Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Raccoon Love ❯ Kicked Out Of The Closet ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thanks for the reviews. They keep me alive!
In reply to Spork ais' review, they are supposed to be a little OOC. I mean, it's hard to imagine Gaara, or Sasuke, falling in love, or (gasp) talking about their feelings. But I agree, Gaara humming is a really cute thought!
Anyway, enough of listening to my wasted creativity. Read and enjoy!

Gaara was so shocked when Sasuke returned his kiss that he slipped off the couch in a fit of relief. The black haired boy looked down at him, an expression of total confusion on his face. He scowled, then held out a hand, helping Gaara securely into his lap before resuming what he had started as though nothing had interuppted it.
Risking a glance, Gaara opened one eye slightly, smiling when he saw that Sasuke too, had his eyes closed, a serene expression softening his features.
Gaara felt himself falling away, melting into the other boys arms. Who cared about anyone else? He had his one and only. It was okay now.......

"What took you so long?" Sasuke whispered, breaking them apart, his arms firmly encircling Gaara.
"I....." Words failed him and he simply stared into the others' eyes, hoping they would translate his feelings for him.

Two hours later Gaara left Sasuke's, not just humming, but outright skipping. His face burned crimson, the precious time he had spent with Sasuke rolling over and over in his mind. And, as a plus, he didn't have to exact revenge on the voice in his head for forcing him to act rashly. In fact, had he been a nicer person, and had his inner voice actually had a material being, he would have bought it one of those lame 'thank you' cards. Good thing it wasn't real though. He didn't really want to spend money on it. He might be in love, but he was still cheap.
Muttering about Sasuke forbidding him from staying the night there, ("I have a mission tommorrow. If you stay, who knows how late we'll be up." He had reasoned, a flirting tease in his voice) Gaara stopped in front of a hotel, considered it for a second, then went inside, his heart still beating painfully fast.
A few minutes later he flopped down on a cheap motel bed, room key in one hand, staring at the ceiling.
God, you. Are. So. Queer. The voice whispered to him. Do you have to keep replaying that? I don't enjoy it you know.....
Just my luck, Gaara screamed back inwardly, I have the biggest asshole living in my head. It's natural to think about these things.
Well.. it is, he reasoned to himself, blocking the other part of him mind out. He had, after all, just had his first real homosexual experiance. It had also been with the boy he had been madly in love with since the moment their eyes had met and he had learned this boys name. He could remember laying, stretched out like he was now, in the sand back home muttering it over and over again ,Sasuke, Sasuke, Sasuke, Sasuke, until it had lost all meaning and become a part of him. An inseperable part of his soul.
And now.... now it wasn't just a dream. He really had him. The mysterious, sad-eyed, raven-haired boy was his now.
The picture of Sasuke answering the door in his ridiculous boxers flashed across his mind and Gaara rolled over and fell asleep, letting his guard down and fearing nothing and no one.


Gaara sat up, yawned and looked around, dimly wondering why he wasn't at home or on the road. The aftermath of a dream left him feeling happy, his spirits soaring. It was weird for him to wake in a good mood, and yet, there it was.
Events came pouring back into him, frame by frame, last night sped back into his mind. He sighed and stood up, wishing he could go back to sleep, knowing he had been dreaming about last night. Wishing it, the actual and the dream, had never ended.
As much as he wanted to, however, he couldn't lie in bed all day. He hadn't exactly asked Sasuke out like he had planned....but making out mindlessly for more then an hour and to equal that, right?
Which meant -he sighed heavily- now he had to do something even more seemingly impossible. He had to tell this Kankuro and Temari. It was anyones' guess how his siblings would take the news.
He could just not tell them. That might work. Except Kankuro had an odd having-to-know-exactly-where-his-brother-was-at-all-moments-of-the-day-so-h e-didn't-kill-anyone habit. It was very annoying and unneccicary. He hadn't killed anyone for no reason in a long time. And the last person had deserved it. She had teased him about being eyebrow-less. As far as he was concerned, that was reason enough. It had not been 'mindless slaughter', as Kankuro had put it.
So there was always a chance that he would walk in on Gaara and Sasuke in a very....compromising situation. Anyone with any sense could tell that would be slightly akward, for all three of them.
Reaching the only sane conclusion, Gaara left the motel and ventured back into Konoha, knowing his older brother and sister were somewhere in the village, half hoping he found them, half dreading the moment. He looked around eagerly, checking every face in the crowd, hoping for just a glimpse of Sasuke.
Something collided into him and he was thrown off his feet. Instinctivly his hands flew out behind him to break the fall. He looked up, slightly winded to see a disfigured-looking shadow standing above him.
"Um... uh.... sorry, Gaara!" Kankuro stammered, "I think I should Just remembered I" He muttered, tailing off and backing away, as though expecting Gaara to pounce at any second.
Obviously, his older brother assumed his little 'killing-everyone' problem including him. Smart boy, Gaara thought grimmly, because, there was no denying that anyone could easily become an honorary member of the Terrifyed of Gaara of The Desert club. And the membership for the 'Killed By Gaara' club wasn't that exclusive to begin with...
Kankuro's rapidly retreating back jerked Gaara back to reality. Now was his chance, after all. Stupid to let it slip, really.
"Kankuro!" Gaara yelled, stumbling and falling over again in his attempt to stand up so fast. "Hey! Wait up!" Succesfully standing up this time, he charged after him, easily catching up.
Kankuro looked horrified as Gaara grabbed his arm and swung him around to face him. His terror melted into a mask of polite confusion as he caught sight of the broad, nervous smile on his younger brothers' face.
"Oniisan!" Gaara said, struggling to be polite. "Do- do you know where Temari is?"
Eyebrow raised at his brothers change in attitude, Kankuro nodded, still looking bewildered.
"Uh..." Gaara faltered, suddenly losing his nerve. "I have to talk to both of you about something," He added in a barely audible whisper.
"Right....." Kankuro sucked in a sigh of relief. Whatever it was couldn't be as bad as getting killed.
Gaara following him closely, Kankuro walked through the town and into the Ramen shop. A bell chimed from somewhere in the shop when he pushed the door open. The owner came out, soup ladle in one hand, looked rattled.
"What do you want now." He said, exasperated. "Oh. It's not.... sorry!" He bowed apolecetically. "I thought that it was Naruto coming back." He bowed again as the siblings entered.
"You know... he keeps coming here ordering ramen. Almost never pays... every hour or so....always puts in on Irukas' tab..can't imagine what he'll think when he sees that...."
Gaara stopped examining his hand and looked up, startled. "Isn't Naruto.... never mind. I'll have miso soup." He added to direct the owners mind away from his question. Besides, he tried to reassure himself, you have no proof he was talking about Naruto buying ramen recently. He could have just meant that he bought ramen alot...
That's not what he meant, you idiot,
the voice in his head sneered. You damn well know what he meant.
Stumbling over to where Temari sat, he kicked a chair and sat down, feeling dizzy. "He's not back, he's not back, he can't be back." He muttered over and over, hoping it would come true.
"Can you believe that guy? I mean, he gossips about his most faithful customer to just about anyone!" Kankuro came over holding two bowls of soup haphazardly in both hands, a grin plastered on his face.
"Yeah... "Temari jerked her head towards Gaara -his head in his hands, still muttering quietly- and Kankuros' smile melted like ice put in the sun.
"What's up with him?" He muttered to his sister.
She shook her head, looking hopeless, and slightly worried. Last time he had started muttering to himself he had been about to go on a murderous rampage. But he had looked deadly then - right now he just looked.... lost.
"Gaara....." Temari said quietly.
He looked up, chin in hands. Tell them. Just do it. Then you can get out of here and find out what you need to know.
Taking a breath, wondering if it would just be to rude to just run out of the place after having made such a big deal about coming here, Gaara began slowly. "Well.. you see... last night...Sasuke and I - well I liked him for awhile, but..."
Kankuro and Temari broke out in identical, mischivious grins and starting talking excitedly amongst themselves.
Gaara glared at them, getting up to leave. Someone hindered his progress to the door however, but grabbing his arm and sitting him back down.
"Don't leave! This is....great!" Temari said innocently. Apperrently, all fear of Gaara had left her upon hearing her brother was getting it on with 'the Gay Uchiha'.
Catching on to something, Gaara stared at the pair of them in a new light. He had expected them to be surprised, or taken aback, or angry, or something. He defenitally hadn't expected them to act happy. Those evil smile were really annoying. Couldn't they at least look politely shocked?
Voicing as much, he shot both of them a cold glance.
"You're acting like you... knew or something."
Kankuro snickered, and put on a very convincing impression of a girly gay. "Puh-lease. You were so far in the closet you were finding Christmas presents.I mean, how could you not be? With all that eyeshadow. And don't tell me you got that tattoo to look tough. That's got fairy written all over it. "
At this, the red-headed sibling shrugged, trying to ignore that last comment, because, as a matter of fact, he had got the tattoo because it looked cool.
"It says 'love'. Not 'fairy', dumbass." He retorted angrily.
He had been completely straight then...well, except for the weird enjoyment he got from manly looking shinobi attacking him. But that was just the thrill of battle, right?
A flash of orange through the window caught the corner of his eye and he whipped around in time to see a tail of white hair and red cloth following.
He shot up as though he had been sitting on a bed of needles, upsetting his untouched bowl of soup.
By the time he got out the door, they had turned a corner out of sight, leaving Gaara to wonder if he was seeing figments of his imagination again.

Well, that's that for now! I'm sorry it wasn't as funny....but, somehow, in the middle of writing this, the plot fairy visited me and insisted I make this longer then was intended. (I hate that bitch sometimes) That...and my humor muses were kidnapped by my brothers muses (cheers to him!).
Anyway, thank's for the reviews, once again! I now have a grand total of....3. Wow. Keep 'em coming. Maybe soon they'll break records at...4.
Love to ya, and I'll update soon!