Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ angel song ❯ sweet dreams tight jeans ( Chapter 1 )

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he awoke to the sound of music playing he walked over to the window the sound of music growing louder a crowed of people waving there babies said to said as the music played, He hard the voice ill save you! “And ill give you love!!” angel smiled at the singer with the long black greasy hair, he smiled back it was his song, he was singing for him!   Angel didn't know who he was  but he knew who ever he was he was his guy. Ill save you and I love you! Yeah ! angel move though the coward of people the guy starched out his hand to him angel want to reach for it when suddenly everything around him started to shake!  The ground he was standing on crumbled  to pieces he could see the guy hand reaching for him angel trying to grab on but it was too late he was fallen deep into the darkness! Wake up!

Angel opened his eyes to see his little brother hovering over him wake up! The little boy yelled! In angel face mom said its time for school, angel groaned alright tell ill be right down, alright! The little boy said hitting angel over the head with his pillow, ugh Jason angel want to grab him angel fall fat on his face, to slow big bro to slow! Jason teased as he run down the stairs. What are little brothers good for anyway I told mom to stop when she had me but no! Angel thought

he walked over to the bathroom he was so tired and days like this he loved that his bathroom was conceited to his room,  he walked over to the sink stared at himself in the mirror a boy with a chubby face and short black hair stared back at him, man I really gained weight angel said to himself angel had noticed he been saying this to himself more off tern during the last few weeks, times like those he would tell himself that he would go to the gym.... but it never happen how could he when there was not enough time in the day with school and working at the dinner part time,  ah whatever angel look at himself and tried to find something positive to say about his appearance I do have nice eyes he thought, his light brown eyes have been said to shine in the sunlight, yea like a guys going to fall in love with you for your eyes, whatever angel thought again as he brushed his teeth and undress to get into the shower,

Angel raped his  towel around him and headed into his room, he stood in front of clothes starring at his selection of clothes and thinking what to wear  he decided  on a black shirt and dark blue jeans he put on the shirt but it was to tight, what you have got to to be kidding me I just brought this shirt, he took it off and throw it on his bed, he tried on his pants the something to tight he could even bottom it shit! Angel! Zack is here mom said you better come down he heard Jason say, alright im  coming down screw it angel said he squeezed  in his stomach and bottom the pants they where tight but it would have to do he grad a shirt and his big black sweatshirt  the sweatshirt  he wear on his fat days and this deferentially was one of those days he slipped on his black boots and haded downstairs,  his mom was standing at the bottom of the staircase its about time you got up she said angel kissed his mother on the cheek sorry ma he was headed out the door when his mother said angel those pants look so tight on you!  

There fine mom angel said feeling annoyed  he headed out the door but not before his mom though in one last gab at him you better eating so much I don't have money to buy you new clothes!  Angel sighed leave it to my mother to make me feel even more like crap then I already do he thought as he opened the door to his friend Zack jeep. Hey dude whats up Zack said exciting his fits angel made a fits and hit his having one of those morning im guessing Zack said looking at angel face, story of my life angel said, Zack turned up the engine and they where off, ill save you, ill believe in you and show you love!! dude your totally off key! And what song are you singing Zack said as he drove, I don't know angel I woke up with the song in my head  this guy was singing it in my   dream, a guy in your dreams, Zack shock his head leave it to you to have the gayest of dreams he tasted I need to find more straight friends angel punched him on the shoulder ouch I was kidding,  but no really its a good song catchy can I use it for a you tube cover angel shrugged I guess he said, sweet Zack said, they pulled into the school parking lot,  they both steeped out of the jeep and swung there bags over there shoulders,  they walked up the stairs that lead into the school, angel stooped half way, Zack who was right behind him, almost stumbled backward, dude why did  you stop, angel

had this trance look on his face do here that angel said to Zack here what Zack said  save me I will believe in you  ill love you ill give love! He hard a voice sing its the song! Angel said he was now running down the hallway Zack right behind him, he was pushing though the crowed of students as the song became louder he stop once he reached the sources of the music, the guy had his back turned to angel there was an I pod and speakers attached to his book bag but it wasn't the song from his dream the song had change into some loud heavy metal I could have swore I hard it angel thought dude Zack said panting next time give head start before you start running off randomly like that. Ironically the bell rang and they had run right in front of angel first class, ill see you later Zack,