Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Shutting Herself Out ❯ The Phone That Won't Ring ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Shutting Herself Out


By : Ayanami's Memories


Th e last angel is dead and third impact has been avoided.

The pilots of the Evangelion, Unit 00, Ayanami Rei, Unit 01, Ikari Shinji, Unit 02, Soryu Asuka Langley are safe and psychally healthy.. mentally is another matter..

SEELE's plan to over-throw NERV and it's creator, Ikari Gendo has failed. And SEELE has been terminated, destroyed by Japan and Germany's Goverments.

Now a year has passed since the last angel, Nagisa Kaoru, Kaoru of the sea.


Unit 00's pilot, Ayanami Rei, has problems understanding herself. Problems of her coming to be cloud her mind un-certain of why she is here. Her questions are getting more and more serious and severe. Ikari Gendo fears that if she is to find the truth about her existence, she will end her life and she won't be able to come back. And that she knows, now with the Dummy Plug destroyed...

Unit 01's pilot, Ikari Shinji, is mentally ill. The damage to his emotions, his feelings, his soul and heart was severe even though it has slowly repaired slightly through time, his pain still continues. His habit of running from reality has been "re-kindled." Though Shinji and his father, Ikari Gendo, Commander of NERV, have gotten closer, but still remain somewhat distant.

Unit 02's pilot, Soryu Asuka Langley, still has damage emotionaly. Memories cloud her sub-consience and her train of thought. Still her habit of pushing bad realities, bad truths and her bad pasts in a dark corner of her mind continues, for she doesn't want to remember....

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Shinji knocked on her door lightly.
"She's doing it again..."

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Misato was sitting in her chair. The whole room was silent, except for the soundof her breathing. She had her arms crossed and her head resting in them. She had only half of her face showing, the rest was hidden. She kept her eyes wide open..

Misato was staring at her phone. "It still won't ring..."

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Author's Note: I know this chapter is short but I want your peoples opinion on this. It's my first Evagelion fic and yes I've seen the whole series.. Subtitled.. mind you.. Bwuahahahaha! Anyways if you liked the beginnning, the second chapter will be longer!

Disclamer: I don't own Evangelion.. (DAMMIT!)