Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Surprise ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
The Surprise
By: Crystal Munoz

Ayame: Iroke where are you taking me?
Iroke: I’m not telling you till we get there. And don’t peak.
Ayame: *whining* I can’t, I have a blindfold on.
Iroke: you better not cause……um…… Just don’t peak.
Ayame: Why?
Iroke: Cause I said so, anyway we’re almost there.
Ayame: *sigh* fine.
(They keep on walking till Iroke stops her)
Iroke: We are here.
Naruto: Shut up! She’s here *turns to Ino* Come with me.
Ino: Okay.*giggling*
Naruto: Shhhh, Don’t laugh when you’re in there.
Ino: I’ll try.
(She climbs into the hollow inside of the cake. Naruto wheels the cake into the middle of the room and then shuts off the lights)
Iroke: *in the door way* wait about ten seconds then take off your blindfold. *enters the building and closes the door silently*
Ayame: *counts mentally* one, two, three…………… nine, ten * removes blindfold and enters the door* It’s dark *feels for the light switch. Find it and flips the switch.*
Everyone: SURPRISE!!!!!!!
(Out of nowhere Tobi runs out the door)
Naruto: *Outraged*Get the hell out Tobi! No cake for you!
Tobi: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! *disappears*
Sasuke: At least he’s gone. Ayame go blow out your cake.
Ayame: Where’s Ino?
Sasuke: She’ll be here, just blow out your cake.
Ayame: Okay, fine. *walks over to the big cake and blows out the candles*
*Ino pops out of the cake*
Ino: Surprise Ayame.
Ayame: *O.o* …….Um…….
Ino: *giggles a little* What’s the matter? You like what you see.
*Iroke lets out a chuckle*
Ayame: I don’t know what to say.
Ino: Don’t say anything, just kiss me.
*Kisses Ayame*
Sasuke: Cut the cake. Cut the cake. Cut the F***ING cake already.
Ayame: Let’s get you out of that cake.
Ino: Okay. *smiles*
*Ayame pulls Ino out of the cake, puts her down and cut the cake*
Sasuke: Finally!
Sakura: Be quiet.
Sasuke: Don’t tell me what to do!
Iroke: Both of you shut up!
*Ayame take a little bit of frosting and wipes on Ino’s nose*
Ino:*laughing* Stop it *then takes a little frosting and wipe it on Ayame’s nose*
*Ayame sticks out her tongue and then kisses Ino*
Naruto:*to Iroke* don’t they make a cute couple.
Iroke: Yeah, they do.
Tobi: *Appears again out of nowhere and takes a piece of cake* My Caaake!*runs out the door*
Naruto: He just wants me to kick his ass!
Iroke: Calm down Naruto.
Naruto: Grrrr…….
Sasuke: I think this is hilarious.
Ino: Shut up Sasuke!
Ayame: Yeah Sasuke, why don’t you shut up.
*Sasuke glares at Ayame*
Ayame: Don’t give me that look. You don’t scare me!
Sasuke: You wanna fight!?
Ayame: No I don’t, you’re not ruining this for me and Ino
Sasuke: What are you, Chicken?
Ayame: Don’t tempt me.
Ino: *to Ayame* don’t do it
Sasuke: Tempt you to do what? You’re not ganna do anything*starts up Chidori*
*Iroke snatches Sasuke up and gives him a good shake and says*
Iroke: You’re not going to do shit Sasuke, cause whatever she can do I’ll do 10x worse
*Sasuke stays quiet*
Ino: *rubbing Ayame’s shoulder while she’s still shaking* Calm down, it’s over now, Iroke took care of it.
*Ayame stops shaking slowly*
Ayame: The next time he starts with me I’m going to kill him
Sakura: *gets in Ayame’s face* No Your Not!
Ayame: *Yelling at Sakura* Shut The F**k Up, nobody’s F***ing talking to you.
Sakura: *O.o* ………
Ino: Sakura, you need to leave.
*Sakura leaves and Ayame starts to calm down again*
Ayame: I’ll be fine in a minute or two
Ino: * Starts to rub Ayame’s shoulders again* I don’t think she’ll be coming back
Ayame: Good*she growled* I don’t want to see her face anymore
*Iroke goes over to Ayame and tries to help calm her down*
Iroke: Its alright.*he whispers* I don’t think you want to kill her
Ayame: …… maybe I do! You know I can’t stand people who aggravate me
Iroke: Yes, I know. But just think of how useful she is to our missions
Ino: (To Ayame and Iroke) Do you want some cake?
Iroke: Sure
Ayame: I want a little more than just cake
*Ino, Ayame, and Iroke Start to laugh*
Ino: Mmmmmm……. Wait till tonight
Ayame: Aww, that’s a long time from now
Iroke: patients is a virtue
*Ayame stick out her tongue at Iroke*
Ino: It’ll be more fun if I keep you waiting
Ayame: That’s not fair
Naruto: What are you guys talking about* Grabs Iroke’s hand*
Iroke: Nothing Ino is just teasing Ayame
Naruto: * starts to laugh* Maybe I should tease you
Ayame: Yea, Please do it so he knows how I feel
Iroke: Don’t! it’s not fair
*Ayame starts to laugh*
Ino: Yeah Naruto, let’s do it to see who cracks first
Naruto: Okay If Iroke crakes before Ayame I’ll take you out for ramen if she cracks before him you take me. Is it a deal?
Ino: It’s a deal.