One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ The Infamous MAR Pirates of the Grand Line ❯ The story begins ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

MAR Pirates
Our story takes place on a big ship. This ship was very beautiful and detailed. The symbol was of the sea goddess Undine. It was also painted with a beautiful mix of blue and pink to bring out the true nature of it.
Right now, this sweet, innocent ship was raiding a cruise ship of all its valuables. It just so happens that this ship belonged to a band of pirates known as the Emoki Pirates. Knowing this, you can easily guess who the captain was, but if you are not a fan of MAR, I'll have to describe her when she comes up.
While a bunch of pirates broke into the ship and stole gold and valuables, a small boy stood there and watched.
“GORDON!” the female captain spat, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING OFF DUTY?”
A small boy with short green hair and freckles on his face named Gordon looked up at his captain. The captain was the ugliest thing one could ever see.
For one thing, she was pretty short for her age. Plus, she had big bulging lips the size of ones fist. Her cheeks were puffed up, her belly was HUGE and she wore a large grandma's sweater along with a pretty blue bow to hide her ugly. She was the captain, Emoki.
Gordon trembled with fear and uttered, “Sorry, Emoki, but it's not my job to raid ships. I'm useless in that department, remember?”
The captain had to admit that the boy had a point. She still laughed and said, “I should punish you for talking back to me, but I won't as long as you answer this question correctly. Gordon who is not very tall, who is the fairest of them all?”
The kid just stared in confusion and blinked. He trembled with fear because he knew what he had to say.
“You're the fairest of them all,” he uttered.
Then, the woman pulled out a giant sword with a face and asked, “Do you agree that I am the fairest of them all?”
Her giant weapon that everyone feared let down a sweat drop and said, “Yes, you are certainly the most beautiful woman in the entire universe,” then he sighed and muttered, “Lying like this for so many years is painful. How does Gordon do it?”
Then, the woman turned around with her belly jiggling at the same time and laughed at the little lie that was her false life. Then, she entered a secluded area, a prison no doubt, where a boy was caught behind bars.
“DAMMIT, LET ME OUT OF THIS CAGE!” the boy spat. (Yes, Damn is okay for ages 10 and up, which is what I rated this. I mean, come on, this word is used in Harry Potter)
The fat tub of lard laughed as her belly shook like a bowl full of jelly (I had fun writing that) and she grinned wickedly at her captive. This boy was just as short as Gordon for he was also a kid. (Well, he is 15, but he's still really short) He wore a blue sleeveless top and black wristbands. He also had shiny yellow hair that spiked upwards and had a ponytail at the back. He had big wide sparkly eyes and battle shoes with what looked like cleats.
“I'm never letting you out,” the woman said laughing, “You called me fat and ugly, plus you stowed away onto my ship. You committed 3 crimes. Besides, calling me ugly is like calling the kettle black. You're the ugly one and so is everyone else on this ship! I'm the only beautiful person here!”
`What an egotistical witch,' the boy thought to himself as he grimaced angrily.
Gordon approached the boy's cage after his captain left and sighed.
The boy in the cage looked at Gordon and asked, “Why are you on this ship?”
Gordon looked up as the boy reiterated, “Why are you on this ship? I've seen the way she abuses you.”
The kid sighed and stated, “That's the reason I stay here. She's super powerful and I'm a wuss. I can't defy her.”
The boy in the cage sighed. He understood every word that Gordon was saying. Still, he couldn't help but feel a lot of rage swelling up within him.
He peered down at the kid and said, “Listen, Gordon, is it? I am willing to help you. If you let me out, I'll free you from this ship! I know that you never willingly joined her crew!”
Gordon did not know why he did what he'd done next, but before he knew it, he had the keys and was opening up the cage. He had just defiled the code that every Emoki Pirate had to live under.
The boy grinned at Gordon and said, “Thanks for the help. Now I have to find my friend! He's being held captive for the tenth time! They probably locked him in another treasure chest!”
Gordon was confused. Why would a human be placed in a chest?
Before he could figure that out, the captive had already made his grand exit. Gordon ran up to him and pulled on the boy's collar.
“What are you doing?” he whispered, “If they catch you, you'll be put back in prison!”
It was too late. Twenty pirates had just returned from the raid and had noticed the prisoner out of his cell.
Their eyes widened as he panicked, ran around and shouted, “IF EMOKI SEES HIS CELL EMPTY, SHE'LL HAVE OUR HEADS!”
Then, the twenty pirates froze and turned to the kid grinning wickedly. Gordon trembled with fear. He knew that his temporary comrades were going to use force.
But, what happened next was shocking. All the pirates rushed at the boy who had escapes from prison, but in mere seconds, they were on the ground.
Gordon gasped in shock at the sight of his fallen crewmates. He stared blankly at the prisoner and wished that he could be that strong. In seconds, that one boy had defeated twenty pirates with his bare fists.
With that, the kid wiped his nose and said, “Come on, Gordon, what are you waiting for?”
Gordon tagged alongside the kid as the two ventured off to find the boy's captured friend. It was at that moment when Emoki showed up in the area and found her comrades on the ground.
After knocking out what seemed like 40 different people, the two kids finally found the room they were looking for.
“This is where all her treasure chests are kept,” Gordon explained as the prisoner nodded in understanding and knocked the door down with his fist.
This room was filled with treasure everywhere. There were chests galore, but only one was jumping up and down. The prisoner knew that this had to be his kidnapped friend.
He abruptly opened the chest as his friend popped out in frustration.
“DAMMIT!” he cursed, “I was wondering when you would get here! It's so cramped in that chest! A gentleman like me should not be trapped in a chest!”
Gordon stared in shock at the sight of this 38-year-old man. His entire body was a metal ball with a long cylindrical nose in the middle. Along with that were a fancy English mustache and a set of serious-looking eyes. He was also attached to a chain that strapped him to a small mallet. This man was a Kendama.
“Who are you?” Gordon asked in shock.
The prisoner turned to him, grinned and said, “That's right, I haven't told you my name! Anyway, I am Ginta! This is my friend, Babbo!”
Gordon could tell that these two were no ordinary people. The kid was a monster and the man was a children's toy. That wasn't the help he had expected, but it was handy.
“You idiot!” Babbo shouted, smacking Ginta over the head with his iron ball for a body, “I'm perfectly capable to introducing myself, thank you very much!”
Gordon blinked some more and asked, “Okay, can you explain to me everything important about you? Like, why does Babbo look like a Kendama and why are you so strong?”
Ginta grinned and explained, “The reason I'm strong is because I've been trained by one of the greatest men in existence. His hard work and devotion helped me become who I am!”
Babbo started to blush as Ginta snapped, “I'm not talking about you! Your training sucked even when you were human?”
Gordon was more confused and the two could see it. Babbo sighed and explained, “Kid, I used to be human like Ginta here. I was a very wealthy and successful gentleman, but then I accidentally at the Devil Fruit. As you know, Devil Fruit gives one strange abilities in exchange for the ability to swim. Anyway, I at the Kendama-Kendama Fruit, so I am part human and mostly Kendama. Unlike most shape-shifting devil fruit users, I can't seem to change back into a human, but I have 8 different forms, and one of them is a human-like form, although I prefer not to use it.”
Gordon was amazed by this. These two were quite interesting. He had heard legends of the devil fruit, but never believed in its existence until now.
As the three friends told each other more about themselves, they ran into an unexpected visitor.
“Gordon…” a fat woman asked standing in their way, “did you, by chance, free the prisoner?”
Gordon trembled with fear as Emoki glared at him with anger in her eyes.
“Gordon…” she asked, “Who is the fairest of them all?”
Ginta knew what the kid was going to say, but he then closed up the boy's mouth and asked, “Can you excuse us for a moment, Emoki-chan? We won't be long.”
The woman waited as the trio ran behind a corner and Ginta exclaimed, “Now's your chance to stand up to that fat cow!”
Gordon stared in shock as the boy and remarked, “Are you crazy? I can't stand up to Emoki! She'll kill me!”
Ginta grimaced at the boy and asked, “What is your dream?
“What is your goal in life?”
Gordon had to think. This was a question he thought no one would ask him.
The boy sighed and said, “My dream is to be a member of the Cross Guard. I want to take down evil wanted pirates and be a hero. That is my dream. What is yours?”
Ginta grinned and said, “I wish to be the pirate king!”
Gordon stared in shock and froze for 10 seconds. Then he got up and spat, “WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU WANT TO BE THE PIRATE KING? PIRATES ARE BAD!”
Gordon looked up at the boy in front of him. He had been exposed to a new light. This boy had the guts to admit that he was a pirate even though he was standing in front of a potential Cross Guard member. (Cross Guard is what I call the marines)
Babbo grinned and said, “Actually, I will be the pirate king. This boy is my apprentice, but I'll gladly pass the crown to him.”
Ginta smacked his friend upside the head and spat, “YOU WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO DO A THING WITHOUT ME, SO WHO'S THE APPRENTICE?”
Gordon was shocked. These people didn't take this threat behind their hiding wall seriously at all.
Babbo grinned and said, “Listen, kid, if you wish to be a member of the Cross Guard, you can start by taking on your captain. Emoki should not have power over you. Confidence is the key to success.”
“That's right!” Ginta stated, “I've overcome many obstacles just to be the pirate king, and I'm not giving up as long as it's possible!”
Emoki felt like she was going to destroy something just as the trio finally came out of their private conversation area. She grinned and asked, “Gordon, I hope you can answer this without interruptions. Who is the fairest of them all?”
Gordon froze. He had never been more scared of Emoki in his life. That woman had a giant blade, and she was not afraid to use it. At the same time, Gordon did not want to be her lackey any more.
The boy had a hit nerve. Emoki was furious. She turned to her blade and spat, “DID YOU HEAR THAT BLASPHEMY?” as her giant sword grimaced at her and replied, “No, that boy took the words out of my mouth. You really are a hideous site to behold.”
With that, Emoki punched the sword's face. That was that. The sword was now and ordinary inanimate weapon that could no longer speak.
Gordon screamed in terror as the woman held her sword up above her head. But, before she could to anything, Ginta got in her way and said, “That was nicely said, kid! Let's take this witch down, Babbo!”
Babbo nodded as the boy expanded the size of Babbo's hammer and used it to block the incoming sword. Then, he hurled Babbo right into the woman's stomach sending her flying into the distance.
That was that. The fat pirate captain had been defeated. It was also at this moment that her ship had reached land.
“I guess this is where we get off,” Ginta said, “Come on, Gordon, you can join the Cross Guard here!”
With that, Gordon was free. He unboarded the ship and said his goodbyes to Ginta and Babbo, his two saviors. It was time they went their separate ways because they each had their own dreams to follow.