Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Next Generation ❯ Mission Accomplished ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Don't own Naruto, only Ryu, Hitori, Shikato, Fuji, Kitaro and Koteshi
Mission Accomplished
A knock sounded on the door.
“Come in,” came the gravelly voice of the Fifth Kazekage.
A Suna ninja entered and saluted smartly to his leader before doing the same to the Kazekage's visitor.
“Kazekage-sama,” acknowledged the Suna shinobi, “I have an urgent letter for the Hokage.”
Tsunade stood up and accepted the letter. Ripping the envelope open, she unfolded the paper. Eyes widened in shock as her words mouthed “Akatsuki”.
Nodding apologetically at Sabaku no Gaara, she said, “My apologies Kazekage, but something urgent has come up in Konoha. I'm afraid I will have to leave now.”
The other Kage nodded. “I understand. I hope to continue the signing of the treaty next time we meet.”
The Sannin smiled weakly and practically ran out of the room, leaving the messenger looking after her bewildered.
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Extracting his hand with a squelch, Naruto withdrew his bloodied hand as he looked at his enemy with a mixture of contempt and sorrow. The Uchiha fell onto his knees, hands swinging uselessly beside him. Ryu lifted his head slowly and stared deep into the other's baby blue eyes. Smiling slightly, he managed to utter in a weak voice, “Naruto.”
Said person turned away with disgust as blood flowed from the corners of Ryu's mouth. The sight of his best friend's son dying from his own hand was something he could not take. Shoulders shaking slightly, his vision blurred as he reminded himself that his duty to the village was more important than relationships and bonds. Naruto forced himself to look back into the ANBU captain's eyes as he heard his name being called again.
Ryu was still on his knees but his trousers and shirt was stained red from the blood from his stomach.
“The path of Itachi Uchiha was the one which I followed,” Ryu said as he grinned. Naruto shivered. Ryu's onyx eyes reminded him of Sasuke's and he felt as if he was falling into a bottomless pit.
The shinobi continued, “Naruto, tell my mom that I followed Dad's path, will you? She'll understand.”
Naruto could only stare in shock as his brain digested the information while the ANBU closed his eyes and pitched forwards.
Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. The blood pooled around Ryu's body as Naruto's brain finally clicked.
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Sakura stared at the sleeping form of her son as she tried desperately to save his life. Sweat covered her forehead and brow. Green light enveloped her hands as she forced her chakra towards Ryu's body. Ryu's heartbeat had stopped a minute ago but was revived by Sakura. However, his heartbeat was increasingly irregular as Sakura pushed herself to her limits.
“I wish Shishou would hurry back!” Sakura thought. “Damn it Ryu, how could you kill your brother and betray Konoha?”
Suddenly, Ryu's heartbeat plummeted as the line on the monitoring machine went flat.
Sakura's eyes widened in shock and horror as she performed the hand seals for her final jutsu. One that could either kill him, or save him.
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Blurred lights slowly slid into focus as he opened his eyes. Breathing in deeply, he grimaced as he felt the bandages on his torso tighten against his skin. Shaking his head slightly, Ryu tried to sit up only to find that he could not move at all. Tilting his head to the side slowly, he could see that his hands and feet were secured to the bed by chakra suppressing rings.
“What the?”
He heard the door open and snap shut quietly. Leaning against his pillow, he grimaced as he figured that it was Naruto.
The blonde walked forward and lifted the ANBU's head slightly. Slipping a bandage under it, he proceeded to wrap it around the Uchiha's eyes.
“This is to prevent you from activating you Sharingan. Just in case,” he muttered. He straightened up and said in a harsh, clipped tone. “Ryu Uchiha, you are under arrest for treason and the killing of Konoha shinobi. You will be detained here until your wounds recover. Then, you will be tried by the Hokage and the elders.”
Naruto pressed a palm against Ryu's stomach and slowly pressed downwards. Ryu gasped in pain.
“What are you doing?”
Naruto choked out, “You're following in your father's footsteps. You do know that Itachi ruined Sasuke's life. I can't forgive you for that. You killed your brother and broke Sakura's heart, you bastard!” He pushed harder.
Ryu inhaled sharply as he tried not to cry out.
“Stop it!” he wheezed.
Naruto growled as he leaned next to the Uchiha's ear and whispered, “I'll make sure you'll be punished severely.”
The other shinobi bit his bottom lip and suppressed a cry as Naruto thumped him once more. Pained moans sounded as he gasped for air.
Naruto turned and started to walk away.
The leaving shinobi stopped at the sound and looked questioningly at the bed ridden Uchiha.
“Did you deliver my message?” ground out the Uchiha.
Naruto's eyebrows furrowed. “No, I haven't.”
Ryu continued, “Well, is the Hokage back yet?”
A shake of the head, “No, but I hear she's coming back now.” Naruto turned back towards the door. “But don't worry, she'll be back soon enough to deal with you.”
The young ANBU stopped him once more. “Naruto!”
Sighing, the blonde opened the door.
“Naruto! You have to deliver my message to my mother! Please!”
Naruto cut him off sharply. “And break her heart by telling her that her son was a murderer just like his father? Tell her that her son betrayed his village just like his father? Or tell her that her son ruined her life just like his father did to his younger brother? Is that what you want me to tell her?”
“No! That's not true! Tell her and she'll understand! She'll know what's going on! Please!”
Naruto shook his head. “If I see her. But if I don't, I won't bother to look for her just to help you.”
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