Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Path to Greatness ❯ Haoku's Decision; There's No Going Back From Here!!! ( Chapter 29 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Days pasted since the curse mark first appeared on Haoku's leg, from there things only got steadily worse. The young shinobi had turned a deathly shade of white, most said she was as pale as a ghost at this point. Her eyes had lost there slight signature glimmer. By now the girl who lay in Uchiha Itachi's be was no longer the woman he loved.
“I can't just watch her suffer like this Kisame … I'm going to do something …”
“I'm going to find Orochimaru … figure out how to cure her then … I'll kill him in the most slowly and painful way I know …”
“What do you want me to do Itachi?”
“Just take care of her and … if I don't come back …”
“Don't talk like that Itachi, you're not going to win if you have that negative attitude of yours, now go and figure out the cure, Haoku's safe with me.”
“Thank you Kisame … you're a true friend …” He muttered as he stood up, grabbed his cloak and walked down the looming halls of the Akatsuki.
“I hope you come back …” He mumbled to himself before standing up to go check on Haoku before going to bed.
Hours later around midnight
Haoku stirred in her sleep for the first time in two days, her eyes lazily opened and filled with panic as she looked around for Itachi but not finding him anywhere. She forced her self up and she walked as fast as she could out Itachi's room down the halls looking for him. Once more she ran into the leader, by now she had found out his name was Pein.
“Pein, where's Itachi?” She demanded from the ground
He kneeled next down next to her and moved his right hand behind her grabbing a fist full of black hair and pulls it forcing her head back. Then caressing her cheek with his left hand while whispering in her ear. “Why do you care?”
“Because I love him.” She whined noting that his voice smelt harshly of sake.
“What would you do to save him?”
“Anything …”
“Kiss me and I'll tell you where he went.”
“You're drunk, you don't know what you're saying.”
“I know exactly what I'm saying. “He said chuckling as he moved close enough to kiss her.
Suddenly her hand reached around his throat. “Let me go!”
“You seem to forget who has the upper hand here Haoku-hime.”
“No, I know … it's just …” Talons grew from her right hand as she dug them into his throat. “It's just you don't.”
“I'll tell you … I'll tell you.” He managed to gasp with the blood dripping down his throat to the floors.
She released him. “Tell me.”
“He went to fight Orochimaru and Kabuto.”
“… Listen, id I find out that you've lied to me Pein … I will kill you.” A shrill whistle escaped her lips and Zetsubou, the great demon wolf appeared before her. She was gone before Pein could even speak.
I'm coming Itachi … don't worry …
“Ah if it isn't the young lover of Hamagichi Haoku … the one and only Uchiha Itachi.” Orochimaru mocked “Let me guess you're here you save your lover?”
“You won't be able to fight me and Kabuto.” He said bluntly
“Then I'll die trying …”
“Shall I tell Haoku that?” Kabuto asked stepping out of the shadows
Before Itachi could even answer Zetsubou leaped in front of him sending a vibration through the ground that knocked everyone, including Itachi, off their feet.
“I'm pretty sure he can tell me himself.” She snapped then leaned over and glared at him. “If you throw away your life …” [ok this is censored because Haoku says some very inappropriate things to him, and uses very, very bad language to say those things]
“Ok now that I've gotten my point through, let's get on with this fight.” Haoku said jumping down from her protectors back.
“Haoku, you can't.” Itachi said
“Yes … I can.” She said simply turning around reveling the blood red color of her sharingon.
Orochimaru chuckled at this “So the little whelp has decided to fight?”
Haoku growled a little from frustration “I'M NOT LITTLE!!!” She did some hand signs to form chidori. “YOU'LL DIE WHERE YOU STAND YOU CREEP!!!”
The girl charged at him and ended up making at direct hit at his heart, but in order to kill her enemy she might have risked her own life. She fell to her knees from sheer fatigue.
“Haoku!!!” Itachi cried
“Don't worry Tach-san I got him … you just handle the other one.”
He nodded and looked at Kabuto.
There's only one way to end this fight … endanger the girl … Kabuto thought bringing out a few poison dipped senbone and a few kunai. He jumped up and out of sight then throwing the kunai directly at Haoku. Just as Kabuto had planned Itachi ran in front of her taking all the blows for her.
“Itachi!!!” She cried
“Know that this will never end … the rivalry between you and I Haoku … someday … I will kill you …”
“What ever Kabuto, just get out of here before I decide to kill you too.” She yelled as Itachi pulled every one of the weapons out of his flesh.
“Zetsubou, let's go home …”
The wolf nodded and kneeled letting Haoku climb onto his back then Itachi.
By the time they reached then Akatsuki Haoku had already fallen asleep leaning back on Itachi's muscular chest. In her head all the events ran over and over like torture.
In the middle of the next night
“Itachi!!!” She cried sitting up finding herself in Itachi's bed. She paused a moment to thing before sitting on his stomach and beating him with her fists now sobbing wildly. [Remember she's still weak so it wouldn't really hurt him]
Itachi woke to her fists beating on his chest. “Haoku, what's wrong?”
“Don't you ever … ever … risk your life for me again!!! You … you … could have died from the poison.”
He chuckled at her last comment pulling down the sheet to show her his bare chest with not a single scratch on it. “Don't worry, Eva healed me, I'm fine.”
Although his kind words didn't seem to help her as she continued to sob as she looked in his black eyes.
He pulled her close still lying down his left hand rubbing her back and his right on the back of her head comfortingly. “Shhhhh Haoku … it's all going to be ok … I promise.”
She looked up and wiped the tears from her face and looked at Itachi, her sadness replace with lust.
“Haoku … I …”
“Itachi, don't worry … I'm not going home.”
“But that's where you belong!”
“No, I belong here, with you, the love of my life, and all my friends.”
With that Itachi's face turned a dark shade of red as he turned her over.
“Are you sure … with me?”
Only you …” She said lustily
Well thing got
Between Haoku
And Itachi but
I am far from done,
Find out what surprises
Await them in the next
Chapter of Path
To Greatness