Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Relationship Skills ❯ The Cult and the Mission ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

so the first part was a little dull. i'm sorry! ...wait I'm not.

They went straight to Sakura's house and up to her room. They forced Taki on the only seat in the room and gazed at her for a few seconds.
“Okay first off we must know who you are. Background. Likes. Dislikes. Give us the 411 of Taki's life.”
“I'm Hatake Taki.”
“Hi Hatake Taki,” the four greeted.
`Okay weirdoes.'
“Uh I'm sixteen years old. My birthday is April 19. I like…” she watched a girl with hair like Tenten's write down everything she was saying on a notepad.
“I like to sleep, I prefer the cold over the hot, I like rainy days, love to jump in the puddles. I don't like chocolate covered strawberries…” Taki wasn't going to give everything away about herself.
“What village did you come from?”
“I didn't go to a village when I left ten years ago. I lived in some forest far off in the middle of nowhere,” her eyes slightly glazed over.
“Was it snowing? That must be how you got that nice cold look. The pale skin looks very good on you,” they nodded.
“Yeah sure.”
“Okay the two most important questions of the night. You must've seen our Konoha guys already. So see anyone to your liking yet? And what's up with your eyes?”
“What's with the questions? I thought this was supposed to be a sleepover.”
“We,” two twin girls stood up, “Meilin and Yasumi, do ID cards with info on them. Like a baseball card you know? Of course, we don't just give them away to anyone for free,” the left one with the purple hair said.
The left had orange hair, “Our prices are high but we also do trades so if you want someone like Uchiha Sasuke,” half of them screamed at his named, “it'll be worth more. High demand you see. And if you want someone like Chouji or Rock Lee,” eww, “Those are for free,” they both sat back down.
Taki shrugged whatever; it wasn't going to hurt anyone, “Guys…I like…I can't really say. I guess the ones I used to hang out around here.”
“And who were those cute little boys you hung out with?”
“Shikamaru, Sasuke, Shino, Neji, and I guess Itchy would count too.”
“Wow you're not really picky are you Taki?” Meilin asked.
“Yes even though Shino is married to Meilin, girls still buy his card and who's Itchy?” Yasumi also asked.
“Congratulations Meilin,” Taki shook her hand, “I'm glad Shino picked you, even though I don't know you, Shino looks less tense. But I like Neji more than the others and Itchy is Itchy.”
Meilin waved her hand, “Wait a minute you're that Taki? The one that Shin-kun and Neji fought over and YOU thought they were after each other instead?”
Taki scratched her head. She couldn't remember them fighting in her eyes. But yes she did try to get them together, “Yes.”
Meilin leered at her, “And now you're his previous lover trying to take him back? I don't think so Hatake Taki! He's mine!” she stood and shouted at her.
“Meilin shut up and look what I got. Moon cakes,” Yasumi pulled one out.
Meilin slobbered all over Yasumi's hand, “Wur de oders?” mouth still covering her fingers.
Yasumi wiped her wet hand on the rug and took Meilin's pen and notepad, “Okay back to the original agenda. Neji. He's available. He's been available for a long time. Are you gonna try and ask him out?”
“Ask him out? We're going somewhere tomorrow but I didn't ask him out. Should I?”
SAY WHAT! Taki almost tipped back on the chair by their shockwaves.
“No way!” “On your first day coming back too? Lucky.” “Must be why he never looked Tenten's way then.”
Taki watched them; these girls should be best avoided, already getting bored and annoyed with their chatter. But it was a good thing they forgot all about her eyes.
“We got presents!”
“Um what the hell is this?” Taki stretched the yellow fabric out. It bounced back.
“It's a tube top. Duh,” Sakura easily said.
“Tube. Top? That's some sort of hat right?”
The girls gasped. Taki sweat dropped.
“A tube top,” Sakura started out loud, “is a tube top. It's like a tank top without any straps. And it will hold up all on it's own so you don't have to worry about pulling it up. It works during training and fighting too so that's an also plus! I tried it out myself,” Sakura nodded to herself.
“You mean you wore this already? That's kinda, uh, not new then huh?” Taki was still skeptic.
Everybody looked at Sakura now.
She shook her head, “No no! I mean I know what's it like! Like I would give Taki hand-me-downs,” she scoffed.
The girls looked at her suspiciously. Sakura had done it three times already.
“Thanks Sakura. I'm sure I can find something to match with this…tube top,” Taki put the yellow beanie behind her.
“Okay my turn,” Ino shoved Sakura out of the way and held out her present.
Taki shook the box and opened it. It was a book. `How to Make Your Boyfriend Your Pet.'
“What's this for Ino?” Taki figuring out why.
“It's obviously for you and your boyfriend. You are going out with THE Hyuuga prodigy after all.”
The girls agreed to such a good gift.
“…Right. I'll make sure to read this every night,” Taki lied through her teeth.
`With this I might create a monster boyfriend. Mwahahahaha! No, he'll be much worse if I did,' no way in hell. Taki thought.
Another book was thrown at her lap, “From both of us since we're also giving you a free id card,” Meilin announced.
`Boys of a Feather.'
Taki looked to Yasumi for their explanation, “It's a very good book. It shows what type of birds guys are with their personality. I suggest you use it. Gives tips on how to snag one,” she moved her orange hair out of her face.
Taki nodded; at least this was somewhat useful.
“And now time to initiate you into the true Konoha girl,” Yasumi turned off the lights and flashed a light on Taki's face.
“An initiation? Do I have to?” she said with grimace.
“Yes you do. We all did and it just so happens that the guys are also having a sleepover tonight,” Meilin muffled out past the moon cake in her mouth.
“Meilin why don't you get some milk for those cakes,” Taki commented.
“Excellent idea. While you're getting you're glass of milk, get another flashlight and a bag for Taki's mission tonight. And for all initiations you must wear this black anbu suit,” Sakura ordered.
“Mission? I thought this was an initiation? And I'm going to do more initiations?”
“It'll be just like a mission because it is really hard to do. You have two geniuses, a nerd, and Meilin's man and the other two. Do you really think you'd be able to get past all of them?” Yasumi clear minded asked.
“Not initiations but missions nonetheless. And they will involve the boys,” Ino rubbed her hands together.
“`Two geniuses, a nerd, and Meilin's man.' Who are they? I know Shino but I sure don't know a nerd and two geniuses.”
Ino patted her back, “I'm sorry you missed the major plotlines in their lives but the two geniuses are Sasuke and Neji and the nerd is my teammate Shikamaru. The other two are Kiba and Chouji. You don't have to worry about them but you are gonna have a hard time with this one.”
“Well what do I have to do?” Taki slipped on her fingerless gloves.
Ino, Sakura, Yasumi, and Meilin looked at each other and nodded.
“We all had to do the same thing. It took us a matter of hours. But we don't know how good you are. I'm sure you'll be able to get at least one of them,” Yasumi leaned on the wall right next to the bathroom door.
“One of what?” Taki removed another article of clothing. She stared at the black one-piece suit hanging on the bathroom door. It looked like it was some kid's pajamas.
Taki put one foot in one pant leg and put the other foot in the other, `Damn this thing is tight. Like freaking leotards.'
“Is this supposed to be skin tight?” she called out.
“Yeah if you want you can wear a mask,” Ino said.
“No. I don't need it.” `Suffocating under this suit is good enough for me.' Wiggling and stretching into the suit. “Ah!” She almost fell, good thing she caught herself on the bathroom tub. Taki took a big sigh. All that was left was to slip in the arms and zip up; challenging than it looked.
Taki opened the bathroom door and walked out. She pulled down the back of her pants. Wedgies sure are annoying. They all nodded that they can fit into that one suit. There could be a chance of sharing clothes…that is if Taki passed.
“You have to get a kiss from one of them.”
“That's not my mission, is it?”
Because that seemed a little bit too easy. One kiss from Neji and she would be done.
“We need proof if you did it. So whoever you picked has to wear this lipstick,” Yasumi held up one, pulled off the top, and showed the color of the lipstick. “To make it less torturous for yourself, take a picture of them showing the kiss on a piece of paper, their lips in a different color and seal it in a baggy and all you have to do is get out.”
It was green as her hair. This was getting interesting. Convincing Neji to wear it-
“But the really dirty thing about it is you have to get it from the one you hate or don't like the most,” Sakura evilly grinned.
“And all of you managed to survive?” this sounded like suicide.
“The good thing about mine was that Naruto wasn't around,” Sakura sighed with relief, “I got Shikamaru's and managed to get Sasuke's picture sleeping,” she squealed.
Taki watched her pull out an album and turned to the back to show her Sasuke lying on the floor asleep. The picture right next to it was of Shikamaru with his lips covered in red and Sakura right next to him grinning like an idiot.
“Getting Shikamaru's lips was worth it. I have so many pictures of Sasuke now,” Sakura flipped the pages of him.
Taki looked “Who did you guys pick?”
“I hated Shino at first but I don't anymore,” Yasumi said.
“Chouji ate my moon cake. I can't forgive him for that,” Meilin crossed her arms.
“Neji.” From Ino.
“You hate Neji?”
“That's because he said my dress was ugly.”
“He said you looked okay,” Sakura commented.
“Still the same thing. Tonight you'll be going to Sasuke-kun's house,” Ino announced.
“Don't worry if you can't get one. You can try Kiba. He's really easy. Course Sakura had to help keep him occupied long enough to put lipstick on,” Meilin said.
“What? You had partners?”
“No. We all went together,” Sakura said.
That's why they said the initiation was hard as a mission because she was going at it alone. Damn their evil cult.
“So then I can get anyone I want then?”
“Oh sure, they love staying up late so we had to separate them and henge into one of them to trick the others.”
Taki balanced on a tree branch making sure no one noticed her. The Uchiha compound was eerily quiet with the exception of the muffled voices of what she thought were the guys at their sleepover.
The wind blew in making the clouds hide the full moon. A perfect night to go make some trouble.
`Why am I doing this again? I could just go home right now but then Uncle might be busy. I wonder why they didn't invite me…they must have came after those crazy girls got me.'
It was a good thing she met four of them today. Their chakras were easily in attendance and there were two other unknown boys, must be Chouji and Kiba as Ino said. She didn't know why there was two colors to one of them but oh well she wanted to do this.
`Where are the other sleeping chakras? Did his family ditch him to some hot springs? That's why he's having a party now,' she stretched the fabric on the end of her pants leg and pulled out a black eye patch.
“I missed you Sorbei!” that's what she calls her eye patch, “I will do my best because those girls are counting on me to mess up,” she put it around her head and moved the round fabric to its place. “Guess its time to crash this party.”
She jumped down from the tree and moved swiftly to an unattended open window Sasuke must have forgotten to close. Taki looked around, nothing of importance in here, she guessed from her position that the guys were just a couple of doors down to her left. Slowly turning to knob and pulling slightly open, the hallway was too dark but there was the sliver of light at the bottom of a door feet away.
No one in sight, she slipped into the hall and didn't make a sound when she closed the door behind her. Taki raced for the door but then stopped, something bumped into her foot and it wasn't the wall or a table, when she felt down, nothing. She moved her hand around the floor and picked up two beady things. Too dark to tell, it was moving, Shino's bugs. `Looks like I'm caught.'
She opened the door. Actually the boys were quite drunk. This was going to be a piece of cake for Taki. Though that didn't mean she couldn't let her guard down. She waved at Shino sitting in the corner; he didn't look up, who was staring at his hands amazed.
The place was a mess, beer bottles on the floor, playing cards on the table, an overturned bed. But where were the other three geniuses? There were two other boys off to the side. One eating a bag of chips and the other with a dog in his jacket. That was the two colors she saw before.
She was certain they were all in this room. She flipped up her patch and looked across the room. There we go, the three were hiding in the closet. She pulled it open so fast someone screamed. Taki watched them scoot into the darker side.
“Neji. Sasuke. Shikamaru. What the hell are you doing in here?”
They were pretending to sleep. Drunk geniuses they are.
Luckily Sasuke was in front, “Hey Sasuke,” she pushed him with her foot, “wake up.”
Nothing but he rolled off to the side, it was a very large walk in closet. Lucky Sasuke. She kicked him harder but he surprised her when he grabbed her leg.
“We knew one of you were coming. But we didn't expect you to join them,” Sasuke lazily grinned up at her and hiccupped.
“Really? So then you left that window open on purpose then?” She crouched down to him.
“Of course,” he sat up Indian style.
“So can I have you put this on for me then?” Taki tossed Sasuke the lipstick.
His brow rose, “What's this?” he shuffled his butt over to her.
“How much did you drink?” she said while taking out the camera and baggy.
“I drunk that one,” he pointed to a bottle, “An' that one an' white eyes an' the pineapple's buttle.”
“Nng whoever you are get your butt off me,” Neji pushed Sasuke off who fell forward on Taki's lap instead.
Sasuke picked himself up and looked up, grinning once again, “I like this position a lot.”
Taki rolled her eyes and stood up, “Come on stand up. I need your picture,” she pulled him up. He hooked his arm in hers and staggered over behind a rack of clothes.
“What do you want again?” he touched his forehead the sober side was coming back.
“Lipstick. Kiss paper. Picture,” she pulled the cap off the lipstick.
“Do you think they could be torturing her? She's taking her sweet time getting a picture,” Ino hugged her pillow.
“She could be waiting for all of them to fall asleep or maybe wait for one of them to go use the bathroom.”
“Who knows? She could of ditched the whole thing and went out to eat,” Yasumi puckered her lips in the mirror.
“Green? Damn. Well better than hot pink,” he combed his hair, took the stick, and moved it on his lips. It went way off lip course and stopped on his cheek.
Sighing she snatched it out of his fingers and rubbed the color off his cheeks, “Promise to forget this whole thing,” she said carefully brushing the color on.
“Agreed,” he watched her focus on his lips. Having nothing else to do, he rubbed her butt. Taki slapped his hand away. “Are you wearing any underwear?” he smiled.
“Of course not, you think they could make spandex with enough room for your undies,” she looked at him.
The Jiraiya side of Sasuke was coming out, or would it be the Miroku side? Anyways she could tell with the cheetah tail and ears popping out. She gave him a paper to kiss on. He looked at it forgetting what to do already.
“Kiss the paper.” He did. Taki stood next to him holding up the camera in front of them. “Smile Sasuke.” Flash.
“Is that a poltergeist?” Shikamaru's voice quivered in the front of the closet.
“If it sees you, it'll turn you into a giant jelly donut,” Neji said lowly. The perfect effect to get Shikamaru slamming his head into the closet door.
“Hmm that wasn't so bad,” Taki said.
“Do it again,” like a kid wanting to get thrown high up into the air over and over.
“Another picture coming up!” Flash.
Another manly scream from Shikamaru. They looked at each other. `Are you thinking what I'm thinking?' `If it's freaking the hell out of Shikamaru then hell yes I'm thinking what you're thinking. I think.' Flash. Flash. Flash. Laughing she held the camera away from Sasuke before it ran out of film. “Okay Sasuke that's enough. You're not supposed to enjoy thmm-”

i dunno what to do still