iruka knelt down, giving me a good- bye hug as well. My tears were threatening to fall, but I refused to lose to drops of water. I refused to lose to my heart. I quickly hid my sadness with a smiling face as I looked at Iruka and Naruto...I really was going to miss them. "...Till we meet again." I mumble, not wanting to say good-bye. Never. Then I ran off, feeling a tightness in my throat. "LAAAAATTERRRRRR!!!" I yell, running faster to the direction of my home. I was too fast to hear the whispered words of Iruka, his parting words....

"Till we meet again... Little Natsuki."
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'Huff, huff, huff...! ' I was slowly running out of breath, I had been running at top speed and trying to catch my breath for 10 minutes straight. "GAH! Why do my legs have to be short?! Why am I SHORT?!" I picked up the pace as I finally found our apartment building, same looking as any complex. It's soft peach color was no longer visible in the dark, but from memory I can remember clearly how that building looked like, since I saw it everyday I walked home from the Academy....It's tall, sturdy walls. Light peach coating, old men and women sitting out on the balconies as they yacked about old days...

I'm not going to be seeing this building anymore. Well for ten years. I sigh sadly, memories of me coming home and climbing up the long stairs flahsed before my eyes, along with tears. I gasped and quickly wiped the unwated tears on my arm, then made my way up the stairs to the second floor, 4th door. Where Kakashi- san and I lived. Well now that we are on the topic, yes, I lived with Hatake Kakashi of the Sharingan Eye. An ANBU. To be specific he was an ANBU captain age 16. Four years ago, my parents had passed away the Hokage had asked Kakashi- san if it was all right if I could stay with him for the mean time, since he had just gotten a new apartment that had plenty of room. But when they did find me a free apartment I had asked if I could continue to live with Kakashi- san instead. Since we both enjoyed one another’s company and he didn’t have time to clean or do laundry and such, so it was very convinient that I knew how to do things such as cooking, doing laundry, and cleaning. So for 4 years I have lived with him, we became very good buddies in that matter..He was SO cool, or as his rival, Maito Gai says ‘Your attitude is so hip.’ Yeah, at times I may seem as if I didn't care about the laid back ninja...But I really adored him. He was smart and strong. He's hip.

I opened the door to be welcomed by a light musty smell and a sweet smell. Musty was from Kakashi- san. Sweet was from me. It was warm inside once I had closed the door, it had been much colder outside since it was night time already. I sigh lightly, taking the homely view in.

The apartment was spotless, clean. Our furniture was organized nicely, leaving plenty of space to move around. Some photos of us, friends, and Yondamie(Kakashi- san's sensei) were around the place, making it less plain looking. And there was a plant in the living room which Kakashi likes to call 'Mr. Ukki', sat peacefully on our window sill, it's rich, green leaves were still alive and living well. Of course...I took care of it. So that's an explanation for it still being alive, if I would've left it for Kakashi, that plant would've shriveled away a long time ago. Oh yes and what's an apartment without people occupying it? So to finish off the final decoration of the house...There laid Kakashi on the couch, looking very exhausted. "Oi Natsuki..." I hear Kakashi's muffled voice as I take off my shoes.

"Yo Kakashi- san!" I say, almost too cheerfully. But he didn't seem to take much notice.

"You're home much later than usual...Anything the matter?" I freeze from turning around, feel his mismatched eyes on me. I gulped.

"No...Not at all Kakashi- san." I say calmly as possible, then turned around to see him looking at me with the dullest look ever. "What is it?" I ask, now getting annoyed of the stare, he sighs and closes his eyes, wanting to sleep.

"Liar." I looked at him in surprise. How could he do those things? He can immeditaley tell if I'm lying or not. He reads my actions like a book. Like now, "It's obvious that you are lying...You acted too cheery as you came in. You avoided my eyes, subconciously know that I can figure you out, " he smirks at me scowling expression, "And I just know a liar when I see one..." I sighed feeling exaperated as I rubbed the bridge of my nose, yes an eight-year-old. Rubbing the bridge of her nose as grown- ups did. In fact I was more of an adult than Kakashi- san, if he was anything. He'd be a child. An annoying one at that. "Really Natsuki. What's up?" He motioned me with his right hand to sit down next to him. Again I sigh at his care- free attitude and walked over to the couch and sat myself down next to Kakashi, looking quite grim now.


"Yeah? Go on." He was taunting me now, that stupid smile of his was too bright.

"...Kakashi- san. You know...You know how I have a talent in intelligence and such?" He nods, now looking serious. "Hokage- sama had called me to his office this morning. Tsunade- sama was present there too," his eyes had widened at the name 'Tsunade', but back to normal as he nodded his head slightly, asking me to continue. "And...Hokage- sama asked me if I would like to make great use of by traveling with Tsunade- sama to study medicines and have her train me. To become her pupil." For a moment, I could've swore the Hatake Kakashi's eyes had a glint of sadness in them, but again it vanished as he smiled slightly under his mask.

"...And?" I smiled back at him, that's what I liked about Kakashi- san. He never overreacts and jumps to conclusions before you could explain the whole story to him. He was patient.....He's the only person I know who's like that. I'm going to...

"And...I said yes." the room was quiet, the only noises that were heard was TVs from our neighbors watching their evening soap operas, yelling of little rascals running around late at night, the ticking of our clock, and...And the whimper from me. Kakashi was alarmed of my sudden action.

"Mah...Little Natsuki. Don't cry.." Kakashi pulled me into a hug, patting my back, trying to ease the crying. But it had done the total opposite, instead of calming me done I had cried some more. I was really going to miss him. Kakashi looks curiously down at my sobbing self, 'Why had she cried harder? ' he thinks to himself, his expression changing from curiousity to sorrow. "...Why are you crying?" he asks me softly, stroking my hair now. As if another method would help me to stop crying.

"I-hic! I-d-d-don't wa-hic! Want to--to l-leave-Hic! You--a-Hic!--Alone!" Kakashi's body tenses, 'Leave me alone? '.

"..." Kakashi had nothing to say to that, he only continued to try to ease my sobbing down. Now starting to feel...Sad...And already feeling...Alone...Himself.
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3 Hours Later

I had stop crying about an hour ago, man was that ever embarassing...I don't think Kakashi had seen me cry in his whole entire life. He was now helping me pack my things...Just to be helpful. "Here pack this too." Kakashi tosses me a little frog pouch. It made little clanking noises as it lands in my palms.

"What is it?" I ask, examining the little blue frog wallet, it's whole body was blue and its mouth had a silver clasp. I guessed it was closed..Whatever it was.

"Look inside it if you're so curious Little Natsuki." Kakashi says cheerfully. I smiled also, Little Natsuki, oh how I love that name. Kakashi had made that name for little ol' me. It was during the year when I had first moved in with him, I guessed he wanted a nick name for his room mate. After calling me that for over 6 months, everyone that was close to me, relationship wise, had called me Little Natsuki. I didn't mind the little, I had faced the truth about my height, age, and all...I really did like the name. It made me feel...Important. As if I still had some meaning in life. "I think you'll be needing it anyway.."

Curiousity winning over me, I had unsnapped the frog's clasp to reveal, green. Coins. Money. It was all stuffed inside, really there was barely any space in there! That's how much Kakashi- san had put in there...My eyes widened at the amount that I saw...This was really not acceptabe..."Kakashi- san! I cannot accept this..Really this is..It's just too much!" I desperately tried to hand it back to the chuckling Kakashi. But like any kind person, he pushed it back into my hands, wrapping his hands around my tiny ones, holding on.

"..No. Take it. It's the least I can do for taking care of our apartment," '...Our apartment..? ' "And not to mention taking care of me. Besides...It's rightfully yours." I blinked, now I was really puzzled.

"...Rightfully mine?" I ask, giving him the most weirded out look ever. He nods, now looking sad.

"Well...I've been saving up money from my missions...Until you were, well eightteen. And I was going to give you money to buy your own apartment as a gift.....I didn't get to that much yet....And I wasn't expecting you to be leaving...So just take it." Kakashi smiles sadly at me, I could feel my heart being pulled out and stepped on. Hard.

"Kakashi- san......What..What am I ever going to do with you? You're too kind for your own good...I'm..I'm sorry." Uh oh, not the lump in my throat AGAIN! I placed the hand that wasn't holding the frog wallet, over my mouth. Again, Kakashi looked surprised.

"Onegai Natsuki. Don't cry. It's not like we won't ever see each other again. You will return, in ten years...Even though it may sound long. It'll be all worth the wait to come back...And Iruka and I will be here waiting. For you, Little Natsuki." he tapped lightly on my nose. His expression growing sadder and happier(funny combonation). 'I'm really gonna miss this kid...' A frown appears unnoticed behind the Copy Ninja's mask. "Mah...I think we are done, yes?" he says next, smiling at me, his eyes creasing.

I look around my almost empty room, except for some stuff I wanted to leave behind for Kakashi to take care of (they were too big to take). I give a nod, then wiping my eyes with my arm. "...Kakashi- san." Kakashi doesn't say anything, but I knew he heard me. The silence was only a signal for me to continue. "I-I can't thank you enough..For taking me in all these years...Sheltering me, feeding me, you even took me out several times to carnivals and went to school meetings for me..." I gulped and took a deep breath, trying to prevent anymore tears to come. "...I feel bad now too. Leaving you, after all those things you've been through. I really appreciated it. You've really made life enjoyable, even if my parents weren't around. Ariagtou gozaimasu," I bow lowly, "I am in debt to you." All was silent, not even the crickets had play their tunes for the lonely night.

"....You'll be in debt for a long time. Ten years. Until you come back to Konoha to see me." Was all the ANBU captain had said, now getting up to walk towards the exit of my room. "...Mou, get some sleep...We're gonna wake up early tomorrow. Get you ready for your leave." He had almost left my sight, until I had stopped him.

"..Kakashi- san."


".......Good night."

".......Night Little Natsuki."
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"Natsuki, take care of yourself, work hard for Konoha, and come back a strong Jounin." the Hokage said to me in his proud, elderly voice. I smile and nodded my head, looking around. "The Jounins of Konoha will await for your addition once you have returned." I looked at the Jounins who stood behind the Hokage, they all had a serious expression, taking much respect for my depart.

"Hai Hokage- sama. Arigatou." I bow to the Jounins and Sandaime. I hear the old man chuckle, then it hit me. 'Come back as a strong...Jounin?!' I look back up again with a curious look, "Excuse me Hokage- sama...But you say I will come back a Jounin....I'm not even a Genin yet, how would I come back a Jounin? Unless you put me through a difficult test or so--"his laughter had interuptted me, this guy had a knick for laughing.

"Chuckle...Bright as always you are Little Natsuki. To answer your question, this training Tsunade is going to put you through is very difficult, it isn't easy becoming a medical ninja, or posess the powers she has. This is almost like a...S- Class mission I suppose, and once you fufill it and return...You'll be a Jounin." I stare dumbly at the Hokage 'Great...My training is going to be a living Hell if it'll put me up to that level of ninja. 'I sigh mentally while I glance over at my sensei, Tsunade, as she yawns loudly. "Everyone here has faith in your succes..." the Hokage says, possibly trying to cheer me up. I looked at the group of serious Jounins, looking down at me. Man, did he really need to bring all these people?

"Did you really need to bring all these people?" My eyes widened at my sensei, who had said exactly what I was saying. She didn't seem to notice, although she did have an annoyed look at the Jounins and the Hokage. The Hokage sighs at the young woman then shakes his head.

"It is only proper that I would do so...Besides," he looks over at Kakashi, Iruka, and little Naruto, who were all in a small group a little ways off of the Jounins(Kakashi's a Jounin but he's staying near them). "Some had decided to come by on their own..." My smile had left me, jeez thanks a lot Hokage- sama.

"...Feh. I don't have all day. We have to get going and reach the next city." She looks down at my frowning figure, my blue- gray eyes looking distant. "You ready kiddo?" I look up at her to see her surprisingly smiling. I nodded slowly, then looked back at my friends, the only people that mattered at that moment.

Iruka gives me a wide cheeky grin, I could tell he was just trying to cover up a frown himself but smart he was it would've made me sadder. Naruto on the other hand did NOT smile, he had the longest frown ever, his gorgeous blue eyes losing it's liveliness. It wrenched at my heart. Then the last person, Kakashi. With his mask, a person would say it was hard to tell, not for me. It has been 4 years, studying his expressions I have learned how to read them...And right now. He was...smiling. His eyes gave off a sad look. But then his eyes had creased into curves, he puts up his hand and salutes me a 'good-bye'. I smile, then do the same.

"Come now!" Tsunade turns around, starting to walk down the path where we exit the village. I turn to follow her, but before I can catch up...

"SUKI NEE- CHAN!!!!" POUNCE! I was tackled to the floor by a blur of blonde, Naruto. I laughed lightly, letting the Jounins know he meant no harm to me as I hug his crying self tightly in my arms. Tsunade had turned around, giving me a 'What are you doing?' look, but then it had softened as she saw Naruto in my arms.

"Naruto- kun! Please I must go..." I pull the resisting child off of me, smiling at him now. "...Stay strong...'Kay?" he nods sadly at me, his eyes filled with tears, waiting to streak his scarred cheeks. I kissed him on the forehead, grinning. Then I stood up, helping him up too. The leading him to an approaching Iruka.

"Hehe...Sorry he got out of my grasp." I shake my head then smiled at him. "Don't forget your promise!" he says again, almost sounding choked up as a I turned around and started walking, I put my hand up, waving it off as I walked towards my pitied face teacher. Who was waiting patiently for me. I never looked back as we walked. Never. Not even when we were at the next city, it had still felt like sad eyes were watching me go. Even from the distance I knew that they actually were still frowning, making me sadder at the thought that I was going to be gone...For a very long time.
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Please review! Tips and suggestions are always welcome, no flames, please. =)

-Kakashi x3