Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Strikes of Illumination ❯ Sincerely Yours ( Chapter 3 )

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Sincerely Yours
Summary: White-out can't really cover up girly relapses.
There were times when Tenten hated the fact that she was of the female gender. Like now, for instance.
That was the only explicable reason she could think of for the why she would end a five page long mission report to her outpost commanding officer with curly flourishes, hearts, and sparkles. With "Love, Tenten."
Apparently the monotone, dry, boring report had turned her brain into mush that she would revert to her girlhood days when it was socially acceptable to daydream and doodle the name of your current crush all over your papers.
This was no longer the case seven years later when Tenten was a jounin, Neji was her commanding officer, and she was on guard duty in Suna. Most definitely not.
Tenten cursed her traitorous hand and her pen and scrambled in her pack for more paper to rewrite the whole damn thing again.
Then Tenten cursed fate. Because that was the only explicable reason as to why she had apparently run out of paper. She'd learned quite a few curses on fate from Neji, surprisingly enough, as she discovered that she had run out of space on the paper and then could not just scratch out the offending girly ending. The traders in the caravan did not carry paper themselves, so she couldn't ask them; and the caravan she was guarding happened to be a week out of town and thus no chance of attaining any more paper. And with shinobi skills in summoning reports at the dot, there would be no excuse for a late report, Tenten knew that much. Clearly, fate was against her.
Digging through her pack once more, she excavated a bottle of white-out. She glared at it, betting that it would be dry and nasty and clumped. With a twist she took off the cap and peered down at its contents. Somewhat miscible; it would have to do.
With careful brush strokes Tenten covered her girly relapse with liberal amounts of white-out and resolved to pay much, much, much closer attention to future reports.
x x x x x
Tenten turned beet red as she received the next letter from Neji.
Dear Tenten,
I think you are forgetting about the Byakugan. I can see through white-out.
Sincerely Yours,
PS: Love you too.