Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Wolf and fox plays with fire – A Naruto love story ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Afterwards when he was sitting down he started to shiver a little.
“I really don't think you're not cold.” A smile crept around my lips. I sat next to him and put the blanket around him as well. His face lit up with confusion and happiness.
.:Naruto's view:.
I'm so cold, but I couldn't tell Ookami, she looked so cold and innocent with her big puppy like eyes.
“I really don't think you're not cold.” Ookami said with a warm smile.
She's so beautiful! I wish she was mine. Hahaha wow I've never felt this way about anyone before or even knew anyone that was this nice to me! She's sitting next to me? She's sharing her blanket with me! Aw! Does she like me more or only as a friend and only sharing the blanket with me caz were `friends', caz maybe she sensed I was cold or something?
Our bodies are touching from shoulder to leg. I can't concentrate on the movie anymore, ah this is killing me! Does she? That's it! I move my hand toward hers, I leave it slightly touching hers. She hasn't moved her hand away yay! Ookami looks at me confused. I smile and scratch my head with my other hand, Ah, ok, ok, I'll take my hand away. I think to myself. She started to look sad when I did that.
“What's wrong?” I frown.
“I thought you were going to hold my hand?” Ookami looks at the blanket.
“Weelll I-I-I-I waa-” I clasp her hand.
Her face started to shine, wow. I couldn't help but smile. Then I did the unthinkable, I pecked her.
.:Ookami's view:.
He's holding my hand omg omg omg!! The butterflies are fluttering like crazy in my stomach now! He pecked me! I just stare at him, goo on do it again come oon I dare you! Bugga. I kiss him back we both smile into the kiss. I peck him softly and lay my head on his shoulder.
The break of dawn. I feel someone's arm across my belly. I remember last night. My face starts to burn. Naruto's face fits perfectly in-between my neck and shoulder. I lay there while holding his hand for as long as possible till I feel numb. I roll over carefully to face him but not wake him up. It seems as thought I could have laid there forever gazing at him.
“Yawn” his eyes start to open.
“Morning sunshine” I whisper.
He smiles and...
...To be continued