Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Reborn ❯ Dawn of blood ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own naruto just my characters.
Dawn of Blood
Hokage tower
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It's been a year already and I still can't believe he's gone. “Naruto why did this happen to you,” Tsunande asked quietly to no one. Knock knock knock. “Come in.” “Lady Hokage, I've got the report from the escort mission,” stated a tall boy about sixteen. He has onix colored hair, matching eyes and a smug attitude. “Oh I see Sasuke, set it over there,” Tsunande stated dryly will pointing to a spot on her desk. Sasuke had returned only three months after naruto's death. He wanted to know for sure he was dead. That and he found out from itachi's dying words that it was Orochimaru that had killed the clan while controlling his body, not him. “A year today, is it?” “Yes” “everything seems to be in order, oh and Sasuke I've recommended you for the Jonin Exams.” “WHAT, I thought I wasn't aloud to become a jonin because of my betrayal Lady Hokage.” “You weren't but naruto would want you to become stronger.” “He really was an idiot wasn't he?” “He was MY idiot; now leave before I change my mind.” “Of course lady Hokage,”.
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In Suna
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“Lord Kazekage, we have the two shinobi that defeated a supposed attempt on the village outside,” said a man with purple face paint who was about eighteen. “Thank-you Kankuro send them in,” said Gaara interested. Gaara's eyes widened as the two shinobi walked in. One was bloody stained all over his body and his chakara was menasing. Those features along with spiky blonde hair red blue crystal eyes and a black outfit with a mask was extremely scary. The woman that walked in with him was similar but instead of blood stains she was covered in bruises and had long indigo hair with what seemed to be white eyes. The only way he new this was because of how the masks showed bit and pieces of their hair and their eyes. “Who are you?” The bloody man stepped forward. “I am Red Shadow, and this is my partner Gray Light.” “The two of you should go to the infirmary to heal.” “That is not possible Lord Kazekage,” said Gray Light. “, And why is that”? “, Because these are spiritual wounds not physical ones,” “ My bruises represent the emotion pains of life, while Red Shadow's represents the physical pains of life.” “So you are saying those are the average pains”? “well no they are the pains of our lives, average lives are less painful looking.” “I have an ally in the Leaf Village who would be interested in those pains, I shall escort you to the leaf.” “The Leaf Village, the one where the idiotic Hero Naruto Uzumaki was created” “Refer to him in that tone again and I shall kill you,” said Gaara raging. “ Red Shadow now Naruto was a better ninja than that so called heir of the Hyuuga clan, I heard she was too weak and timid to save her own skin”. “Vile creatures shut your mouth about them or I will shut them for you!” “Of course Lord Kazekage, but you should know the sound have reorganized and we can either be helpful to you or dangerous to you on our knowledge of them” “We shall see my fellow shinobi” said Gaara through gritted teeth. “Temari watch the village as I escort our new friends to the Leaf Village.