Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Sasuke Retrieval 2 ❯ The Fight Begins ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: (I don't own Naruto)
Screams came out of Orochimaru's Lair
“What is going on inside?” Naruto asked.
“I don't know, but stay alert”, Shikamaru added.
Sasuke Retrieval team begin to move. Team 7 move in first, followed by Gai-sensei team, and the rest were spread out. Some cover outside of the lair, some cover the hallways, and some cover the rooms. Team 7 started going through rooms to find Sasuke.
“This is the last room”, Naruto said.
“The only room we have not checked”, Sakura replied.
“You guys go ahead, we'll be right outside”, Gai-sensei told Team 7.
Naruto opened the door and finds Sasuke, standing at the corner.
“Sasuke-kun, please…” Sakura said, but Sasuke cuts in.
“I thought I told you guys to leave me alone”, Sasuke said. “Why are you guys back?” Sasuke added.
“This is not the way; there's another way”, Naruto answered.
“I'm leaving, stop coming after me!” Sasuke yelled.
Sasuke raise his hands and blows up the roof, making a big hole. He jumps through the roof and said: “Have fun with the Hogakes”. Sasuke then disappeared into the forest.
“Hey, we have to leave this place”, Gai-sensei yelled.
“This place is too small to fight; we have to go outside”, Neji told Team 7.
Everybody went outside, but so does the Hokages.
“NO WAY!” Naruto screams.
“Naruto, they are not the real Hokages”, Kakashi continues, “They are fake; Orochimaru used this forbidden jutsu to slow us down and let Sasuke have the chance to run away.”
“Then I guess we are just going to have to fight and win”, Naruto said, putting one arm out in front of him and tightening his fist.
“Naruto, you go after Sasuke”, Kakashi commended.
“Naruto, we'll take it from here”, Sakura insisted.
“But last time…” Naruto spoke with a soft voice.
“That was last time; you said you were ready, right?” Sakura asked loudly.
Naruto agreed to their offer and took off. Naruto is confident that this time Sasuke will come back with him.
“They may be fake, but they possess the strength of the Hokages”, Kakashi told everyone.
So the fight between Sasuke Retrieval Team and the fake Hogakes begins. The first Hogake starts running toward Kakashi, the second and fourth Hogake start running from the side.
The Hogakes stop running, forming a triangle.
“We're surrounded”, Asuma said.
Shikamaru goes into his thinking position. Seconds later, he stands up…
“Kakashi-sensei, Gai-sensei, Sakura, and I will handle the first Hogake”, Shikamaru paused for a minute. “Kurenai-sensei, Shino, Lee, Hinata, and Kiba will take the second Hogake”, Shikamaru spoke with bravery. “Finally, the rest will take the fourth Hogake”, he said.
Everyone slowly moves forward, as the Hogakes backs up. Meanwhile, Naruto chases after Sasuke. Sasuke stops and both ended up at Valley of the end. They stare at each other for a long time.
“Wasting your time and trying to take me back is dumb”, Sasuke said.
“Power?” That is what you are seeking for, right?” Naruto asked Sasuke.
“Of course, I thought I made it pretty clear last time”, Sasuke replied.
“Then take my power”, Naruto insisted.
Naruto puts both arms at his side, rises his arm half way, and looks up. Naruto acts very vulnerable. He relaxes and closes his eyes.
“Go, take it”, Naruto demanded.
“What are you doing?” Sasuke asked in confusion. “You think it is that easy to lend someone their power and strength?” Sasuke asked, and then made an evil laugh.
“I don't care”, Naruto said.
Sasuke stops his laughter.
“What?” Sasuke asked in more confusion.
“I don't care if I'm weak or lose all my powers, I thought I made it pretty clear last time”, Naruto explained. “You're like a brother to me”, Naruto said with a smile, and then quickly frowns.
“How would your parents feel if they see you like this?” Naruto asked.
“My parents? Don't ever talk about my parents”, Sasuke anger rises up.
“They would feel sad, like Sakura-chan and I are right now”, Naruto mumbles loud enough for Sasuke to hear.
“I did not come here to fight, but to reason with you”, cried Naruto. “You posses the power of the curse seal, come back with me and we can train the right way”, Naruto reasoned.
“Good plan, but fight me first”, Sasuke yelled.
Sasuke starts running toward Naruto. Before Naruto can do anything, Sasuke was already in position to strike.