Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Risque Redux: A Side Story ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own, so don't sue. I'm not creative enough to create Naruto.

AN: Heh. I'm glad everyone enjoyed the first drabble. Recently discovered how writing drabbles can be so fun, so now I'm thinking I might make a habit of it.

Actually, this is series of drabbles, which means that I will be continuing on, sylver rain. Ebisu will be making an appearance, Yum; whether as a member, I'm not saying just yet. ;-) I sometimes do wonder as well, Yaoilover S. Maybe someone will eventually start one.

Thanks to everyone for the feedback -- it's good to know the Pervert Hood has been received with open arms; Kakashi and Jiraiya are very pleased.

Moe, of course you can have a membership card. Why, in fact, you can have a copy of all of Sasuke's 'goodies' that Kakashi hasn't given him yet since you're beta-ing all my drabbles. Fun times ahead. Fun times ahead.

"We really should stop letting our members escape," Jiraiya said with a small frown. "It's annoying trying to track them down."

"Well, it's not really our fault they run away screaming. Remember Hinata? We had to spend weeks trying to track her down. A pretty shy girl, though, she'd make a great spy. I give her points for using her Byakugan to her advantage."

"In more ways than one, you mean." Jiraiya smirked and felt a tinge of envy for the greatness of the Byakugan. With the Byakugan, he could see everything without hiding in those pesky bushes that always manage to prick him with their bristling branches every single damn time he watched the naked young women frolicking. It was as if the whole world was against him.

Kakashi nodded and uncrossed his arms. "I say we start tracking Sasuke down now. It won't be long before he tires and if we catch him quick, we can start the ceremony a day early. I say Sasuke wouldn't have ran if he'd had known what kind of goodies were in store for him."

Jiraiya nodded in agreement and they both turned towards the brown sack that had gone unnoticed during the official welcome to Sasuke. With careless grace, Kakashi disappeared and reappeared next to the sack, picking it up in one swoop and throwing it over his back.

"Shall we?"

"We shall," Jiraiya said, grinning in anticipation. While escapee members were annoying, the chase wasn't really; it was a great way to exercise his Shinobi skills and mercilessly tease Sasuke at the same time. Hinata had been a fun one to tease. She had gone red almost instantaneously.

Still, the girl was an admirable pervert, he thought, though Jiraiya was still puzzled to the charms surrounding his sort-of student. Naruto had been gorgeous as a girl, but in his male form? Jiraiya saw no appeal.


"Sasuke's apartment of course," Kakashi responded smoothly, one hand pulling on the sack while the other had picked up his book.

"This is a good scene," he said appreciatively.

"Thanks." Jiraiya felt a small thrill at the praise. Such was the reward for all his hard work, his perving, his countless hours huddled within some bushes, fighting off annoying insects and protruding branches, risking his own body and mind in order to find young, nubile inspirations. It was reward indeed.