Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Tired of The Day ❯ Chapter 6

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Tired of The Day

By: AlwaysHiei

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Chapter- 6

Social studies was a very uninteresting class that most students used to write notes to their friends, gossip quietly amongst eachother, and space out.

The teacher was both a rather boring and annoying person who switched daily between having a very boring or a very annoying voice, which only made the subject both boring and annoying to all of the students. Very few mangaged to hold onto any of their previous interest in the topic of hisory. Even Hinata Hyuuga eventually got tired of it and resorted to looking around the room, doodling, and writing notes to her friends during the entire class.

Thus, we find our dear Hinata in the midst of drawing a picture. One of the night. It was very elaborate, with plenty of stars, but not an overabundance, the moon, nice trees in what seemed to be a park with shadows darkening everything. In the park there was a bench with two people on it. One was Hinata, while the other was a dark figure with lots of shadows over his face. When Hinata finished the picture, she sat and stared at him. She wanted so badly to know who he was.

But she did know who he was; she knew who he really was. She just didn't know who he was in the light when he was visible.

But that was Hinata's greatest wish at the moment. To figure out who the mysterious man was in the light so se could find him. She wanted so badly to find him and be able to be near him in the daytime too. He made Hinata feel more comfortable, and happier. He was the main reason why Hinata came to love the night so much; because he was in the night, and Hinata had fallen in love with him. It was odd to love someone whom you had never seen the face of clearly enough to identify him in the light. But she did, and there was nothing she could change about it.

As Hinata was lost in thought, Sasuke was too. He just couldn't wait for Hinata to see his note and reply. Even though it was unlike him, and even though he would never show it, Sasuke was acting like a little kid inside in his great excitement. Though when he thought about it, this was odd. And he almost felt as though he was betraying someone with his current mood. Like he was betraying her. The girl; the one in the night. The one Sasuke loved. Normally he'd feel this way for her and her alone, but now he was getting like this for some other girl whom he barely knew, and only knew in the sun. For the girl named Hinata Hyuuga.

As the two contemplated about these things in their minds, they both mindlessly gazed about the room at random classmates and objects. They each stared at pretty much everyone in the room; Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Ino Yamanake, Kiba Inuzuka, Gaara Suzaku, etc. It was weird, though; they stared at the same people at the same time and had the same thoughts on each person.

Naruto Uzumaki: He's a happy person, who, though he may be pretty dense and often acted annoying, meant well.

Sakura Haruno: She wasn't a mean person, just really annoying at times.

Ino Yamanake: Same as Sakura.

Kiba Inuzuka: Kinda the same as Naruto, except not quite as dense.

Gaara Suzaku: He acted cold and mean to everyone, but he was actually a cool person.

Shikamaru Nara: Lazy as can be, easily irritated, but not a mean person.

Finally, in a lack of persons to observe, their eyes fell on eachother. The two did noice the other looking, but neither backed down; they couldn't. They found eachother tantalyzing in a way, one that wouldn't allow them to take their eyes off of the beauty of the other for fear of never seeing something so great in the light again. Because usually the only beauty the two ever saw was during the dark hours when people slept. When they couldn't really see anything at all except shadows and the dim shining of the stars and moon.

Their thoughts on the other were identical as well: A mystery.

They ended up looking for the rest of the class until the bell rang and they had to stop.

"Hey!! Sasuke!" Naruto yelled at his friend while he stood anxiously waiting for him to get his book into his backpack. "Let me copy your notes!!"

'Oh crud...'

You see, Sasuke normally took notes in class, even boring ones, because he was determined to always be the best in all of his classes, and because it was just so simple for him to space out while still writing perfectly accurate notes in class. And he always allowed his friend Naruto to use them simply to show off his greatness and anger his friend.

But Sasuke forgot about taking notes today. He was preoccupied with Hinata Hyuuga.

"...Not today." Sasuke replied, keeping his cool posture and walking out of the room.

"WHY NOT??!!" Naruto yelled in frusteration.

"I don't feel like getting it out right now." Sasuke explained. "Besides, we have one more class to go and after that you'll be too busy preparing for dinner after school. You won't get the chance."


"I don't want you to lose them, moron." Sasuke declined. "Maybe I'll let you before school."

"You'd better, Sasuke!!" Naruto warned.

As they made their way to their next class, Sasuke remembered the note that'd be on his locker and told Naruto he'd meet him in class.

Sasuke rushed to his locker and saw the note on the front. Sasuke ran over, took it off, and read it.

"Then we are rather similiar in some ways, I suppose. But, do you ever bother to go out into the night you claim to love?"

Sasuke paused to remember what he'd written.

"Like you, I much prefer the night.
My preference is merely based on the lack of light."

Once he recollected his previous message in his head, he pulled out a scrap of paper and scribbled onto it his message, ran to Hinata's locker and taped it there before running off to class.

Sasuke and Naruto had both gotten stuck in home economics for their elective, along with tons of other guys who actually signed up for a fighting class that got canceled at the last minute, thus tossing all of them into home economics.

Most really sucked at the class, but Sasuke was actually pretty good at cooking. But that was to be expected. He lived alone, and he didn't like eating out.

Sasuke walked into the class and took his seat next to Naruto.

"Did she say what we're making yet?" Sasuke asked. The teacher usually mentioned it to the class if you got their early enough.

"Yeah. We're just making chocolate cake today 'because she wants to try and get the kids who aren't the best at cooking some of the more basic skills so it'll be easier for them to cook the more technical foods' or something like that." Naruto quoted the teacher.

"Whatever..." Sasuke muttered. Chocolate cake was very easy to make, so he wasn't really concerned.

Soon enough, the bell rang and class began.

Sasuke, being a more skilled cooker than most in the class, was paired up with Naruto, one of the worst.

Sasuke pretty much did everything, just making Naruto grab ingredients for him. He only really tried to explain what he was doing when the teacher was nearby.

Soon enough, the cake was made and the teacher tasted it and gave Sasuke an A+ while Naruto got a B- because she knew he hardly did anything at all.

After a few minutes, the bell rang and school was out. Naruto ran out of the school while yelling at Sasuke to meet them for dinner at the cafe.

Sasuke merely waved to his friend before going t his locker to get some books. When he arrived, he was dismayed to find no note on the front. He grabbed his books out of his locker and walked slowly out of the school.

As soon as he turned the corner from the hallway, Hinata Hyuuga rushed into the hallway and taped a note onto his locker. 'I hope he gets it before he leaves!' Hinata thought as she dashed to work.


So sorry for the late update, but I've been a bit busy. I'll try and get the cafe part in next chapter, so do not fret! ^_^ Anyhoo, please review!!
