Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Secret Stash ❯ Wrestle ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
We do not own Naruto!
Sasuke and Itachi
The boy waited near the entrance of the village hidden by the brush. He was waiting for his brother to come home from another mission, but this time the dark hair boy was going to surprise his brother by attacking him out of know where to show how much stronger he had gotten since his older brother left a few weeks ago. Itachi trudges up towards the entrence of his home village, exhausted from his mission, though, he didn't show it. He senses his brother close by and a small smile graces his features. The boy fell silent as he moved closer toward the front of the brush waiting for his brother's feet to move in front of him before attacking. He chuckles quietly and stops right before the gate, seeing if his brother would respond. The raven hair boy froze in place waiting watching in silence. Deciding to play the nice big brother he steps over the threshold. The boy leaped out moving behind his older brother with a kunai to his back a smirk sliding across his face.With a blink of an eye, Itachi is behind him, one hand on his back and the other pulling gently at his arm, keeping a tight hold on him. "It's nice to see you, too... Little brother."

The raven hair boy's smirk faded as he looked back to his older brother. "... Nii-san... Your supposed to pretend I killed you..."

He gives him a gently smile and releases him. "... Sorry... I'm a bit worn out at the moment, Sasuke."

The boy sighed as he turned to face his older brother. "Nii-san I thought you were coming back a week ago."

He places a hand on his head, petting him softly. "Gomen... I got caught up."

The boy nodded closing his eyes halfway. "I'm going with you next time Nii-san."

"Oh? And what makes you think that?" He begins to head to their house.

"... I've gotten much stronger." The boy spoke up proudly.

He chuckles. "I'm sure you have... but it takes much more strength than that to go on missions that I do."

"Will I ever get to go on a mission with you Nii-san?" The boy asked curiously stepping onto the porch.

He stops for a moment " ..." He closes his eyes and smiles. "Of course... one day." The boy smiled brightly looking down on his brother from the top step.

He walks up the stairs "Are mother and father home..?" He could sense that they weren't, but he wonders if the little one know this.

"I don't know father doesn't tell me anything... Mother might be with Auntie."

He nods and enters the house, heading straight for his room. "... I'll be back Sasuke... stay out of my room."

The boy pouted looking at his brother. "... You get home and all you can think of our those naked ladies under your fut-" The young boy stopped talking now as he took off as fast as he could to his room he wasn't allowed to be in his older brother's room while he was gone.

He grins and shakes his head, knowing he had been in his room from the way his futon was moved. He looks underneith after shutting the door and sighs in relief as only the ones with females on then were moved. The boy sat in his room on his futon as if waiting for his brother to come in and attack him. Takeing out his private stash he sits on the futon, his back against the wall. Other thoughts in his head make him throw aside the magazine and pull off his close quickly. He opens his legs a bit and looks down at his throbbing arousal. The young boy sighed as he flopped back on his bed starting to kick the wall that was next to his brother's room trying to get atention from him. He glances at the wall before lookign away, taking his length in his hand gently and stroking it.

The boy got up noticing his brother didn't come into stop him he made his way out of his room down to his brother's room sliding the door open. "Nii-san I-..." The boy stopped talking again as he looked down to his brother.

Itachi gasps softly and looks at his door, seeing his younger brother. "S-Sasuke..." The boy stepped back sliding the door closed as he hurried down stairs and out into the garden hiding. He hisses a swear under his breath and throws a kimono on before walking after his brother. The boy sat under a dieing sunflower his head burried in his knees.

He spots him and sighs, a small blush on his cheeks. "Sasuke... come here..."

"... Your going to hit me." The boy spoke sadly staying in a ball.

He frowns, kneeling down. "Sasuke... I'm not mad... When have I ever hit you besides in training?"

"... I just thought you were going to because I think I saw something I shouldn't have... It looked like you were in a lot of pain..."

" ..." He chuckles and shakes his head, grabbing his hand. "I wasn't, Sasuke... quite the contrary, actually..." He thinks for a moment. "... Want me to show you...?"

The boy shook his head still keeping it low and hidden.

"It wasn't pain Sasuke... please come to me."

The boy slowly moved to his brother his head low. He tilts his head up, smiling. "You did nothing wrong, Sasuke..."

"But you told me to stay out of your room..." He looked up to his brother.

"I'm sure you were wondering why I didn't come after you... it's alright."

"... I was hungry I wanted you to make me lunch." The boy looked to his brother trying to change the subject.

Itachi notices this and smiles, closing his eyes. "Alright... what would you like?"

"I don't mind Nii-san as long as you make it I'll eat it."

Waving away all the pervy thoughts, he nods and stands, holding Sasuke's hand. "Does ramen sound ok?"

The boy made an awful face, but nodded. He laughs. "Or not... tell me what you want."

"I'm fine with anything you make for me Nii-san." The boy spoke softly following him inside to the kitchen.

He sighs and sits on the table. "... I want to make something you will enjoy. Tell me what you want, Sasuke."

"... Anything with meat in it."

Again, dirty thoughts clouded his mind. ".. Meatbuns, then?" The boy nodded taking a seat at the table. He begins to go to work cooking, sighing softly as he does so.

"When will I be able to go with you on mission's Nii-san?"

"When you're older." He sits down on the table again, looking down at Sasuke.

"... Are you going to be here when I turn seven Nii-san?"

The boy looked to his older brother sadly. He nods, not thinking much at them moment. "Of course I will be."

The boy smiled brightly. "Can just you and I go somewhere special?"

He smles. "When?"

"On my birthday."

He thinks for a moment. "Hm... that's in a few months..."

The boy tilted his head to the side. "You've been gone to long Nii-san its next week."

He grins, getting up to get the meatbuns. "You're growing so fast..." The boy smiled kindly up at his brother noding.

"Hm... we'll do something special..."

"Really Nii-san?"

He nods. "I promise." The boy smiled reaching over taking a meat roll starting to eat. He sits across from him and smiles.

"Nii-san what's it like to go on your missions?" The boy asked curiously.

Extremely dangerous." He answers simply, sighing and putting his head on the table. He is very horny, but he knows he can't get rid of it until Sasuke sleeps.

The little boy leaned over placing his hand on his brother's forehead. "Is Nii-san not feeling good?"

He looks at him and smiles. "I'm fine, Sasuke."

The boy nodded slowly as he sat back finishing his meal. "I'm ready for a nap Nii-san."

He nods, standing and holding out his hand. "Let's go." The boy smiled following his brother closely. He leads him to his room.

"Nii-san someday I'm going to be as strong as you."

He chuckles and hands him his pjs. "Really?"

The boy undressed and got into his sleepwear nodding. "Yep and I'll be the one protecting you."

He smiles, pulling his blankets back. :Yeah yeah. Get in, short stuff."

The boy got under the covers laying down reaching under his brother's pillow grabing the pictures of the naked ladies. "Why do you like these?"

He blushes the slightest bit and chuckles, shaking his head. " ... It's a man thing."

The boy sat up looking at his brother. "Are you saying I'm not a man!?"

He laughs. "You aren't a man quite yet, Sasuke..."

"Why not?" The boy looked at him sadly.

"You're too young..."

The boy looked at his brother before standing up holding the pictures riping them in half before storming out of the room.

He stands and follows, grabbing his arm. "Sasuke!" The boy wouldn't look up at his brother now his head low.

He sighs and kneels down beside him. "Sasuke... you remember when you saw me..?" The boy nodded looking to his brother now his eyes almost filling with tears.

He looks into his eyes, a gently smile on his face "... That is why I had those. I won't keep them around if it bother's you, ok?"

"... They don't bother me... You keep calling me little... I'm going to be big someday..." The boy lowered his head. "Then father will reconize me for once..."

His eyes narrow and he tilts his head up "... Father is a biggot, Sasuke. He does see you, for who you are. I won't call you little anymore."

"Good." He raised his head back up moving back to Itachi's futon laying down. "So those ladies in the pictures make you hurt yourself?"

He chuckles and tucks him in again. "... They make me feel good, Sasuke."

"What about the boys Nii-san?"

The boy moved more pillows reaching the pictures of the boys. He bites his lip, looking off to the side. "... Boys can make you feel the same..."

"Really...?" The boy looked to the picutres looking threw them.

He nods, allowing him to look through them. "I don't feel anything Nii-san..." The boy looked back to his brother. "Does father look at these too?"

"I wouldn't know..." He sighs and thinks of a way to eplain this.

"Oh does mother look at these then?" The boy was getting more curious about his brother's collection,

"I don't think so, Sasuke..."

He covers his eyes. "Ugh... do you know how babies are made?"

"No." He said blunty looking at one picture tilting his head to the side. "Why are they wrestleing Nii-san?"

He looks at them. "..." He explains how babies are made, and what the other's are doing in the picture.

"So men and women wrestle to have babies?" He blinked.

"Kinda... ugh." He then explains the anatomy.

The boy looked down at the pictures then to the torn up ones. "Is that why hear mom going 'Oh God Oh God.' When dad follows her to bed?"

He chuckles and nods. "Yes... it feels really good..."

The little brother looked at his older brother fearful. "Am I broken?"

He frowns. "Broken?"

"... Yeah I don't like looking at the pictures..."

He shakes his head. "As I said, you're young... not little. Just young." He takes the pictures from him and tosses them aside.

"Then if I'm to young then you don't get your pictures anymore I'll give them to mom." The boy got up collecting the pictures.

His eyes widen and he takes them from his. "Sasuke... don't give them to mom. We'll burn them, ok?"

"Ok." The boy smiled running down the hallway with them. He sighs and heads to the main room to start a fire. The boy stopped smiling. "Hi mom guess what I learned today."
His eyes widen. "SASUKE!"

The younger brother looked to his brother still holding a few of the pictures. "I want to tell mom about what you tought me today about wrestling." The mom tilted her head to the side.

He chuckles and shakes his head. "... I've only said where babies come from, mother."

"You know he's to young to learn that." The mother sighed then looked to the pictures. "Sasuke what do you have there?"

He swiftly steps between them and takes the pictures. "... Where have you been, mother?"

"Oh I was with your Aunt shopping."

The little boy poked his head out from behind his brother. "The pictures are men wrestling."

he ignores the young one. "I've made meatbuns, mother. There are some left for you."

The mother quirked a brow looking to the older brother. "You know I have to tell your father about this Itachi."

He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath. "No, you really don't."

"Itachi you shouldn't even have these who knows how much damage you did to Sasuke." The little boy blinked looking to his mom after hearing his name.

"I did not damage him. If anything, he's learned something new is all."

"I know I don't like it yet mom, but the guys look more interesting then the girls."

The mother looked to Itachi before leaning over grabing Sasuke's hand. "Come on Sasuke were going to go plant some flowers away from your brother."

His eyes narrow and he takes Sasuke's other hand. "... He was about to lay down for a nap, mother... Sasuke, do you still want to nap?"He looks at him sternly, as if to say "I need to tell you something."

The little boy looked back and forth between his mother and brother before moving toward his older brother more loyal to him then his mother. The mother sighed looking to Sasuke. "Itachi I'm still telling your father about this."

"Tell him whatever you want. It doesn't change who I am." He looks to Sasuke. "Come on... nap time..."

The mother turned away from the two the little boy looked down. "... I thought it was ok to say that Nii-san..."

"It's alright, Sasuke..." he leads him to his room again, sliding the door shut loudly. "Lay down... I need to talk to you.."

The little boy climbed onto his brother's futon laying down in his usual spot. "... Are you going to be leaving again Nii-san?"

He lays down beside him and sighs softly. "Not for a few more weeks... Sasuke... it isn't wrong to love someone that of the same gender. Understand? Don't let mother or father tell you otherwise."

The boy nodded slowly. "Does Nii-san like men?"

He closes his eyes, leaning his forhead against his brother's "... Yes."

"Do I know him Nii-san?"

He chuckles. "Let's not talk about this, Sasuke."

"Why not?" The boy looked at him sadly.

"It's not appropriate."

"But you just said don't let mom or dad make you think its wrong..."

" It isn't wrong... it's just not appropriate to discuss this with my younger brother."

"I thought the naked people was the worse thing I've seen so far today..." The little brother sat up leaing against his brother. "Nii-san do you hate me is that why you won't tell me?"

He sits up as well, supporting his brother. He brushes his hand across his cheek. "Of course I dont' hate you..."

The boy looked down slowly to his hands resting on his shirts. "Why won't you tell me then..." He lifts his head, sighing softly. He once again clses his eyes, kissing his forehead. The boy looked up to his brother blushing slightly.

"Why are you... so eager to know...?"

"Because your very special to me Nii-san... Sometimes I feel like your the only one who thinks I'm somebody... Unlike dad..." The boy's tone was filled with sadness.

He frowns kissing his forhead again. "Father... is a bit strange. No one understands him..."

The boy nodded slowly as he yawned leaning against his brother. He pats his head gently, sighing "... You need sleep, Sasuke..."

"... I want to spend time with you Nii-san..."

"I'm right here... I"m not leaving." The dark hair boy slowly nodded as he cuddled close to his older brother falling asleep.

He holds him closely, rubbing his back. "... If only you knew, Sasuke... if only..."