Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Alive for You ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Sakamaki Mei was always ignored. She wished to make one friend... Just one... That was her wish. But, it could never come true. Everyone called her four eyed creep. Her looks weren't that appealing to everyone. Red hair that looked more brown or orange then red. Long shiny hair and brown eyes. Her glasses are square looking with a black frame. She even hated herself...
Two boys who were to top dogs of the class, always took her seat during lunch and shoved her aside. She sat in the hallway anyway so she couldn't be seen. When the bell rang, Mei would wait patiently for her seat to be free then take it back.

The two boys were loved by all of the girls yet they ignore them. They talk with each other rather then the girls. Takashi Mamoru was the taller one. He was very athletic and strong. He has black hair that looked like it was combed to make bangs over his dark eyes. And the other, was Hayato Akio. He had more looks then brains. He had brown, messy hair. As well as beautiful green eyes. No one understands why Takashi and Hayato hang out, but the two seemed like great friends.


Mei walks into class one sunny day. Its September 26th. Her birthday. I'm may have been a special day bit she knew she had no one to celebrate I with. She only had the 2 cats she feeds outside her house. Only herself she had...

As soon as she sits down, the girls turn around from Takashi's desk. They all begin to laugh. Mei looks around and is confused why they are laughing. When she looks down, there is nothing wrong. She cocks her head in confusion. But nthen she feels something wet soak through the bottom of her skirt. Everyone in the class is now laughing. Her face becomes red as she stands.

"Happy Birthday four-eyes!", a girl says. Everyone says the same thing. Mei looks down at her seat. There is ink spread all over her seat. And her bag is dripping in ink. As well as all of her stuff in her desk. The sensei walks in and gasps.

Yukito-sensei is the only one throughout the whole class who actually would worry. He is not that old. Yukito is in his early thirties. A extremely nice person if you know him. And if you make him mad, you could have detention for a week.

The whole class turns silent as Yukito walks in. When he sees Mei standing almost crying, he immediately starts to yell. " Tell me who did this now! I know one of you did. I will give you all detention if no one speaks up now!" The class remains silent. Just as he was about to scream again, Takashi speaks up.

"It was Kano here." He points to the girl next to him. The girl who started the four-eyes feasco in the first place. "What? What are you talking about Takashi-kun? I- I didn't do it!" The girls look at Takashi in awe. Yukito crosses his arms. "So... It was you AGAIN Kano? I see... This was the 5th time this month. And on the girls birthday of all days. I guess you never learn. You have a 2 week detention starting now. Homeroom and 1st period will be spent in the principals office. So, go now. You can get caught up by copying your friends notes. So... Go."

Kano's face turns beat red and she storms out of the classroom. The class is awed by Yukito's efforts to protect Mei. Yukito walks to Mei and guides her out of the classroom. She hasn't said a word since she entered the class. Yukito brought a substitute to sub in for him for homeroom. He brings her to the infirmary. He sighs.

"I'm surprised you are able to go through this... I'm sorry. I will come earlier from now on. The countless amounts of torment you get for no reason whatsoever, it pains me. But, don't worry. I think you should take a rest here. You can come back to class once you feel like it. Or you may go home and spend your birthday home. I could come over later to tell you what you missed. Get a nice rest." He pats her head and leaves. She changed her clothes so her skirt could get washed. She lays down on the bed.

Mei begins to tear up. 'Why? Why does everyone hate me? I haven't done anything wrong have I? I haven't had any friends... The only one who really actually cares is Yukito-sensei... But... Maybe is should just end everything. Maybe everyone would be happy if I was gone.' Mei sits up and looks out the window. She is on the second floor. Its higher up then it seems. If someone jumped, it would surely be fatal.

Mei stands and opens the window. She feels the warm breeze blow against her face. The rush is flowing through her body. Her heart is pulsing out of her chest. She looks down. A stone pavement marks the ground. A hard landing would definitely end it quick. She sits on the edge of the windowsill.

Just as she was ready to fall, a large hand grabs hers and pulls her in. She finds her face stuffed into a warm chest. It smells of cherrys... Then she hears the person whisper in her ear.

"You don't have a reason to die. I will protect you..."