Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Songbook - Naruto ❯ Sakura - Save the Hero ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Haruno Sakura, Medic Nin-in-training. Song is "Save the Hero" by Beyonce. (for some reason, i made a little Sai/Sakura and Lee/Sakura....)

~I lay alone awake at night / Sorrow fills my eyes / But I’m not strong enough to cry / Despite of my disguise~

She opened her eyes and saw the stars once more. How beautiful they were. It wasn't truly beautiful to her, though. It was something that she kind of missed. She could still remember lying in the grass and watching the stars with Sasuke and Naruto.
She closed her eyes again. There wasn't any point in looking at them anymore as she lay on the concrete roof of the hospital. The beautiful moon sent a light-blue glow over everything and all she could see was green trees, green grass, Naruto's orange jacket, and Sasuke's dark blue shirt. She saw Kakashi's red book and eye.
It was only the memories.

~I’m left with no shoulder / But everybody wants to lean on me / I guess I’m their soldier / Well, who’s gonna be mine?~

She opened her eyes and was looking right up at Sai. He looked worried and then suddenly put his hand out to help her up. "Sai."
"Are you alright? You've been up here for a long time." He let her stand up-right and looked at the stars. "It's a nice night to sleep outside, but aren't you uncomfortable out here?"
She made a fist and Sai threw his hands up in surrender. "It's not. What do you want?"
Sai just smiled a friendly, warm smile. "Just wanted to make sure you hadn't died up here." He went to the bench and sat down, looking out, across the village. "It's peaceful up here. Do you like it up here?"
Sakura looked away. She couldn't tell him.

~Who’s there to save the hero / When she’s left all alone / And she’s crying out for help? / Who’s there to save the hero / Who’s there to save the girl… / After she saves the world? / After she saves the world?~

Sakura had left Sai alone on the roof and was coming onto the street when she saw Lee. He was taking his evening jog and she waved to him. How could she deny his loyalty and strife over how he felt? He stayed right by her side when Sasuke abandoned her.
Sakura decided to jog with Lee and managed to keep pace with him. They went up to the steps in the Hokage's faces. She followed him down to the Academy's playground and noticed he'd stopped. "Lee?"
He just squatted down and smiled up at her. "I saw you on the hospital roof. Thinking of Sasuke?"
"Sort of." She smiled. How like him to worry.
"I see. Well, ready to jog back to the hospital?"
"Um, I'll just jog home."
"Perhaps another day." He saluted her and started his long treck back.
Sakura waved after him and her heart sank just a bit. He was always like that. He wouldn't prod a sore subject, with anyone. He would leave people to their secrets. Sakura adored that Lee would let her find her own sorrow and her own way of dealing with it.

~I bottle all my hurt inside / I guess I’m living a lie / Inside my mind each day I die / What can bring me back to life?~

She came home to a cold, dark house. Her parents were probably sleeping. She found dinner sitting in foil on the table. It was probably cold. She unwrapped it to find it was sushi, her favorite sushi, and a small note telling her there was more in the ice box if she wanted. Digging in the ice box, Sakura found some juice to drink and headed up to her room.
She didn't find any joy in being the only child. She actually wanted a sibling to keep her family awake until she was home. But they weren't really eager to hear about who's life she'd saved today. Sakura quietly closed her door and pulled her blinds up.
The moon made her room look eerie and old. Sakura slowly took her gear and gently put it aside, sitting on her bed. Tonight was the last time she'd seen him in over two years. He'd left her and Naruto and Kakashi behind and moved on to a monster's grip. Sakura still hadn't quite gotten over it, but she had to be strong. Tsunade had taught her not to show her tears.

~A simple word, a gesture / Someone to say you’re beautiful / Come find this buried treasure / Rainbows lead to a pot of gold~

Slowly, the tears came and Sakura had to chew slowly. It was a disaster. Her whole world had fallen apart. Her world with Sasuke and Naruto had crumbled when they'd gone to the point of killing each other. She hadn't been able to stop them. Kakashi had spent a long time helping Sakura get over that incident.
After that, she'd made up her mind. Now, she was determined to do that. But the tears were hard to hold back when she wanted someone to let her cry her eyes out.
When she closed her eyes, Sakura saw the faces of those she'd saved. Gaara, Hinata, Naruto. And not one person who'd help her. She needed the tears to be let lose. But she only teared-up, she didn't let the dam burst. She held on as long as she could.

~Who’s there to save the hero / When she’s left all alone / And she’s crying out for help? / Who’s there to save the hero / Who’s there to save the girl / After she saves the world… / After she saves the world?~

It was morning already and Sakura was at the hospital again. She was helping some of the regular Medic-Nin's with their job. Today, she was going to see about Lee's last therapy. He'd twisted his ankle two weeks ago and had been warned not to do a full-out run until it was healed. The jog had been his second of the week. She walked into his room and smiled at him.
Lee didn't look at her at first, but quite suddenly made her comfortable. His eyes showed that he didn't want to see her cry and begged her to tell what was on her mind.
"Lee, I know what you're thinking. I can't. I'm working." She knelt down and took a good look at his ankle. She smiled. "Looks like this will be your last therapy session. C'mon. I'll be your help today."
"Not here." She led him to the therapy room and let him find the equipment.

~I’ve given too much of myself / And now it’s driving me crazy / (I’m crying out for help) / Sometimes I wish someone would / Just come here and save me… / Save me from myself~

"Sakura-chan, you do still miss him."
"He broke up a perfectly good team. I don't miss him anymore. I want to make him understand what he did, that's all." Sakura helped Lee stand properly on the equipment.
"Sakura-chan, tell me about him. What you see in him."
"What I saw was someone I thought would be a good guy. He was, or so I thought. He saved Naruto and me. He took on Kakashi's harsh training and it paid off in the Chunin Exam. But then it all went south, it would seem. I wish I knew why." Sakura watched Lee and smiled as he was able to complete his exersise. "Lee, wanna grab a bite to eat?"
His eyes lit up and he blushed. "R-really?!"
"Well, I'm hungry and it's still breakfast time. Besides, it'll celebrate you finishing your little therapy sessions."
"Then it will be my treat!"
"If you want." Sakura helped him off the equipment and led the way.

~Who’s there to save the hero / When she’s left all alone / And she’s crying out for help? / Who’s there to save the hero / Who’s there to save the girl / After she saves the world?~

"So, you love him, even now?"
They had finished their meals and were sitting outside a dango shop with tea and dango. Sakura had treated Lee to the dango, but he insisted on the tea.
"Yes. I don't know why. It's eatting away at me. If I could only figure it out! But there's no such thing as easy fall in love."
"Mm?" She swallowed the last of her tea and looked at Lee. "Lee?"
He was looking at his cup. "I know I'm not handsom or gorgeous, but maybe I can be his replacement."
"Lee, why do you say that?"
"It's okay! I mean, you could always have Sai. He seems to like you."
"Lee, it's okay. You've known me the longest. Sai would probably say something that ticks me off. Look, I don't need much." Sakura looked at the clear, blue skies. "I just need to let it out sometimes. I'm glad you let me just let go of that memory. I'm really glad." She smiled at Lee with all her happiness present.
Lee blushed.

~After she saves the world~