Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ To See Again ❯ Goodbye ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: He is announced the Ruler of Hell and all goes well with his initiation and ceremony. Who is Heaven's new ruler and who are those people she has with her? They're all familiar to Sasuke and his council. Who could they be? What happens when they meet each other face to face?
Sasuke/Sakura Inner Self
Chapter 8:Goodbye
The girls looked towards the guys, with wide eyes. They knew the guys were going to be here but they had thought they could handle it but now they were not so sure. I mean they haven't seen the guys in like two months and yes they did see them before and talked to them but that was different because the guys didn't know that it was them before. Now they did. The guys slowly walked towards them, afraid that if they walked too fast the girls would just run away or disappear.
After a few moments the guys reached them. Sasuke stood in front of Sakura, Naruto was in front of Hinata, Shikamaru was in front of Ino and Neji stood in front of TenTen. They were all looking into each other's eyes, staring at each other.
“Sakura.” Sasuke said as if he were breathless. He had missed her terribly although he did not say anything. He hated to be parted with her. He was sure that she had not forgotten about him by the reaction she had given upon seeing him.
Although he was unsure of weather or not she loved him anymore after what he had done. He hoped she would forgive him for it, for all he wanted was to be with her. She had to understand that. And if she didn't well…he wasn't sure what he would do. He wouldn't be with anyone else nor would he want to. She was the only one for him.
“Uchiha.” Sakura said with a nod, acknowledging his presents. Her eyes swerved so as not to look at him directly in the eye.
Shock ran threw his face and eyes as well as everyone of her friends. Never had she called him Uchiha, it was always Sasuke and sometimes Sasuke-kun but that was mostly when they were younger. A frown appeared on his face soon afterwards.
`I may have lost her.' He thought to himself before shaking it out of his head. He didn't want to think about losing her. There had to be some kind of chance that she still loved him. Something.
“Sakura?” He called her name and she looked at him, straight in the eye. “Yes?” She asked him and her only response was being pulled away from her friends by him. Their friends looked at where they had been before turning back to each other, shrugging.
“TenTen may I talk with you?” Neji asked her politely and she nodded to him, amazed at how polite he had asked. He had never done that before. Both left.
“Hinata let's go to the food stand, hopefully they'll have some ramen.” Naruto said as he pulled the unsuspecting Hinata away and towards the food stand. Ino and Shikamaru just shrugged to each other before walking off.
Unknown to them red and silver eyes had been watching the scene. They were not at all happy.
With Sasuke and Sakura
He had pulled her towards the garden, forcefully by the arm. She had told him to get off but he wouldn't listen. He just had to talk with her right now. He stopped when they were by a lake in the garden with nobody around. She was really angry now. Even more than before.
“What the hell is the matter with you? Who do you think you are?” Sakura yelled at him, her eyes narrowed as she glared at him with both anger and hate.
Sasuke glared back at her even though he didn't want to. I guess it was his pride that made him do it. Anyway he grabbed her by the arms roughly, pulling them so they were no more than two inches away from each other's face.
“What the hell is the matter with me? What the hell is the matter with you? I hear no more than fifteen words from you and they're all insulting.” Sasuke yelled at her and her glare intensified.
“It's your fault. What are you doing here, talking to me? Nobody said I wanted to talk with you. Nobody said I even wanted to see you.”
Sasuke heart shattered into four pieces as he heard the words. Pain emerged from his heart like none he had ever experienced before. It was unbearable. He felt worse than he had ever before, and that included when he died. But something also snapped in Sasuke.
He became angry at her, knowing she was mad at him and that it seemed she could care less what he felt.
“You know what Sakura, I don't care if you want me here or not. I'm here so deal with it. I never said I wanted to see you either. You know what I could care less about you. You nothing to me. I never said I wanted to talk to you but I just did and I thought that I should probably just tell you now instead of wasting my time later. I HATE YOU.” Sasuke yelled at her before thinking. Sakura stared at him wide eyed.
With Naruto and Hinata
They were by the food stand, Naruto was eating some ramen and Hinata was drinking some water. “I missed you, you know Hinata.” Naruto told her and she almost choked on her water.
Naruto patted her back a bit asking her if she was ok. She nodded to him and said, “Of course I am. I missed you too.” Hinata said and Naruto smiled, hugging her tightly.
“Naruto, I can't breathe.” Hinata managed to say before Naruto could crush her lungs any further. He let go immediately. “Sorry bout that.” He said sheepishly with a grin.
With TenTen and Neji
Neji had taken TenTen outside, to sit on a bench atop a hill, as they watched the sun set. “So what did you want to talk about?” TenTen asked him as she turned to look at him.
Upon doing so his lips met hers, in a chaste kiss. He had planned for that to happen so he wasn't at all surprised. TenTen on the other hand was shocked at first but soon kissed him back. A moment later both broke apart, gasping for some much needed air.
“I missed you.” Neji told her. “I know and I missed you.” She said to him with a smile on her face. He smirked and leaned in for another kiss.
With Shikamaru and Ino

They both had gone walking around the castle; Ino was showing him everything and telling him about it. “Shika-kun?” She called and he looked at her.
“Yea?” He asked.
“Did you miss me?” She asked him with slightly pink cheeks. He smiled at her and nodded his head.
“Of course you troublesome woman.” He said to her and she giggled. He placed his arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him as they continued their walk.
With Sasuke and Sakura
Sakura eyes filled with tears upon hearing those words coming from his mouth. She had never expect him to say that ever. Sasuke on the other hand was about ready to die. He had not meant to say that at all. It just came out. Damn was he in trouble now.
“Sakura, I didn't … Sakura…” He trailed off not being able to find his voice and afraid that he might say something to make it worse on accident.
“I know Sasuke, I know,” She told him with a sad face. He sighed in relief that he didn't have to say anything more to her and that she understood.
“You don't need me anymore. You never did to begin with. I'm just annoying to you, nothing more. I get it Sasuke.” Sakura told him and he stared at her.
“What?” He asked her. Is that really what she thought? Oh damn did she have it all wrong. He was in big trouble now. Not only did she think that he didn't love her or need her but also now she was saying it was ok and that he never needed her.
“No, Sakura that's not…”
“Yes it is Sasuke, don't try and say it isn't. I know it is.” Sakura said cutting him off before he could say anything else.
“No, Sakura I didn't mean…”
“Sasuke you don't have to lie anymore. I'm used to having my heart broke by now, especially whenever I'm with you.” Sakura told him, her eyes still filled with tears. That one thing made his heart break into even smaller pieces than before.
` Especially whenever I'm with you. I really hurt her didn't I? How can I be so stupid? Why must I be so stupid? Damn I just ruined my whole life. FUCK!' He yelled into his head.
“Sakura, I'm trying to tell you that I…” Sasuke was once again cut off but this time it wasn't by Sakura.
“Sasuke,” A rough called from behind the two.
Sasuke turned around to see Akujin standing there in front of them with red eyes, glaring at both him and Sasuke. Sasuke knew that Akujin would say or do something about him wanting Sakura, but to him glaring at Sakura is going overboard. Even if it does absolutely nothing. He's really protective of her and she didn't even do anything anyway.
A rumble erupted throughout both his chest and throat, making it's way towards both Akujin's and Sakura's ears. Sakura looked at him with confusion while Akujin intensified his glare at the two.
“Sasuke, come here now.” Akujin demanded and Sasuke glared at him, his eyes turning to Sharigan.
“No, I need to talk with her. If you have a problem with it, I could really care less. Now leave. And stop glaring at her, your pissing me off.” Sasuke growled to Akujin, this was just a small warning to him. If he continued glaring at her he would soon know the punishment.
“No, you can not and will no associate with an angel, especially the Queen of Heaven, we are leaving, now come.” Akujin told him, anger filling his voice along with demand.
“No, damn it, I will not. I am not a lackey of yours am I? I am the King of Hell and I will have things done my way, now leave before I become angered further.” Sasuke demanded a hidden threat in his voice. He was not going to appease anybody, especially an old fool like Akujin.
“Sasuke, this is for your own good, now come.” Akujin told him now sounding as if he were pleading. One minute he's demanding something the next he's pleading. Weird.
“I will not, stop asking and leave I have to tell Sakura something.” Sasuke told Akujin who sighed and looked at him with a deadly glare, which Sasuke immediately returned.
“Tell her than and leave.” Akujin said to him.
“Fine.” Sasuke said and turned back towards Sakura who was still confused.
“Sakura?” She looked up at him, her tears making their way back to her face as she looked into his. Sasuke sighed as he saw the tears. How he hated with a passion when she cried. Especially her, it was a weak spot of his.
“Sakura, please stop crying.” Sasuke pleaded to her, and now she looked at him with even more confusion than before. She was so confused. One minute he's yelling that he hated her the next he's pleading for her to stop crying. Which does he want?
She was so confused. Akujin was glaring at her for no reason, making her annoyed, angered and a wee bit frightened. Than Sasuke said he had to tell her something and Akujin was trying to prevent him from doing so. She was completely and utterly lost.
`And people say your smart.' Her inner self said to her sarcastically. `Shut up. I'm not in the mood.' Sakura yelled into her head, earning herself a headache. Good thing is that she chased her inner self away.
“Sakura?” Sasuke called after he watched her stare at him for the last five minutes.
“Hmm?” She asked as she snapped back into reality.
“I need to tell you something.”
“I don't want to hear it.” Sakura told him and his face saddened.
“But Sakura…please…I just need to tell you something. It's….”
“I don't want to hear it Sasuke. The more you talk the more my heart breaks and I can't take it anymore. Please stop.” Sakura told him and he looked at her as guilt welded up inside of him. He felt so bad, so guilty. He was the cause of all her pain and he knew it and every time he saw her he only ended up giving her even more pain.
He quickly pulled her into an embrace, not caring that Akujin was watching them. He placed his forehead on her own as she looked up, wide eyed at him. He smiled softly and bent down so his mouth was next to her ear.
“Sakura, I love you.” Sasuke whispered in her ear softly.
In fact it was so soft that you could barley hear it even if it was said right next to your ear. She heard it though and her eyes widened. Akujin too heard it even if he was far away. He glared at Sakura with hate and anger.
Akujin walked quickly over to the two pulling them apart. Sasuke stumbled back towards the right while Sakura fell back towards the left. She quickly flipped back though, landing on her feet.
“No I will not have this. You will not be together, not now not ever. Your opposites.” Akujin yelled at them. He was more than angry right now. His plan was being ruined.
“Who are you to tell us this? You have no right to interfere with our lives.” Sasuke yelled back at him, his anger far above it's limits. He didn't care if he was pushed aside but when you touch something that belongs to him, that's it, your dead.
“I do too have a right. You are a devil she is an angel. You are opposites. You cannot be mated.”
“A little too late for that isn't it.” Sakura mumbled to him. Yeah, she knew what the mark on her shoulder was. She wasn't stupid after all. Sasuke smiled at her answer.
Akujin turned towards her, glaring deadly. “Shut up, woman. You have no right to talk right now.” He told her and her anger skyrocketed and believe it or not but Sasuke's also way above normal tempure heightened even more.
“You sexist bastard. No wonder Tenshi doesn't like being with you.” Sakura told him as she slapped him hard against his cheek. His face turned the other way at the force of it and it also turned to a bright red. His eyes darkened as he turned back towards her.
“You bitch.” He snarled before raising his fist to punch her. Sasuke seeing this, grabbed his fist and threw him across the field. And because he was a demon, Akujin flew a long way. Almost ten miles away from them and he wasn't coming back anytime soon.
“You ok?” He asked Sakura who nodded, shaking in anger. She was pissed even more than before now. First he glares at her, second he says she has no right to talk, third he tries to hit her and fourth he calls her bitch. That was too many things if you asked her.
“Sakura? Are you sure, your shaking.” Sasuke pointed out.
“He's such a bastard.” Sakura spat and Sasuke chuckled.

“I know, I know but he won't do anything as long as I'm here. Don't worry.” Sasuke told her with a smirk.
“Who said I was worried or that I need saving…?” She asked him. He just pulled her towards him, his arms around her waist. She made no attempt to break free, she just let him hold her for the time being. After all this was going to be the last and only time he was going to hold her.
“Me.” He told her as he rested his chin on her head.
“We can't.” She mumbled softly to him. He pulled back from the embrace and looked at her with confusion.
“What do you mean we can't?” He asked, he had a feeling of what she was talking about although he did not like the idea at all.
“This can't happen right now. Us, I mean. We can't.” Sakura told him, as she broke apart from him, his arms removing themselves from her waist as she took a few steps back.
“Why?” He asked her, he was almost positive that she still loved him after what he had done so why was she refusing to be with him. Isn't this what she wanted?
“We just can't. It's not meant to be Sasuke. We can't. We're different, so very different from each other. It wouldn't work.” She told him, his heart he felt breaking even more than before.
“But we can try, I mean what does it matter that we're opposites? I mean that never stopped you from loving and wanting to be with me before. Why change now?” Sasuke asked her, his anger was starting to get the better of him. He was both angered and heartbroken at the same time. She didn't want to be with anymore, saying that it wouldn't work but how would she know unless they tried?
“Because we have kingdoms to rule. I rule Heaven, you Hell. We have duties to complete. Our realms are more important than our love life, Sasuke. We took responsibility of the realms when we accepted the rule. If we were to be together we would break the law. What kind of ruler breaks their own laws?” Sakura said to him, and he knew she was right, even though he did not want to accept it.
“That doesn't matter Sakura. The laws can easily be changed.” Sasuke argued, hoping to change her mind.
“It wouldn't work. We can't be together Sasuke, no matter what we do. It's forbidden. Nothing can change it and nothing will. I'm sorry.” Sakura said sadly, yeah she still loved him and it was breaking her own heart telling him this but it was for the best. Their lives were already complicated without each other, if they were to be together, a war would brew between the two realms and they would destroy each other. She didn't want the destruction of both of the ninth realms on her mind and conscious.
“Sakura, don't…please. We can be together. There has to be a way. We can find it, just please don't say it's over.” Sasuke was pleading now yeah he was desperate. He wouldn't be with anyone with her on under any circumstance. He didn't want to hear her say that they were over, even though they hadn't really been together. He just didn't want to hear that they would never be.
“Sasuke, your making this harder than it already is.”
“Of course I am damn it, I don't want you to say that you don't want to be with me, when I know you do, I don't want to hear that we can't be together when we can. Sakura, everything your saying stands in our way or that your thinking can be over come in time. Don't you understand that?” Sasuke yelled at her, his anger getting the better of him finally.
“Sasuke, it's never going to work. We have too many things already placed upon our shoulders, if we're together it's going to complicate things even more than before. We'd have to hide the relationship from everyone, we'd have to make up excuses as to why we won't marry anyone, and we'd have to do a lot of things that I just don't want to Sasuke. If I have a relationship, I want to tell people about, I don't want to keep it a secret. Don't you understand that?” Sakura countered his defense with her own her point was made.
Sasuke lowed his head, his bangs covering his eyes. He thought about what she said. It was true everything she said was true. They would have a more complicated life, having to keep their relationship a secret, having to make excuses. Having to do all that stuff but couldn't she understand that he was ready to do all of that for her, no matter what. He didn't want to let her go at all.
“I know but I'm willing to do that Sakura. I don't want anybody else but you. Just give us a chance.” Sakura shook her head, her eyes brimming with tears that threatened to spill.
“Sasuke just because your ready to do it doesn't mean I am.” She said to him, his heart shattered even more. The pieces already broken becoming smaller and smaller, the longer that they talked. His chest was becoming quickly pained and his heart was pounding at his rib cage as if ready to burst.
“You mean you….” He couldn't finish his sentence nor did he wish to.
“I don't know anymore. I mean after what you did, how could I? You killed me Sasuke, how could I ever forget that? I can't be with someone I don't trust Sasuke and I'm sorry but you lost my trust and I think you also lost my love along with it.” Sakura told him before turning her back on him, preparing to leave. That wasn't the only reason though, it was because she did not wish for him to look into her eyes for if he did he would know the truth and she didn't want that.
She still loved him, she knew it, although what she said about her not trusting him anymore was true, she lied about not loving him. They couldn't be together though, no matter what, it was forbidden.
“Sakura…I know what I did was wrong, I know it but look at it from my point of view. I didn't want to do it but I had to, to have you but I guess I forgot the details. I didn't think before I acted and it's costing me right now. Sakura…please just be with me, I know you still love me somewhere inside of you, I know it.” Sasuke told her, it almost made her turn around and hug and kiss him to death.
Almost were the key words though. She didn't, she couldn't. She looked at what he didn't from his point of view and knew that he wanted for it to turn out good in the end but it didn't. Her death was because I him and she could never forget it. It haunted her at night when she slept. Dreaming of how he killed her, how much pain she had been in not only physically but mentally and emotionally. Something you just can't let go of no matter how hard you try.
“Sasuke I know you feel bad about what you did, but that means nothing. I don't care, I could never forget it, you killed me Sasuke. I still have nightmares about it. How much it hurt. I can't be with you, even if it was allowed, my heart can't take what you did and it wouldn't be able to take it if we were to fall apart. Sasuke, we have to go our separate ways, it's a miracle we're here with each other right now. Fate has different plans for us, and we can't interfere with them. This is the last time we'll be able to see each other Sasuke. Goodbye.” She told him, drops of salt flying down her cheek, hitting the grass. She walked away, it was hard to do but she did and left him standing there with a broken heart.
His eyes closed as she walked away from him, forever. Walked out of his life. He couldn't bear to watch as she faded away from him. He may have been one that never showed weakness by showing emotions but today it changed. For today, not only did he show love to someone but he cried.
Their lives were separate, they always would be. They were opposites and opposite may attract but they also part. Some are just not meant to be. I'm not saying they aren't, I'm not saying that at all but fate has plans for watch and every individual. Weather it be good or bad, you'll just have to wait and see.
It would be easy with Sakura, for she has waited all her life but for Sasuke it was going to be a hard and long wait. Fate was not yet done with the two; it had many more plans for them that will be revealed in time. Fate was going to test just how much the two loved each other, and their faithfulness. If either failed than both would and the ending would not be a happy one but a tragic and sad one. But if they both passed their ending would be a happy one that would last for all eternity.
And so we enter the next story. Will they be together? Will they pass the tests given? If they don't what will happen? Just what was fate planning? All the questions shall be answered but not now for it has yet to unfold.
THE END…For now anyway.
(A/N: And complete for now. There's going to be another story but I'm not going to start it right now. I have my other stories to do right now. But anyway, I'll start writing the next story well when I have time really. I have three other stories to finish and one I'm planning on doing so I don't know when the next story will be up. I'll get it up as soon as I can though. Thank you to all who have read and reviewed this story. I appreciate it all. I also want to give my thanks to all who reviewed:
Master Sanosa
Shamanic cherry
Reiyuka Yumikoto
Council of Light
Kitty 101 
Blond genius 
Lovely liz 
Athena Wind 
Here is the summary of the next story:
Sasuke and Sakura have gone their separate ways and because of that so have Neji, TenTen, Ino, Shikamaru, Hinata and Naruto although they promised each other they would see each other again. A year has pasted since than and everyone keeps telling the two rulers to settle down with someone. Both immediately refuse. But what happens when Sakura is put into a position where she must accept the offer or face a great and evil consequence?
I think I'll call it to be Broken Again.