Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Things Change ❯ Alternate Sasuke's Secret ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Things Change
Chapter: 7 - Alternate Sasuke's Secret
A/N: This will give a BIG part of the story. Sorry if it comes out short and only has Tyrin and Kakashi, but anyways.
Kakashi stood in the middle of the woods on the side of Konoha.
“Waiting for me?” said a feminine voice.
“Tyrin, what are you trying to pull?”
“Why, whatever do you mean Hatake-kun?”
“I mean about Naruto and Sasuke.”
“You worry to much.” Said Tyrin with a slight sigh. “You act as if he's alone; there are two other people who've I've had the chance to meet with him.”
“Those two being?”
“Hyuuga Hinata; from the world Naruto-kun is currently in.”
“And the other?” Kakashi asked; growing frustrated.
Tyrin was quite for along moment.
“Ever stop to think that Sasuke knew the meaning of your words? Because, perhaps, he's heard them before?”
Kakashi's uncovered eye grew wide. “W……what are you saying?”
In Alternate Konoha.
“Oh, come on Sasuke!”
“Not now; not EVER!”
The two were arguing.
Naruto got the idea it would be cool to take a photo together. But the Uchiha was less then unhappy at the thought.
“Oh, come on, for memory purposes.”
“What, are you planning on leaving or something?!”
“Oh, come on teme, just one!”
After half an hour of arguing, Sasuke finally agreed to take one quick picture. ONE!
“Now, was that so bad?” the blonde teased.
“I feel violated in so many ways.”
Naruto stopped dead in his tracks at that moment and started the laugh as if there was no tomorrow.
“Oh come on dobe, it wasn't that funny.”
“No it wasn't, the fact that you actually tried to joke is the funny part.” Naruto replied with a grin.
It was the second day of plan - Save Sasuke; and that left Naruto with a day and a half left.
They had gotten closer and actually became close to what Sasuke was to Naruto in his world.
It was almost as if they were the same person. `Well, in a way they are the same.' Thought Naruto.
Back in the Forest -
“I'm saying that Sasuke may be hiding something from you.”
“Tell me.” Kakashi demanded.
It was when they were 13, after they battled Gaara and Sasuke made his little “You're an important Comrade' speech.
“He didn't want to hurt Naruto or anybody anymore. So I found him.”
She paused.
“In a way it was similar to your story. Isn't it?”
“I had given up hope; I wanted to lose it all. But then you gave me a second chance. I felt more complete then I had in a long while.”
“Was it because you got to see him again?” Tyrin asked kindly.
“Yes, but that was only apart of it…….
“Will he be able to save them both?” Kakashi asked softly.
“What do you mean?”
“Will Naruto be able to save both Sasukes no madder who he picks?”
“It doesn't madder who he picks, one will get hurt. You of all people should know that.”
“I'm talking about the incident with Orochimaru. Will Naruto be able to save the other Sasuke and make it back to this world?”
“What would you say if I told you that to save them both, you only have to save one?”
“For the last time; explain!”
“I'll stop dangling it out and just tell you……The Sasuke in the alternate universe has a secret. His secret is that he is this world's Sasuke from the past.”
“Wait, if the other world is a world without Naruto and a world without Sasuke….wouldn't that mean that-
“There is no world with Sasuke, without Naruto. So if Naruto can save the younger Sasuke and make it back to this time; and if Sasuke can hold on to his bonding power with Naruto. All will be saved.”
“You have to watch over him Kakashi.”
Then she was gone.
A/N: Sorry if it's confusing, I'm kind of in a hurry to get done with this. Anyways please review! ^_^