Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ My Darkest Haven ❯ My Darkest Haven ( One-Shot )

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My Darkest Haven
Most people think that darkness means death, fear, even pain... But I know different.
There are many kinds of darkness, there's night time darkness...
That kind of blackness signifies sleep, rest and peace...
And then there is anti-light, the kind of glow you get from a computer, that's not quite dark but not quite light...
This kind of dark means life, activity if you will.
And then there's zero darkness. A complete lack of light...
You have all felt that.
My favourite kind is when your sitting in your room, on a rainy day where everything around you is blue and nothing but the blue light from the window can touch you...
That darkness.... It means safety. It means you can sit and think for hours on end, without disruption... Without fear or anger...
There is one more kind of darkness, and is very rare...
Its like the darkness of a campfire, and the darkness of pitch black night time collide...
This is when I can feel my heart. Beating in my chest, and throbbing when in love.
Few people even get to experience this feeling, but I have.
Its nice, where your heart talks to you, you can feel it wanting something, or someone. And you can sometimes tell who it is. For me its a boy in my class.
His name is Tim.
I can see he's been through allot, and that he is a truly awakened person, who knows the feeling of love first hand.
That's why I love the darkness. You cant see anything so your allowed to imagine your surroundings, I imagine him.
You may be wondering why I wrote this... And the answer is, I dont know.
But I know Im wondering, why you read this. And the answer is, because you know the feeling.