Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Next Generation ❯ Something Bad ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Six years later…

“Alzid watch out!”

The young woman dodged out of the way as a kunai flew threw the air. As she landed back on a tree branch, her long silver hair flowed back down to her sides. She looked up and noticed something behind her comrade. She withdrew a kunai and threw it behind her friend. The sound of clanging metal filled the air as the two kunai collided. The young man sighed and said, “I owe you one, Alzid.”

“Any time, Ichinaru.”

Ichinaru nodded and his dark-sliver ponytail flipped to his front. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a cigarette. A dark figure appeared in front of him. His instincts kicked in and he concentrated on his adversary. A blazing hot ball of fire appeared from the air and encompassed the figure. As the fireball flew forward, Ichinaru held out his cigarette, lighting the tip. He took a puff of the cigarette and turned toward Alzid. She was frowning at him. Alzid was Ichinaru's height, which meant she was taller than normal, and slim in appearance. Like Ichinaru, she was fifteen years old. She'd been best friends with Ichinaru since the day they had met.

“You shouldn't smoke, Ichinaru. It's bad for your health. Does your father know you smoke?” Alzid warned. Ichinaru grinned slyly and shrugged. All of a sudden the forest around the two disappeared. An older man walked forward and clapped his hands. He smiled and said, “Very good job you two. And Ichinaru, put out that cigarette. I never should have taught you. It's bad for your health.”

Ichinaru sighed and flicked the cigarette away. He turned and saw Alzid sticking her tongue out at him. He waded up a piece of paper in his equipment pouch and threw it at Alzid. She smiled and disappeared in a poof of smoke before the ball touched her. Ichinaru looked around for her and suddenly felt heavier. His eyes were drawn upward and he notice Alzid crouching on his head. He threw his head back and Alzid flipped back with ease, landing on her feet.

“Enough you two. Jeez if I didn't know you I'd think you were brother and sister!”

“Whatever Nuroshi-sensei,” Ichinaru said, casually.

“Do you two remember what the first thing I taught you was?”

They both nodded and Ichinaru drew the katana on his back. He twirled it around in his fingers as Alzid said, “Yes, expect the unexpected and don't over look any detail.”

Ichinaru stopped twirling the blade and swung his arm out to the side. He angled it downward and said, to the air beside him, “If you move any closer to me sensei, you are going to go home to Nursai, who will laugh at you because you were castrated by your own student.”

The air distorted slightly and took shape of the mist shinobi. Nuroshi held up his hands in surrender and said, “Now now, we don't want any permanent damage done to anyone.”

Ichinaru flipped his blade up in the air and turned. He turned the sheath up right and the sword fell into place. Alzid snickered at the two boy's comments. Ichinaru turned to leave and said, “I'm going to Ichiruka's. Alzid, you wanna come with?”

She smiled and said, “Sure. You are paying right?”

“Why not, I've got all the money in the world.”

The two laughed and walked off toward the town. When they got to Ichiruka's Ramen Shop, they were greeted by the store owner, “Hi Ichinaru, Alzid. What have you two been up two?”

Ichinaru shrugged and said, “Nothing much Ayame. Just training and hanging out.”

“I'm sure you've been told this, but you are very much like your father. By the way, I haven't seen him around lately.”

“Yeah, he had to go to the Mist village to help out with a problem there. He likes to keep ties with the other villages close, so as there's not another war.”

She nodded and asked, “Your usual you two?”

They both nodded and, as she got to work on their orders asked, “So Hinata is in charge, while your father is away.”


Her next question was directed toward Alzid, “How are you getting along Alzid?”

“Fine. I'm working part time at Ino-san's flower shop and I take care of the place while she's out on a mission. So I earn enough money to pay for my apartment.”

“You know, seeing as my daughter is at the academy most of the time and my husband, Sora, is out on missions, I'm short handed here, so if you want to work here part time as well, to help pay for rent and groceries. The jobs open.”

Alzid smiled kindly and said, “Thanks for the offer, I might take you up on-”

The sky outside had suddenly gotten dark. Ichinaru placed a hand on his katana and he frowned. At that moment an ANBU Black Ops member appeared in front of the bar. He walked in and Ichinaru instantly demanded, “What's going on, Sasuke?”

Sasuke removed his mask and frowned. He ran his fingers through his grey streaked, purple hair and said, “An extremely large band of enemy shinobi are heading for the village.”

“The villagers?” Alzid asked immediately.

“The evacuation procedure has already been put into effect. We have plenty of skilled shinobi, but without Naruto, our chances of victory have shrunken.”

“The evacuation is a little extreme don't you think?” Ichinaru asked.

Sasuke looked at him and asked, “What do you mean extreme? There is a large group of enemy shinobi advancing toward the gate.”

Ichinaru got up and said, “Don't worry, Alzid and I will take care of them. They won't get passed us.”

“That's right. And besides Ichinaru and I have some new techniques we've been dying to try out.”

She looked from a timid Ayame to Sasuke and said, “Could you take Ayame-chan to her daughter, Sasuke?”

Sasuke nodded and said, “Don't worry, I'll get her there.”

Ayame stepped out from behind the counter and Sasuke took hold of her hand. Sasuke bent his legs and the two suddenly disappeared. Ichinaru and Alzid walked out of the bar and Ichinaru stopped. He slapped his hand to his forehead and said, “Oh, crap.”

“What?” Alzid inquired.

“Ayame left the stove on.”