Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ What lies beyond the sky ❯ The beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“So this is Konoha” said a female of medium height and probably 17 years of age. She had white flowing hair down her back and her eyes were pale but you could swear you could see hints of blue, purple, and a bit of red at times. 

The young women walked up to a pair of huge gates, were a man appeared he looked at her and asked “what is your purpose here? And what is your name?” he looked at her strangely. 

She faced him and put a smile on her face and answered “I'm here to see the hokage and see if I can be of any use to Konoha my name is Atachi Rain” she relaxed her body trying to seem...what was the word, unnoticable maybe?

“Understood” he said in a crisp voice as he pointed to a tall building in the center of the village. He looked annoyed when she didn't follow his finger and only looked at him blankly

“That's the hokage tower; go there to meet the hokage” he told her annoyed

She just stared at him and said “arigato” and with that she walked past him. not even taking notice of where he had pointed.
As she walked through Konoha she closed her eyes and let her mind wonder.
'Wow this city is full of people,i can feel their strength in mind and body' she smiled softly 'such strong spirits' 
While she looked at the city in a way only she could she accidentally ran into somebody.

“Gomen are you alright” said a man with brown hair that was pulled into a tight pony tail. He put his hand out for her to grab on to. 

“Oh it's fine, it was my fault” she said as she reached for the hand. grasping only air.

“I haven't seen you around here are you new?” he asked her as he caught her hand. looking confused.

“Hai I'm here to see the Hokage, can you take me to her?” she asked as he pulled her to her feet, and then dropping her hand.

“Yes follow me” as she followed him she closed her eyes once more. and concentrated using her aura, her chakra to see once again.

'his chakra is weird it's like a shadow, know wonder I didn't feel it' her eyebrows furrowed as she wondered about this strange man.
“Here we are" the man in front of her said. And in shocked her on how strong his voice was. 

“Arigato um…” she never introduced herself.

“Oh, I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself” he said with a smile that she never saw, but could feel and felt the urge to smiel in return

“I'm Nara Shikamaru” he told her in a voice that was soft and strong.
“I'm Atachi Rain, It's nice to meet you” she said no longer being able the hide the infectious smile. 

“Well here you are” he said to the beautiful women in front of him, 'man i don't want to leave yet' he was shocked to realise that truth

“Um which room is it?” she told him moving her head around liek she was lost

'what?'he looked at her with a funny look and said “The one right there that says “HOKAGE-SAMA”

She blushed “thank you” she told them turning her head down, and seemingly looked at the ground and started for teh door.
“While since I'm here I'll come with you” he sighed as if it was a bother and went to open the door for her.

“Are you sure it's not too troublesome” she said in a voice that was hopeful and nearly made him laugh

He smiled and laughed to himself “no its not” "troublesome, i think i like this girl' he smiled ((Yea I know Shikamaru's a bit OC but please bear with me))

“Ok then” she said with a smile, as he opened the door for her and allowed her to step in.

"Who's there” said a woman who looked about in her 20's she had blond hair and an abnormally large chest.

“Hello Hokage-sama my name is Atachi Rain and I've come to offer my services to Konoha” she said in a confident voice as she bowed to the powerful figure in front of her.

“Hmm were are you from and what are your qualities?” she asked as she looked the newcomer up and down. Wondering who thsi girl was.

“I'm from rain country and I am skilled in many different aspects, I'm a med-nin and I'm very good at gen-jutsus and my setting in best in the rain.” she said in a voice that seemed somewhat lifeless.

Suddenly Tsunade cut her off “in the rain and why's that?” she wondered why it mattered and why would anyone work well in the rain especially when it rained so hard you couldn't see.

“Well that is because, you see to tell you the truth I don't see with my eyes I see with my mind” she said in a way that seemed ashamed and proud at teh same time
“what?” Tsunade said confusion evident in her voice
“You see I am blind however I can feel the vibrations in the earth and air around me, and I can sense the chakras of poeple as well” she recited

“Oh really” said Tsunade as she raised her brow 'that seems somewhat unreal' she thought to herself
“hai and I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone, it would seem like I'm handicapped and that's not true I can function like everyone else except that I can't perfectly see small things unless I put in a lot of concentration and I can't read” she said. Determination in her voice.

“Understood, Shikamaru take Miss Atachi and test her skills” she said her interest now evident

“Hai Tsunade-sama” he said as he grabbed her hand and left the room. 'well what a troublesome day this turned out ot be.

Please read and review! If I don't get at least one review to continue I wont.
Thanx and have a nice day! =)