Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ What do you see in me ❯ Itachis purifier ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: Even when she hated him most she couldn't stay away from him
(This is my first fan fiction so please go easy on me)
Disclaimer: sadly I don't own Naruto
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Itachi crouched over Hinatas sleeping form, his crimson eyes never leaving her face.
Why did he find her so intoxicating?
He had been doing the same thing since the Akatsukis captured her, watching closely as she slept. Her peaceful state sickened him and yet attracted him. She shifted in her sleep. Itachis gaze narrowed in on her lips as his hands clutched his knees.
The mere thought of her in pain made his adrenaline rush.
Her death excited him.
And yet he couldn't bring himself to kill the heir Hyuga. He was drawn to her like a moth to light. Every chance he got, he spent it torturing her. At night he had impulses to see her.
At night he was just as powerless as she was during the day.
His fingers caressed her pale cheeks, making her shift once more. He was vulnerable as ever once the sun died down. “Hinata,” His voice hushed as his fingers wove their way into her dark hair. “Sweet sunflower.” His fingers halted, a gleam slowly forming in his red eyes. She writhed beneath him as if his touch was scalding her, her full rosy lips muttering at a tone he couldn't hear. Her body jerked as his index finger edged down to her hairline.
He enjoyed watching her body act against his touch.
“Itachi.” His head snapped in the direction of the ajarred door, soon turning back to the sleeping Hyuga. “What is it Deidara?” “How long are we going to keep her captive? Kyubi hasn't been here yet and we've already wasted enough time, un.” Itachis gaze was empty, feeling guarded again. “This woman is suppose to— “Lead the Kyubi on I know,” Deidara finished. “But it's been weeks and he still hasn't shown himself. Why can't we just invade Konoha and steal him away our damn selves?” “Leader wouldn't want that.” Was the silent uchihas only answer.
This didn't satisfy Deidara.
“How the hell do you know what leader wants un?! You aren't even worried about kyubi anymore. You're just worried for that fucking bitch un!” The smallest akasuki raged, his hand poised on the door knob as if her were going to slam it. “She isn't a bitch,” His voice deathly low as he tried to lull Hinatas rousing form. “I'm still focused on achieving kyubi but in a different way.” “Not this way I hope.” The blondes' voice lowered upon hearing Itachis warning tone. “No, not this way. I don't want to cause too much of a stir up in Konoha either,” He turned from his resting sunflower. “I don't really feel the need to kill until we activated kyubis red chakra.”
Deidara stood there quietly, the small amount of light from the hall illuminating his face. His features were strained as he thought, his hand cupped his chin. Then he spoke, saying “If we were to unleash kyubi, then Konoha would fall to their knees. It would be a bloody massacre.” His new found respect for Itachi radiated. “We'll capture kyubi tomorrow. If we waste anymore time, he may grow strong enough to seal away the immense chakra.” “Fuck Itachi!” His foul language earned him a glare from the uchiha, the pupils of his sharingan beginning to swirl. “Excuse my frankness Itachi but what if he already knows how to seal away that red chakra, un?” Diedaras visible azure eye averted from the intimidating scarlet eyes of Itachi.
“Do you want us to go now?” “No, without a partner, I'll be a bit slower than the rest of you all so I'll need the extra energy un.” He said that, knowing that Tobi was his partner.
Itachi knew this also.
His back faced him again as if he were silently dismissing him. “Well stop your fucking complaining. I already said we're taking kyubi tomorrow.” His red eyes were on Hinatas sleeping face. “Fine Itachi.” With that, Deidara exited the dark room. The light that once flooded the room grew feint as the door quickly shut.
He and Hinata were alone.
A scowl played against his lips as his gaze shifted to her neck. If he weren't human he could snap her neck in two but he was indeed human. With feelings and hormones. She was beautiful. Too beautiful to be tainted by such a sinner as himself. Hinata Hyuga was pure, like the snowflakes that drifted just drifted to the ground outside his window. He, on the other hand, was red like fire that couldn't be put out. No matter how many times you douse the flame, it rose to burn again.
He was her hell.
She was his purification.
Itachis scowl deepened, hearing her sigh and shift to her side. Maybe he needed to inflict more pain on her to feel self satisfaction. He thought of what Deidara said, lowering his face to hers. How long was he going to make her suffer for something kyubi did? Of all the people he happened to hurt and kill, Itachi felt less compelled to kill Hinata. It annoyed him to no end how she could make him forget all his previous anger for her by simply looking at him.
The anger that bubbled behind her pearl eyes, the way she chewed on her lower lip to avoid exploding before him, and the cursing.
He enjoyed the sight of her seething and wanting to slice off his head. He found her anger erotic.
“I- Itachi?” Those same grey eyes that always showered hatred towards him now looked up to him curiously. “You're up. We have a mission tomorrow in Konoha,” He noted the shift in her gaze as she tried to lean up. They were dangerously close and if she were to lean up, their lips would touch. “I want you to go back to the Hyuga compound and get your things.” “B-but why?” Her eyes looked dazed. Maybe she was still half asleep.
That explained why his ears weren't hurting yet.
“Because you aren't going to be walking around in your underwear, not that I wouldn't mind.” His last statement caused her cheeks to flush. “I'm not w-walking around here in my underwear, you fucking baka!” A scowl tainted her lips, her brows knitting together. “Well then go to your house and get more things.” “How do you know I won't try and escape if I leave?” She drew her knee up, ready to strike him at the given moment. “You aren't stupid,” He leaned back from her, clutching her bare knee. “But just incase, I'll send Tobi along. He needs a companion and you seem his type.” Hinata tried to yank her knee back, her eyes widening as he pulled her underneath him. “H-h-his type?” Her cheeks reddened as he wrapped her leg around his waist, averting her gaze from him.
“I do hope you like Tobi. I won't be there to assist you sadly, but I have a mission of my own to accomplish.” “Does it have to do with Naruto- kun?” She inquired hopefully, finally ending her hassle for her leg. “That I can't tell you, my sweet sunflower.” “Tell me!” Anger boiled in the depths of her eyes, just the way he loved to see them.
Her dark hair was fanned out against the pillow, her cheeks flushed in anger.
She was absolutely adorable.
“If I tell you, I'd have to kill you.” “Bastard!” Her brows formed a V, jerking her limb free. He said nothing, his red eyes emotionless. For a split second she thought she may have hurt his feelings but a smirk soon captured his lips. “You're very feisty when you're angry. I'll promise not to kill you if you won't get angry.” Her anger made something burn in his gut, exciting him.
This wasn't good for the emotionless uchiha.
“Is that suppose to scare me?!” She demanded, leaning up against her elbows. “Yes.” Even though he was very much serious, she paid him no mind. “If you kill me, how will you successfully capture naruto-kun?” “I don't need you to capture kyubi.” He answered dully, not in the slightest bit moved as she tried to kick him off her with her foot firmly planted against his chest. “Then why the hell are you keeping me alive?” Itachi grasped her ankle, halting her actions from kicking him. “Because, Deidara has a soft spot for you.” He inwardly winced as his words sank in.
Deidara had a soft spot for her?
Hell, if he couldn't have her to himself, no one could.
“Deidara?! You baka! I hate every single one of you fucking Akatskis!” She worried over her lower lip, anger boiling through her veins. “It's not fair that you call me a baka. I haven't even done anything to you.” His fingers stroked her toes. “Haven't done anything?! You kidnapped me for your own selfish greed!” “You're really blowing things out of proportion-- “Out of proportions?! You're such an ass!”
She was the only one who was able to talk back to him.
“An ass? I don't like your tone.” His fingers paused as a groan emitted from his sunflower. “P-p-please don't stop.” Hinata pleaded, cocking her head to the side so the light from the moon lightened his face. His brows were drawn together as a scowl held his lips. A flush prickled her ears, averting her gaze from his gorgeous face.
Had she actually said that?!
“So you do like this. I thought you hated this.” He began kneading the sole of her foot once more, watching the pleasure take over her features. “No! I don't like anything you do! I hate you!” “The Akatsukis have a mission tomorrow,” Itachi spoke, ignoring her. “Leader wants you to do a mission of your own to prove yourself and the Byakugan.” He stopped pleasuring her foot, making her look up. “A mission?” “It's very simple, just kill your clan. They're getting a bit too powerful and might serve as only more ninjas in our way.” His red eyes taunted her, daring her to curse him. She said nothing, her lips in a strained frown.
Kill her own clan?
Hadn't he done that with the uchiha clan?
“Kill?” The air around her felt cold. “Slaughter your clan without hesitation.” He clarified, watching as all the blood deprived her. She was astounded that he even asked her that.
Would she end the lives of her clan just to feel welcomed by these S-ranked criminals?
Or to feel closure that she hadn't felt in what seemed like years?
Hinata eased her foot back, trying to find a suitable way to answer his request that wouldn't make her seem like the old knobby-knees, shy Hinata. She tugged the covers over herself vehemently, finding the man before her baleful. “If I can't kill my family? She questioned, hugging her knees to her chest. Itachi thought this over, setting himself against the heels of his sandals. “We'll have no choice but to kill you.” He spoke acerbity, baffling her. This time when he threatened to kill her, she didn't find a witty comment to elude him.
There was no need to, she knew that he would.
This time she was livid.
“So you're going to end my life just because I can't bring myself to end someone else's?!” “Well, yeah.” He answered with much loath, angering her even more. “Well maybe I don't want to! I don't care anymore if Konoha excepts me or not but I wont ever associate myself with a bunch of selfish bakas like you!” She rose from off the bed, finding it suffocating to be in the same room at Itachi uchiha.
Swinging the door open, she ignored the curious look from Deidara
Itachi smirked in spite of the mustering anger the Hyuga had for him
Yes, he liked her best when she was angered and he wanted to be the only one to cause her such anger
I finished the first chapter whoo hoo! It took me a couple of hours to write but I finished it! Please read it and review!