Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ I Do ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I Do
You lay on your stomach as she lazily swept her hands up and down your back. Then, she grasped your shoulder blades firmly and (fully breathing in and out) she pushed her thumbs deep into a mountain on your back. She dug deep and pushed until you cried out, and she still persevered until you bit your lip and ground your teeth and succumbed to the bitter pleasure of the pain. Trickles of blood leaked out of your bottom lip, and she carefully took a snow white square of cloth and gently brushed the bead of blood off into the fibers, where it made a stain that sunk deep. She wrapped her fingers in your hair and pulled delicately, until you could take it no more. You begged her with the barest whisper to finish. Her melancholic smile swept through you, piling every lost grain of you into a small heap until you spied one special piece barely the size of a pinhead. You had lost it long ago, and the sight of it again make you weep. She left the room, exhausted from trying, and you slipped on your jacket with motor driven wings and flew away from her forever.