Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Path to Greatness ❯ Retirement!?! ( Chapter 33 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

She looked around anxiously in the dark, dank atmosphere that surrounded her. Looking for any sign of help that could let her escape from the cruel torture of being all alone. Her eyes desperately scanned the horizon and found only one, Uchiha Itachi. She opened her mouth to scream for help but no sound came. She watched as he started to walk away from her, his back turned, disappearing further and further into the distance. No mater how much she ran after him it seemed as if she wasn't moving at all … he was gone. She fell to her knees tears hitting the black ground beneath her.
“Why do you mourn for me Hamagichi Haoku?” His voice came clearly from behind her echoing through the bleak distance.
“I … I don't know …” She replied slowly
“Have you truly forgotten your place?” He asked the emotionless expression forming a frown almost instantly.
She looked up at him and nodded slowly.
He back slapped her and once more turned his back on her. “Then do not call to me if you don't know what you mean to me. Or what I mean to you.”
Silence …
He strode slowly away from her, his longs strides even and slow … one could even say graceful.
“Did you forget?” She asked surprised by the force in which she had asked the question.
“Killing ever one you loved?”
He turned to face her once more, blood red eyes flickering with anger. “I didn't kill you.”
She opened her mouth to protest but she felt as if the wind had been knocked out of her.
The older of the two Uchiha came and embraced her from behind. “Ashiteru Uchiha Haoku …” He whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine.
(((Authors Note)))
I love you
(((End Authors Note)))
“Itachi …”
Itachi looked over at Haoku who had tears streaming down her cheeks as she whispered his name.
“I love you too Itachi …”
He tilted his head confused at what she was talking about.
“Please don't go … you promised you'd never leave … … … I hate you …” As she said the last words a fresh chorus of tears ran down her cheeks.
“Haoku.” He shook her shoulder gently. “Haoku wake up, it's just a dream.”
She sat up at the sound of his voice, immediately wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face in the warmth of his shoulder. Listening to the rhythmic beating of his heart.
He chuckled a little. She's like a little child … “Haoku I swear I will never leave you.”
She nodded but didn't let go.
“Haoku-chan!!!” Her sisters voice came loud and clear followed by her light footsteps and the slamming of the doors after it being harshly yanked open.
“A-ane-chan!?!” She stuttered looking over Itachi's shoulder to find her sister, tall blonde and beautiful standing there.
“Eeeeeek!!! You must be Haoku-chans fiancé!!!! Kawaii desu nee? When are you two getting married? Huh? Huh? Huh?” She pauses “I-imouto-chan are … are you … prego.?” She whispered the last word in shock
Haoku sigh nodded the smiled “I was … Nayami and Nobuyuki were born last night.”
“Can see them … please?” She begged, her blue eyes pleading.
“One condition, tell me how things are going between you and Naruto-kun.” She said teasingly.
Akanes face turned a bright shade of pink as she looked away. “Uh … I … great … um … I … love … him …” She said breathlessly.
Haoku smiled “I'm so happy for you! I mean the Hokage of Konohagakure, that's not your average joe ane-chan.”
She smiled “Yeah but Naruto-kun might give up his position as Hokage if things get serious between the two of us. He wants to have a family and spend time with them.”
“So that's why you two haven't done anything serious yet? You're afraid that he'll quit being the Hokage!?!”
She nodded.
Well lookie here, talk about a sibling reunion.” Arashi joked
“Ani-kun!!!” Haoku yelled jumping up and hugging her brother.
He smiled and hugged her back. “I've missed you too Haoku.”
“Where's Chinatsu and Hayato?” She asked looking around for her brother's wife and son.
“Well Chinatsu wanted to sleep in after the trip so she'll be here a little later.”
“Ahem!” Akane coughed impatiently
“Oh yeah … sorry Ane-chan. Itachi where are they?”
Itachi sighed standing up giving her a glace that simply said `I hate in laws'
Before walking away to another room, returning with the two infants.
Akane's eyes lit up immediately “They're so cute!!!” She cried her voice soft and quiet, her eyes watered over with sheer emotion.
“Morning Haoku.” Her mother's voice rang through out the room. In her arms were two bottles of powdered baby formula. “Hey ya Arashi, Akane, when did you two get here?”
“We just got here.” Akane said smiling
Her mother nodded and walked over to her youngest child and handed her the bottles of formula. “Your father and I have been talking … he's going to retire his post as the leader of the Ookami/ Urufu Clan.”
Haoku looked up from the nursing child in her arms at her mother. “What!?! You … you can't just give up!”
“You're father and I have grown old Haoku, it's time the village takes on a pair of more capable, new leaders. Arashi, you're the oldest … you have the choice first, are you willing to take on such a responsibility?”
“I fear not my mother. I have just returned from war and I wish only to spend time with m family.”
“I too mother have other priorities … you see, Naruto-kun and I are planning on becoming a little more serious in our relationship so I won't have time to run a clan. Also … Haoku's never had an opportunity like this, let her have a chance.”
Haoku gapped at to her brother, sister, then finally at her mother. “There's no way that Father would ever even consider letting me do something like this …”
“He told me to let the three of you work it out amongst yourselves.”
Haoku dropped the bottle only when Nayami started to whine softly did she realize that it was rolling across the room.
Akane leaned over and handed it to her little sister. “Haoku-chan … are you ok?
She nodded the tears that she had fought back ever since the conversation had dripped down onto her cheeks.
Itachi walked over to her and rested his free hand on her shoulder. “She's had a lot to deal with …”
She smiled faintly. “There's no way, why is this happening?”
“We have no option Haoku … it's simply fate … no one can change it … you must learn to live with what ever life throws at you.”
She nodded. “I … I'm glad … thank you Mother …”
She smiled “Anything for my baby …” She whispered before leaving the room.
Wow … leader of her own village.
Haoku should be proud but is it too
much for her to handle? Find out in
the next chapters of Path To Greatness