Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ 40 Nights of Honeymoon ❯ Housewarming Party ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: the characters and the plot all belong to me, since this is my own original story.

Warnings: moderate language, yaoi sex, and implied stuff. Slight D/s in this chapter (if you can call it that)

Author's Notes: The official continuation of Love-Hate Relationship. It was supposed to be called Your, His and My Emotions, but the title sounded sort of stupid. Plus 40 Nights of Honeymoon kinda describes this story better I think, lol. I HAD started writing that Yours, His and My Emotions thing, but I really didn't like where it was going so I stopped it. However if you want to read the one chapter I wrote of it called "Fights", then go to my site www.newphenom.piczo.com and go to Supplemental Stories and it'll be there, or just look on the Phenom page if you want.

40 Nights Of Honeymoon
By Ayeesha Abdullah

Night ONE: The Housewarming Party
Netami Okayaki felt like he was finally going somewhere, doing something, and making something of his life. Despite the fact his life was rather strange.

He has two wonderful kids, Misaki and Kenshin, and is doing well financially. He’s got one of the best jobs in Heaven as the God of Jealousy, and a wonderful boyfriend named Ureshii. He’s also got his best friends Kanashii (his boyfriend’s older sister), Kiku, and his very best friend Jousho. And that’s about where the normalcy comes to an end.

His life got pretty weird when said best friend Jousho suggested an open marriage along with him and his notorious man-”wife” Daiki. And he also suggested that that he and Ureshii and the kids live in a house with him and Daiki. Oh and don’t forget Jousho’s other half, Jiirosho. Yeah, that’s crazy. But, they all agreed.

Amazingly, Jousho and Netami were able to find a house (okay, more like a mansion) big enough to accommodate them all that was conveniently in the same neighborhood as Netami’s cousin, Otona.

And one night, when Netami, Otona, and Aiseki (or Aishu) were at Otona’s house drinking like they usually tended to do, the cousin burst with laughter at the absurdity of Netami’s story.

“Otona… why the hell are you still laughing?” Netami sighed.

“Someone… is going to be getting a lot of ass…,” Otona snickered. “Good for you.”

“Are you trying to make fun of me or congratulate me?”

“Eh a little of both. I’m kinda jealous to tell you the truth, I wish Yasu would agree to something like that, because after all she is only one woman and it takes a lot to handle the Otona,”

Netami and Aishu made a face. He’s always referring himself as the Otona.

“…I’m not sure if you’re going to like staying near him… half the time I don’t, to tell you the truth,” Aishu pointed out knowingly.

Netami reassured him, “Well we grew up together like brothers, I’m used to it by now.”

“Honestly, if I were bi, I couldn’t just stick to one gender like you do. It’s called utilizing your gifts bro,” Otona explained.

“Well being bi isn’t necessarily a gift, per-se,” Netami responded.

“Hell I think it is, I mean look you could have a girl and a guy in one night. That means tits in one hand, cock in the other. Pussy and ass all in one night, you feel me?”

“When you say it like that… it’s slightly disturbing,” Aishu added.

“I’m serious though, you should try and get some girls in your harem-”

“-It’s not a harem…” Netami groaned.

“Whatever, open marriage…” Otona continued, lighting a cigarette. “Get some bitches in your open marriage, I mean seriously when’s the last time you got any pussy in the first place?”

“Eh, I guess when Ureshii was a girl,” Netami replied.

“Dude, does that even count? He’s still a guy technically,” Aishu questioned.

“I’ll give him that,” Otona said generously.

“But I don’t know, I mean I’m not that huge a fan of girls like I used to be. It’s kind of like 20-to-80% in the guys’ favor,”

“Well suit yourself, although I still think that your missing out. The only good thing about fucking dudes is that you don’t have to worry about getting them pregnant I guess, so you’ve got that,” Otona stated, before taking a drag of his cigarette. “But like I always say: ‘Whatever gets you off.’”

“Um… thanks,” Netami said, at a loss of words.

“And by the way my mom and dad wanna come visit in a couple of weeks to see how we’re holding up. Just thought I’d give you the heads-up.” Otona mentioned, before seeing the evident worry in his older cousin’s face. “Look you’re going to have to tell them about Ureshii eventually. Sure you can leave the harem out, but you’re gonna have to tell them about your future husband.”

“You saw what happened when I told them I liked girls and guys, remember?” Netami exclaimed, getting slightly upset.

Aishu noticed that they were getting to a more private subject, so he decided to conveniently head to the bathroom.

“Yes and I know that wasn’t easy but you got through that, right?” Otona reminded him, almost regretting bringing the subject up.

“You saw how upset Oji-san got! He practically disowned me, and it scared me so much I even swore off guys for how many years? About seven or so! The only reason he stopped hating me in the first place is because I got married to a woman so his fears were gone, or so he thought.”

“Well I’ll tell you this: you can either face them head-on when they do come, or conveniently take a vacation if you wish, it’s your call cousin,” Otona spoke.

The next afternoon, Netami struggled to get the visions of when he told his uncle about his preference out of his head. It was really scary to think about, and it just caused him to relive it mentally. He needed to stay focused on the task at hand: moving.

Yes, they were moving into their new house today, although Jiirosho’s absence was really annoying Jousho. In fact, he’d been away from Jousho’s apartment a lot lately, and no one knew where.

So, without one of their strongest men, they were left with just Netami, Jousho, Ureshii, and Daiki.

“This is a lot of moving in… I’m tired already…” Daiki pouted like usual. “I wanna go to sleep.”

“Work those muscles Daiki, because there’s no way you’re about to ditch our already one-man-short moving crew.” Netami ordered.

Daiki was quiet for awhile before saying, “We’re gonna have loads of fun in this house.”

The remaining three men just sighed and shook their heads.

“Our days are numbered in this old apartment, huh Daiki?” Jousho announced as he and Daiki were laying down for the night.

“Right… although I’m kinda gonna miss this old place. We’ve made so many memories here… and I’m gonna miss old Mr. Agilvee yelling at us because we’re too loud and he can hear us from downstairs. That’s always funny,” Daiki giggled.

“That’s not really a good thing…” Jousho pointed out.

“You, me, and Jiirosho… making memories here. Hey, how about we do something for once that we’ve never done?” Daiki suggested.

“Like what?” Jousho questioned, although he had a feeling what was coming.

“Can we do it in the kitchen? Please?” the raven pleaded. “Just this once and never again…”

Jousho was set in his ways. He never denied how much fun it’d be to probably do that, not to mention deviously kinky, but his qualm was just over how unsanitary it’d be to have sex where they eat. He just couldn’t do it. Sure he could clean the whole place with bleach but he’d still remember all those germs were there…

Daiki saw the look on his lover’s face and could tell the answer was still a no. So Daiki decided to give Jousho a taste of those big, beautiful indigo eyes he was so famous for.

“Daiki…” Jousho groaned.

“Just once…” he pleaded again.

Jousho didn’t say anything else, not wanting to flat-out tell Daiki no. He simply just didn’t like telling him no, he was his baby after all and quite frankly he spoiled him.

“…’Kay,” the teen mumbled. “Although I’m gonna make you do it one day when you least expect it.”

“I’d like to see you try,” Jousho laughed.

“And you know what the thing is, you know I obviously have an overactive dirty imagination, right?”

“Right…” Jousho agreed, wondering what he was getting at.

“Plus, you know that I know people like Jiji and Netami, and I’m sure they’d do stuff like that with no fuss,”


“But the thing is, I don’t want to do things like that with Netami or Jiji, I wanna do them with you! Well… not that I wouldn’t do kinky things with them but you’re my big sexy and I mostly wanna share those moments with you,” Daiki confessed.

“I understand Daiki, it’s just… I’m not like you, I find it hard to do some of the kinky things you like to do. That’s why everyone calls me a tight-ass you know,”

“Well I’m just going to have to bring out your kinky side, that’s all,” Daiki spoke while running his fingers through his husband’s hair.

The couple lay there for several moments, relishing in their silence and closeness together. After awhile, Daiki broke the silence. “By the way, there’s been one other thing I’ve wanted to try. Now I know you’re probably going to say no… but just listen.” Jousho merely raised an eyebrow at the teen, before he continued. “Can I… be on top for once?”

“You’re not pulling an Ureshii on me are you?”

“Actually I think Netami’s the one that wanted him to-”

“Now I’m really not sure about that one…” Jousho sighed.

“Why don’t you wanna be on the bottom for once? Netami always says it’s such a turn-on when your uke fucks your brains out,”

“For him I guess,”

“You don’t like it?”

“Well, I’ve never been on the bottom before to tell you the truth. Never had any interest in doing so,”

“I think it’s because you’re insecure,” Daiki pointed out bluntly. “I mean c’mon everyone’s switched roles one time or another, even girls can top guys. I think you’re just worried about looking like you’re not the man in the relationship anymore.”

“Even if we were to do anything like that it’d just be everyone’s business the next day. Nothing is sacred among the people in that office anymore, you’ve got Netami talking about his sex life, Kiku talking about hers, Kanashii complaining about the lack of one, the list goes on. I don’t want anyone going around like ’Oh Jousho I heard you got topped by your wife last night!’ How would that sound?!”

“Sound’s insecure to me,” the raven remarked, before deciding to finally lay down and end the conversation.

The following day when Daiki was working, he found the extra time to sneak over to Netami’s office so he could talk to him.

“Hi Netami, my husband-in-law,” Daiki greeted the older man.

“…Husband-in-law?” he questioned.

“Yeah, that’s what I’m going to call you, since that now we’re going to be living in the same house soon, you’re kind of my honorary husband whom I just like to have sex with on occasion,” Daiki explained, plopping into Netami’s lap.

“You’re acting like you want some now… however I kinda can’t because I’m already behind-”

“No, no, I don’t want anything physical. Not right now anyways,” Daiki teased. “Maybe later. But right now I need some advice on the otherwise best husband ever.”

“What did Jousho say now?”

“It’s not really what he’s saying but what he’s not doing. I brought up that whole having sex in the kitchen thing again and he’s still not going for it. So after that I brought up the subject of letting me be on top for once, he pretty much shot that down too,” Daiki sighed in disappointment.

“Wait… you never got to do it either? I thought it was just me! I’d always assumed ‘well hell you’re married so of course he’d let you do it.’ But I can’t believe he didn’t!”

“Well I just think he’s being insecure about being on the bottom, quite frankly,” Daiki suggested.

“Yeah, that’s probably it,” Netami agreed. “I mean I used to be although my first time with another guy I was the uke but it just kinda made me feel like the woman, you know?”

“Well it’s never really bothered me at all,”

“Eh, figures. I guess it’s just because you and Ureshii are just natural-born uke and really don’t get bothered about position. But anyways, I think you should just try and turn on the charm, do something tantalizing to get him in the mood, because pretty much once he’s in the mood, his mind’ll be so clouded over he won’t give a damn about dirtying up the counters or whether he’s on the bottom or whatever you wanna trick him into doing. Trust me, once you get someone in the mood they will not say no. It works all the time when Ureshii says he’s tired. Plus, Jousho told me himself that he can’t hardly bear to say no to you… he loves to spoil you fucking rotten,” Netami laughed.

“Great, I’m going to try this as soon as possible, I feel like I’m armed with this new power of persuasion.”

“Well he’s probably already on to you, so you should wait until after we move into the new house to put your plan into action,”

“Aww…” Daiki pouted. “I’m so impatient.”

“Me too… I wish this day was over so I can go home,”

“…You sure you don’t wanna mess around?” Daiki pleaded, picking with the navy-haired man. “It’s later…

“As much as I like the sound of that, work comes first, so you’re gonna have to go,” Netami sighed, finally giving his little visitor the boot.

Before they knew it, they we’re having a housewarming party in the large living room of their new home. It was eleven now, and the children were spending the night at friends’ so they wouldn’t have to worry about waking them with their laughter and all-around drunkeness. Because one thing was for sure: Jousho and Netami were two men who loved to drink. Ureshii always either remained sober, or had a drink or two of coolers that were more juice than alcohol, because the blond never really cared to get drunk like the other men did. On the other hand, Daiki liked to drink, but usually tried to go easy since he wasn’t really a boy who could hold his liquor, being a small bodied young adult. Otona and Jiirosho, and even Kiku, were the one’s you had to watch, because before you know it they’ll be making a fool out of themselves in a drunken stupor.

In addition to those people, there were an array of some of their closest god and goddess friends, mostly all coupled. There was Otona and Yasu, Itoshigo (usually just Shigo) and Aishu, Kiku and her husband, Koshoku and her non-goddess girlfriend Ikkyo, and Aijou with Hitori. This may have seemed like a lot of people to have over at once, but the first floor of the house was plenty spacious.

The radio was booming with a mixed play list of the housemate’s favorite songs, ranging from Daiki’s ‘get-up-and-move’ type music to Ureshii’s ‘slow-jam’ kind of songs, placed near the end of the play list for when it started getting time to wind down. But, while the loud music was still playing everyone was busy socializing through the various rooms on the first floor. There were people standing and chatting in the kitchen while eating the food Daiki and Ureshii slaved in the kitchen all day for. In the living room, people were sitting on the couch talking, and drinking, not paying much attention to what was even on the television. And in the lounge, well that’s where most of the drinking was taking place, since there was a full bar in there. There was also a veil of smoke in the room, considering the four most-frequent smokers, Jousho, Netami, Otona, and Kiku were playing pool in there.

After Daiki had made his rounds talking with everyone he cared to talk to, he decided to go into the lounge as well so he could keep an eye on his big sexy. He wanted to come up and hug him from behind, but he knew better than to bother him while he was deep in a game of pool where money was most likely involved. If anything Jousho was really competitive so he made sure not to bother him during games where bouts of gambling were involved. Still, the power of seduction Netami had mentioned days prior was on his mind now, and he knew that Jousho was indeed a bit drunker than he had any business being, so tonight might be the night to try and persuade him to let him top. After all, since he’s not in his ‘right mind’ he might agree after all.

But then he decided to dismiss the idea; it wouldn’t be half as much fun if Jousho had to be drunk to persuade him to do anything. He’d rather enjoy the thrill of the chase on a more sober person.

“H-hey Jousho, tell me’ it’d not been cute if we had like… dressed him up as a barmaid or something,” Netami suggested in a slur.

“…Why?” Jousho questioned, glancing down at Daiki.

“I dunno… it’ve been cute though,” Netami answered with a shrug, before he took the cue and aimed to make his shot.

Actually Daiki began to consider this: maybe dressing up as a girl wouldn’t be all that bad. He’s always open to trying new things, and oddly dressing as a girl didn’t seem to bother him since he already had an ever-so-slightly girlish figure as it is.

“Daiki’d probably make a sexy ass little bitch wouldn’t he?” Jousho stated, although like a question, towards Netami before sneakily groping his little wife’s butt.

Daiki was definitely shocked, not because he thought anyone saw him do it, but because one thing Jousho did not do was grope. And he was never one to address Daiki in such dirty words either, although it was kind of a turn on. Maybe getting him drunk was the key to unlocking his very hard to find naughty side.

“Ureshii would too… we should dress both of them up,” Netami suggested, grinning sheepishly before attempting to shoot a six-ball in the corner pocket.

This was starting to make Jousho’s mind trail off into images of Daiki dressed in a little skimpy maid outfit, which was beginning to make him aroused. He had to get himself to stop before he got hard, so he maintained focus on Netami taking his next shot.

Jiirosho, standing nearby, jumped into the conversation as well. “Hell we should dress all of you up, you’d be so irresistibly delicious Netami.”

Otona was starting to get slightly creeped out by the conversation going on by the pool table. Once the subject turned to men wearing dresses, he really wanted to leave the room, but he had to stay if he wanted to play the winner. Plus he just couldn’t see his older cousin with his huge ego wearing a dress regardless. Sure, maybe Daiki would look good in one- oh Kami, he was agreeing with his bisexual cousin. What would his girlfriend think of that?!

“You ain’t fucking getting me in any dress, I’ll tell you that much,” Netami countered, just like Otona figured he’d do. “Do I look like someone’s bitch to you?”

“Yeah: mine,” Jousho remarked pointedly.

Netami glared at his so-called best friend whom always seemed to embarrass him in front of everyone at any chance he got. He noticed Kiku laughing, and then the very weird face on Otona that seemed to say, ‘What the hell do these people do over here?!’ “You know, I’m going to castrate you for that, and then we’ll see who is who’s bitch,” Netami threatened.

“No reason to get violent because you’re embarrassed, Netami,” Jousho chuckled, which caused everyone else to snicker.

“Alright Daiki, move out the way because I’m about to make your husband into a human shish-kebab with this cue!” Netami yelled, running towards the red-head with the stick. Jousho darted out of the room, enjoying this little game of teasing Netami.

They ran through the living room, the women that were mostly in there questioning how drunk the two men got, and exactly how deadly games of pool got these days. They were laughing up a storm, until the people in the kitchen heard and came into the living room, questioning about what was so funny.

Meanwhile Netami chased Jousho through the hallway, and then upstairs, until he had him cornered at the dead-end in the upstairs hallway.

“Be prepared, I’m about to shove this so far up your ass that you’ll be tasting wood!” the brunette warned, with a smile.

“Funny you’d want to shove a cue up my ass as opposed to down my throat, I’m guessing you don’t get enough as it is, huh?” Jousho spoke, further teasing the easily angered brunette.

“I get plenty, thank you,” he retorted, bragging.

“Apparently you don’t get fucked enough because you still don’t know how to stay in a bitch’s place, talking back and threatening me like that is reason enough for me to punish you, you know that?” Jousho replied.

Before Netami could make a witty comeback, Jousho grabbed the cue from the brunette’s hand and pinned the man against the wall. “…Now who’s gonna do what to me?”

Back in the lounge, Kiku and Otona, sick of waiting for the two men, started on another game since luckily there were some extra cues. “Hey Daiki, why don’t you go check on them to make sure they aren’t trying to kill each other, eh?” Kiku suggested to the raven-haired teen.

Daiki did as he was told, and first walked through the living room, asking, “Hey has anyone seen Netami and Jousho?”

The room broke out in laughter, before Kanashii finally answered, “Yeah, Netami ran through here chasing Jousho with a cue a little while ago, I think they ran upstairs.”

He made his way upstairs, into the hallway that was almost completely enveloped in darkness except for the moonlight pouring in from the window at the end of the hall. Then Daiki froze as he saw the two figures at the end of the hall. The first one, due to its muscular stature, he recognized immediately as his big sexy. Then he noticed a thinner and taller figure which was Netami of course, but… what were they doing?

As his eyes adjusted to the dark, he could tell that Netami was up against the wall, his wrists tied up with the tie Jousho had been wearing earlier and his pants were pooled around his ankles. Then he saw Jousho spank him with the cue Netami had been chasing him with earlier… What?!

Daiki’s indigo eyes widened at the prospect of his husband spanking Netami’s bare ass with a cue- it was so erotic! He felt his lower abdomen tighten from watching them, discovering he was actually getting turned on from watching his husband spank another man. It didn’t make any sense, but he just couldn’t stop watching. He took out his fancy cell phone and tried to record this, not wanting to waste this rare moment.

“Jousho please let me come…” Netami begged.

“If I let you come so soon, then this wouldn’t be punishment would it?” Jousho replied, smacking his ass again, while keeping his other hand wrapped around Netami’s arousal, holding off his impending orgasm.

“But I’m sorry for threatening you like I did,” Netami apologized. Daiki had a feeling he was just bull-shitting, considering Netami doesn’t say sorry to much of anyone, and not so quickly. But if someone was holding off your orgasm you’d probably lie too.

“I don’t really think you are, my smart mouthed little bitch,” Jousho remarked, proceeding to put two fingers in Netami’s mouth, so the saliva would hopefully make them slick enough to go up his ass since he obviously didn’t have any lube on him.

The brunette could feel the slight sting of pain before the pleasure that often came when he was being topped, which he never got used to. But he decided not to make a peep lest Jousho try and stop, and he definitely doesn’t want him to.

“See, you like being on the receiving end, don’t you bitch? Fight it as you may, you like having another man’s fingers up your ass, don’t you?”

“Yes, I do!” Netami cried out.

“And you want my cock up your ass, don’t you?”

“Yes, I want your huge cock up my ass!” Netami admitted.

From watching them alone, Daiki was getting very hard, and by now he was rubbing his erection through his jeans with one hand while holding the phone and recording with his other.

“Do you think you deserve my huge cock up your ass? Answer truthfully now,”

“No I don’t deserve it, because I was being a disrespectful bitch. But gods, I want it so bad… please Master Jousho,”

“Hmm not bad, I got Netami to actually call me master… fine slut, I’ll give it to you but only because you look fucking cute when you beg like that,” Jousho agreed, before slowly pushing himself into Netami’s virgin-tight crevice.

At first, the pain was worse than usual, since there was no lube to make this easier on Netami. But despite that, he struggled to keep whining to a minimum, and bit down on his lip. Once all of Jousho’s ten-inches was inside him, the pain finally subsided, and the pleasure came with the red-head’s thrusts, which were anything but rhythmic like usual. In fact, he was thrusting into him sporadically, apparently because he was drunk.

“You like my cock up your ass, bitch?” Jousho questioned.

“Gods, yes, I love your cock up my ass,” was the brunette’s reply.

“Well you are a slut, you probably like every man’s dick up your ass, as long as you’re getting some you don’t care who it is. Because you’re a slut,”

“I love your cock the most, Master Jousho, that’s why I’m your bitch,” Netami panted. Jousho kept hitting his sweet spot, and he wanted to come so bad every time, but Jousho still wouldn’t let him.

“And you better remember who you belong to, don’t make me remind you again,” Jousho said in a low, sultry, yet commanding voice that made the other man shiver slightly. Finally, he let go of Netami’s erection, and it only took one more thrust into his sweet spot to make them both come at the same time.

Netami could’ve sworn he’d never had such an intense orgasm before, as his seed splattered against the wall he was up against and his stomach. From his back end he was filled to the brim with Jousho’s own cum, a trail dripping down the inside of his bare thigh.

Daiki, after witnessing all that, only just realized he came in his own pants. “Oh great,” he sighed, turning off the camera mode on his phone. Well, despite the mess, he got what he needed, and he couldn’t wait to show the footage to Ureshii, not wanting to leave the blond out. Plus he really wanted to show this to the two stars of the video when they were sober, he was curious to see their reaction.

“Oh Daiki, I didn’t know you were up here,” Jousho remarked, untying Netami’s wrists and tossing the tie somewhere.

The way Jousho so casually said it, he figured that he didn’t realize he saw all the sex. “Oh, yeah. I just came up here to um… take a shower.”

“We were about to too,” Jousho explained.

Daiki walked into the bathroom, turning on the hot water before he started to strip, first his shirt, and then his…sticky… bottoms. A moment after Jousho and Netami came into the bathroom as well, closing the door.

The three of them jumped into the warm shower, washing away all evidence of the night’s exploits from their bodies. Boy, what a housewarming party.

To Be Continued…

A.N: I don't know if that sex scene was really any good, I'd like to know what you all think about it...

Don't forget to review! I love you fans!! ^_^