Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Online Shippuden: Worlds’ Song ❯ Reunion of a Deadly Nightmare ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Anyway, it’s the newest chapter and I have to tell you something: There might be another story after this one. Recently, I had learned that there is going to be a third Sword Art Online video game after ‘Hollow Fragment’ and ‘Lost Song’ and right now, it is currently called ‘Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization’. I really don’t know much about it since the first trailers just came out recently and there is also ‘talk’ of the Sword Art Online MOVIE as well. I don’t know how they will factor into my fanfiction, but you are going to have to wait and see, everyone! Well, it is time to sound like a broken record, again, but before I start this chapter, I would like to give thanks and credit to Belletiger and Kanius and his YuYuGiDigiMoon series, especially his The Invasion of the Rajita story, for giving me permission to use the idea of Valkyrie Sailor Soldiers and everything that’s a part of them in my fanfiction. Now, I know that this is getting old, but as our ‘SAO stars’ would say: Link start!


I DO NOT OWN Sailor Moon, Sword Art Online, Naruto, Accel World, Digimon series, Yu-Gi-Oh R/GX/5Ds/Zexal/Arc-V, Kingdom Hearts, Gundam series, especially Gundam Build Fighters, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed, Maken-Ki, Tenchi Muyo series, Ronin Warriors, Pretty Cure, Queen’s Blade/Gate, Log Horizon, Sonic the Hedgehog, DC universe, Marvel universe, Assassin’s Creed, Senran Kagura, Sekirei, One Piece, Final Fantasy, Rave Master, Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu, Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra, Code Lyoko, Transformers, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Sailor Moon is owned/licensed by Naoko Takeuchi and its various studios and publishers, Sword Art Online is owned/licensed by ASCII Media Works, A-1 Pictures Inc., and its various directors/publishers including Reki Kawahara and Tomohiko Itō, Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot, Digimon is owned/licensed by Toei Animation and its various directors, including Hiroyuki Kakudo, Yu-Gi-Oh is owned/licensed by Kazuki Takahashi, Toei Animation, and Studio Gallop, Yu-Gi-Oh GX is owned/licensed by Naoyuki Kageyama, Studio Gallop and its various directors, Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds is owned/licensed by Katsumi Ono and Studio Gallop, and Sword Art Online is owned/licensed by ASCII Media Works, A-1 Pictures Inc., and its various directors/publishers including Reki Kawahara and Tomohiko Itō!


Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and mature adult themes/situations!


Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!


Sailor Moon Online Shippuden: Worlds’ Song


Chapter 10: Reunion of a Deadly Nightmare


July 15, 2025, Neo Domino City, Tops Sector


Within the current apartment home of Yusei, which once belonged to Leo and Luna before they moved out, the Sailor Scouts and the Digidestined with their Digimon partners are assembled as Atem examines the Obelisk the Tormentor (4000/4000) God Monster card with the former Signers along with Atem’s/Yugi’s three friends watching.


Atem says, with a nod, “It is the real Obelisk. I can sense his great power from the card.”


Joey says, with a grin, “Awesome!”


Tea says, “That’s great, Atem.”


Tristan says, “One down and two more to go.”


Leo says, with a grin, “Those jerks made a major mistake!”


Yusei says, “I don’t think so, Leo.”


Atem says, “Yusei is right. Whatever their plans are, they don’t include the God cards. They may have already gotten what they wanted when they use the Millennium Items to ‘spear’ into the fabric of time and space.”


Tea asks, “What do they want?”


Sailor Celestial says, “That’s actually a good question.”

Sailor Venus says, “It seems we are facing a lot of different enemies with different agendas.”


Sailor Saturn asks, “Could there be a common link?”


Sailor Orion says, “There might be, but so far, it doesn’t seem so.”


Jack says, “Well, at least we have one of the three Egyptian God cards out of the streets. If they are anything like the three Aesir, those cards are too dangerous to fall into the wrong hands.”


Tristan asks, “Aesir?”


Akiza says, “The three Aesir Synchro Monsters also known as the Polar God cards.”


Joey asks, “Polar God cards? Wait! You mean that you have your own set of God Cards?”


Crow says, “Yeah. And they might be just as powerful as those legendary God cards of Yugi and your Pharaoh friend over there. They turned Solid Vision into real damage during our duel against them.”


Tea says, stunned, “No way!”


Akiza says, with a nod, “It’s true, Tea-san. They are known as Thor, Loki, and Odin.”


Tea says, “Wait! Thor, Loki, and Odin? Those are three of the most powerful deities in Norse mythology.”


Yugi tells Atem, “Tea’s right, Atem. Thor is the Norse deity of thunder and lightning among other things, Loki is the Norse deity of chaos and trickery, and Odin is the head of the Norse deities.”


Atem responds, “Yes, I remember listening in from the Millennium Puzzle during your studies at school. If those Aesir cards are infused with the power of those three Norse deities, then they are truly ‘god cards’ and a rival for the Egyptian God cards. We had better be careful that these the Egyptian Gods and the Aesir never meet. I fear what will happen if those two divine forces clash.”


Yugi tells Atem, “I don’t even want to think about that Atem.”


Leo asks, curiously, “By the way, speaking of the Aesir monsters, whatever happened to Team Ragnarok?”


Akiza says, “That’s a good question.”


Jack says, “I heard that they mysterious disappear and it gets me suspicious. Those guys owned three of the most powerful cards in Duel Monsters and they are top tier duelists. It gives me a bad feeling.”


Luna asks, “Jack, are you saying…?”


Leo says, with a smile and interrupting his sister, “Oh, man! They wouldn’t be taken down so easily, Jack!”


Jack says, with a serious tone, “Doesn’t mean that they can’t be taken down, Leo. No one in life is invincible, Leo. Not even Yusei and me.”


Sailor Moon asks, with a solemn tone, “Isn’t that a fact?”


Atem says, “Anyway, I’m grateful for your assistance for your help in this matter.”


Sailor Jupiter says, with a grin, “No problem! It’s what we do.”


Sailor Uranus says, “Anyway, once we’re done, we should get you back to your time.”


Tea says, “Yeah, we should.”


Joey says, “Not until we help Yug and the Pharaoh get back those God cards.”


Atem says, “Thank you, my friends. But you must remember that you and Yugi have your place in the history of our time especially Yugi and Joey.”


Joey says, with a grin, “That’s right! How can Yug and I get our names in the history books if we aren’t around? That’s why we’ve got to go back and make history!”


Tristan says, “I can’t believe that you are going to be world famous duelist.”


Joey retorts, with a glare, “And why not Tristan?”


Tea says, “All right, you, two, that’s enough.”


Atem asks Sailor Pluto, “What about that duelist from Jaden’s timeline?”

Sailor Pluto says, “We’ve returned him to his time via the Gates of Time, but he couldn’t say anything useful about the people that restored his body to full strength or gave him that reproduction of his Cyber Dragon deck before he got the Underworld deck that he had given to his younger brother.”


Atem says, “That gets me worried, Sailor Pluto. If duelists from our time and Jaden’s time are coming to this time, I fear that state of the fabric of space-time isn’t good.”


Sailor Pluto says, “I fear that you are right, Atem.”


Joey asks, curiously, “What do you mean Pharaoh?”


Tea says, “He means that even if we are sent back home now, it doesn’t mean that we won’t get pulled into the future again.”


Atem says, “Tea is right. However, it also means that we might also get thrown into the past too. The fabric of reality is a fragile at times and there are major reasons you don’t mess with space and time.”


Sailor Celestial, in Eternal Sailor Scout form, says, “No joke, Atem-san.”


Joey asks, pointing to Sailor Celestial, “Could that girl because she has that Etherion stuff or whatever to fix it?”


Sailor Celestial yells out, annoyed, “Hey, just because I have Etherion doesn’t mean that I can fix anything in a snap, you know? There is a reason that Etherion can’t be used by living mortal beings and even through I’m one of the only two exceptions to the rule, it takes a lot of work and focus to control Etherion and using it to repair space-time will take mastery levels…Mastery that I don’t have even with my memories of my past life! Not to mention that we would need to find the source of the problem!”


Sailor Uranus says, “That’s the reason for your Etherion Booster in your Valkyrie Solider form.”


Sailor Celestial says, with a nod, “It helps, but it won’t be enough to help.”


Ken says, “Well, we never thought of relying on that power anyway.”


Tea tells Sailor Celestial, “That power must be an incredible burden.”


Sailor Celestial says, solemnly, “More than you can imagine, Tea-san. More than you can ever imagine.” Sailor Celestial closes her eyes and her hands turn into fists in which plenty of people notice.


Sailor Moon thinks in her mind, solemnly, “Celestial…”


Yugi asks, curiously, “What’s wrong with her, Atem?”


Atem says, “Remember what we learned, Yugi? It was Heathcliff that used her power to create the instrument of destruction of the Moon Kingdom and the Silver Millennium through it was helping plant the seeds of darkness in people’s hearts that Metallia could manipulate. And in this time, nearly four thousand, mainly innocent, lives were sacrificed in order to awaken her powers by the reincarnation of the same person that caused the destruction of her home in her past life due to his selfish actions. However, it isn’t only Heathcliff that desires Sailor Celestial’s power. Etherion is one of the strongest powers in the universe and all of existence, even more powerful than all seven Millennium Items combined, in which the power is desired by many and plenty of those that desire it don’t want it for good purposes, Yugi.”


Yugi tells Atem, “It must be a hard burden to bare.”


Atem responds, “It is, partner. However, the universe wouldn’t have chosen her unless it believed that she had something special to handle the burden of the power. But I fear that she will have many trials ahead of her and she is on a terrible ‘balancing act’, Yugi.”


Yugi asks, “What do you mean Atem?”


Atem tells Yugi, looking at Sailor Celestial, “There is a great darkness in her heart and you may think of what happened to her through the recent years of this time, but it isn’t completely the case. The darkness festering inside of her isn’t just her own.”


Yugi asks, concerned, “Not just her own?”


Atem says, “Yes, Yugi. The thing is, her body contains more than one soul inside of it.”


Yugi asks, stunned, “More than one soul?”


Atem responds, “That’s right, Yugi. And all of those spirits each have darkness that are poisoning her from the inside. If nothing is done soon, I fear what could happen. However, I don’t mention this because it could be the trigger that sets off the darkness and consume her completely. However, she isn’t the only one, Yugi.” Atem turns to a glance to Sailor Moon and he says, “The heiress to the Lunarian throne also has a great darkness, but her own darkness is just as strong as the combined darkness within her reincarnated younger sister. The daughters of the last Moon Queen are at a terrible crossroads, Yugi. And I fear what will happen if they are consumed by darkness. If that happens, then a darkness far more powerful than Zorc will be ‘born’ and not even the Egyptian Gods could stop this.”


Yugi asks, concerned, “Does her friends know?”


Atem looks to see Sailor Mars, Sailor Uranus, and Sailor Pluto glancing at him and he responds, “I know so, Yugi. However, they know that there may be nothing that they can do at this time.”


July 15, 2025, ALO, Ryne


Returning to the virtual realm of ALO, we are inside of Agil’s shop and café inside of Ryne, the certain town in Svart Alfheim, where we find Usagi and Kirito entering the café area where they find the a lot of the others with Lisbeth stroking Silica’s ears and tail.


Silica asks, “Come on, Liz, cut it out?”


Lisbeth says, with a sly smile, “It’s not like they are going anywhere.”


Kirito asks, “What are you up to now?”


Lisbeth says, “I was just seeing how good Silica’s cat ears and tail felt. I especially like the ears. They are so soft and fuzzy.”


Silica yelps as Lisbeth continues her stroking actions and Silica says, “Hey, no pinching!”


Minako tells Silica, with a kind smile, “I know how you feel, girlfriend. It’s kind of the curse when you are a ‘cute Neko girl’.”


Makoto says, with a grin, “You should have seen when we became really famous as the ‘Great Nymphs’ how many times other players want to touch Minako’s ears and tail.”


Haruka says, with a smirk, “She kind of needed her partner dragon to fend them off at times.”


Miyako asks, “I’m thinking that this kind of thing is common with the Cait Sith girls, right?”


Hana says, with a nod, “Yep. And it isn’t just the other male fairy players, plenty of the female fairy players love female Cait Sith players since they are so kawaii.”


Hino says, “This makes me partially glad that I chose Salamander.”


Asuna tells Lisbeth, “Liz, you know that you look like a dirty old man when you do that?”


Silica says, annoyed, “Old man nothing? This is straight up harassment.”


Yui, in her human form, responds, “Incorrect, Silica. These actions don’t fall under the anti-harassment code since both players are female.”


Junpier asks, stunned, “It is?!”


Michiru says, with a kind smile, “Unfortunately, Yui is right, Silica.”


Silica says, in a defeated tone, “Great.”


Yamato says, with a winch, “Ouch.”


Lisbeth says, “You should give them a feel, Asuna. Then you will know what I’m talking about.”


Asuna says, nervously, “I have been curious on how they felt.”


Usagi slaps herself in the forehead and she asks, “Really, Asuna?”


Minako says, with a grin, “You can’t really blame her girl. How can anyone resist this kind of kawaii? Neko girls are the most popular thing in anime and manga.”


Haruka says, “We’re not in an anime or manga. We are in a VRMMO.”


Minako retorts, “What the difference? I mean, the Naruto anime and manga got turned into tons of different games and I don’t think that they are done yet.”


Lisbeth tells Asuna, “Come on, Asuna. Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on the action.”

Asuna says, with a nervous smile, “Well, maybe just a little bit.” Asuna then starts to ‘feel up’ Silica’s ears and she says, with a smile, “Oh, wow. They feel like a real cat’s ears!”


Usagi says, drolly, “I can’t believe that Liz just convinced Asuna to do that.”


Kirito says, nervously, “Actually, I can, Usagi.”


Usagi responds, plainly, “Point taken, Kirito.” Soon after, Leafa and Philia also joined in stroking Silica’s ears and tail much to Silica’s discomfort. Usagi says, with a sigh, “Poor Silica.”


Kirito says, with a nod, “Yep.”


Lisbeth asks, “Do you want to stroke her ears too?”


Kirito says, surprised, “What? No, I don’t!”


Usagi says, “Not to mention that the anti-harassment code would say that it is violation and get Kirito into trouble!”


Yui says, “That’s right. Daddy could be sent to jail with one push of the button from Silica.”


Miyako asks, confused, “So, if Kirito gently pats Silica on the head for like a ‘job well done’, it is violation, but Lisbeth stroking her and she isn’t violating any rules? What is this?”


Makoto says, “You know, I never thought about that.”


Takashi says, “Something tells me that you are going to have to refer to the GM for that one, Miyako.”


Usagi asks Yui, “Is there any rules for females?”


Yui responds, “If a female player treats a male player in an ‘inappropriate manner’, it is a violation of the code as well.”


Taichi says, “Well, that’s a relief.”


Leafa says, “It just hasn’t happened as often, but in the early days of ALO, female players learned that they couldn’t get away with anything against male players the hard way.”


Junpier says, “I’ll bet, Leafa.”


Dai says, with a grin, “Through between couples, there are ways to ‘turn off’ the code between them.”


Taichi yells out, stunned, “What?!”


Akari tells Dai, with a playful poking, “Oh, Dai-kun…”


Yamato says, with a grin, “He really knows how to get your goat.”


Taichi says, drolly, “Don’t remind me.”


Silica then says, with a blush, “Well, I really don’t mind if Kirito touches my ears.”


Usagi and Kirito say in unison, “Huh?!”


Lisbeth says, “How bold of you, Silica.”


Usagi says, getting an ‘overprotective big sister’ expression, “Silica-chan…”


Silica says, nervously, “No! No! I just said that I wouldn’t mind, Usagi-chan!”


Lisbeth says, “Well, she said that she wouldn’t mind it, Kirito.”


Usagi yells out, annoyed, “Liz, don’t encourage this!”


Kirito asks, curiously, “Are you sure about this Silica?”


Usagi does an anime face-fault and she yells out, annoyed, “Seriously?!”


Makoto says, “Man! Usagi has become quite the ‘big sister’ lately when it comes to Kirito and Leafa.”


Hino responds, “Well, they were a family back in the Silver Millennium for one thing and for another, before we came in, Meatball Head had only a few friends in SAO with Kirito and Asuna being the closest of them all. It is pretty obvious that she would be ‘protective’ of them, Mako.”


Makoto says, nervously, “Good point, Hino.” Kirito then gently strokes Silica’s ears until Sinon, Strea, and Yuuki came into the mix and they had to explain the situation to them. However, things get more ‘goofy’ when Strea decides to stroke Sinon’s ears and tail.


July 16, 2025, Kirigaya residence


Inside the Kirigaya home, Suguha was practicing her typical kendo routine as Kazuto and Trivia walk up.


Kazuto says, “Man, what a day.”


Suguha says, “You think that you are tried, big brother? Take a good look from my position.”


Kazuto says, “Oh, really? You should talk to Davis about being tried. He was the one that had to win the Egyptian God card back from that guy.”


Suguha says, “Point taken, Kazuto.”

Trivia says, “It sounds like you had a crazy day.”


Kazuto says, “Tell me about it, Trivia.” Kazuto says, glaring at Suguha, “And it didn’t get much better in ALO.”


Suguha says, with a grin, “Oh, come on, big brother. You would have looked real good with the cat’s ears.”


Kazuto says, “It is a good thing that Usagi was there.”


Suguha says, “Man! She could really move!”


Kazuto says, “Not surprising since she really developed her evasion skills.”


Suguha says, with a sigh, “Yeah, she is pretty awesome. Wish that it didn’t have to come with such a price.”


Kazuto says, “We all do, Sugu.”


Suguha says, with a sigh, “It only has been what? Four months? It hasn’t been enough time for her to enjoy ALO and regain some sense of normalcy, but then again, lives for Sailor Scouts are nowhere close to ‘normal’.”


Kazuto says, with a light smile, “I don’t think that we can call our lives ‘normal’ anymore, Sugu.”


Suguha says, with a nod, “Good point, big brother.”


Just then a familiar male voice says, “Excuse me?” Suguha and Kazuto yelp as they, along, with Trivia look to see Katsuhito, Tenchi, Ayeka, Sasami, Washu, Ryoko, and what look two floating logs with optical device on the top of the strange floating logs with the names ‘Azaka’ and ‘Kamidake’ on them.


The two of them look at each other and Kazuto tells Suguha, “See what I mean Suguha?”


Suguha says, with a sigh and nod, “Big time.” Suguha thinks in her mind, with her eyes narrowing, “However, they managed to sneak up on us without Kazuto or me sensing them. They either used a teleporter, they are good at hiding themselves, or both at the same time. Oh, boy. Just another day in our lives.”


July 16, 2025, Hayabusa Village


However, this morning isn’t just ‘one of those days’ for the Kirigaya as we head into the Hayabusa Village where one of the buildings ‘explodes’ as we find something or someone like Naruto trapped in his ‘four-tailed Version 2 Jinchuirki form’ rampaging through the village in which we find Naruto, Minato, and Kushina fighting against this ‘doppelganger’.


Naruto says, “Geez! Now, I know how Sakura and the others felt when I went out of control with you, Kurama!”


Kurama retorts, with a plain tone, “Don’t blame me for this gaki! That may be my other half that your father once held, but I warned you that your new ‘sister’ wouldn’t take the news so well!”


Naruto says, “Well, excuse me for not wanting to lie to this poor girl, fox!”


Kushina tells Naruto, “Kurama wanting to get in the last word, Sochi?”


Naruto replies, “You know how Kurama can be.”


Kushina replies, drolly, “Don’t remind me.” Naruto and Kushina yelp as they dodge a chakra arm from ‘doppelganger’ of Naruto in his ‘four-tailed Version 2 state’ which is none other than the Naruko, the female clone of Naruto created by MIST from Naruto’s cells before they genetically ‘modified’ him, Sakura, and Hinata.


Minato says, “We’ve got to calm her down!”


Naruto says, “Maybe I can use my new Wood Style abilities!”


Kurama retorts, “Don’t even think that, gaki! You know darn well that you aren’t close to the level of the First Hokage!”


Naruto responds, annoyed, “Well, what do you suggest fox? Let her rampage and destroy Ryu-dono’s village? I don’t think so!”


Kurama responds, “Idiot! Your mother has special chakra that can contain Biju and so do you since those people that used you for their ‘science experiments’ made sure that your mother’s chakra is a part of you! So, you can use your Uzumaki Chakra Chains to contain her!”


Naruto tells Minato, “Hey, pop! I’ve got mom’s special chakra in me too! Mom and I need just one shot!”


Just then Sakura’s voice shots out, “Let me help!” Soon after, a ring of flames surround Naruko and she roars out in surprise in which Naruto looks at Sakura, using her new golden Sword of Fire. Sakura yells out, “What are you waiting for? You have your chance!”


Kushina shouts out, “She’s right! Now, Sochi!” Kushina unleashes white chakra chains while Naruto unleashes rainbow colored chakra chains in which they entrapped the rampaging Naruko, who struggles with all of her might in which Naruto has to apply his enhanced physical strength to keep Naruko down as the special chakra of his mother within himself as well as Kushina cause Naruko to weaken and before long, Naruko returns to her human form and collapses into unconsciousness in which Minato quickly covers her in multiple blankets.


Hinata, Ryu, Momiji, and Kasumi arrive on the scene and Hinata says, “The rest of the villagers are safe and sound and there are no injuries at all.”


Naruto says, “That’s good. Thanks, Hinata.”


Minato says, “Sorry about this, Ryu-dono.”


Ryu says, “Understandable, Minato-san.”


Kasumi says, “Poor girl. Her whole life was a lie.”


Kushina tells Sakura, “Well, I have to admit that you aren’t half-bad…for a former fan-girl.”


Sakura says, nervously, “Thanks…I think.”


Hinata asks, looking at the unconscious Naruko in Minato’s arms, “What can we do?”


Minato says, “All we can do is make her comfortable and despite the way that she was born, she is our daughter now and we will take care of her. We will be a family.”


Sakura tells Minato, “Fourth Hokage-sama, I don’t mean to enrage you, but despite you being back, do you really think that village will really show regret to their actions? I doubt it. More like trying to play ‘suck up’ and not get the justice that they deserve.”


Minato says, sternly, “Don’t you think that I don’t know that? And don’t get me started on that young lady!”


Sakura says, with a yelp, “Yes, sir!”


Kushina tells Minato, “Easy, Minato-kun. She has made some major ‘fuck ups’, but I have to admit that she is better than her mother, if only somewhat, you know.”


Sakura thinks in her mind, drolly and sarcastically, “That makes me feel so much better.”


Minato says, plainly, “Right.” Minato tells Sakura, “Sorry.”


Kushina says, “Anyway, she has a good point especially with all of the new bloodlines that our boy is sporting and she and Hinawa’s daughter are in the same boat.”


Sakura thinks in her mind, sarcastically, “That’s reassuring, Lady Kushina.”


Ryu says, “Your wife has a point, Minato-dono. Hinata-san has gained the evolved version of the Byakugan, the Tenseigan, which gives her abilities similar to the Six Path Sage Mode and your son not only has the Wood Style as a part of his DNA, thanks to be Asura’s complete reincarnation and the First Hokage being one of Asura’s previous ‘incarnations’, but the usage of the Captain America super-soldier formula has enhanced his healing factor from his combined Uzumaki genes and the Nine-Tailed Fox into a regeneration bloodline similar to Wolverine.”


Minato says, with a snarl, “Which certain people in the Leaf would love to get their hands on. And we don’t know what kind of other ‘genetic abilities’ that Naruto, Hinata, and Sakura-san have due those fiends.”


Naruto says, “I’m guessing that there is a real CRA like I see in those ‘fanfiction stuff’.”


Sakura says, with a nod, “Yep.”


Naruto yells out, sternly, “I am no ‘stud horse’, believe it!”


Kushina says, with a serious tone, “Don’t worry, Sochi. They won’t even try.” Kushina’s hair starts to float around like the tails of Kurama and she says, with a dark enraged tone, “Not if they want a death wish.”


Sakura thinks in her mind, nervously, “Yipe! Major mental note: Do not EVER piss of Naruto’s mom! EVER!”


Sakura’s ‘other persona’, Inner Sakura, screams out, “No kidding, girlfriend! Major Cha! Don’t fucking piss her off or we’re dead! Dead!”


Kushina says, in a mischievously sweet tone, “Through if you want to use it to give me tons of grandchildren…”


Naruto and Sakura anime face-fault, Hinata blushes, and Naruto shouts out, embarrassed, “MOM!!!”


Kushina responds, with a nervous sweet smile, “What? Isn’t it every mother’s dream to have tons of grandchildren to spoil in their twilight years, you know?”


Minato slaps himself on the forehead and Naruto says, “Besides, I’m not the last Uzumaki anymore.”


Minato tells Naruto, with a sigh, “True, but you are the last MALE Uzumaki and like in those ‘fanfictions’ or whatever about our world, you have those ‘genetic abilities’ inside of you that can be passed onto your children while Naruko was ‘born’ through your UNALTERED cells which means that she doesn’t have those abilities.”


Kurama tells Naruto, with a sly tone, “Which means, gaki, like it or not, you are still under their Clan Restoration Act. You are so one lucky fox, kit.”


Naruto responds, annoyed, “You have got to have the last word, don’t you?”


Kurama replies, slyly, “Yep.”

  Naruto gives an annoyed expression and Kushina asks, “The fox is acting perverted again?”


Naruto asks, “You had this problem too?”


Kushina says, “He’s a fox! Trust me when I say that I had him under wraps, but let’s just say that he managed to…kick up my hormones…to put Minato-kun and me in…embarrassing situations.”


Minato and Kushina give blushes along with Kushina and Naruto says, with a major blush, “Okay, TMI, mom, believe it!”


Sakura thinks in her mind, “Major TMI!”


Ryu clears his throat and he says, hiding a blush under his mask, “I believe that we should bring Naruko inside to rest and have the ‘birds and bees discussion’ later.” There are plenty of blushes from the Elemental Country folk as they prepare to head inside one of the undamaged building in the village to allow Naruko to rest from her rampage.


July 16, 2025, Dicey Café


Inside of Dicey Café, our Digidestined and their Digimon, Moon Kingdom Sailor Scouts, including Rini, Darien, Suguha, Kazuto, Asuna, Keiko, Rika, Kotone, Shion, and Andrew, who is manning the bar of his café per usual, are joined by Katsuhito, Tenchi, Ayeka, Sasami, Washu, and Ryoko with the strange ‘floating logs’, Azaka and Kamidake, are waiting outside in which Katsuhito’s group have just finished explaining about who they are and whatnot to the others with Davis adding his two cents into the thing.


Tai asks Davis, “So, your grandfather from your dad’s side of the family is an alien and in fact, alien royalty?”


Davis says, with a shrug, “Basically.”


Yolei yells out, flabbergasted, “Basically? Basically?! You baka! Why haven’t you…?!”


TK tells Yolei, interrupting, “Hold it, Yolei! You know what Davis is going to say if you ask that question.” Yolei dead-pans knowing that TK is right while Davis gives a sweet innocent smile that Kari can’t help to giggle at.


Andrew says, “Man. Always hanging out with you, guys, gets weirder and weirder every single day.”


The majority of the Sailor Scouts and Digidestined reply in unison, “Tell us about it!”


Trista says, looking at Suguha, “However, I’m a bit disappointed at my young princess for acting so rash.”


Kazuto says, “If transforming into Sailor Celestial instantly when he mention that he knew hers and Serena’s identities and trying to cut his head off is a ‘little rash’.”


Suguha yells out, with flushed cheeks, “I said that I was sorry, okay?”


Katsuhito says, with a kind smile, “Well, you can’t really blame the young princess since all of you have been under stress and most likely, anyone that knows your identity without having been through that nightmare does tend to send a ‘red flag’. And I’m not hurt.”


Ryoko says, with a smirk, “That’s because you sent this girl flying head over high-heels right over the wall and right onto the street on her back with a major thud. I have to say not bad.”


Lita says, “Ouch! That had to hurt!”


Suguha says, rubbing her backside, “Just my pride, Lita.”


Shion asks, plainly, “So, you met Kayaba several months before SAO even started?”


Katsuhito says, “That’s correct, young lady.”


Tenchi tells Katsuhito, “And he gave you that box to give to them?”


Katsuhito says, “That’s correct through I didn’t know the right time to give it.”


Amara asks Katsuhito, with a deadly glare, “You knew that he was up to no good and you did nothing?”


Katsuhito says, “And what did you want me to do? Attack a man that hasn’t committed any crime at that time and a crime that I had no idea the specifics on what he was going to do? I would think that would make me the criminal, not him.” Amara recoils slightly from that, but she doesn’t lose her glare as Katsuhito drinks some tea that Andrew just made for him.


Ken says, “He has a good point, Amara.”


Cody says, “As much as we hate to admit it, Kayaba didn’t commit SAO at that time and the world had no idea what he was going to do at that time. Even though he knew the truth about Kayaba’s Silver Millennium past, I doubt that he had an idea of the scope of his horror.”


Katsuhito says, “And the young lad has a point. Dare I say that I never thought of that level of horror at the time, but I knew that there was nothing that I could do at the time since Kayaba didn’t commit any of his crimes at that time and you may also believe that he most likely had a plan to get away from me and I would never find him even if I did.”


Kazuto says, with a sigh, “I have to say that what you say is true, sir. Kayaba is that smart.”


Serena says, with a solemn nod, “Same here, Kazuto. And Kayaba would stroll up to you because he knew that you couldn’t do anything to him in which even if you tried, he would have figured a way out.”


Matt says, plainly, “Not surprising for that madman.”


Suguha says, “Well, he is dead. Dead and gone and hopefully, with enough time, forgotten like the ashes of his stupid ‘murder castle’ and the stain that it put on Full-Dive technology and VRMMO with it.” Katsuhito then gives a chuckle and she asks, with a glare, “What’s so funny?”


Katsuhito says, “I find it a bit amusing, but mainly disappointing that you of all people would be so blind.”


Suguha yells out, annoyed, “What was that?!”


Rika says, “Whoa, girl.”


Asuna says, “Please calm down, Suguha-chan.”


Amara asks, with a serious tone, “What do you mean?”


Katsuhito asks, “Do you think that he is truly gone? Do you really think that Kayaba would let his memory fade so easily?”


Davis asks, confused, “What are you talking about gramps?”


Katsuhito says, “I remember a game known as Final Fantasy Seven and the main villain of that game was known as Sephiroth as well as his words: ‘I will never be a memory’. I believe that explains what I’m talking about in plain terms, Davis. Do you really think that a man that was able to copy his mind into a digital file wouldn’t have a backup? I think not.”


There are multiple gasps and Izzy asks, stunned, “Are you saying that Kayaba might have made up a backup of his own mind?”


Katsuhito says, “I have lived on this planet for seven centuries and much about Earth is similar to Jurai in which I have been a Shinto priest for a long time as well. I am well ‘in-tune’ with this planet and my meeting gave me a good sense of Kayaba’s ‘aura’. If you ask me that he found a way to ‘live on’ in the ‘digital realm’ despite there is no proof, I would have to say this: Yes, he is still out there.”


There are gasps from everyone else and Cody says, “I hate to admit it, but Katsuhito-dono might have a point. You have to remember that our thoughts in our brains are electrical impulses and our brains are actually ‘biological computers’, one of the most complex ‘computers’ in creation. We found out that it is possible to ‘transfer’ your mind into the ‘digital plane’ when we found out that Kayaba transferred his mind to his avatar in SAO on the day that the malfunctions started.”


Ami says, with a nod, “Cody is right. Since his ‘mind’ was digital information, it isn’t impossible for him to copy it. His mind was now a very complex digital file and it might have taken time, but he had close to three months in order to do that.”


Asuna asks, “So, you are saying that the commander…Kayaba could still exist?”


Izzy says, with a plain tone, “There is a possibility. He managed to transfer his mind into ‘digital plane’, so, it isn’t out of the question that he found a way to duplicate his own mind into an AI program of some kind.”


Suguha slams her fist into the table and she yells out, “Damn it all!”


Andrew says, “Hey, girl, watch it please!”


Suguha says, with a sigh yet a snarl on her expression, “Sorry, Andrew.” Suguha says, banging her left fist into her right hand, “How could I have been so blind? The instant that I recovered, I should have made sure by tearing apart the SAO servers to make sure!”


Katsuhito says, “I doubt that you would have found anything. Most likely, Kayaba would have transferred any ‘duplicate’ of his mind out into the net for safe keeping. I doubt that he would have left in a place where it would have been easily found.”


Kazuto tells Suguha, “He has got a point, Sugu.”


Suguha says, with a sigh, “Yeah, you and Katsuhito-san are right, big brother.”


Ayeka says, “I just can’t believe what I heard. All that pain and suffering just to force Lady Suguha to awaken her powers as Sailor Celestial.”


Sasami asks, “How could he do that to her?”


Amara says, with a plain tone, “Fiends don’t need a reason, Sasami-san.” Serena’s arms start to shake and she is gently held in hug by Darien in which she nuzzles up to him.


Mina says, “Hey! Let’s not talk about that jerk!”


Ayeka says, nervously, “Oops! I’m sorry, Lady Serenity.”


Serena says, with a sigh, “It’s all right, Ayeka-san.”


Rika says, “Hey, girl! None of that mopping around here!”


Kotone says, with a smile, “Yes, Serena. We’re all here for you.”


Serena says, with a warm smile, “Thank you, Kotone.” Kazuto looks at Suguha and Serena and he then remembers the final battle of SAO where Sailor Celestial and Heathcliff fought an intense battle, a battle that was beyond any floor boss fight and in fact, beyond anything of the game especially they fought by their ‘own rules’ and not SAO’s rules, which nearly ended his sister’s life as he was starting to ‘reconnect’ with her. But then he, Raye, Amara, Suguha, Serena, and Katsuhito then ‘sense’ something and their eyes widen.


Hotaru asks Amara, “What’s wrong, Amara-papa?”


Amara says, “We have an uninvited guest.”


Davis says, ‘sensing’ the same thing’, “Yeah.” Davis then turns towards the door and when everyone else looks in the direction that Davis is, they see none other than Kabuto standing in front of them.


Mimi asks, “A Naruto cosplayer?”


Raye says, seriously, “That’s no cosplayer! That’s the real deal!”


There are multiple gasps and Kabuto says, displaying his Chakra Scalpel, “That’s correct. As you can see, I am the real Kabuto Yakushi.”


As everyone goes on guard, Katsuhito says, “Easy, everyone. If he wanted to attack us, he would have done so already.”


Kabuto says, with a sinister smile, “Indeed. I’m here to deliver a message to her.”


When Kabuto points to Suguha, many of the others gives look of shock and a quite few of them add looks of suspicion to it, Suguha asks, with a glare, “What do you want sleaze ball?” Kabuto then throws a picture to Suguha, who catches, her eyes nearly bulge out of her head, and she then gets a look of pure rage in which her body starts to glow.


Kabuto says, with an evil taunting tone, “Hold on, little girl. If you do anything to me, your mother will have a nasty new hair cut…from the neck up!”


There are gasps and Kazuto asks, stunned, “Mom?” Suguha hands Kazuto the photo and Kazuto is horrified to see his adopted mother and aunt, Midori Kirigaya, entrapped by Orochimaru’s snakes.


Kabuto says, “If you want to make sure that you and your brother aren’t orphans, despite having a dad, you will reach the area around Tenbi Academy soon or else.”


Kazuto yells out, angrily, “You…!!”


Kabuto says, ignoring Kazuto, “And we don’t mind if you bring any of your friends.” Kazuto looks at the group that’s glaring at him and he says, with a wicked smile, “In fact, the more the merrier. See you soon.” Kabuto then melts into the ground and vanishes before anyone could stop him. With Kabuto gone, Suguha’s hands turn into fist and she gives a roar of power causing her to transform into Eternal Sailor Celestial in a flash in which she proceeds to bash her fists on one of the tables and turning it into splinters.


Andrew says, stunned, “Oh, come on!”


Darien says, “We’ll pay for that Andrew.”


Ayeka says, “How dare he? That’s a dirty underhanded trick!”


Ryoko tells Ayeka, “Where have you been princess? Living under a rock? Hello! He is a villain! That’s what they do! Or have you forgotten Kagato and Doctor Clay?”


Sailor Celestial starts to march off and Matt yells out, “Where do you think that you are going?”


Sailor Celestial says, with a stern tone, “Where do you think Ishida?”


Rika shouts out, “Suguha, you know that’s a trap!”


Sailor Celestial yells out, “My mother’s life is at stake and I’m getting sick and tired of this! I’m going to make an example of them not to kidnap my family!”


Kazuto tells Sailor Celestial, “Sugu, wait! I’m just as pissed off at you, but this is what they want to do! They want you to lose focus and barrel in there!”


Raye says, “Your brother is right, Celestial!”


Shion says, with a nod, “You need a plan.” Sailor Celestial is about to argue when Serena gently grabs her hand and Sailor Celestial looks at her sibling in her past life.


Serena says, kindly, “Please, Celestial. We’ll get your mother back. We’re family and we stick together.”


Sailor Celestial manages to calm down, somewhat, and Keiko says, shocked, “This is horrible.”


Rika tells Keiko, “This is what villains do, Keiko. They are the ultimate jerks and that’s being nice about them.”


Darien says, “It is obvious what Kabuto and whoever is with him, which may be Orochimaru, are after.”


Michelle says, “The Etherion power inside of Celestial.”


Sailor Celestial’s hands turn into fists at those words and Kazuto tells Sailor Celestial, “Sugu, it isn’t your fault.”


Katsuhito says, “You may believe that you know your enemy, but reading about your enemy and actually facing your enemy in actual combat are two different things. In this case, you need an ace and this ace should be ‘fighting fire with fire’.”


Davis responds, “Translation? Because we don’t speak ‘wise old sage’.”


Ken says, snapping his fingers, “Naruto and his friends and family come from the same world as Kabuto remember? We get their help!”


Rika says, “That’s a good idea.”


Tai says, with a grin, “Naruto and his friends and family know that jerk well, so, they can give us an edge!”


Serena says, “But do we have to get them involved? I know that Kabuto is their enemy and all, but they are targeting us. I’ve got a bad feeling that they want more than Suguha. He did say that he would be glad for more of us to be there.”


Lita says, amazed, “Hey, Serena, you have a point!”


Serena asks, with a glare, “And what’s that supposed to mean Lita-chan?”


Lita winches at that and Cody says, “However, I doubt that they will mind and in fact, they will insist on wanting to join us. And also, reading about their abilities in manga is one thing and seeing it work in real life is a whole other story.”


Trista says, “Cody is correct. Like it or not, we are going to need Naruto, his family, and his comrades to fight against Kabuto and most likely, Orochimaru.”


Davis says, “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s skin us a snake.” Kari giggles at Davis’ antics as the others get to their feet and prepare to travel to Hayabusa Village to get the help of Naruto, his family, and his comrades in order to fight Orochimaru and Kabuto, but Sailor Celestial can’t help to wonder if her powers are ‘cursed’.


July 16, 2025, Hidden MIST base, unknown location


Deep within a MIST base at an unknown location, Sasuke steps into a darkened room and he just stands there.


Sasuke then asks, seemly to no one, “How long are you going to ‘play dead’?”


Just then a familiar male voice responds, “So, you noticed?”


Sasuke responds, “Orochimaru may have too much an ego to notice, but I am not so easily fooled.”


The male voice responds, “Like you were completely fooled by your brother for your whole life?”


Sasuke’s Sharingan eyes blaze out and he says, with a glare, “Watch your words! I don’t care how powerful you are or how much knowledge that you have…”


The male voice responds, interrupting, “And knowledge is power when it comes to shinobi, my boy. With me, you have no knowledge on what I can really do and I know plenty about you despite it coming from television shows and comic books. Like it or not, I have an edge over you, Sasuke Uchiha.”


Sasuke snarls as he deactivates his Sharingan and he says, “Orochimaru has made a move against your former daughters.”


The male voice retorts, “I’m not surprised considering the great power that they wield.” Sasuke just scoff and the male voice tells Sasuke, “And you can’t scoff it off. They may not use chakra, but they are more powerful than even the Bijus and they have yet to unleash the hidden powers deep within.”


Sasuke asks, curiously, “What do you mean?”


The male voice responds, “That comparing your power to theirs is like comparing one single ant to building, Sasuke Uchiha.”


Sasuke asks, with an angered tone, “What was that?”


The male voice retorts, “And you know that it is truth, Sasuke Uchiha. Do not provoke the power of the dragon or you will end up as ashes. Anyway, I thank you for the information and will plan my move perfectly. However, I am curious to know why you gave it to me.”


Sasuke retorts, “Why do you think?” Sasuke then walks out of the room and within the darkness, we can see a figure, but all we can see is a male person’s lips curl into a sly smile.


July 16, 2025, Tenbi Academy


On the ground of Tenbi Academy, a former all-girls school which has returned to its ‘roots’ as a co-ed school, the students are assembled there despite it being summer vacation for a festival in which the students then hear a sound of something like a jet.


One female student asks, “What’s that sound?”


Just then another female student yells out, looking up and pointing up, “Over there!” Everyone then looks to see none other than Imperialdramon, in ‘dragon form’, flying over the school and they yelp as the mighty Mega Dragon Digimon overflies the school in which the beautiful nurse, principal, and a group of male and female students belonging to a school organization known as Maken-Ki are interested as Imperialdramon flies over the wooded area and shoots a beam of light deep into the forested area where we find Darien, our Moon Kingdom Sailor Scouts, including Molly and Rini, Suguha, Shion, our Digidestined, minus Ken, and their Digimon, minus Veemon and Wormmon as they are currently in their DNA Mega form currently, Naruto, Sakura, Hinata, Minato, and Kushina assembled together.


Minato asks, “This is the place?”


Naruto says, “Yeah, dad. This is the area that Sakura-chan, Hinata-chan, and I were in before the others aided us in our escape of those goons.”


Suguha says, over a communication device attached to her left ear, “Okay, Kazuto. You and the others deploy the drones and keep an eye on the sky.” On the back of Imperialdramon, Ken, Kazuto, Asuna, Rika, and Keiko are assembled with what looks like camera drones used by the movies and television shows to film their programs with Kazuto on a laptop computer.


Kazuto says, “Got you, Sugu.”


Asuna says, in a communication device, “You, Serena-chan, and the others be careful out there.”


Serena responds, into a communication device of her own, “We will Asuna.”


Minato says, “Some of us should scout out ahead to make sure that we don’t fall into the trap that snake has prepared for you.”


Naruto asks, “Can’t we use Hinata-chan’s improved Byakugan?’


Sakura tells Naruto, “That’s a good idea, but you have to remember that Orochimaru is a former Leaf ninja and he would know well of the Byakugan.”


Hinata tells Naruto, “Sakura’s right, Naruto-kun. Orochimaru might know ways to block my Byakugan.”


TK says, “Well, we already have a solution for that.” On Imperialdramon’s back, Ken, Kazuto, Asuna, Keiko, and Rika start to deploy the various camera drones cause them to fly out.


Keiko says, “I really wish that we can help more than this.”


Rika tells Keiko, “This is the real world, Keiko. They have the powers and we can’t do anything other than us, but it doesn’t mean that we aren’t helping in our own way.”


Asuna says, with a smile “Rika is right, Silica…I mean Keiko.”


Keiko says, with a smile, “It’s okay, Asuna. I still call the others by their SAO handles out of habit.”


Rika says, with a grin, “Like I can’t help to call you ‘Silica the dragon tamer’ at times.”


Keiko gives a pout and Kazuto says, “Personally, I think that you should have stayed at Andrew’s or at home.”


Keiko responds, “Suguha is my friend too, Kirito! We’re all SAO survivors and we stick together.”


Rika says, with a sigh, “Don’t bother Kazuto.”


Ken says, with a smile, “Anyway, we have our job to do.” Ken tells Imperialdramon, “Keep us high Imperialdramon. We don’t know how far their attacks can reach.”


Imperialdramon responds, “You got it, Ken!” As Imperialdramon flies higher into the sky to keep his distance, the group on his back deploy the various camera drones as the others watch from the group.


Mina tells Molly, “Man! I never knew that you had so many of those!”


Molly responds, “You have to remember that I have been mainly working alone since I awoke after Serena freed Galaxia from Chaos, so, Aurora felt that I always needed an ‘edge or two’.”


Amara says, “Good philosophy.”


Naruto says, looking up in the sky at the drones, “Man! You guys have some of the awesome toys, believe it!”


Sakura says, “Well, right now, those ‘toys’ are going to help give us a heads up.”


Shion says, “Technology isn’t full-proof, Sakura-san.”


Raye says, “Shion is right, Sakura. We have ways to disable or ‘confuse’ our own technology, so, we can’t rely on it too much.”


Minato says, “Your new friends are right. We need to keep focus or our enemies will get the drop on us.” However, just then, multiple wooden coffins with Kenji on them burst out of the ground a short distance away from our group and around them as well.


Tai says, seriously, “Too late for that!”


Davis says, bringing out his two Keyblades, “Get ready everyone!”


Mina says, “Um…These guys can’t be destroyed, right? It shouldn’t be possible to really defeat them!”


Raye says, “Since they have been forced into this world in those ‘undead forms’, my spiritual powers might help us or even better, Meatball Head’s crystal or Suguha’s powers could stop them.”


Trista says, as she prepares her wand to transform into her Sailor Scout form, “I believe that’s the best possibility.” Soon after, the lids of the coffins fall down and the group gasps at what or should I say, WHO is inside of them.


Hinata asks, stunned, “What?”


Sakura says, “Those aren’t ninjas from our world!”


Serena says, her hands over her mouth in shock and horror, “No…No, they aren’t…This…This can’t be…” Right in front of the group, they are seeing the people that died in Sword Art Online, Kuradeel, Kobatz and the two members of the ALF that died with him in the battle with Floor 74 Floor Boss, The Gleameyes, and various other people that died on Sword Art Online in the form of their avatars on SAO, but they look exactly as a person does revived due to the Reanimation Jutsu in case of the grey and ‘cracked’ skin.


Darien asks, concerned, “Serena?”


Lita says, pointing to Kuradeel, “Hey, I remember that guy!”


Raye says, with a serious tone, “That’s the guy that attempted to kill Kazuto and Asuna in SAO and Kazuto was forced to kill him in which Mimete temporary ‘restored’ him for a while to attack Meatball Head. His avatar’s name was Kuradeel.”


Hotaru asks, “Wait! Does that mean…?”


Tai says, his eyes narrowing, “These are the people that died in SAO.”


Matt says, with a snarl, “That snake!”


TK asks, “But wait! Why do they look like they did in SAO here in the real world?”


Just then a familiar male voice says, with a sinister sly tone, “Allow me to answer that young man.” Just then out of the ground, none other than Orochimaru makes his appearance.


Minato says, with a sneer, “Orochimaru.”


Orochimaru says, with a sly grin, “It seems like you have completely returned to the land of the living, Fourth Hokage-dono.”


Suguha says, with a sly smirk, “You can thank me for that one. You can’t use him against Naruto.”


Orochimaru says, with a sly smile, “No, but I could examine his body to gain the secrets of your power, my dear.”


Naruto responds, with a snort, “Yeah, right! My dad wasn’t a Hokage for nothing!”


Orochimaru retorts, “It has been over a decade since he died, boy! A lot can change in that time!”


Naruto says, with a sneer, “Well, I’m not the same boy as before either, snake!”


Davis yells out, “What have you done to these people Orochimaru?”


Orochimaru responds, “Simple, boy. It is a good thing that hospital kept so many samples and mix it in with a little of what you call ‘dark magic’ giving them the abilities that they had in the virtual world. It is a very interesting technique to my arsenal.”


Raye shouts out, angrily, “How dare you disrespect the dead like this?!”


Orochimaru says, with a sinister smile, “For me, it is simple to get an advantage over my enemies.” On the back of Imperialdramon, Ken, Kazuto, Asuna, Rika, and Keiko are watching this with mixed feeling.


Rika says, with a sneer, “That jerk!” Kazuto has a look of rage in his eyes, but when he looks at something, his eyes go wide and his skin becomes pale.


Kazuto says, stunned and horrified, “No, it can’t be…”


Asuna says, shocked at seeing her beloved’s expression, “Kirito-kun? Kirito-kun, what’s wrong?”


Keiko asks, “Kirito, what’s wrong?” On the screen of the laptop, Kazuto has a view of none other than the Moonlit Black Cats, in their ‘undead versions’ of their SAO avatars, standing at attention, but Sachi is missing from their number.


Back with the others, Orochimaru says, with a sinister smile, “And now, I have a special surprise for the two Moon Princesses.”


Serena asks, a bit nervously, “What do you mean?”


Orochimaru says, with an evil grin, “It wasn’t easy since it seemed he made sure that all of his DNA samples are destroyed and whatever samples are left, he made sure that they are intensely guarded for various reasons. However, I managed to get enough of his DNA during his time in the Silver Millennium from the preserved samples from the battle between him and Miss Celestial ten centuries ago.”


There are gasps and Suguha says, shocked, “No, you can’t!”


Orochimaru slams his palm into the ground and he yells out, with an evil smile, “That’s right, my dear! The one that caused the end of your civilization one thousand years ago and murdered four thousand people in order to awaken your powers!” Soon after, a coffin comes out of the ground, but when the coffin opens up, there is nothing in there causing Orochimaru to yell out, flabbergasted, “What?!”


Naruto shouts out, with a smirk, “Ha! It looks like you made a major dud, you snake! Believe it!”


Sakura thinks in her mind, “I don’t know about that Naruto. Why is the coffin completely empty instead of a failed summoning?”


Orochimaru asks, confused, “Where is he?”


Just then a familiar male voice says, plainly, “Right here.” Orochimaru then cries out in pain as he is impaled by a familiar Keyblade comes out of his waist and everyone gasps as the one holding the Keyblade is none other than Akihiko Kayaba, looking exactly as he did in his SAO avatar form of Heathcliff, but unlike the others, he looks completely alive and well.


The others are shocked and Davis says, stunned, “I can’t believe it.”


Mimi asks, “Who is that?”


Kari says, “It’s him, Mimi.”


Yolei says, a bit fearful and a bit angry, “Kayaba.”


Joe asks, stunned, “That’s Kayaba?”


Matt says, with a sneer, “That’s him, Joe. I will never forget his avatar.”


TK says, “Wait a minute! He looks…He looks alive!”


Ami says, having her computer, “That’s because he is alive! He isn’t an ‘undead’ like the others! He is completely alive and well!”


The others are stunned, none more so than Orochimaru, and he asks, shocked and weakly, “But how?”


Kayaba AKA Heathcliff responds, with a sly smirk, “For a shinobi, you have forgotten to look ‘underneath the surface’.”


Orochimaru then says, weakly, “When I summoned you, you must have put something on yourself to make yourself revive completely.”


Heathcliff responds, “Correct. I wasn’t planning on getting revived, but life is just like an RPG and so full of interesting surprises.” Heathcliff then takes his Keyblade out of Orochimaru’s waist and cuts him in half, but Orochimaru regenerates himself with his substitution technique.


Orochimaru says, with a sneer, “You will pay for tricking me!”


Heathcliff retorts, with a confident smile, “Will I?”


Orochimaru shouts out, pointing to Heathcliff, “Get him!” The ‘revived’ SAO players then turn towards Heathcliff, their weapons magically appearing in their hands along with any shields and such, and leap over to attack him, but Heathcliff, never losing his smile, just snaps his fingers and they stop right in their tracks much to Orochimaru’s shock. Orochimaru yells out, stunned, “What?! What are you doing?! I command you to get him!”


However, they don’t move an inch, Heathcliff snaps his fingers again, and the ‘undead’ SAO players leap way in which Rini asks, “What’s going on? Shouldn’t they be under the control of Orochimaru’s jutsu?”


Michelle says, “It seems like Kayaba has just turned the tables on him.”


Orochimaru snarls in anger at Heathcliff and Heathcliff retorts, “Now, Orochimaru, since I have been back for a good amount of time, do you think that I wouldn’t prepare for something like this? For all of your knowledge, you have so much to learn.” Just then Heathcliff’s Keyblade turns into a huge cannon and he says, with a sly smile, “Allow me to educate you.” Heathcliff then fires a powerful sphere from his ‘Keyblade cannon’ with a huge cannon-like ‘ka-boom’ and the energy sphere slams into Orochimaru before he could even think of throwing up a defense in which he is sent sky-rocketing miles into the sky before there is a massive explosion that forced everyone to cover their eyes from the light of the explosion. When the light died down and the smoke of the explosion faded, there was nothing there.


Naruto shouts out, “Whoa! He’s gone!”


Minato tells Naruto, “Don’t be so sure, Naruto. Orochimaru is one slippery snake.”


Naruto says, drolly, “Don’t I know it, pops? He is a real piece of work.”


Minato says, with a snarl, “I know that Third Hokage-sama should have gotten rid of him years ago.”


Sakura says, looking at Heathcliff, “Our real problem is this guy right in front of us. Since he is who he is said to be, then we might be in as much trouble if not more so. We are looking at a destroyer of entire civilization in one life and the mass murderer in this time on this world.”


Hinata asks, “You mean…?”


Sakura says, with a nod, “That’s him, Hinata. The one that really pisses off Suguha.”


As Heathcliff’s Keyblade returns back to ‘normal’ from its ‘cannon mode’, he looks at Suguha and Serena and he says, “Ah, Serena. Suguha, it has been some time.”


Suguha says, with a sneer, “Not long enough, sicko.”


Back on Imperialdramon, the others are flabbergasted and Kazuto says, shocked, “I can’t believe this.”


Rika says, “No joke, Kazuto. He has been completely revived.”


Keiko says, stunned, “Unbelievable.”


Kazuto says, “However, he hasn’t been revived as Akihiko Kayaba, but Prince Heathcliff of the Black and Blue Moon families.”


Asuna asks, “So, that means that he has all of his powers from his past life now?”


Kazuto says, “And maybe even more, Asuna.”

Asuna says, concerned, “Serena-chan…Suguha-chan…”

 < /p> Back on the ground, as the others are glaring at Heathcliff, Raye says, “Leave it to you to have a backup plan.”


Heathcliff responds, “Actually, Princess of Mars, I never intended to be revived from the dead. However, I learned that in life, nothing can go as you planned, but I had a ‘feeling’ that someone might do something like Orochimaru did.”


Amara says, “So, in case you did, you put something on yourself to revive you completely in case someone revived you to get access to all of your knowledge like the data for the ‘death game program’ of Sword Art Online.”


Heathcliff replies, “Correct, Amara-san.” Heathcliff says, snapping his fingers, “Now, I have someone that belongs to you.” Just then the members of Laughing Coffin that died in SAO, looking like ‘undead’ versions of their SAO avatars, appear with one of them dragging out a tied up Midori Kirigaya.


Suguha yells out, shocked, “Mom!”


Midori asks, surprised, “Suguha?” She then yelps as she is thrown by Heathcliff.


Davis yells out, strongly, “Let her go!”


Heathcliff says, with a kind smile, “You would think that I would be so cruel? All I wish to desire is have a kind chat with the woman that gave Suguha her second life.”


Midori asks, “Second life? Who are you?”


Heathcliff responds, “I believe that you know of me well, Kirigaya-san. I am different in looks than I was before, but my name should have been known as the one that created the ‘death game’ known as Sword Art Online.”


Midori gasps and she asks, “You…You are Akihiko Kayaba? The monster that trapped my son in that horror?”


Heathcliff says, with a bow, “It is an honor to meet you, Midori-san. However, you, your son, who I know as Kirito, and your daughter have met me long before then. I believe that you remember the day in Juuban where the mysterious giant black crystal were causing chaos throughout the district and your daughter had run off in which you went searching for her until someone brought her sleeping form back to you and your boy.”


Midori’s eyes grow wide with shock and she asks, “How do you…No! You can’t be…?”


Heathcliff says, “Yes, I am the one that you met on that day. I must indeed thank you for raising your daughter so well.”


When it looked Heathcliff was going to touch Midori’s cheek with the hand containing his Keyblade, Suguha become enraged and she yells out, in the same kind of tone as her emotions, “Don’t you dare touch her!” In a bright flash, Suguha transforms into Eternal Sailor Celestial, much to her mother’s shock and surprise, and charges in while drawing her swords intending to end Heathcliff’s life once and for all.


Serena shouts out, worriedly, “Suguha, no!” Sailor Celestial takes a stabbing strike at Heathcliff, but he easily ducks under the attack and rams the hilt of his Keyblade into her waist causing her to gasp as the air was knocked out of her.


Kazuto, Midori, Serena, and other shout in unison, shocked, “No!”


Heathcliff tells Sailor Celestial, shaking his head, “I thought that I taught you better than this.” Heathcliff then ruthlessly bashes Sailor Celestial in the face with his shield sending her flying through a tree which turns into splinters due to the force that Sailor Celestial and she slams into the ground with a mighty ‘crash’.


Midori shouts out, horrified, “Suguha!” On Imperialdramon, Kazuto had to be restrained by the others from ‘flying off’ Imperialdramon to ram his Keyblades into Heathcliff in a blind rage.


Heathcliff responds, “Don’t worry, Midori-san. Your daughter is a lot tougher than she looks.”


Raye yells out, “That does it! Transform now!” With those words, the Sailor Scouts of the group immediately get out their Sailor Senshi transformation items.


Moon Eternal Power, Make-up!


Sun Eternal Power, Make-up!


Nebula Eternal Power, Make-up!


Neo Moon Eternal Power, Make-up!


Orion Eternal Power, Make-up!


Mercury Eternal Power, Make-up!


Venus Eternal Power, Make-up!


Mars Eternal Power, Make-up!


Jupiter Eternal Power, Make-up!


Saturn Eternal Power, Make-up!


Uranus Eternal Power, Make-up!


Neptune Eternal Power, Make-up!


Pluto Eternal Power, Make-up!


Through their respective transformations, Serena, Kari, Molly, Rini, Shion, Ami, Mina, Raye, Lita, Hotaru, Uranus, Michelle, and Trista transform into Sailor Moon, Sailor Sun, Sailor Nebula, Sailor Neo-Moon, Sailor Orion, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Venus, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Saturn, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Pluto, all of whom are in their Eternal Sailor Scout forms, while Darien transforms into Tuxedo Mask.


Yolei says, “I am still not getting used to this.”


Sailor Uranus says, drawing her Space Sword, “Time to give this jerk a royal beat down once and for all!”


Sailor Pluto says, blocking Sailor Uranus with her Garnet Orb, “Wait, Uranus! He hasn’t been revived as Kayaba, but Prince Heathcliff of the Black and Blue Moon families! We can’t be sure of the extent of his powers!”


Just then Sailor Celestial’s voice booms, “And this jerk is mine!” Sailor Celestial then appears, seemly through teleportation, and she swings her Dark Repulser down on Heathcliff in which he blocks with his shield, but the sheer power from both of them causing sparks of energy to fly around and the ground around them to greatly crack. However, Sailor Celestial gets distracted when her mom gets spooked by one of the energy sparks.


Heathcliff says, with a smirk, “Distracted, my dear!”


Heathcliff prepares a sneak attack with his sword, but Naruto’s voice booms, “Well, how about now?!” Just then Heathcliff gets bashed in the face by Naruto’s foot and sending him flying into the Reanimation Laughing Coffin causing three of them to shatter upon impact, but they start to reform immediately. On the meanwhile, two Naruto Shadow Clones untie Midori much to her shock and amazement.


Sailor Celestial tells Naruto, “Thank you, Naruto. Get her out of here!” Sailor Celestial then charges in as Heathcliff leaps back to his feet and the two of them start an intense sword fight.


Midori shouts out, concerned, “Suguha!”


Sailor Moon says, in a commanding tone, “Girls, get Celestial’s mom out of here now!” Immediately, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Jupiter leap over to Naruto and Midori to protect them.


Davis yells out, “Imperialdramon, get down here!”


Imperialdramon responds, “You got it, Davis!” Immediately, Imperialdramon floats down and teleports Midori onto his back where the others are waiting for her.


Kazuto says, “Mom!”


Midori tells Kazuto, “Kazuto?”


Ken says, “Imperialdramon, get us out of here!” Imperialdramon takes to the skies and away from the battlefield in order keep Midori safe. Knowing that her mother is safe, Sailor Celestial battles Heathcliff more intensely than ever before.


Heathcliff says, “Now, your mother is safe, but I wasn’t the one that took her.”


Sailor Celestial says, “It doesn’t matter! As long as you exist, the shadow of death…the shadow of Sword Art Online will always remain and I will never let another Sword Art Online to ever come about!”


Heathcliff responds, with a sly smirk, “Sore that I was the one true winner of Sword Art Online, my dear Celestial? Then overcome me with your power!”


Sailor Celestial says, with a stern tone, “You got it, jerk!” Sailor Celestial leaps away and in a bright flash, she transforms into her Valkyrie Sailor Soldier form and Heathcliff just smirks causing Sailor Celestial to sneer in which both of them seem to vanish.


Sailor Saturn asks, “They’ve vanished?” Just then the whole area starts to shake from a series of ‘explosions’ that are coming from the area around them.


Sora asks, “What’s going on here?”


Biyomon says, “The whole area is shaking!”


Sailor Uranus says, “It’s them! They are moving so fast that we can’t see them and they are using so much power that they are causing the whole area to shake!” Soon after, Sailor Celestial and Heathcliff ‘reappear’ in which Sailor Celestial is using both of her swords and clashing with the sword and shield combo of Heathcliff.


Sailor Celestial says, “This time, you don’t have the virtual world to draw power from!”


Heathcliff says, “I don’t need it anymore since I’ve been reborn in my ‘original form’ through I did not wish to return, but I wouldn’t mind returning to the virtual realm.”


Sailor Celestial says, strongly, “You’re return…in pieces!” Sailor Celestial and Heathcliff continue to battle at an intense pace.


On Imperialdramon’s back, the others are watching and Keiko says, stunned, “They’re incredible.”


Rika says, “I’m getting a feeling of déjà vu.”


Asuna says, “I am too, Liz. This is…This is…”


Kazuto says, holding his mother, “Like Sugu’s and Kayaba’s battle at the Ruby Palace at the end of Sword Art Online.” Everyone looks at Kazuto and he says, with a solemn tone, “It is like Pluto said. Long ago, back in the Silver Millennium, they threw away any bonds that they once had and now, they share the ‘bond of eternal enemies’. As long as they both exist in one form or another, they will only be drawn to fight each other and only one of them can survive.”


Midori asks, confused, “Kazuto, what are you talking about? What’s going on? Why…?”


Kazuto tells Midori, “It’s a long story, mom.” Kazuto says, as he looks at the battle between Celestial and Heathcliff, “A long and horror filled story, mom.” Back to the battle, Sailor Celestial comes in with both sword with a kendo style attack which Heathcliff counters with his sword causing a major shockwave that creates a good sized crater in the ground all around them as their powers clash. When the shockwave stops, the two of them leap away to either side of the crater that they created.


Sailor Jupiter says, stunned, “Holy cow!”


Sailor Venus says, shocked, “They are incredible!”


Heathcliff then smiles as he puts his sword back into its sheath within his shield and he says, “Well done, my dear. You have grown even stronger. Despite us not using our full power, I doubt that we will be able to stop this in this manner.”


Sailor Sun asks, “Wait! You and Sailor Celestial aren’t using full power?”


Heathcliff says, “Sailor Celestial hasn’t used her Valkyrie’s form full power even the day that she got it.” There are gasps and Heathcliff says, “Remember, Pluto said this level of Sailor Soldier power is the level of ‘world destruction’, so, if Sailor Celestial used her full power combined with disengaging her Etherion Booster, she would have completely overloaded and destroyed Sword Art Online.”


Tai says, shocked, “No way!”


Sailor Moon says, “No, it’s true. I never used my Valkyrie form’s full power even on the first day that I got it.”


Sailor Mars asks, “You didn’t use your Valkyrie Sailor Scout’s full power for all this time Meatball Head?”


Sailor Moon says, seriously, “If I did, I could have blown the whole of Tokyo apart with putting a huge hole in it just by powering up!”


Sailor Pluto says, “Remember, the Valkyrie Sailor Scout form is a legendary form of the Sailor Senshi and even I don’t know the true depths of its power and abilities.”


Sailor Moon says, “It is part of the reason that Celestial and I went to the Hayabusa Village. We need to learn about our powers.”


Heathcliff says, “And I dare say that you have done a good job, but you have only scratched the surface of your power and I don’t mean your Valkyrie Sailor Scout powers.”


Sailor Celestial asks, with a glare, “What do you mean?”


Heathcliff says, “You and Serenity have powers that you haven’t realized yet, my dear. However, let’s settle this matter in this manner.” Soon after, Heathcliff’s Liberator shield and sword then transform into a duel disk similar to Heathcliff’s Liberator with a touch screen, a slot that contains a deck, another slot in front of the touch screen, an Extra Deck slot, and it forms an ‘energy blade’ with Monster and Pendulum card zones in the form of his Liberator sword.


Sailor Celestial asks, “You want to duel?”


Heathcliff responds, pointing to the Reanimated former SAO players, “I think that you realize that if you refuse, there might be some ‘problems’.”


Sailor Uranus says, with a sneer, “You snake!”


Sailor Celestial says, causing her current duel disk to appear on her left armored wrist, “Fine! Let’s duel!”


Sailor Mars says, surprised, “Celestial!”


Sailor Celestial says, “Many of these people are just the poor souls that are victims of Kayaba’s insanity! I won’t let them be used anymore!” Sailor Celestial puts her dueling deck into her duel disk and she thinks, as she looks at the Moonlit Black Cats causing a ‘strange pain’ in her heart, “Don’t worry, Sachi. I’ll save your friends, I promise you.” Sailor Celestial glows in which a faint image of Sachi appears and everyone can see it for that moment before Sachi’s ‘image’ fade as both Heathcliff’s and Sailor Celestial’s decks are shuffled by their duel disks after they are activated. When their duel disks display 4000 life-points for each duelist, they draw five cards from their decks.


“Duel!” Sailor Celestial and Heathcliff say in unison as their duel begins.


Starting Scores:

Sailor Celestial: 4000

Heathcliff: 4000


Heathcliff says, drawing a card, “Normally, it is ladies’ first, so, forgive me if I take the first move in this duel.” Just then a slot comes out of the left side of Heathcliff’s duel disk and he says, putting one card into it, “And next, I start off with a field spell that you might remember: I activate the Field Spell, Ruby Palace!” There are multiple gasps as the field transforms into an exact duplicate of the inside of the Ruby Palace, the final battlefield of SAO on Floor 100 of Aincrad, and Heathcliff says, “I believe that this is another case of déjà vu.”


Sailor Celestial says, with a snort, “You are real riot…Not!”


Tai says, with a snarl, “No kidding!”


Heathcliff says, putting one card on his duel disk’s ‘energy blade’, “Then I play Vorse Raider in attack mode!” Just then Vorse Raider (1900/1200) appears on the field in attack mode and Heathcliff says, putting two cards into the main slot of his duel disk causing images of two face-down cards to appear on the touch screen, “And I shall end the turn with two cards face-down.”


Sailor Moon says, concerned, “Be careful, Celestial.”


Sailor Celestial says, drawing a card, “My draw!” Sailor Celestial thinks in her mind, “A monster in attack mode with two face-down cards? That just screams ‘trap’! And I also don’t know the power of his Ruby Palace yet! I had better be careful around this jerk!” Sailor Celestial says, putting one card on her duel disk, “First, I start off with Twilight Rose Knight!” Twilight Rose Knight (1000/1000) appears on the field in attack mode and Sailor Celestial says, putting another card on her duel disk, “Now, my Knight can call for an assistant as long as it is a plant monster that’s level four or below! And I choose my Cactus Fighter!” Cactus Fighter (1900/400) appears on the field in attack mode and Sailor Celestial says, “And now, I tune my Twilight Rose Knight with my Cactus Fighter!” Twilight Rose Knight turns into three stars that turn into three rings that surround Cactus Fighter making it become transparent, and as she gets a Synchro Monster card from her Extra Deck, a column of light appears on the field. Sailor Celestial then chants out, “Lofty rose that buds in a garden of integrity! Bloom here, watered by the blue moonlight! Synchro Summon!” Sailor Celestial puts the Synchro Monster card on her duel disk and she shouts out, “I think that you remember my partner: Black Rose Moonlight Dragon!” Out of the column of light, Black Rose Moonlight Dragon (2400/1800), an exact duplicate of Black Rose Dragon expect a little ‘brighter’ in color, appears on the field in attack mode.


Sailor Uranus says, “Now, things are getting interesting.”


Sailor Celestial says, “If you think that I’ll dive into your trap, think again, I’ll just…”


Heathcliff shouts out, “And now, my Ruby Palace’s effect activates!”

Sailor Celestial yells out, shocked, “What?”


Heathcliff says, “As long as it remains on the field, if both players have monsters on their fields in attack mode, their monsters must battle! So, Black Rose, attack Vorse Raider now!” Black Rose Moonlight Dragon roars as it glows as it is forced to attack Vorse Raider and Heathcliff says, pushing a button on his duel disk’s touch screen, “And now, I activate my Mirror Force!” One of Heathcliff’s face down cards is revealed to be Mirror Force and he says, “Now, your attack is redirected and is going to hit your monster!” A mirror field absorbs Black Rose’s attack and unleashes energy back at Black Rose.


Sailor Celestial says, putting one card into the main slot of her duel disk, “Hold it, jerk! I activate my Rose Stringer spell card! I negate your trap card and allow Black Rose to destroy spell and trap cards on your field!” Just then a whirlwind of rose petals appears on the field and protects Black Rose from the energy in which the Mirror Force and Heathcliff’s other face-down card are destroyed. Sailor Celestial says, putting three cards into the main slot, “However, the Battle Phase ends immediately, so, I end with three cards face-down.”


Heathcliff says, drawing a card, “Then it is my turn.” Heathcliff says, putting one card in the main slot, “I activate my One for One spell card! I discard one monster card to play a level one monster from my deck.” Heathcliff discards one card, a card comes out of his deck, and he puts it on his duel disk causing Tuningware to appear (100/300) on the field in attack mode. Heathcliff then says, putting one card on his duel disk, “Then I play my Masked Chameleon in attack mode!” Soon after, Masked Chameleon (1600/1100) appears on the field in attack mode and Heathcliff says, with a smirk, “And now, I tune my Masked Chameleon with my Vorse Raider and Tuningware, whose special ability makes it a level two monster.” Masked Chameleon turns into four stars that turn into four rings that surround Vorse Raider and Tuningware and making them become transparent while Heathcliff gets a Synchro Monster card from his Extra Deck in which the card is glowing. Heathcliff chants out, “Heaven! Fate! Principal of all phenomena! Ride the spinning wheel of heaven and manifest here! Synchro Summon!” Heathcliff puts the Synchro Monster card on his duel disk and he yells out, “I play my Duel Dragon and partner: Ascension Sky Dragon!” Coming out of light, Ascension Sky Dragon (?/3000), a massive silver blue and white dragon with blue eyes, appears on the field in attack mode.


Matt says, shocked, “It’s huge!”


Heathcliff says, drawing a card, “Thanks to Tuningware, I draw a card since I used it to successively Synchro Summon with it. And now, my Sky Dragon gains eight hundred attack points for every card in my hand.”


Sailor Celestial says, “It won’t matter due to my Rose’s ability! Since you special summoned a monster that’s level five or higher, I get to return one special summoned monster from my opponent’s field to his hand, but since your dragon is a Synchro Monster, it goes back to your deck! Now, sing his swan song with Rose Ballad!”


As energy surrounds Ascension Sky Dragon, Heathcliff says, “I activate the effect of the card that you sent to my grave: Revoke Banishment trap card! As long as it remains in my grave, you can only destroy my cards with card effects, so, your Rose Dragon’s power is negated!” Soon after, the energy surrounding Ascension Sky Dragon vanishes in which Sailor Celestial snarls as Ascension Sky Dragon then goes from 0/3000 to 1600/3000 and Heathcliff says, putting one card into the main slot, “Now, I only have two cards in my hand, but that will change with Replicate Arms spell card! Since you have more cards than me on the field, I get to draw cards from my deck equal to amount of extra cards that you have on the field compared to me and that number is three.” Heathcliff draws three more cards and he says, “And I lost one card, but gained three cards in which my Sky Dragon’s power doubles.” Soon after, Ascension Sky Dragon goes from 1600/3000 to 3200/3000 and Heathcliff yells out, “Sky Dragon, strike down her Black Rose with Ultimate Ascending Wave!”


As Ascension Sky Dragon unleashes its attack on Black Rose, Sailor Celestial says, pushing a button on her duel disk’s touch screen, “Not so fast! I activate my Power Balance trap card!” One of Sailor Celestial’s face-down cards is revealed to be the Power Balance trap card and Sailor Celestial says, “Thanks to this card, since I have no cards and you have an even amount of cards in your hand! Your hand is cut in half and I draw cards equal to the amount that you discarded! And that also means that your dragon gets weaker!” Heathcliff discards two cards, Sailor Celestial draws two cards, and Ascension Sky Dragon goes from 3200/3000 to 1600/3000.


Heathcliff says, with a grin, “However, one of those cards was my Greed Compensator spell card! When this card is sent from my hand to my graveyard due to a card effect, I get to draw the same cards that I discarded due to the card effect.” Heathcliff draws two new cards and Ascension Sky Dragon goes back up from 1600/3000 to 3200/3000 in which the light engulfs Black Rose before it explodes in a massive explosion.


Sailor Celestial says, shocked, “Black Rose!” Sailor Celestial then screams as she is sent flying by the terrific force of the explosion into the wall of the field spell behind her, but she slams into it with such force that it cracks the wall greatly, which shouldn’t normally happen in a Duel Monsters duel, causing the wind to get knocked out of her.


There are tons of gasps and Sailor Moon says, shocked, “Celestial!”


On Imperialdramon, Kazuto says, horrified, “Sugu!”


Midori says, horrified, “Suguha!”


Back to the ‘battle’, Sailor Uranus says, “That’s not Solid Vision.”


Heathcliff responds, “Not ordinary Solid Vision, correct. This is Real Solid Vision also known as ‘Solid Vision with mass’. They aren’t mere ‘holograms’ anymore, but more like solid energy bodies. It is one of the things that I had created in my ‘quest’ for Sword Art Online and with the safeties turned off, it is more like a Shadow Game than an ordinary duel. However, I have to admit that I did add a bit more peril to this match. You should remember my dear that any fight with me isn’t just a mere ‘game’. Any game is like SAO: ‘It may be a game, but it isn’t something you play’.”


As Sailor Celestial’s life-point drop by 800, Sailor Celestial, her helmet falling off her face and ‘clanking’ on the ground showing her haggard face in which she says, “Do you think that really scares me, jerk? Don’t count on it!”


Heathcliff says, with a smile, “We shall see, Celestial.”


Sailor Celestial says, pushing a button on her disk’ touch screen, “And we will right now with my Miracle’s Wake!” Sailor Celestial’s next face-down card is revealed to be Miracle’s Wake trap card and Sailor Celestial says, “Thanks to this card, I can revive one monster destroyed in battle! Bloom again, Black Rose!” Black Rose Moonlight Dragon (2400/1800) returns to the field in attack mode.


Heathcliff says, with a sly grin, “I end my turn.”


Current Score:

Sailor Celestial: 3200

Heathcliff: 4000


Sailor Celestial says, drawing a card, “My move!” Sailor Celestial says, putting one card into the main slot of her disk, “I activate my Pump Up spell card and double my Rose Dragon’s power for this turn!” Black Rose Moonlight Dragon then goes from 2400/1800 to 4800/1800 and Sailor Celestial says, “Take down his lizard with Rose Requiem!” Black Rose Moonlight Dragon unleashes a storm of rose petal right at Ascension Sky Dragon, but it then hits some kind of energy and the attack is stopped in which Sailor Celestial asks, stunned, “What?”


Heathcliff asks, “Are you wondering why your attack didn’t go through?” Heathcliff then displays the Electromagnetic Turtle (0/1800) monster card and he says, “That would be your fault with your Power Balance trap card since I discarded two cards and this was the other one. It is Electromagnetic Turtle and I used its ability to end the Battle Phase automatically.”


Sailor Jupiter says, “This is nuts!”


Sailor Saturn says, “For every attack, Heathcliff has the perfect counter.”


Sailor Pluto says, “It is because that he knows her all too well.”


Sailor Celestial says, putting two cards into the main slot of her duel disk, “I end my turn.” Black Rose Moonlight Dragon returns from 4800/1800 to its original 2400/1800 due to the end of Pump Up’s effect.


Heathcliff says, drawing a card, “I draw and now, I have five cards in my hand and it means that my dragon has four thousand attack points!” Ascension Sky Dragon goes from 3200/3000 to 4000/3000 and Heathcliff yells out, “Destroy her Rose Dragon with Ultimate Ascending Wave!”


As Ascension Sky Dragon prepares to attack, Sailor Celestial says, pushing a button on her disk’s touch screen, “Wrong! I activate my Life Shaver!” One of Sailor Celestial’s face-down cards is revealed to be Life Shaver trap card and Sailor Celestial says, “This card forces you to discard a card for every turn that it has been set before it activates and it has been three turns which means you lose three cards!” Heathcliff discards three cards, Ascension Sky Dragon then goes down from 4000/3000 to 1600/3000, and Sailor Celestial says, “And now, Rose Dragon, it’s time to counterattack!”


When Black Rose Moonlight Dragon prepares to counterattack, Heathcliff says, “One of the cards that I discarded is the spell Karma Repayment. When this card is discarded, I get one more card from my deck!” Heathcliff draws one card and Ascension Sky Dragon goes from 1600/3000 to 2400/3000!


Sailor Venus says, “Their power is equal!”


Just then Sailor Celestial hears a roar and she asks, looking at Black Rose, “Black Rose?” When she looks into the eyes of her dragon, Sailor Celestial gains an understanding and she thinks, with a smile, “Thanks, partner.” Sailor Celestial yells out, “Black Rose, continue your attack!”


Heathcliff says, strongly, “You, too, Ascension Sky Dragon!” Both dragons unleash their power and when they clash, they cause the whole area to shake and crumble from their sheer power, and then both monsters are destroyed in a mighty explosion of power. Heathcliff shouts out, “Ascension Sky Dragon’s power now activates! When it is destroyed, I can revive all monsters used to Synchro Summon, but without any and all special abilities! Go, Celestial Reincarnation!” Soon after, Masked Chameleon (1600/1100), Vorse Raider (1900/1200), and Tuningware (100/300) appear on the field, but Chameleon and Raider are in attack mode with Tuningware in defense mode.


Sailor Sun says, “Celestial is defenseless now!”


Sailor Celestial says, pushing a button on her disk’s touch pad, “Not with my Wicked Rebirth trap card!” Sailor Celestial’s next face-down card is revealed to be the Wicked Rebirth continuous trap card and she says, “By lowering my life-points by eight hundred, I can revive one Synchro Monster from my graveyard and you know who is coming back!” Sailor Celestial’s life-point drop by 800 points and Black Rose Moonlight Dragon (2400/1800) returns to the field in attack mode in which she says, “She can’t use her ability and she can’t attack this turn, but you are the one attacking.”


Heathcliff says, “You mean the one winning, my dear. I activate the effect of Ruby Palace! During the battle phase, if I, the card controller, have three monsters and none of those monsters have attack points higher than your monsters, I can release them to play the great defender of my palace: The Hollow Avatar!”


There are multiple gasps and Sailor Celestial asks, stunned, “What?” All three monsters vanish while Heathcliff puts a card from his deck on his duel disk causing The Hollow Avatar (?/?), a monster that looks like the final boss avatar of SAO, to appear on the field in attack mode.


On Imperialdramon, the SAO survivors in the group of people are stunned and Asuna says, “It looks like…the final boss of SAO!”


Heathcliff says, “My Hollow Avatar’s attack points are equal to combined attack points of the monsters used to summon him and its defense points are half that number!” The Hollow Avatar then goes from 0/0 to 3600/1800 and Heathcliff yells out, “Now, my guardian, attack!” Hollow Avatar attacks Black Rose and its roars as it is vaporized in a strong explosion in which Sailor Celestial yells out as she is sent flying into the wall, again, causing her to slam into it with terrific force, cracking it even greater, and she collapses to the ground in a heap as she loses 1200 life-points.


Sailor Moon says, horrified, “Celestial!”


Heathcliff says, putting two cards into the main slot of his disk, “I end my turn with two cards face-down.”


Current Score:

Sailor Celestial: 1200

Heathcliff: 4000


Sailor Uranus says, “This is bad.”


Sailor Neptune says, “She has no defense!”


As Sailor Celestial struggles to her feet, Heathcliff says, “Disappointing, Celestial.”


Sailor Celestial says, with a haggard tone, “I’m not done yet…”


Heathcliff says, “No monsters, no cards in your hand, and only one face-down card on your field. And without the right cards, I doubt that it will help.”


Sailor Celestial thinks in her mind, looking at her deck, “Damn it! That ass has a point! If I don’t draw what I need, I’m a goner, but I can’t give up! Not after all that he has done to Serena…Kazuto…everyone! I can’t let him continue the legacy of Sword Art Online and let it haunt the world forever and beyond! I need to end this now!” Sailor Celestial then lowers her hand to her deck to draw, but it then starts to glow causing her eyes to widen.


July 16, 2025, Neo Domino City, Tops Area


Within the current residences of the former Signers in the Tops Area, Yugi’s/Atem’s deck starts to glow in which their friends and the former Signers take notice.


Leo asks, “Hey, what’s going on?”


Tristan asks, “What’s with the light show?”


Yugi tells Atem, “Our deck!”

 < /p> Atem responds, with a nod, “Someone is calling out to the spirit of our cards, Yugi!” Atem goes through his deck and finds that it is his/Yugi’s Dark Magician (2500/2100) and Dark Magician Girl (2000/1700) monster cards that are glowing.


Yugi says, “Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl!”


Just then a deep male voice says, “My Pharaoh…”  

Atem thinks in his mind, “Mahad?!”


The male voice responds, “Yes, my Pharaoh. The Celestial Princess has asked for aid and we must answer the call!”


Atem responds, “Then go my friend and bring her the light that she needs!”


The male voice replies, “Thank you, my king and my friend.” Just then two brings of light blast from the two cards and flies off into the sky leaving a confused group of people, other than the cards’ holder, in their wake.


July 16, 2025, Tenbi Academy Area


Returning to the duel, everyone is shocked and amazed at the glow coming from Sailor Celestial’s deck and when she touches her deck, she gasps to feel something in which, on instinct, she knows what it is.


Sailor Celestial says, “And now, it is time to turn this duel around! I play my Card of Sanctity!” She then draws the card and puts it into the main slot without looking at it in which it is revealed to be the said spell card.


Yolei asks, “How did she know what card she was going to draw?!”


TK asks, “Did she just gain psychic powers or something?”


Sailor Pluto says, seriously, “No, she didn’t predict the card that she would get. She made it happen with her own will!” There are stunned looks in which both Heathcliff and Sailor Celestial draw cards from their decks until they have a full hand.


Sailor Celestial says, putting one card on her duel disk, “Then I play my Watapon!” Watapon (200/300) appears on the field in attack mode and Sailor Celestial says, putting one card on her duel disk, “Since I drew him out with a card effect, my Watapon can be special summoned to the field, but now, I release him in order to Advanced Summon my Dark Magician Girl!” Watapon vanishes as Dark Magician Girl (2000/1700) appears on the field in attack mode.


There are stunned looks and Sailor Mars says, “Hold up! Other than Yugi Moto, I thought that only Meatball Head had that card!”


Sailor Celestial says, putting another card into the spell/trap slots, “Next, I activate my Sage’s Stone spell card! Since Dark Magician Girl is on my field, I can play the mighty guardian of Pharaoh Atem himself!” Sailor Celestial puts a card from her deck on her duel disk and she yells out, “Let’s do this Dark Magician!” A beam of light comes onto the field and out of that light, Dark Magician (2500/2100) appears on the field in attack mode.


Mahad’s voice then comes from Dark Magician, “Princess Selene Serenity of the Moon Kingdom, we have heard your call for aid and with the permission of our king, we have come to your aid. Now, let’s strike down this wicked man for all the death and destruction that he has caused!”


Mimi asks, confused, “Is it me or did that monster just talk?”


Matt says, stunned, “It isn’t you, Mimi!”


Sailor Celestial says, putting one more card into the main slot of her disk, “I activate my Dark Magic Attack spell card! Since Dark Magician is out on my field, I can destroy all of your spell and trap cards!” Dark Magician unleashes an attack that destroys Heathcliff’s face-down spell and trap cards, but Ruby Palace remains active on the field.


Heathcliff says, with a sly smirk, “Thanks to my Hollow Avatar, my Ruby Palace can’t be destroyed by card effects, Celestial.”


Sailor Celestial says, putting one more card into the main slot, “Then I activate my Dark Magic Twin Burst! Since I have both Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl on the field, my Dark Magician gains the power of Dark Magician Girl until the end of this turn!” Dark Magician then goes from 2500/2100 to 4500/2100 and Sailor Celestial shouts out, “Dark Magician, kick it with Dark Magician Girl, and take out that overgrown fiend!” Dark Magician nods his head with Dark Magician Girl and the two of them leap into the sky.


Dark Magician Girl, with a cute female voice, and Dark Magician shout out in unison, “Dark Magic Twin Burst!” The two of them unleash their attack onto the Hollow Avatar, destroying it in a huge explosion, and Heathcliff grunts out in pain as he loses 900 life-points.


Heathcliff says, “I use the effect of my Avatar! Since it was destroyed, I destroy my field spell and summon any monster from my hand no matter what the requirements!” Soon after, the field crumbles apart back to ‘normal’ and Heathcliff says, putting the last card in his hand on his duel disk, “And now, I play the greatest enemy of the Dark Magician: Blue-Eyes White Dragon!” Just then Blue-Eyes White Dragon (3000/2500) appears on the field in attack mode.


There are more stunned looks and Sailor Mars asks, shocked, “Where did he get that card?”


Heathcliff thinks in his mind, with a sly smile, “It was wise to duel against Kaibaman in the Duel Monsters Spirit Realm before I fought my dear Celestial.”


Sailor Celestial says, putting the last card in her hand into the main slot of her disk, “I activate my Dark Magical Alchemy! Since Dark Magician is on the field, I can draw as many cards as spell cards that I used this turn and plus one more for this card!” Sailor Celestial draws four cards from her deck, puts two card into her disk’s main slot, and she says, “I end my turn with two cards face-down!”


Current Score:

Sailor Celestial: 1200

Heathcliff: 3100


Heathcliff says, drawing a card, “My move and this is the final turn!” Heathcliff says, putting one card into the main slot, “I activate Polymerization!” Heathcliff displays two more Blue-Eyes White Dragon (3000/2500 X 2) monster card and he says, “I fuse the two Blue-Eyes in my hand and the one on my field in order to form Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!” Two more Blue-Eyes White Dragons appear on the field, goes into a fusion vortex with the one already on the field, and when Heathcliff puts a Fusion Monster card from his Extra Deck on his duel disk, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (4500/3800) appears on the field in attack mode and Heathcliff says, “Now, attack Dark Magician!”


As Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon prepares to attack Dark Magician, Sailor Celestial says, pushing a button on disk’s touch screen, “I activate my Magical Trick Mirror!” Sailor Celestial’s face-down card is revealed to be the Magical Trick Mirror trap card and she says, “And now, I can play one card from your graveyard and I choose Polymerization!” Heathcliff’s eyes grow wide as Sailor Celestial discards her Buster Blader (2600/2300) monster card in which she says, “I fuse my Dark Magician with Buster Blader in order to create my mighty Dark Paladin!” Buster Blader appears on the field, goes into a fusion vortex with Dark Magician, and when Sailor Celestial puts a fusion monster card from her Extra Deck on her duel disk, Dark Paladin (2900/2400) appears on the field in attack mode and Sailor Celestial says, “Thanks to his ability, he gains power of five hundred attack points for all dragons on the field and in the graveyard! You have four in the grave and I have one along with one on the field!” Dark Paladin goes from 2900/2400 to 5900/2400!


Heathcliff says, “It won’t matter if I target your Dark Magician Girl instead.” Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon goes to attack Dark Magician Girl, whose special ability increase her stats from 2000/1700 to 2300/1700 since Dark Magician is in the graveyard.


Sailor Celestial says, pushing another button on her disk’s touch screen, “Wrong! I play my Shift trap card!” Sailor Celestial’s other face-down card is revealed to be the Shift trap card and she says, “Now, your attack goes where I said that it goes and that’s towards my Dark Paladin!” As Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon goes to attack Dark Paladin, instead, Sailor Celestial says, putting the last card in her hand into the main slot of her disk, “I activate my Battle Fusion card and now, my Blue-Eyes’ power belongs to my Fusion monster!” Dark Paladin then roars he goes from 5900/2400 to 10,300/2400!


Sailor Venus says, “All right! This duel is over!”


Heathcliff says, with a smile, “Not yet!” Heathcliff says, putting one card into the main slot of his disk, “I activate my Trap Booster card!” Heathcliff discards one card, puts another card into the main slot of his disk, and he says, “By discarding one card from my hand, I can play one trap card! And I play my Final Fusion! Since we have Fusion Monsters that are fighting, the fight is negated and both of us take damage equal to their combined attack power!” Sailor Celestial gives a look of shock as both Dark Paladin and Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon unleash their attacks and when the attacks met, there is a massive explosion that throws both Heathcliff and Sailor Celestial to the ground, hard, as both of them lose 14,800 life-points, ending the duel in a draw.


Final Score:

Sailor Celestial: 0 (draw)

Heathcliff: 0 (draw)


With the end of the duel, the final Solid Vision projections vanish from the field and Izzy says, amazed, “It’s a draw!” Immediately, Sailor Moon and the Inner Scouts rush over to Sailor Celestial, lying on the ground on her back, and Sailor Moon puts her into a sitting positon.


Sailor Moon asks, concerned, “Celestial?”


Sailor Celestial groans and she says, grunting, “Can you get me a judge…the jerk that hit me performed a…butt move…” Sailor Celestial shakes her head as she slowly regains her senses while the Outer Sailor Scouts surround Heathcliff, who has gotten to his feet in a shaky manner, on three sides.


Sailor Uranus says, with a dangerous glare as she draws her Space Sword, “This ends now. You have already caused enough death, destruction, pain, and sorrow including to both of our princesses!”


Heathcliff responds, with a smile, “Not yet, Uranus.” Heathcliff then displays something that looks like a Corridor Crystal from SAO and he throws out high into the air in which he yells out, “Open now!” The crystal shatters apart and a massive blue portal is created causing Heathcliff swings his shield which creates a shockwave that knocks the Outer Sailor Scouts down allowing to leap into the massive portal.


Davis shouts out, strongly, “Stop him!” But before anyone could make a move after Heathcliff, the portal closes behind them and then the Reanimated SAO players are resealed into the coffins that they came out of and they return to the ground that they ‘popped out’ of.


As the four Outer Sailor Scouts get to their feet, Yolei says, drolly, “This is just great.”


Sailor Mars says, “One heck is ‘nightmare reunion’.” As Sailor Moon and Naruto help Sailor Celestial to her feet, the others on Imperialdramon’s back are watching through the laptop.


Rika says, annoyed, “How many lives does that jerk have?!”


Keiko asks, “What do you think that he’s planning?”


Kazuto says, “I don’t know, Keiko, but I know that it isn’t good.”


Asuna asks, concerned, “You don’t think that he is planning something as terrible as SAO, do you Kirito-kun?”


Kazuto responds, “I don’t know, Asuna, but what we do know is one of Kayaba’s targets is.” Everyone then looks at the laptop screen showing the video of Sailor Celestial being assisted by Sailor Moon and Naruto.


Midori asks, shocked, “Suguha? What? Why? Kazuto, what’s going on here?”


Kazuto says, with a sigh, “Like I said, mom, it is a long story and I mean a REALLY long story.” In this case, anyone can realize that this is going to be a ‘long day’ for Kazuto and the others in the ‘case’ of Midori. However, as this is going on, the group doesn’t know that they are being watched by Sasuke Uchiha for one area, Serenity and Kuro from another direction, Tsuki, Kata, Yuma, and Kite in another direction, and a familiar group of five buxom young government kunoichi AKA ‘good ninja’ as well as a group of students from Tenbi Academy as well.


And we have come to another chapter! Personally, I think that many of you saw this kind of thing coming, right? Like I said in the opening commentary of this chapter, I have heard about ‘Hollow Realization’ and we are going to have to see how that plays out in the future of this storyline. With Naruto, as you know from my previous storylines, I am a fan of Naruto/harem stories and this story is most likely in the same boat with Hinata and another girl, which won’t be a Naruto character, are going to be ‘main squeezes’ with Naruto. If you want find out the romances, you are going to need to keep reading the story! Later and best wishes, Crossover Fans!