Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Kuroi Nakama ❯ The Beginning is... ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
To those of you watching, or whatever you are doing, look in a mirror. Ask yourself, “What amd I?” Not who, what. You typically look in a mirror and ask who you are and why you are on this planet. But in truth, you may not even be human. You could be an gyneticly altered human, made to survive the hardships of a piece of shit life that will repeat over and over again from day to day. Year to year. However, unknowinly, you will die only to be born again thousands of years later when the first world was destroyed and a second will be made to re – act the same piece of shit life you were born to play.

What if you could change that? Make your life better in ways only your ‘god’ could imagine. Have you ever thought about that? Have you ever thought of going out into the world and throwing up a big ‘fuck you’ to the world? The government around you, and the people who never come near you but scorn your life? Have you ever thought to do such a thing?

I have. And I have done such a thing. Not in the way you would think, but in the way the world was in the first generation. The way it was, before the laws were made. Before your shity lives were made to repeat from pathetic generation after pathetic generation. But, my life did not start out the way you and your feeble little minds would possibly ever imagine. No, I have only managed to write this in a way so no one but you, can understand.

You see, my life started out in the slums of a pathetic southern state, in the pathetic garden and farming lands. I was not some rich chick or rich dudes daughter, no. I was raised to work. Raised to be what no one else wanted to be. On top of that, I was an “infected”. To make it simple for you, there are three groups. The “infected”, the “monarchs”, and the shit holes at the top knows as the “Mediators”.

I walked around with scum bags, assholes, murderes, and rapists. Men and women who saw my small, frail body, as a feast for their senses. I had to grow up fast and I did. I killed my first living person at the age of six. My second red pool was when I was nine. You see, your shit eating happy ass lives now, are nothing to what the original was like. Nothing close.

In this world, there are only two rules. Survive at all costs and don’t ever fight the rules of you superiors. That was what we were. “Infecteds” as we were called, had a gift. Well, several if you count the many different races of “infected” there are. You have people like me, people with the ability to rapidly recover and destroy all that we touch. People who could see two of the four paths cleary and take the third or fourth path and never get lost. Those are the few, rare, and highly hunted. We are the “Weavers”.

Then there are the “Worms”. Highly disgusting people who live in filth, but talents do come in handy from time to time. Turning into animals and running around doing errands. Untracable and highly amusing as they do tend to rip you off and steel from you. I take it though, you have thieves with talents in your world, but if you ever spot someone who would look to be one, run and hide all valiables. They never leave their targets until what of value is in their hands.

“Spikers”. Nast bunch if I do say so myself. These are the people who attack you in quick session, makingg you unable to see them, unable to hear them, unable to even know they are coming. People who never want to touble cross. Never want to insult, and never want to mess with. They are highly skilled, and sadly, and as I have no need to be racist in any way shape or form, the fuckers who your common insect would worship.

Now we come to the ones we never see but always hear about. “Blaster”. These are the morons who think they are so full of shit because they have the ability to control watever the fuck they touch. So they are split into groups. People who love to use fire, then those with water, air, and so on. Occasionally you will get the one who has somehow managed to lock into the connections of technology and can crack an electronic safe in under a second flat. These are the people you want on your side. The typical ‘technis’. I am sure you have your fair share of computer geeks and nerds, so think if these people were the ones progammed and altered to have their abilities.

Everyone in you rmiserable life as the DNA of one or more of these “infected”. Trust me, I read the newspapers, the stories you write. You all have at least one simple strand that makes you what you are. You are not just a random act, you were planned.

Well, now as you have been told, I am sure you can imagine how miserable the life I have lead must be. Walking around, killing everyone who crossed me, and everyone who crossed my friends. And orphan. My father aparently raped my mother, and my father died trying to kill me. Mother ended up shooting herself nowing what I was. Typical of the time. Now, back to my story.

Well, after my second kill at nine years of age, I was picked up by a group of men and women who used their powers for what they wanted, not to survive. To actual have anything was a dream come true. Why don’t we begin from my first day at the Kuroi Nakama.