Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Priestess of the Moon: Return of the Lunar Dragon ❯ Secret of the Shadow Dragon ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kiya had heard the screams seconds after she felt the presence of evil nearby. She had thrown herself out of the hut, grabbed her bow and arrows and ran down the steps to the forest floor. She saw Reiku attack the dragon and then she saw the dark elves approaching the village. A cold shiver went up her spine, recognizing the creatures; they had once been the elven army of Riverside who she saw in her vision turn into the creatures. She saw Keioke land nearby and she rushed over to the dragon, mounting her. She then heard Reiku yelp and looked around in time to see him land on the ground, almost thirty feet away from the dragon. Keioke snarled, lashed her tail and headed towards the Shadow Dragon. But before they got to it, the Shadow Dragon lunged at Reiku and, after giving the command to the dark elf army to kill them all, flew off, Reiku in its grasp.
“It has Reiku,” Kiya cried, gripping the sides of Keioke's neck, “We have to go after it.”
Keioke nodded and with a battle cry, she flew high into the air, her wings beating furiously. Kiya leaned against Keioke's neck, urging the dragon to go faster. They were gaining on the Shadow Dragon, getting closer and closer. Finally, they caught up and Keioke slammed into the dragon. The Shadow dragon was almost three times the size of Keioke, but yet she had managed to throw him off balance. The dragon snarled as it spun around to face them. :Keioke,: it hissed, :the Lunar Dragon. I thought you were dead.:
:And I thought you were an elf,: Keioke growled, :Aubrey.:
Kiya gasped as she looked at the dragon. That dragon had been her father? She drew an arrow and notched it into her bow. She drew the arrow back so the fletching brushed her cheek. “Give Reiku back,” she said.
Aubrey laughed evilly and snarled. :You cannot defeat me, Priestess. I cannot be killed.: Then it disappeared into the darkness, become part of the darkness itself, and taking Reiku with him.
Kiya lowered her bow and cursed under her breath. Reiku was still alive; the bond told her so. But he was in danger. It looked like the battle will be starting sooner than she thought; sooner than she wanted. Kiya allowed Keioke to take her back. When they returned, they saw the result of the battle. All the dark elves had been killed and a few of their own as well. Many were injured, but nothing looked serious. Kiya got off Keioke as Keilila and Lendell walked over to her. Keilila had a cut on her arm, but other than that, she seemed fine.
“You lost him?” Keilila asked.
Kiya nodded and said, “Yes, but I know where he's taking Reiku. He's taking him to Riverside, where Daorth is.”
Keilila nodded and sheathed her sword. “Then we will go to Riverside and save Reiku and defeat Daorth.” She looked at Lendell and asked, “Will you be coming with us?”
Lendell looked at Keilila then at Kiya. “I will go,” he said, “I will fight alongside you Priestess. Until the death.”
Kiya smiled and said, “Just call me Kiya. Any friend of Keilila's is a friend of mine.”
Lendell nodded as Ryudo, Mitt and Cliff joined them. Mitt was breathing heavily, her tail lashing angrily. Ryudo gripped his staff tightly, the hem of his robes singed and Cliff was breathing heavily, his battle axe covered with blood. “What was that… that monster?” the dwarf asked.
:That would be a Shadow Dragon,: Keioke said softly, :the most evil race of dragon. And that wasn't any Shadow Dragon, but Aubrey himself.:
“Aubrey?” Keilila exclaimed, “How is that possible?”
:Aubrey was always a Shadow Dragon. Shadow Dragons can take on any shape. The entire backgrounds of the Shichin family are Shadow Dragons, and loyal to Daorth, but a curse was placed upon them five thousand by the Priestess of the Moon forced them to be stuck in the last shape they took, which was the shape of an elf. They would only gain their power again if Daorth was raised again. Time past and people forgot about the Shichin, who then gained rule of Riverside. Kiya's grandfather married the princess of the King who was ruling that time and gained the throne after the King died a strange death. No one connected it to Shichin, so it was the Shichin who ruled until now.:
“But would that make Kiya part Shadow Dragon?” Mitt whimpered, looking at her friend.
Keioke shook her head and said, :No, because Kiya's mother, unknowingly to Aubrey, was an actual descendant of the Priestess of the Moon. She didn't posses the power of the Priestess, so Aubrey never knew. When Kiya was born, the spirit of the Priestess went into her, purifying her from the touch of evil from Aubrey and locking away the powers of the Priestess, holding them dormant, until it was time for Kiya to release them; until Kiya found the Lunar Bow. Kiya isn't the reborn Priestess of the Moon; she is the new one. The powers she posses had been transferred five thousand years across time to her.:
“How is that possible?” Ryudo asked, “How can power be transferred that way?”
:The first Priestess, Kiadi, had placed a spell on herself so that when she died, her powers would be dormant for five thousand years. Kiadi knew that Daorth would be back around this time, so she put me into a sleep and placed enchantments in her tomb so when the one who was gifted came into the tomb would receive the full power.
When Kiya was born, she had been born five thousand years exactly after Kiadi's death. When she had been born, a small trace of the power of the Priestess went into her. By this time, Daorth was pushing his way back into this world. He could only materialize out of the shadows, harmless to anyone, except Shadow Dragons. He had sensed Kiya's power the moment she was born, but instead of having Aubrey kill her instantly, he told Aubrey to allow her to live until the time came when the two moons, Daorth's Moon and Kiadi's Moon, came together, Daorth's Moon covering Kiadi's Moon for only five minutes. But in those five minutes, Aubrey was to sacrifice you, Kiya, and when you blood was spilt, Daorth would rise once again, for only the blood of Priestess would allow him to break free and gain full control of the world.:
“But how is he out of the underworld now?” Kiya asked, “And how is Aubrey able to be in his Shadow Dragon form once more?” All of this was sending chills down her spine, but it also revealed so much to her about things she hadn't understand before.
:He took over Aubrey's body and he can use some of his power to darken the world. That's why he was only able to darken Riverside instead of the entire country. He cannot enter this world in his true form. Kiadi knew that Daorth would find a way to come back into the world. There are other ways to bring him back, but the way Aubrey intentioned was the quickest way. As for Aubrey being in his dragon form, I suppose that Daorth summoned Aubrey back from the underworld. Aubrey's soul is Shadow Dragon, so when he returned, he came as that; except he is more evil and twisted than any Shadow Dragon, except Daorth himself.:
“So Aubrey took Reiku as bait to lure me to Daorth,” Kiya said. She looked at Keioke and asked, “When do the two moons come together?”
:In eight nights,: the dragon said.
Kiya nodded and gripped her skirts. “Then I'm going to Riverside to face Daorth and to save Reiku.” A thought then sprang into Kiya's mind at the thought of Reiku. “Why does Aubrey, and I guess Daorth as well, hate werewolves so much?”
Keioke shook her head sadly. :That I do not know.:
Kiya sighed and said, “I guess we will learn soon enough.” She then looked at the others. “Gather the army. The war is now, whether I like it or not. We will get rid of Daorth this time; for good.”
Reiku groaned as he gained consciousness. He opened his eyes and found himself chained to a chair, his hands manacled behind it. The chains held him tightly, wrapped around his legs and criss-crossed his chest, so he was unable to move anything except his head. He looked around and saw that he was in an underground dungeon; the only light a few torches in brackets on the stone walls. Then he heard a soft growl from a corner, which was shrouded in darkness.
:So, you have awakened.:
Reiku looked in the corner and saw a large dragon materialize from the shadows, becoming solid as it stepped out. A nasty gash on its neck told him that it was the dragon that had attacked Anthrowood. “Who are you?” Reiku snarled.
:You don't know who I am werewolf?:
Reiku's eyes widened slightly. “Aubrey?” he whispered.
The dragon chuckled softly and said, :Very good.: It then looked towards the large wooden door and Reiku heard footsteps behind it. The door opened and Reiku saw Aubrey walk in. Then Reiku remembered Kiya telling him that Daorth had taken over Aubrey's body and sent Aubrey's soul to the underworld. Daorth shut the door behind him, and then turned to look at Reiku. A smile appeared on the man's lips and Reiku felt a shudder run down his spine. Daorth walked up to Reiku and looked down at him. Reiku growled softly under his breath and then, suddenly, with a flick of Daorth's hand, sudden pain ripped through Reiku's body. He screamed in pain, trying to twist in the chair, but unable to do so. It was like his was on fire on the inside, but yet at the same time, like he was freezing up, ice so cold, it made snow feel like a wool blanket. Needles jabbed at his skin that sent poison through his body. His head felt like it was going to explode, but it felt like something was trying to squeeze it from all sides. Reiku never felt so much pain in his entire life. He couldn't help but continue to scream, even when he heard Aubrey's laughter of enjoyment.
Finally, when the pain stopped, Reiku allowed his head to slump, taking breath into lungs that felt scorched. His body trembled from the ordeal and he was dripping in sweat. Daorth gripped the top of Reiku's head by his hair and wrenched his head back.
“Never growl at me again, werewolf,” Daorth hissed angrily, “or I shall do worse.”
Reiku nodded and Daorth flung Reiku's head back down. From the corner of his eye, Reiku watched as Daorth wiped his hands onto his robes, a disgusted look on his face. Reiku painfully lifted his head up and said in a hoarse voice, “What are you going to do with me?”
Daorth looked at Reiku with a small sneer. “Why,” he said, “I'm going to lure the Priestess here and kill her. But do not worry, I will send you with her to the underworld. Or better yet,” Daorth tapped his chin with a clawed finger, “I will let you live and have you suffer, knowing that you are the reason for your lover's death. I could lock you up in the deepest chamber and have you sit there, thinking just that. That would be worse than death, wouldn't it Aubrey?”
The dragon chuckled and nodded his head. :Yes, it would Master,: he said.
Reiku glared at the two of them. “Kiya won't fall for this trap,” he snarled softly.
Daorth laughed evilly and said, “Do you think so werewolf. Well then, take a look.” He held up a hand and an orb formed over it. Reiku saw the army on the move towards Riverside and he saw Kiya, mounted on Keioke's back. The Lunar Dragon walked on the ground alongside the rest of the group; Mitt, Cliff, Ryudo, Keilila and Keilila's friend Lendell. They were at the head of the entire army, marching right into Daorth's trap.
“No, Kiya!” Reiku cried as the sphere faded. He knew it wasn't a trick because he could feel Kiya through the bond, getting closer and closer. He glared at Daorth and Aubrey, hatred and rage burning inside him. “Why do you want Kiya so badly?”
“Because,” Daorth said softly, “just a drop of her blood shed on the night when the two moons come together, I will come back fully into this world, in my true form.”
“And what about me?” Reiku hissed angrily, “Why do have a problem with me, more than anyone else?”
Aubrey spat at this and Daorth glared at him. “You werewolves are disgusting creatures. You do not belong on this earth. You always fouled my plans every time.” Daorth swept over to Reiku, gripped the arms of the chair and thrust his face close to Reiku's. “I can't stand your kind. The powers you posses are stronger than my own.”
“Then the stories are true,” Reiku said softly, “The only way you can be killed is by a werewolf. The Wise One of our people was right.”
“I tried to rid that fact from this country,” Daorth snarled, “and I almost did. But you werewolves are the only ones who know and there are very few of you that do. I tried to wipe out your kind many times and I failed. Well, I won't fail this time. Once I take over, I will rid this world of your kind for good.”
Reiku glared at Daorth. “You can't,” he said softly, “because no matter what, we will always return. We will never give in, not even to death.”
Daorth chuckled and backed away. He turned and headed towards the door. “We'll see about that, werewolf.” Then with a flick of his hand, the pain went through Reiku's body once more and Reiku screamed in pain as Daorth left the dungeon. The pain didn't stop though and Reiku didn't know how long it lasted until he finally blacked out.