Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Relationship Skills ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

They were still standing in the office. A couple seconds went by and Kakashi had to think up a jounin quick.
`Mm which jounin should I disappoint and leave out of the party?' Kakashi thought.
Iruka didn't like Taki while she was impartial to him so the chuunin was out. Asuma? He's becoming lazy like his student Shikamaru and he would probably talk about Shikamaru being a chuunin. So he would just let her off easy. Kurenai? Don't know much about her so skip her.
That left only Gai. The perfect jounin that had nothing to do but shine his teeth.
“Gai-sensei is free!” Kakashi happily said.
“Good. Get to it. Taki I'm expecting you to pass,” the Godaime said.
`Expecting?' “Why? You're going to do something to me?” Taki looked at her suspiciously.
“Yes actually, I have a list of jobs for you to do. Just to catch up with your peers,” a scroll rolled open on the table. A very long list.
“You can take her to Gai then...right now,” Godaime glared at them to get out.
They left the office.
“Gai. Gai. Gai? Why does that name sound so familiar?” she tapped her chin. “Neji do you know who this Gai-sensei is?”
“Unfortunately yes, he's my…sensei,” Neji said a little exasperated.
“So that must mean he's a good teacher then!”
“You could say that with a few…tight screws.”
“He's my long term loudly weird rival,” Kakashi said.
“Your rivalry isn't going to affect me right Uncle?”
Three blue lines showed on the side of the others heads.
Walking walking walka…
“You won this round Kakashi! Making me do your dirty work! I'll get you the next time! I will promise to my youthful experiences that this will be one of the most…”
They went into their own little worlds while Gai went off into his wave crashing sunset theme. Lee was there and was intently listening.
“He does this all the time?” Taki whispered to Neji.
“Twenty four seven.”
“You are SO inspiring Gai-sensei!” Lee's eyes sparkled.
“Gai-sensei!” they started running towards each other.
“Lee!” and hugged each other so tightly I ought to call the child molesters hotline.
“Ah Ha Ha! You are so right Lee! Shall we see what the budding flower can do?” Gai Finally asked.
“If you ever stop crashing waves, sure. But I gotta to the party now, I'm late as it is,” that got a jealous glare from Gai, “Make sure she has all the basics down. Bye!” Kakashi vanished.
Gai looked at her and rubbed his chin, “Hmm the basics huh? Do you have any kunais' on you?”
Taki held up a belt, “I got some from Uncle.”
Kakashi poofed back in, he was holding a drink, and took the belt from her, “Excuse me; we'll need to go get you some later,” and poofed off again.
“Okay so I don't have any on me,” Taki scratched the back of her head.
“No worries beautiful flower! Neji will give you his pack.”
Neji rolled his eyes and did what he was told.
“Okay! Throw your kunai at me!”
“What?” she was busy adjusting the belt to her thigh.
“To see if you can hit a moving target of course!” By then, Gai was already speeding off into the distance.
“Do I really have to catch him?”
“Yes you do! Gai-sensei! Wait up!” Lee took off as well.
“I suggest following Lee. Gai'll probably be past the Godaime's office by now,” Neji added.
“You're just going to sit there and meditate!”
“I don't have to catch him. This is your task after all. And anyways, it's time for my daily spar with someone hiding in the trees,” he said a little louder than usual. Silly Tenten, thought she could hide from the prodigy.
Taki looked at him and huffed, “Okay fine. Hold my jacket I'll probably get it ripped on the way,” and leaped off.
Tenten hopped out of a tree beside him. He held on to it watching her follow Rock Lee's dust trails. Neji shook his thought away of other `things' ripping off Taki's filled out, sensuous…okay enough dirty words for you Neji!
Taki ran like the wind, like a torpedo in the water, almost like Lee without his weights, you get my point here. She ran and ran and managed to catch up to Lee.
Rock Lee smiled his electric white teeth at her, good thing her patch was facing him or she would've been blind sighted, “You're doing very good! What was your name again!” he shouted between the wind rushing pass them.
“Hatake Taki!” answered she.
Lee stopped the blindness for a moment to say, “Oh look we've already caught up to Gai-sensei! This is most excellent indeed!” he put his arm around her and was tearing up in tears I tell you, “This has been one of my youthful-ist experiences,” he sniffled, “to have someone with as much flames of youthful spirit as I! Ha ha ha!”
“Su-re whatever,” she leaped ahead and just when Gai turned his head. “Hai-ya!” Taki just went a tiny bit too far about `hitting' Gai.
Gai flew! Flipping over on top of his table, ruining his green suit with his lunch, and crashing into the next table face first. He pushed himself up from under the table and a woman screamed.
“PERVERT! Ahhhh!”
“Eh! Pervert! It must be that Kakashi again!” Gai growled, shaking his fist, he looked around, “Why is it so dark?”
The Feminist Club was walking by when they saw what happened. Doesn't look too good for Gai does it? Them thinking the worst of things charged at him.
BOOM! KAPOW! SLAM! And all of those other action words. “What were those youthful beauties beating me about?” Gai scratched his misshapened face.
“GAI-SENSEI! Are you alright?” Lee helped him up, “We need to take you to the hospital. You're going to need some stitches.”
“Lee!” Gai hugged him and looked at Taki, “And who's your blossoming friend here? She looks like she has a bright flaming youth!” he wiggled his eyebrows and grinned at her
Taki inched away, “You're talking crazy. You just got beat by a bunch of feminists!”
“Hmm maybe that's why I can't remember anything today,” he rubbed his chin.
And so Taki's basic test was postponed to get Gai some stitches and because she managed to kick him in the face to amnesia Ville; also those Konoha healing ninja nurses didn't want to waste perfectly good chakra on a hopeless case and get haunted by a dude like Gai.
She walked out of the hospital wondering what to do now that her test was canceled and Neji was sparring with Tenten. Go home and fix up her room? Nah. Get something to eat? Yes! Taki spotted Sasuke trying to catch her attention, or at least in her direction someone he was trying to catch. Sasuke getting a girl's attention? I know I know OOC. That's the point of fanfics I guess.
Seeing no one else around her she guessed it was herself, “Yo Sasuke!” letting everyone in the vicinity that their `future husband' was around here somewhere.
Taki watched him sigh, blown his cover, and dragged her behind some trees, “So you caught my attention now what?”
The man looked calm and blank, which could mean anything, but it looks like he has some moral dilemma to solve dealing with her. Sasuke glared at her then, she was the one that got him into this mess, and having to have a conversation with the new girl he just met two days ago was certainly ruining his image. Don't forget she was pretty darn cute.
You know what it seems like Taki hangs out more with Sasuke. A sign? A premonition? I dunno. eh this one was okay. writers block! Gotta blow you down! school starts in two days. ey oh, senior year, I don't want to grow up!