Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Love ❯ The Past ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello everyone, I am back with a new chapter. I hope you guys enjoy it. But I have to warn you that there is major Kakashi spoilers from his past. So if you don't want to know what happens then don't read, k? Well remember to review after you read, thanks!
Disclaimer: No! Seriously. I don't own Naruto...
Unexpected Love
Chapter 12
The Past
Sakura unlocked the door to her house and waited until Kakashi entered before shutting the door behind her as she stepped across the threshold. Bending down Sakura slid off her sandals in deft movements before straightening back up and looking around to not see Kakashi in sight. She strained her ears before she could pick up the unmistakable sound of cooking utensils being taken out of her kitchen cabinets. She stepped over Kakashi's already discarded sandals before she pushed the swinging door of the kitchen open to see a very amusing sight.
Kakashi was searching through the refrigerator with her pink apron tied around his waist that stood out against the backdrop of black he was wearing. Stifling her laughter with a hand over her mouth she snickered at the great Hatake Kakashi in a pink apron. If only she had her camera right now! When he turned around Sakura could not help when her laughter became insurmountable as she removed her hand. She bent over holding her sides for laughing so hard as tears started to form in her eyes.
"What is so funny?" Kakashi whispered in Sakura's ear as he materialized behind her, leaving a few centimeters of space between them.
Sakura gasped in surprise when Kakashi gently blew in her right ear, making a shiver race up and down her spine. Instinctively seeking more Sakura took a step back until she was molded up against the front of his body. Her hands came up of their own accord to tangle in his silver gravity defying hair as he trailed a cluster of butterfly kisses along her jugular vein to her erratically beating pulse. She moaned in protest when he gently wrapped his hands around her wrists and held them against her sides where they were effectively pinned.
"Now who's laughing?" Kakashi asked lustfully before returning his ice melting kisses back to her throat. Releasing her hands Kakashi slid his hands to her waist, running his callused hands over the skin he revealed as her shirt rose from her stomach.
Sakura moaned before a stinging yet blissful nip was placed on her collarbone, making her come back to her senses as she turned around in his hands.
"And what do you think you are doing? You are supposed to be cooking my dinner." Sakura said as she placed her hands over Kakashi's own that were still on her hips with a playful scowl on her face.
"Oh, how forgetful of me. I should get back to it then, my little cherry blossom." Kakashi released his hold on Sakura and turned back towards the stove where he began cooking with a smirk on his masked face.
Sakura remained silent as she took a seat on one of the barstools as she too had a smirk on her face. She watched, interested as Kakashi started cooking as if he was a master chef. After a short wait with Sakura enjoying the pampering she was getting from him, Kakashi set two plates filled with food on the dining room table. Throwing a smirk in Sakura's direction Kakashi walked back into the kitchen where he retrieved two wineglasses and a bottle of cherry wine.
"Where did that come from?" Sakura asked curiously as she watched Kakashi pour the expensive wine in the glasses. She never remembered buying the wine before because she always thought that it was too expensive.
"Oh this?" Kakashi asked holding up the wine bottle before his eye crinkled, showing that he was smiling. "I have my ways," Kakashi said happily before taking Sakura's hand and directing her to her chair before pulling it out for her.
Sakura gave a cross look to Kakashi as he sat down across from her, but as the aroma of mouth-watering food reached her senses her frown turned upside down. Looking down at her plate for the first time she was astounded at the food he had cooked in such a short time. The fish fried golden was complemented with cooked vegetables and white rice covered with a tangy sauce. The aroma was the most delicious she had ever scented before and the most beautiful food she had ever laid eyes on. Sakura looked up with tears in her eyes at the wonderful food that Kakashi had made just for her. No one had ever made her such a wonderful dinner, but what more did she suspect from the man who had stolen her heart.
"Thank you Kakashi-kun," Sakura said as she gazed lovingly at her beloved.
"Your welcome Sakura-chan. Dig in!" Kakashi exclaimed as they both got their chopsticks and breaking them apart, began eating their delectable food.
Sakura sat back in her chair with a full stomach as she wiped her hands on a napkin lay beside her plate. A large yawn erupted from her mouth before she quickly covered it with her hand in embarrassment. She looked to Kakashi to see if he had been watching her and sure enough he was staring at her with amusement with his mask pulled back up to her annoyance.
"Why do you have to keep that thing on when you are with me?" Sakura asked annoyed as she crossed her arms over her chest as she leaned back in her chair until it was on two legs.
"Now what fun would that be?" Kakashi asked innocently as he stood up from the table and took their dinnerware to the sink. Turning back around as he decided to wash the dishes later he strolled like a predator towards Sakura with a mischievous gleam in his onyx eye. With the quickness of a shinobi Kakashi knocked the last two legs of the chair out from under Sakura, but with his reflexes caught her before she fell.
"What the hell was that for!" Sakura yelled angrily as Kakashi started carrying her to the living room.
"What was what for?" Kakashi asked, knowing that Sakura's fiery temper would get the better of her and the chance to tease her would be very entertaining.
"Knocking me back like that, you've got a lot of nerve to do that!" Sakura yelled as Kakashi dropped her on the couch. Pulling her knees to her chest Sakura draped her arms over them and turned her head to the side, acting as if she was mad at Kakashi. Sakura remained the same way as she felt the couch dip slightly, signifying that Kakashi had sat down beside her. She spared a look in his direction to find his one eye watching her and she could see the creases in his mask that said he was smirking.
"Why do you wear that mask around me? Why do you even wear it at all?" Sakura asked as she stared at the black cloth that always seemed to mock her.
"Now we're getting somewhere," Kakashi smirked as he turned slightly so he could see her better.
"Well?" Sakura said as her curiosity got the better of her.
"When I was promoted to Chunin at the age of seven and put on a team they did not think that I could lead them because of my age. So from then on I started wearing a mask so it would hide my age from fellow shinobi and enemies."
"But what did it matter about your age?" Sakura asked perplexed.
"I was the commander of my team and my other team mates were older than me by at least five years and they would not cooperate with someone who was younger than they are." Kakashi said this as his mouth formed a frown as he thought about the two teammates that until that day he still blamed their deaths on himself.
"You've never told me about your teammates, what happened to them?" Sakura asked. Suddenly the thought came to her that his teammates were the ones he had talked about the first time they had tried to get the bells, that their names were carved on the memorial stone. "Oh, I'm sorry" Sakura said as she realized that these questions were probably causing him pain.
"It's no big deal...If we are going to be together then you need to know about my past," Kakashi said with a shrug of his shoulders.
"Oh, okay."
"Now where was I, oh yes. My two teammates were Obito and Rin and our sensei was Yodaime. Obito was of the Uchiha clan and was a lot like our Naruto. Rin was a medic Nin just like you are; she was in love with Obito. I had just become commander of Rin and Obito when the Third Secret World War was just getting bad. Yodaime went a separate way from us. Our mission was to sneak in behind the enemy and destroy the bridge that they used to receive their supplies."
"The Third Secret World War? Wasn't that the war between Konoha and Earth country?" Sakura asked as she recalled what she had learned about it in the Academy.
"Yes. As we were traveling we were attacked by some Rock ninja and Rin was captured. The enemy thought that if they had Rin then we would give up on our mission and get Rin back."
"You got her back didn't you?" Sakura asked loudly, hoping that they did go after her.
"No," Kakashi said sadly with a bitter tone at the mistakes he had made in the past.
"But I thought you always said that those who leave their comrades behind are lower than trash!" Sakura said as tears sprang to her eyes unbidden.
"Let me explain...When my father, also known as the White Fang was on a mission, his teammates were captured and he went after them. But that also meant that the mission was a failure and it cost Konoha a great loss. When they returned, the village disgraced my father. A few days later I found him in his study with a tanto in his gut...He had committed suicide.”
“From then on I vowed that I would go by the ninja laws and do everything in my power to complete the mission. No matter if my comrades were taken prisoners. Since I thought that way I told Obito that we would resume the mission. He became furious and punched me, he said that more important than the mission was that we were to rescue Rin, but I wouldn't listen to him. I followed the Shinobi rules and made a grave mistake that day. There were two things that opened my eyes that day. Obito said that the White Fang was a true hero and those that don't care about their companions are even worse than trash."
"So is that why you told us that when Naruto, Sasuke, and I didn't work together?" Sakura asked with wide eyes.
"Yes. Obito went after Rin and I followed. Obito was attacked but I intervened and that is how I got this scar over my eye. Obito was able to for the first time, activate his Sharingan because I was attacked. We went for Rin, but the person holding her made the cave start to fall where we were. Obito pushed me out of the way when a large boulder came right for us. His whole right side was crushed. He gave me his right eye because he knew he was dying and that I could not see out of mine since it was cut. Rin did the transfer. More ninja were coming and we had to get out of there. We almost got destroyed because Rin stayed by Obito, thinking that he would still survive. But I was able to pull her out just before the rest of the cave came crashing down.
Later on Rin died as she was frantically trying to heal a shinobi that was almost dead. I tried to stop her but she used too much of her chakra and she died," Kakashi finished in a monotone voice. He looked over at Sakura to see that tears were streaming down her face and her shoulders shook from her sobs.
"Shh, it's all right, it's in the past and there is nothing I can do to change it," Kakashi soothed as he took Sakura into his arms as she cried into his chest. After a while Sakura's sobs subsided and she pulled back enough to see him.
"So you blame yourself for their deaths?" Sakura asked sadly as new tears sprang to her eyes that she forcefully swiped at.
"Yes, if I would have just went with Obito right away then he wouldn't have died and if I would have gotten to Rin in time, then she wouldn't have died. I also felt bad about Rin's death because I knew that she liked me just as you used to like Sasuke. But when Obito died she realized that she loved Obito just as he loved her."
"It was not your fault that they died, they were only doing what they thought was right, so you shouldn't blame yourself. Seeing you hurting like this is more than I can stand, it hurts me just to hear you blame yourself!" Sakura cried as she clutched Kakashi's vest in her fists.
"I'm sorry Sakura, but I cannot change the past and I will always feel guilty for their deaths."
"I know, it just hurts!" Sakura sobbed.
"Come on, you've had a hard day." Kakashi stood up and cradled Sakura bridal style as he carried her to her bedroom. After settling her down on her bed he turned to leave thinking that it would be better if he just left. But before he could take a step Sakura had grabbed his wrist to stop him.
"Please stay," Sakura whispered as she pulled him over to the bed.
"Are you sure?" Kakashi asked as he looked into her pleading face.
"Yes, we don't have to be separated anymore so why do you need to go?" Sakura smiled unabashedly as Kakashi sat down on the edge of her bed.
"How could I forget?" Kakashi smirked before pulling down his mask and taking his headband off. Leaning down Kakashi placed his lips on Sakura's in a sweet passionate kiss that had Sakura melting in his arms as he lay beside her.
"I love you," Kakashi whispered after he pulled back and draped his arm over Sakura's waist, pulling her closer.
"I love you too. And Kakashi?"
"Hmm?" Kakashi asked tiredly as his eyes closed on their own accord.
"I think that Obito and Rin would not blame you for their deaths," Sakura said before her own eyes closed as she drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
Kakashi's eyes were now opened as Sakura's words rang in his ears. He looked down at Sakura in wonder and admiration before laying a kiss on her still lips. "I think so too Sakura," Kakashi said before slipping off into his own peaceful sleep beside his cherry blossom.
Well, what do you think of this chapter. Was it boring because of the Kakashi gaiden? The next chapter will have more Kakashi/Sakura action and not so much talk. I might even throw in a lemon. Well, you know what to do on that little button and review my story! Thanks, until next time, Ja Ne!