Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Walk Two Moons ❯ Chapter 1

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This is something that I came up with one night and decided to post.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto


Walk Two Moons

“You’re such a nuisance,” I icily told Naruto while returning from our latest mission. It was so easy but the pinhead, like always, screwed up and ended up being saved.

“That does it!! Sasuke...” Naruto yelled at me but before he could finish his threat, Sakura had already started beating in his head.

They’re fools. All of them, fools. I’d be better off without them all. They’re always in my way and holding me back. Especially Naruto. How he ever became a shinobi is beyond me.

Back at the Academy he was always pulling pranks and getting in trouble. Wasting his time creating stupid, useless tricks. And master Iruka never punished him enough.

“Well, I’ll go hand in my report for today’s mission,” Master Kakashi said before disappearing.

Great, now I can go home.

“Hey, Sasuke-kun, wait up!” Sakura called to me. I stopped but didn’t turn around. “Um...I was... wondering if you... and me...could go out... work on... um... our teamwork.”

I replied to her scathingly. I’m not sure what I said but I was positive that it wasn’t nice.

I continued walking home.

That night I had Chinese food. It was okay. A little oily, but still good. I was cleaning up when I noticed a fortune cookie on the table.

Oh joy, desert. I thought.

Cracking open the cookie I pulled out the little slip of paper that held my ‘fortune’. popping a piece of cookie into my mouth, I read the little slip of paper.

Don’t judge a man until you’ve walked two moons in his moccasins.

I don’t really care for these ‘fortunes’. Last time I got one that told me to hide for six days. Scrunching up the little slip of paper, I toss it away with the rest of the garbage.

I look at the clock- 8:30- I didn’t realize how late it was. I got home at 5:00. Might as well get ready for bed. While brushing my teeth I had a strange memory of when I was little staying at my cousins house.

My cousin and I were brushing our teeth when my cousin, Yuri, grabbed my toothbrush out of my hand.

“Sasuke-kun! You’re doing it all wrong! It’s left to right, up and down, starting on the front right!” She educated me with words and motions. “You go right to left starting on the left! Jeez, don’t you know the protocol!?”

Oh well, I thought, at least I got my teeth brushed.

I miss my family.

I wonder what brought that on. Oh well. Come to think of it, I still brush right to left. That was a stupid thought, must be the Chinese food.

Yawning, I climbed into my bed and pull up the covers. Within minutes I’m asleep.


Kyubi is attacking the village the village... The fourth has a plan... Sealing Kyubi into a baby...
All the destruction... The hate... For Kyubi... For the baby. Flash Forward 4 Years...A small boy... Naruto... At the park.... Mothers pulling their kids away... The glares... The hated looks... Alone... The bad behaviour... The plea for attention... No one said hi... No one cared... The bad behaviour got worse... The hate got worse. Flash forward to Graduation Day...sitting on the swing... The whispers... Mizuki... Stealing the scroll... Practising... The truth... Betrayal... Contempt... Hope... Happiness... Hard work... The need to fit in... A chance.


I woke up with a start. That dream was so real. It had to be real. But how? How could I have known about what happened to Naruto when he was little. But it did explain a lot.

Maybe I’ll be a little nicer.
Don’t judge a man until you have walked two moons in his moccasins.

There what do you think. Please review with your comments. Thanks.