Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Smiling Mask of ANBU ❯ The First Exam ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer- I do not own Naruto. It belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.
This chapter is short but it's in preparation for the up-coming chapters which should be somewhat longer. You know the ones I really don't want to do.
Please see my profile for update information. In your reviews please make a note of what side-pairings you'd like to see. As long as they don't mess with the original pairing any will do.
Kyuubi Talking
The Smiling White Mask of Anbu
Chapter 7- The Chunin Exams; the First Exam
Naruto walked into the room, easily matching his teammates' steps. He stopped when he felt them pause and looked over the vast mount of people gathered in the room. He whistled. “Now, that's impressive.” He stated, staring at the large group of people gathered into the room. He tensed as he felt someone approach from behind. Arms were thrown over Sasuke's neck. “Sasuke-kun!” Naruto shook his head when he saw Ino. He stepped back slightly to get out of the range of fire when Ino and Sakura started to argue. He shook his head. `Figures. We're standing in room filled with Genin from almost every hidden village whose must-kill-everyone mindset is on a hair trigger and their arguing over a boy who doesn't even like them.'
He stepped forward and placed his hands between the two girls. “Ladies, enough.” He said. Shikamaru approached him. “Why even bother? It's too troublesome.” Naruto smiled at him and opened his mouth to reply when team 8 came over. “So all 9 of this year's Genin showed up, eh? I wonder which one of us will win.” Sasuke smirked at the boy. “You seem confident, Kiba.”
Naruto growled and threw his arms up. “Will you all shut up?!” he snapped. Kiba glared at him. “And why should we, dead-last?” the dog boy asked. Naruto frowned and gently fingered the string that would release the small tessen strapped to his wrist. “Because I'm trying not to get us all killed. Or haven't you noticed yet? We're being glared at.” He informed, jerking his head in the direction of the other genins.
“You shoulder listen to him.” Naruto twisted his head and stared at the man approaching the group. “And you are?” he asked. The silver-haired man smiled at him. “Kabuto. It's a pleasure to meet you.” Naruto nodded, filling away the information and stepped back from the conversation, letting it flow around. “You're not going to do anything?” Naruto shook his head minutely. (Not yet. There's no need to interfere yet.) Kyuubi nodded and retreated to the back of his head.
Naruto's eyes widened as he stared at the cards. (Something like that…Something's not right.) He thought, glaring at the cards. He tensed when Sasuke stepped forward. “Gaara of the Hidden Sand and Rock Lee of the Leaf.” He stated. Naruto frowned, listening to the results for Gaara but holding up a hand to stop Lee's. “Stop.” He stated voice clear and powerful. Kabuto looked up in question. Naruto glared at the man. “As a fellow ninja of the Leaf I'm afraid I cannot allow you to just tell information about another member of my village. Especially when people outside the village are listening. And as one who's taken this test so many times before you should know better than that.”
Sakura glared at him. “Naruto, stop it. He's just trying to help.” Naruto turned an icy gaze onto his teammate. “Something like that is paramount to treason. Treason is punishable by the death penalty Sakura. And by just standing here and letting him to it, even provoking him,” he stated, looking over at Sasuke. “We can also be found guilty of the same crime.” He looked back at Kabuto. “And so, please watch your tongue.”
There was a tense silence in the group as they digested Naruto's words. Naruto's muscles tensed as he felt charka being gathered and he released the trigger, the tessen falling easily into his palm. He turned his head, charka gathering for a quick blast of wind. He relaxed as he saw the Konoha-nin standing at the front of the stage. He shifted, listening to the instructions before moving to the front for his seat number. As he moved he secreted the tessen back into its holster. He looked Ibiki in the eyes as he turned to move to his seat and smiled warmly. Ibiki nodded in acknowledgement and mouthed, `Kaze-san.'
Naruto sat down and smiled softly at the girl sitting next to him. “Hello, Hinata-san.” He whispered. Hinata glanced over at him with a blush. “N-Naruto-kun.” he whispered. The blonde smiled softly. “Let's do our best, Hinata-san.” Hinata's eyes widened before she nodded, her blush deepening. “Okay, listen up, here are the rules.” Ibiki stated. Naruto turned his attention back to the man.
Once given the word he flipped the paper over and let hi eyes roam over it, casually filling in the answers. Once his finished he flipped it back over and leaned forward, resting his forehead in his arms. He stayed like that for a while before growing bored and starred to doodle on the back of the page. He was no artist, if they needed a picture they asked Natsuki, but he could do enough to entertain himself.
By the time the bell rung, he had filled the entire back side with long black spirals. He sighed and signed the bottom corner before turning his attention back to Ibiki. His eyebrows shot up in surprise as he listened to the rules for the final question. (Way too go Ibiki.) He thought. (Scare them out. Sure proof plan.) He sighed and was going to drop his head back into his arms when the Kyuubi spoke. “Brat, the girl.”
Naruto frowned and straightened. He turned and sought out his teammates out with his eyes. He noticed Sakura slowly raising her arm. “Sakura.” He called, watching as the girl jerked and looked up at him. He smiled softly, knowing every eye was on him. “Do you remember what I told Inari?” he asked, watching as an almost memory flashed behind the girl's eyes. He continued, knowing more than one person in the room needed to hear it. “The ability to not let your fear stop you, to not let it make you hesitate or second-guess, that is a strength in and of itself. And that is the all strength one needs.”
He watched as comprehension dawned on Sakura's face and her hand hit the desk with a resounding thump. She smiled, sure of herself now. “I am absolutely sure that everything will be alright.” She repeated Naruto's earlier words. Naruto nodded, smiling widely. “Yep! And as long as you believe that with all your heart it will be.” He stated. Sakura and Sasuke smiled and relaxed. Neither would be leaving.
Ibiki watched it all with a smile. “No one else?” he asked. “Alright than. You all pass.” Naruto grinned as screams of outrage filled the room. He leaned back, closing his eyes. He knew the minute Ibiki took off his headband. He opened one eye and stared at the man, as if silently asking `Is that necessary?' His answer was a grin. Naruto sighed and let his eyes fall shut again.
He frowned as he felt a charka fast approaching. He sat up, watching as Anko crashed through the window. (Okay, I know that wasn't necessary.) He thought, hearing Kyuubi chuckle in the back of his mind. He stood and followed the woman out as ordered, shaking his head in amusement. He gave a good-natured salute to Ibiki as they left. Ibiki chuckled and shook his head, turning away. Naruto took a deep breath and left the room. (Now comes the hard part.) He thought, fingering the trigger again.
Ibiki walked forward and picked up Naruto's test. He chuckled as he turned it over, staring at the message written in the corner. `Ibiki! Good to see you again. Still giving people heart attacks just by looking at them? Try not to do that to any of the Genin. Kaze Kitsune.' He smiled fondly, “He really is special.” He stated, turning his head to stare at the man sitting in the corner.
The man stood up, the sun glinting off graying hair and dark brown eyes glinting. “Yes. Unfortunately Taicho has no idea the effect he has on people. He doesn't see the impression he leaves; how he changes people. I don't really think he ever will. There's too much emotional trauma for him to ever really see the value of his own existence. It's a shame. He's so young.”
Ibiki nodded. “I know most people in the Anbu wonder what he would have been like if Team 5 hadn't died. But there is nothing we can do about it now, eh, Kohaku-san?” Kohaku nodded and looked out the window. “Everything changes. Nothing changes back. That's what taicho taught me. But still, I'd like to see him smile for real.” He whispered.