Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Path to Greatness ❯ Haoku Dead Or Alive ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Itachi stood watching everything, the glistening sweat on Kisame's brow dripping to the ground, the graceful movements of Zetsubou's muscles against the shimmering black coat, but the thing he watched the most was the blood.
Haoku stared at Itachi amazed by his amusement to the battle.
“Ha-Haoku-sa-sama …” Zetsubou panted blood gushing out of his deep wounds.
Haoku nodded and jumped in.
“So this is tag team huh … you're in Itachi.” Kisame said moving out of the way and letting Itachi face the one they called `Yangu Otome'.
Haoku stepped back her hands looking like she was about to use the Hyuuga technique but instead she activated her sharingon.
Itachi stared at her puzzled then decided she was bluffing and charged at her with intense speed and agility.
Haoku grinned and waited until he was right in front of her before striking. Unlike the Hyuuga technique with chakara releasing from the hands Haoku had bursts of flame. Of course Itachi wasn't expecting it and got hit directly in his upper chest knocking the wind right out of him.
“You got lucky you little brat.” He spat windily.
“Luck … I don't believe in luck … it was skill …” She said smiling broadly.
“Well you better … because it'll take luck for you to survive this …” He said his mengekyo sharingon.
“Haoku-sama don't make eye contact!” Zetsubou cried
“Why not?” Haoku question immediately looking up at the wolf
“He'll use a technique call Tsukiomi!”
“What?” Haoku cried confused
“It's a genjutsu … it's said to have unrivaled power and effectiveness!”
~Great …how am I supposed to fight him with out making any eye contact …~ Haoku though to herself losing her concentration on the battle for a moment.
Itachi of course took up the opportunity to strike. “You're finished!”
Haoku grinned and looked up with her own Mengekyo Sharingon. “No … it's far from over …”
“Impossible …” Itachi said not believing a second of it.
“It's possible …” Haoku replied not seeming too happy to have Itachi on the run
“How … you can only posses the Mengekyo Sharingon if you-“
“You kill some one …” Haoku interrupted “I killed some one precious to me …she was my third sibling … her name was Yuri … I didn't mean to but I did … now all that I have left of her is memory and her daughter … my best friend … Eva …”
Itachi, Kisame, and Zetsubou all stared all refusing to believe that the young girl who stood before them had killed some one … less alone her own sister. Not even Zetsubou who had known her since the second she was born disbelieved what she had just told them.
“I … I really didn't mean to …” Haoku said in a melancholy tone.
“We … I trust you Haoku … I know you wouldn't do something like that on purpose …” The large black wolf said softly striding next to her.
“I agree with him …” Kisame said
“It's hard to believe you two were fighting just a few minutes ago …” Haoku laughed her Mengekyo Sharingon disappearing into the midnight of blue in her eyes.
Suddenly everyone's attention turned to Itachi as if to see if he trusted her too. But all he did was glare then start to walk towards the base.
“So … he doesn't trust me …” Haoku said softly starring at the ground her jet black hair dangling in her face.
“Haoku … I've known Itachi for years and he still doesn't trust me.” Kisame said putting an accent on STILL.
Haoku laughed. “Yeah … I kinda noticed …” ~Wha-What's this feeling … it … it hurts … ~
“Haoku-san are you ok?” Kisame asked
“It … it hurts …” Haoku muttered before she blacked out
“Haoku!” Zetsubou cried
“Where … where does it hurt …” Kisame shook the girl only to see blood dripping out from her wounds from the Doku Toge where they must have reopened.
“Itachi … get help … she's going to die!”
Itachi looked back instantly almost frozen.
“Itachi get help!” Kisame yelled again.
But for some reason he just stood there.
Everything was silent in Itachi's own little world he could see Kisame`s mouth moving franticly and the great demon wolf howling for help. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as Itachi stared as if frozen in time every thing black and white … except for the blood … the dark crimson blood that dripped out of her wounds and now overflowing from her mouth.
Oh no Haoku's
Going to die and
Itachi's in his own little
What now?
Find out in the next
Chapter of
Path To Greatness