Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Priestess of the Moon: Return of the Lunar Dragon ❯ Escape ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Done, m'lady,” Rose said, “how do you like it?”
Kiya stood from her seat and walked over to the standing mirror. Her hair had been cut shorter. Now it hung to a little above her elbows instead of to her waist. She now had bangs that hung over her forehead. The woman even managed to change the color of her eyes. They were now a dark brown, instead of green. She no longer looked like herself. No one, she knew, would recognize her as Aubrey's daughter.
“It's good,” Kiya said. She turned to where the Futuresighter and Mitt stood. “Now what do I do?” she asked.
The Futuresighter pointed to a bag that she had brought in with her. “Change into one of the dresses in there,” she said, “and there is also some clothing for Reiku when you get him out.”
Kiya nodded and went over to where the bag sat on a chair. She rummaged through until she pulled out a gray woolen dress. She changed out of her satin and silk dress into the woolen one. She then looked at herself in the mirror. She now looked more like a commoner than an elf princess. She sighed as she smoothed the skirts. The wool felt different than the silk and satin she was use to, but it felt more comfortable.
Rose walked over to her and placed a cloak on her shoulders. “The pack is water-proof,” the woman said, “so do not worry about your belongings getting wet. There is another cloak for you and two for him in there.”
Kiya turned and looked at Rose. “Why are you helping me?” she asked.
Rose lowered her head sadly. “My husband was a werewolf. Lord Aubrey killed him after the attack on Elvenwood.” The older woman looked at Kiya. “I, too, know the truth and I am willing to help you, for I know that you love the werewolf as much as I loved my husband, despite our differences.”
Kiya smiled and took the woman's hand in hers. “Thank you,” she said softly. Then Kiya turned and looked at Mitt. “Ready?”
Mitt nodded and stood. “I'm ready,” she said.
“Now listen,” the Futuresighter said briskly, “Kiya, you are to go to the river and hide your pack there. Then you go back to the dungeons and get Reiku. Mitt, you are to deal with the guards and free Reiku.”
“Got it,” Mitt said. She went to the door and looked at Kiya. “See you in a bit,” she said and then she left.
Kiya quickly went to the door, picking up her pack as she went by. She reached for the door handle as the Futuresighter said, “Kiya, be quick. Do not stop whatever you do, for they will catch you. There will be no second chance.”
Kiya nodded and said, “I know.” She looked at the Futuresighter and said, “Thank you for everything. I will see you soon.”
“Yes,” the Futuresighter said, “we will.”
Kiya smiled and left her chambers. Quietly, she swept down the corridors, hiding in the shadows as a servant walked by. Finally, after what seemed like hours, she got outside. She move quickly towards the river and when she got there, she hid their belongings in a bush, remembering the spot. Then Kiya turned around and went to the dungeons.
When she got to Reiku's cell, she found the guards on the floor, out cold. “Mitt,” Kiya exclaimed, “What did you do?”
“Just knocked them out,” Mitt said, coming out of the cell, “but don't worry. They didn't see me.”
Kiya looked up as Reiku came out behind Mitt. Kiya went up to him and hugged him tightly. Reiku wrapped his arms tightly around her, and then he tilted her head back and kissed her gently. “Come on,” he said, “get me the hell out of here.”
They all left the dungeons and Mitt started back towards the palace. “Good luck you guys,” she called softly.
Kiya waved to her friend and led Reiku through the sleeping city. They stuck to the shadows, darting through the alleys. Whenever a patrol of guards walked by, they stopped and pressed close to a wall so they wouldn't be seen. Once the coast was clear, they start out again. They were almost out when the alarm sounded. Someone had found the unconscious guards.
“I knew this won't be as easy as it seemed,” Kiya groaned
“We're almost there,” Reiku said, grabbing a hold of her hand. “Run!”
They ran out of the city, now not caring if anyone saw them. They got to the river and Kiya grabbed their pack hidden in the bush. She tied the straps around her shoulders so the pack rested on her back. Then they waded into the water. Kiya gasped as the cold water rushed past her and she gripped a hold of Reiku for support. Reiku cursed and looked behind him as they heard the shouting in the city coming closer. Kiya looked down river and saw it twisting around the bend. The current was fast, the water foamed as it hit the rocks and rushed past her. Kiya had a feeling that she wouldn't be able to swim in this, or even stay up above water to swim for that matter. She gripped tighter to Reiku's shirt as she felt the water pulling at her dress, trying to pull her down river.
“The river!” someone yelled from the edge of the city.
“Hold on,” Reiku said. Then he turned into a wolf.
Kiya gripped the fur at his neck and they plunged into the river. Reiku let the current take them down, paddling to stay afloat and to dodge rocks. He was much stronger as a wolf and had more control than Kiya would have. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, afraid of being ripped away from him and being pulled into the dark water. After a while, the yelling of the guards faded away, but Reiku didn't get out of the river until they were miles away from the city. The farther they went down river, the calmer it seemed to get. When then got to a calm pool-like part of the river, Reiku paddled to the shore.
Kiya collapsed to the ground beside Reiku. She watched as he changed back and smiled. “We did it,” she said breathlessly.
“Yeah,” Reiku panted. Then he leaned against her and Kiya took his weight. They laid down on the ground, not even bothering pulling out a blanket from the pack. The night was warmer than the river had been anyway, so after a few moments, they were both asleep.
“There is no sign of the werewolf,” the guard said, “or your daughter.”
Aubrey paced angrily and dismissed the guard. He was seething with rage, angry at the guards for failing to stop the werewolf and his daughter, and angry at himself. How could he have been so stupid? The Futuresighter was right. His daughter betrayed him. He thought he could stop the prophecy from happening by getting rid of the werewolf. He thought he taught his daughter to despise, to fear the werewolves. He taught her that she was to spit on the werewolves, to look down her nose at them. The only thing that could explain the reason why she helped the werewolf escape was love. In those few weeks that Kiya had been with him, she had fallen in love with him. Aubrey grinded his teeth at the thought of one of his kin lying in the same bed of a werewolf which he was sure Kiya had already done. But there was nothing he could do now. The wolf probably had told Kiya what had really happened, what he, Aubrey, had really done. And he knew that the Futuresighter had told Kiya about the prophecy, about what she had sensed around him. He had searched all over for the woman, but she had disappeared. The old elf knew who he really was, who his master was.
:You let her get away.:
Aubrey gasped and spun around. Coming from the dark shadows was the head and neck of a large dragon. Daorth, Lord of Darkness, a shadow dragon, was a giant and shadow-black monster who could turn his solid bulk into shadow and appear from shadows, like he was doing now. He was the fiercest and most powerful shadow dragon in the whole world. The dragon glared at him where he had materialized from the shadows, his eyes glowing red. At the sight of him, Aubrey threw himself onto the ground and groveled before his master. “My Lord,” he gasped, “I live only to serve. I did not mean for the girl to get away.”
:You knew of the prophecy for a hundred years, Aubrey,: Daorth snarled, :yet you decided to play with the werewolf instead of killing him on the spot.:
“I know, my Lord,” Aubrey said, “and it was a mistake. When I get my hands on the wolf again, I will have him killed immediately.”
:Yes, you will,: the dragon hissed softly, :or what you sentenced on the werewolf will seem like pleasure for what will happen to you.: Then the dragon disappeared.
Aubrey got to his feet and shuddered. He had to find those two. And when he did, he will kill the werewolf himself and lock Kiya up until the day came; when all of Aubrey's sufferings will be rewarded.