Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Relationship Skills ❯ Sasuke's Life Does Suck ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This is more like a sub-chapter, paying attention to Sasuke more, but whatever.

Recap: Taki looked up at Shino, “You look curious Shino. Want to know?”
Shino hid his cheeks deeper in his jacket.
“Look there's Neji! I'll tell you later,” Taki waved her free hand catching his attention and his jealously when he saw her other arm around…wait it's just Shino, he's not a threat…for now.

Neji nodded to Shino and he did the same to him, “Shino.”
“Neji...Training as usual?”
Neji slipped an arm around Taki's waist, “The usual…what have you two been doing?”
“We were about to tour around Konoha for awhile but now I don't feel like it,” Taki answered with a bored face. “I'm tired let's go get me some cake and you guys can hang out yea?” she grabbed both of their arms and headed to Cherub's Sweets.
“Yo! Shiori-san!” Taki hopped over the counter and ran into the back.
…Waiting. Neji glanced at Shino. “Don't even think about getting her,” he warned.
“I'm thinking of it right now,” Shino played.
“You want me to kick your ass right now?”
“You want my bugs to eat your eyebrows while you're sleeping? Again?”
Taki popped in, “Hey you guys want some cake?”
“Aheh heh,” they both faked laugh.
“No thanks,” Neji stared at Shino's shades.
Instead of facing Neji, Shino headed toward the counter, “I'll take some.”
“Great, the cake tastes better when another person's getting a share,” she hopped back to the kitchen.
Shino looked back and smirked…
Skipping the remaining days left of Taki's free time to her first day of school.
“Damn, I'm going to be late!”
The morning bell ringing in the distance and Taki was already late to school. And late to eat her breakfast and forgot to bring her school bag. This was turning out to be a great day. Sarcasm. Inside the academy, she looked up at the room numbers for her room 3A.
“Hatake Taki,” Taki stopped before Tenten standing in front of the classroom door.
“I'm telling you right now. I don't like you.”
“How come Tenten-chan?” Taki cocked her head to the side and eyed the clock in her head. The school bell was going to ring in a couple of seconds.
“You piss me off. Don't add the -chan either. Sempai will suffice.”
“But why?”
Tenten shoved her back and entered the classroom.
Taki rubbed her shoulder, “Good morning to you too.” The bell rang.
“You're late Hatake Taki,” Iruka irritably stood right in the door.
“It's only been a couple of seconds. You're not teaching anything yet so I didn't miss much,” she said matter of factly. The class chuckled at her.
“Next time try being early for today. Get a seat,” Iruka much to his remembrance disliked her again, “Naruto quit acting like dobe. Kiba no side comments. Girls, stop arguing on who's going to sit next Uchiha every morning. And Shino feed your bugs before class please,” he lectured.
“Your new Sex Ed teacher. M-Sensei,” Iruka opened the door. “Okay you can come in now.”
The man was so tall he had to bend his head to get through the door. He wore a long black trench coat, had wild frizzy hair, small black circular shades, and well here was another character I shouldn't delve into too much. He strolled into the class, a book bag to his side, and pulled out a dish and flipped out a cigarette from his sleeve and lit it. (Let's just say ninja-fied version of Spike Spiegel woot woot)
“Yo,” he said nodding to the class.
“Good morning Sensei,” the class said.
He stood there dazing out as far as the students could tell with the black sunglasses.
“Um M?” Iruka sweated.
“Don't you have other business to attend to instead of ogling me?” M turned his head to him.
Iruka blushed, “'Cuse me,” hotly closing the door behind him.
“I shall be your Sex Ed teacher. Teaching about the things your parents were too scared to tell you,” he slammed his book bag on the pedestal to wake up some of the students aka Shikamaru.
He sighed, “First thing I should tell you before you guys start asking idiotic questions. That boys can't get pregnant and condoms ninety-five percent of time work.”
“Darn,” a few guys commented.
“Hey what does the M stand for?” Kiba shouted.
“Masturbatsu,” seriously said, sounded a lot like masturbate so the class laughed and then went silent when M-Sensei waited for them to shut up. Plainly said, “Kidding, its Mochizuki,” now everyone laughed out loud, “So let's get started. Since you only have this one class, it'll last from nine to three, six days a week, for a month. I know that sex is so interesting to you young people and all; so I hope that you all can pay attention,” Mochizuki threw a notebook, not at Shikamaru surprisingly, but at Sasuke.
Nearly all the gals besides Taki, Tenten, Temari, and Hinata gasped. Sensei was officially now on their hate list.
“I don't tolerate sleeping. Come down here,” waving him over. “What's your name?”
“Uchiha,” he slowly got up from the top row in the back and SLOWLY walked down not because he wanted to be uber-cool for the ladies but because he had a major hangover from partying too much with the guys last night.
“Well Uchiha,” he looked down at the roll sheet, “Sasuke from today you'll be getting an F.”
As usual, the familiar Uchiha-hate-you glare was on. With his knuckle, Mochizuki pushed up his glasses some and walked around Sasuke.
“And to redeem yourself and pass with an A in this class, you'll write a twenty page essay on whatever we talk about in this class. Understood?” standing in front of him and blowing smoke in his face.
Sasuke curtly nodded, Mochizuki stepped aside.
“Good you may leave little cub.”
Sasuke twitched. A few girls demanded for him to explain why he deserved such treatment.
“Uchiha.” The command stopped him from sitting down, he turned around, “I don't tolerate you're constant interruptions. Twenty five pages, single spaced with the standard font. You should keep your little fan club in check from now on.”
The girls sat back down feeling the ultimate glare targeting their heads.
“Sasuke's already on Mochi's list. That was pretty quick,” Kiba commented all the while smirking with Naruto, Neji, and all the other males in the class.
“Taki, class is over,” Neji took her arm over his shoulder and picked her up bridal style.
“I know,” she peeked one eye open and then closed again, “Stop for a minute.”
Neji stood there outside the classroom waiting for her to do something, “Where's Mochi-sensei?” he shook his head. Always got to shorten the names.
“He said he was going to the playground area. Why?”
Taki hopped out of his hands and fixed herself, “I'm going to have a little chat with him,” sounded like she meant business, “You go on over to Cherub's Sweets and I'll hurry back as soon as possible. Order me the special okay,” she went to adjust her bag, "Oh yeah, I forgot to bring it," she grinned and ran off.
Neji watched her wave at him till she turned the corner. He had her but still couldn't understand her. The body free of expression with the mind standing in its shadows guarding. There was a tint of dark in her eyes and it wasn't from the lack of sleep either…Something that made her come back? He hoped it wasn't something like that…like Uchiha's situation. With all that he's been through, the thought shouldn't have made him shudder.
Taki stopped to look around, `Where was the playground again?' She saw a little kid by herself and followed her. `She's probably going to the playground. That's the only place she would go right? Right,' she thought to herself.
But after awhile, the little girl went into the crowded shopping districts; she was heading to the Hello Kitty shop. Oh no, Taki was lost, she got up onto the roofs but to no avail both exits looked the same. Taki sighed, “The place does look familiar hmm.”
“That's why you never follow little kids or adults. Could lead you to trouble like this.”
Taki looked back, “Oh Lon-! I mean Mochi-sensei! I missed you!” she jumped up to try to bear hug him.

Why is Taki hugging Mochi-sensei? Who is this Mochi guy? Why do I keep procrastinating on this fic? Next time on RS.
I think I'm going to make this a long fic. That means no limits to this one yes. Maybe I'll get somewhere, because I got a really good middle part (wonder what chapter that'll be? 15? hope not lol)