Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Magi Masuku ❯ Janus, The Rogue Shoki ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Janus, the Rogue Shoki
My name is Janus. When I was just six years old I saw my parents die. I saw my house burned down by a Magi. I watched as my parents were brutally murdered by the Magi, standing by helplessly, unable to do anything. Why the Magi let me live, I'm not sure… but I won't let my parents' killer go free… I will kill every Magi in my way until I spill that killer's blood…
“Hey, Chokitsune!” Masuku said happily as he walked up to the boy, carrying a bowl. Chokitsune's right arm was in a sling and he had a bandage wrapped around his head. “Hey, sorry about breaking your arm; I made you some ramen to make up for it!”
“Yeah, thanks.” Chokitsune said as he took the bowl with his left hand. Chokitsune was laying on a bed in a neat, hospital room-like… room that was reserved for injured combatants in the Magi Games. His two brothers were sitting next to him.
“Gumushi; feed me.” Chokitsune ordered. “What?!” Gumushi yelled, shocked. “Why should I?!” “Because, Patora beat you in janken; paper covers rock. You're the one who has to take care of me.”
“Fine…” Gumushi said as he took the chopsticks out of the bowl and fed his brother some of the noodles. “Oh, this is go—.” Chokitsune started to say. “OH, CRAP! THIS IS HORRIBLE! DISGUST… DISGUSTING!” He grabbed the bowl and threw up in it.
“You ruined it!” Masuku yelled, shocked. “I put so many great ingredients in that ramen; eggs, barbecued pork, pizza, tofu, octopus, some chewy stuff that a vendor sold me for 3 Sigmas, milk, chocolate, and white powder!”
“White powder?” Chokitsune repeated, shocked. He grimaced, realizing the terrible flavor in his mouth. “Baking powder?!”
“Well, I gotta go!” Masuku said as he began walking away. “My brother's taking Herupanen and me out to celebrate my big victory!”
“Hi, Kuromegane!” Masuku said happily as he and his Familiar walked up to his brother, who was waiting in front of a game booth. “Oh, hey!” Kuromegane said with a friendly wave.
“Oh, by the way, I ran into your German friend earlier.” Kuromegane continued. “Nice kid; he had some nice magazines… anyways, he said he was going to go watch his opponent.”
“I have a German friend?” Masuku asked, confused. “You know, Masuku…” Herupanen reminded him. “Ohmio?” “Oh, right.” Masuku said with a nod. “Wait… he's German?”
“Anyways…” Kuromegane said. “Also, some guy with white hair was looking for you; I think he was Irish or maybe Scottish. But he said he wants to see you ASAP… that's as soon as possible.”
“Dublin?” Masuku said. “Oh! He must want to congratulate me on winning my match!” He grabbed his Familiar and put him on his head. “Let's go, Herupanen!” He ran off, leaving Kuromegane confused.
“Masuku!” Dublin said seriously as his Apprentice ran up to him. Galop was tied to his arm, as usual. He was standing near a building with a tree several feet away. “I have something important I wanted to tell you; I didn't think it could wait.”
Masuku looked at his teacher strangely. “You… YOU DON'T LIKE MY COOKING?!” He guessed, upset. Tears began rolling down his face. “N-no!” Dublin assured. “Masuku, I never said that!”
“Oh, okay.” Masuku said, suddenly calming down. “So what did you want to tell me—?” “GET DOWN!” Dublin suddenly yelled as he tackled Masuku down to the ground. A bullet whizzed through the air above them.
“I'm really sorry about that.” A voice said. Standing nearby and holding a gun was a black, young man in a grey tank-top and with a cross around his neck. “I really don't like killing but—.”
“Don't apologize, Arch…” A young man around 16 said as he stepped out from behind the building. A larger, bulkier young man followed him. They were both dressed the same as Arch. The bigger one had a green bandanna and a monkey tattooed on his shoulder. The shorter one had auburn, messy hair, two swords strapped to his back, and an x-shaped scar on the front of his face.
“Yes, Janus.” Arch said with a nod. Janus looked at the bigger man. “Ape, get out your bazooka.” The bigger man nodded and reached into his pants. He pulled out a large, full-sized bazooka.
How'd he fit that in his pants?” Masuku wondered as he stared. He soon found himself staring down the barrel of the bazooka.
Ohmio hid behind a water-tower atop a building. His opponent, Tanabata, was standing on the rooftop, apparently waiting for someone to show up. “Man… I had hoped I'd see more of his spells and get ready for my match…” Ohmio thought irritably. “But he's just waiting for someone… I'm getting impatient…
“Judgement, Agent 20.” A voice said. Ohmio looked out from behind the water tower and saw a silver-haired teenager with an owl Familiar on his shoulder. He had a diamond in the center of his forehead and wore a white robe like a Buddhist monk's.
“The World, Agent 21.” Tanabata said with a nod. “But how do I know you're you?” The World sighed. “You're the one of the only two who even knows I exist.” “Two?” Tanabata asked. The World nodded. “Yes, I'm talking about the German pervert hiding behind the water-tower.”
Crap!” Ohmio thought. He jumped from the water-tower to get away quickly. “How'd he know I was here?!” Suddenly, he realized he seemed to be suspended in midair. “What the crap?!”
“Like I said…” The World asked, and Ohmio realized that the World was holding him by the back of his shirt. “A German pervert.”
Ape stared at his bazooka, confused. It was completely soaked, rendering it useless. “Must've used an Elemental Spell or something…” He muttered. “That's right.” Dublin said as he stood up. “I suggest that you leave. NOW.”
Dublin suddenly doubled over in pain, clutching his stomach in pain. “What the… what just happened?” He asked in pain. Janus was standing behind him, holding one of his swords, a broadsword, just inches away from Dublin's back.
“This sword I'm holding is a magical artifact called Gram.” Janus explained coldly. “It has the ability to cut through a person's Spirit, weakening them from the inside.”
“I see…” Dublin said in pain as he struggled to stand up. “So you're really… the Rogue Shoki, eh?” Masuku stared at Dublin blankly. “Rogue… Shoki?”
“Shoki are human demon-slayers.” Dublin explained. “They're hired by the World Government to take care of certain demons from the Nether and even some beings from the Makai…
“Two years ago, an especially talented Shoki was given a very special sword.” Dublin continued. “A sword that was rumored to be unbeatable in combat… he used the sword to slaughter one hundred Magi, and escaped with three other magic swords. This guy may only carry two swords, but Gram was one of the swords that were stolen.”
“This guy… killed 100 Magi?!” Masuku repeated in fear. Janus looked at Masuku angrily. “After what Magi have done to me… I don't think they deserve any mercy…”
Janus sheathed Gram and stared at the ground angrily. “When I was just six years old I saw my parents die.” Janus explained sadly. “I saw my house burned down by a Magi. I watched as my parents were brutally murdered by the Magi, standing by helplessly, unable to do anything. Why the Magi let me live, I'm not sure… but I won't let my parents' killer go free…”
Janus reached back for Gram and quickly pulled it out. “I will kill every Magi in my way until I spill that killer's blood!” He yelled as he swung Gram at Masuku's neck.
Suddenly, the sword stopped inches from Masuku's neck. “What… what's this?” Janus wondered, confused. “Gram is supposed to cut through anything, even Spirit… how is it that something's stopping me…?
He's distracted!” Dublin realized as he straightened himself up. He opened his hand and pointed his palm at Janus. “Elemental Magic: River Bullets!
A large ball of water shot out of Dublin's hand at Janus. Janus heard Dublin's command and quickly spun around and held Gram up in front of him; the water hit Gram and was cut in half, each half going in different directions, forming a Y-like shape.
Damn it…” Dublin thought angrily. “That sword of his can even cut through water… a full frontal assault is no good… I'll have to be clever about this…
“I won't allow anyone to get in my way.” Janus said as he sheathed Gram and drew the other sword. This one was a jiang-like blade with writing on it.
“The Kusanagi!” Janus yelled as he began spinning the blade rapidly in his hand. Dublin felt the wind around him beginning to spin, like a cyclone; a wall of wind surrounded Janus, Dublin, Masuku, and the others, creating a loud whooshing sound.
“The Grass-Cutting Sword…” Dublin muttered under his breath. “Its user can control the very winds with it…”
“I'm going to kill you!” Janus yelled as he stopped spinning the sword and quickly made a swaying motion with it. The wind mimicked the movement, and Dublin realized that it was coming towards him. “SHOKI ART!” Janus yelled as he pointed the blade at Dublin's feet. The sword moved to the spot where the blade pointed.
Janus quickly thrust the blade up into the air. Dublin was sent flying by the wind. “GATHERING CLOUDS OF HEAVEN!” He turned the blade upside down and thrust it into the ground, causing the wind to slam Dublin into the earth.
“Not bad… punk…” Dublin said quietly as he struggled to get up. “That wind made a lot of noise… enough that you didn't here the little spell I cast.”
Janus' eyes widened in shock. “What?!” He yelled. “I'm done playing.” Dublin said coldly as he adjusted his glasses. “Time to die!”
Janus looked down at the ground around him and saw a small river surrounding him. “Elemental Magic!” Dublin yelled as he spun around and held his hands up. “The Hands of Old Man River!
Two arms of water formed in the river and came out into the air. Janus smiled as he held both of his hands up to Janus… and flipped him off. The water-arms mimicked his movement instantly. “Now… you'll be drowned and strangled at the same time…”
Dublin quickly moved his hands so it looked like they were holding something; the arms followed suit, but instead of holding thin air their fingers were wrapped around Janus' neck. “Elemental Magic.” Dublin said coldly. “River Strangling!
The water-hands tightened their grip around Janus' neck. “Can't… breathe…” Janus thought in pain. He dropped Kusanagi and reached for the hands, trying to pry them loose. “No… I can't die… not yet… not yet…
“NOT YET!” Janus yelled. Suddenly, the water-arms exploded into mere drops of water, freeing Janus. He began panting, trying to regain the air he hadn't gotten. “That was close…” he thought, reaching for his neck instinctively. “If I didn't have the gene… I'd have died for sure…
“Janus! Catch!” Ape yelled as he reached into his pants and pulled out a large claymore. He tossed the claymore to Janus, who easily caught it with one hand. “Dainsleif, eh?” Janus asked, recognizing the sword.
“Dainsleif?!” Dublin repeated, shocked. “How… how did you get that evil sword?” “Don't act so high and mighty.” Janus responded coolly. “One of you was using this blade to kill innocent people; I took him down and took this sword from him.
“However… I'm in no state to fight.” Janus said after a bit. “So here's the deal; you let us leave or I'll unsheathe Dainsleif…”
Dublin looked at Janus angrily. “You think Magi are monsters?” He asked. “You're the one about to use Dainsleif…” “I'm a monster?” Janus asked. “I guess that means Magi are demons. Now, let us leave.”
“… Fine.” Dublin said. “You can leave. But if I ever see you again… you'll never use one of your swords again…”
Janus picked Kusanagi up. “Shoki Art: Grass Wind Copter!” His friends jumped behind him ad he began spinning the blade like a copter. Winds gathered beneath him and his friends' feet and carried them off, eventually out of sight.
“Why the hell did you just let them leave?!” Masuku asked angrily. “You could have beaten him!” “Masuku, you don't understand.” Dublin responded coolly. “I'm not sure how he was able to survive River Strangling…”
What I really want to know is why Gram stopped suddenly before it could hit Masuku…” Dublin thought. “That sword can cut through Spirit like tissue paper… it can cut through anything! Why the hell did it stop suddenly…?
“Something wrong?” Masuku asked, confused as to why his professor was staring at him like that. Dublin returned from his thoughts and smiled. “No, nothing, Masuku… uh… maybe the doctors should take a look at you, just to make sure everything's alright.”
“Uh… okay.” Masuku said with a smile. Dublin's eyes widened in shock at what he saw. For a brief second he had seen something silver flash across Masuku's forehead.
The doctors looked Ivan, who was still knocked out, over. His shirt was off, revealing several bruises and a strange tattoo on his chest that resembled a flaming P.
“That Wall of Sound really hit him hard.” One doctor gathered. “He put up a good fight, though… he has a few cracked ribs, but he's in much better condition than Taras and the Hunter girl.”
“What do you make of his tattoo?” The second doctor asked. The first one shrugged. “Probably nothing.” He said. “When you're a doctor, you see lots of tattoos; however, there does seem to be something strange about the ink…”
Do they know?” Ivan thought. He was only faking unconsciousness, listening to the doctors' conversation.
“What's so odd about it?” The first doctor asked. “Well… it seems to have been made with the same ink used to make pentagrams…” “Pentagrams?” “They're magical circles that can be used for many purposes.” The doctor explained. “However, about 90 percent of all pentagrams are Forbidden Arts…”
“So… the tattoo has some sort of magical property?” The second doctor asked. “Yes… I've seen it before on several Magi.” The first doctor explained. “The P must represent something… portal? Pilfer? The fires around it… it could mean Prometheus—.”
Crap!” Ivan thought. He quickly opened his eyes; meaning, he opened the two eyes on his head and two other eyes in the palms of his hands. He pointed his palms at the two doctors and lasers fired out, going through the doctors and killing them.
This isn't good…” Ivan thought as he pressed his index and middles fingers to the flaming P. “This is Argus calling the Shinigami!” He yelled. “This is Argus calling all members of the Black Wing! They're onto us; we need to erase the evidence!”
Author's Notes: I tried to make this a bit more exciting. Anyways, all of Janus' swords are named after magical swords from mythology and such. Also, check out my profile for a cool website about my fics.
Next Time: Life or Death: Black Wings Take Flight!