Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Next Generation ❯ Operation Dragon: Phase 2 ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Don't own Naruto, only Ryu, Hitori, Fuji, Koteshi, Kitaro and Shikato
Operation Dragon: Phase 2
The furious blonde clenched his fists in anger. He was trembling uncontrollably as his eyes took in the scene in front of him.
A smouldering pile of rubble was what was left of the ANBU Torture and Interrogation Department. Smoke was pouring out as flames consumed the remains of the building.
Performing the necessary hand seals, he clapped his hands together into the tiger seal.
“Suiton Ryu no jutsu!”
A water dragon rose from the ground and flew towards the fire. With a roar, it opened its mouth and consumed the area.
A hand shot out of the pile of rubble and clawed at the earth. Naruto bounded towards the survivor and grasped his hand. Pulling him upwards, a smile broke out as Naruto recognized the man as Ibiki. Surprisingly, Ibiki was unharmed. Grunting a thanks to the jinchurikii, he dusted himself off.
“What happened here?” A curt voice interrupted.
Ibiki's eyes narrowed as he growled. “It was Ryu.”
Naruto's head snapped in Ibiki's direction. “What? How could he have done so much damage? Did you not suppress his chakra?” he demanded.
A vein throbbed in Ibiki's forehead as he answered through gritted teeth. “I did. However, we did not know that his ANBU tattoo has become a curse seal similar to Orochimaru's curse seals.”
Naruto swore mentally as he took a deep breath. “This is bad.”
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A figure landed softly onto the balcony. Slowly standing up from his crouching position, the ninja opened the balcony door and walked in. With well practiced stealth, the shinobi padded down the corridor on his left. Easing the door open, he slipped in.
A hand stopped the intruder's advance and pushed him back out. As the intruder stumbled backwards, he could feel a kunai pressed against his throat. After a few seconds, the intruder was set free as the attacker finally recognized him.
“Naruto! What's up?”
Rubbing the back of his head, Naruto laughed nervously as he stared at Anko.
“Well, I was just looking for Kakashi.”
Anko grinned mischievously as she said teasingly, “Aw…and I thought that you were coming to visit me.”
Before Naruto could answer, a voice interrupted him.
“Well, well, if it isn't Konoha's Lightning Shinobi.”
Naruto grinned as he turned to face Kitaro. Raising a hand in greeting, Kitaro uttered his famous monosyllable. “Yo.”
Striding forward with his hands in his pockets, Kakashi's son drawled, “Dad isn't here. He's most probably at the Stone Monument. What do you want him for?”
The blonde smirked. “Can't I visit my sensei once in a while? See you guys later!” he said as he teleported away in a puff of smoke.
Kitaro stared at Anko as she looked worriedly at the silver haired man.
Anko gazed out of the window as she sighed. “I'm worried. Naruto never looks for Kakashi unless something serious has happened. It must be really bad if he came all this way to find him.”
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The silver haired jonin was crouching in front of the Stone Monument as he paid his respects to his best friend, Obito Uchiha. Kakashi looked wearily at the newcomer as he placed some flowers in front of the monument.
Kneeling down, the newcomer traced a certain name on the monument as he stared silently at it.
Kakashi stuffed his hands into his pockets as he waited for Naruto to pay his respects to his best friend, Sasuke Uchiha.
The blonde stood up and turned to look at Kakashi.
“Come with me. I've got something I need to tell you. Let's talk it over lunch, okay?”
The scarred jonin nodded.
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The two Konoha shinobi entered Ichiraku's and sat at the end of the counter in the corner and ordered their lunch.
Naruto leaned forward. “I take it that you heard about the Tazumi incident, right?”
Kakashi nodded again.
“What about the ANBU incident?”
Another nod.
Naruto frowned. “What do you make of the curse seal?”
The other jonin folded his arms. “It must have been bestowed upon Ryu by someone in the Akatsuki, considering Orochimaru is dead and that Ryu is associated with Akatsuki.”
The two stopped talking briefly as their ramen were placed in front of them. Cracking open their chopsticks, the dug in.
As the Copy Cat Ninja slurped his noodles and drank the miso soup, the other glanced at his sensei worriedly.
“Another thing I wanted to talk about is… Sakura.”
Kakashi cocked his eyebrows as he looked questioningly at his former student.
Naruto put down his chopsticks as he continued. “I don't know what to do. She's resigned from work and doesn't leave the house any more. She's lost so many precious people, it's amazing how she managed not to break for so long.”
Kakashi's eyebrows furrowed as he thought about the situation.
Rubbing his chin, he muttered, “We need to talk with the Hokage. She'll know what to do.”
Naruto groaned as he said, “Yeah, but it won't be much of a help for Sakura. How are we supposed to tell her that her son killed his brother and defected from the village?”
Kakashi smiled sadly. “I just wish Sasuke was here. He would be able to help.”
Naruto drained down his tea. Setting his cup on the table, his eyes hardened as he said, “There's no use looking at the past, we should instead focus on the future.”
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