Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Priestess of the Moon: Return of the Lunar Dragon ❯ Reiku's Fight ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Reiku saw that Kiya wasn't going to get up, but she wasn't dead, the lifebond told him that. He watched as Daorth continued to change, and as he did so, the magical bonds holding his up broke and Reiku dropped to the ground. He landed at a crouch and pushing himself up, he ran to Kiya. He knelt beside her and rested her head on his lap. He then heard an evil roar behind him. Looking behind him, he saw Daorth unfurl his body. With a snarl the dragon threw back its head and flared his nostrils. The Shadow dragon was twice as big as Aubrey had been and seemed even blacker than the other Shadow dragon. Daorth looked at Reiku and gave him an evil smile.
:Now,: he hissed venomously, :step aside boy, so I can finish off the Priestess.:
Reiku gently lowered Kiya's head to the floor, off his lap, and stood. He faced Daorth and growled deeply. “No,” he snarled, “I will not allow you to kill another one I love. I will fight you myself.” He stood tall and roared, “I am Kiya's Guardian and I will give up my life before I allow you to harm her!”
Daorth tilted his head and sneered. :Very well, then. You will die.:
Reiku crouched and looked around quickly. He saw the sword that Daorth had used against Kiya and recognized it as his own. The dragon was between him and it. With no other choice, he turned into the bear sized wolf. Throwing back his head, he gave a deep howl. And as he did so, Kiadi's moon pulled free of Daorth's moon's grasp. Reiku lunged at Daorth, snarling savagely.
The dragon dodged Reiku's attack, snapping his fangs near Reiku's side. The werewolf landed on all four paws and spun around. He looked at the hulking dragon before him and thought, How am I suppose to beat this monster? He's too big to kill with my fangs. Reiku saw his sword again and an idea struck him. If he could get a hold of his sword, then he could kill Daorth easier. For now, he should try his best to slow him down as much as he could. Reiku sprang high into the air and, before Daorth could realize what he was doing, Reiku closed his jaws on Daorth's throat with a snap. Using his weight, Reiku pulled Daorth down and then he ripped his fangs free.
Daorth roared and tried swiping at Reiku with a claw, but Reiku danced away. Reiku looked at the wound he created and grinned. That was effective, he thought to himself. The wound was deep and bled, but not enough to kill the dragon. Daorth tossed his head and glared at Reiku.
:You will pay for that,: he snarled angrily and snaked his head quickly towards Reiku, jaws opened wide, venom dripping from his fangs. Reiku dodged the attack and sprung towards his sword. He grabbed the hilt in his mouth and ran back to where Kiya laid. The young woman was stirring and Reiku turned back to human.
He took the sword in his hands and faced Daorth, his eyes flashing. Up above, Keioke still continued to slam against the shield, either trying to get to Kiya, or to rip Daorth's head off. Reiku swung the blade to his side and hefted its weight. “This is your last night in this world, Daorth,” Reiku said. Suddenly, he heard a soft noise below him. Looking down, he saw Kiya open her eyes. She looked up at him and gave him a small smile. Reiku smiled back and then he turned back to Daorth. Raising his sword, he attacked Daorth.
The dragon may have been large, but the tower was small, limiting his movement. Also, the blood weeping from his neck wound was slowly sapping his strength. Reiku was smaller and he moved more quickly. But although Reiku was quicker, he didn't escape all of Daorth's attacks. When he returned back to where Kiya was, he had a gash running down his leg and a few small scratches on his sides and arms. Daorth was no better though; Reiku got some attacks in as well. The dragon was cut up in various places. The dragon turned his great, evil head to face Reiku.
:Give up, yet?:
Reiku laughed and said, “Hardly, I'm just getting started. Why, are you getting tired? Are you too old for this kind of action?”
Behind his, Kiya pulled herself to her feet, gripping the wall around the edge of the tower. “Reiku,” she said weakly, “you have to finish him off soon.”
Reiku turned and looked at Kiya. “What?” he asked.
Kiya nodded towards the eastern horizon. “When the sun rises, he will gain his full strength. Then you wouldn't be able to defeat him all on your own.”
“Damn,” Reiku exclaimed, turning back to face Daorth, “Why didn't you tell me that sooner?”
“I would have, if I wasn't unconscious for the past hour or so.”
Daorth cackled and snarled, :Now have you given up? Or do you truly think that you can kill me in an hour's time?:
Kiya placed her hands on Reiku's shoulders and rested her head between his shoulder blades. “I can give you the last of my power,” she said softly, “It will be enough to give you what you need to defeat him.”
Reiku turned his head slight towards her. Through the bond, he could feel how weak Kiya still was. The strain of releasing the last of her power would kill her. “You can't,” he whispered softly, voicing his thoughts, “You'll kill yourself.”
Kiya lifted her head and gave him a soft smile. “I know,” she said softly, “but I am willing to make the sacrifice so you can live.”
Reiku felt tears sting the back of his eyes. “But why? Why would you do that?”
“Because I love you and because that I want you to live. I thought it was obvious.”
Reiku bit his lip and was about to say something when the door to the top of the tower banged open. Reiku looked and saw Keilila, Mitt, Lendell, Cliff and Ryudo run out. They stopped dead at the sight of Daorth and Mitt let out a squeak.
“Took you long enough,” Reiku yelled at them.
“Yeah, well,” Mitt yelled back, “we got lost along the way.”
“Reiku,” Keilila called, “is Kiya okay?”
Reiku shook his head and looked at the half demon. He didn't have to say anything; his message got across. Keilila nodded and then she closed her eyes and raised her hands slightly, which began to glow with a golden-green light. Suddenly, Reiku felt something through the bond. Kiya's strength was slowly coming back and her wound was healing. Keilila was healing Kiya, giving her the energy she needed to help Reiku defeat Daorth without killing herself.
Daorth threw up his head and roared. :Enough of this! You will now all die!:
“Kiya,” Reiku cried as the Shadow dragon moved for his final attack, “Now!”
Kiya unleashed energy into Reiku, who raised his blade high. He focused on the incoming dragon, his eyes resting on where its heart was. Time seem to slow as Daorth came at them. Reiku glared at the demon and cried, “This is for my family, for the people I love.” He then pulled away from Kiya and ran at the dragon. He dodged the dragon's fangs and plunged his sword into Daorth's heart.
Daorth threw himself back with a shriek. Reiku stumbled back, his injured leg giving away. He hit the ground as Daorth stumbled back, the sword in his chest glowing bluish-white. The dragon tumbled over the edge of the tower, shrieking with pain and fury. When he hit the ground below, there was a burst of light that blinded them all. Reiku threw up an arm, trying to shield his eyes. The light faded and there was silence. Even the sounds of battle below had diminished.
Mitt went over to where Daorth fell and looked down. She turned and looked at Reiku, her eyes wide. “You did it,” she exclaimed, “he's dead.”
Lendell walked over to Reiku and helped him up. Reiku winced at the pain in his leg, but he limped over to Kiya. The young elf was being supported by Keilila. Both women were glowing with a mix between whitish-blue and golden-green light. As he went over, he could feel Kiya heal, inside and out. When he got to them, Kiya was able to stand on her own. She looked up at him and smiled. Reiku stepped up to her and wrapped his arms tightly around her. She buried her face into his shirt and he felt her take in a shuddering breath of relief. He pulled away slightly and kissed her.
“It's over,” Kiya said softly.
:Not quite.:
They all watched as Keioke landed onto the tower. Her eyes were back to their normal violet again and she had the peaceful look on her face once more. If it wasn't for her blood streaked fur, no one would have known that she had been in battle only hours ago.
“What do you mean Keioke?” Ryudo asked.
Keioke looked at all of them and said, :I didn't manage to kill Aubrey. He got away when I was trying to get at Kiya, during Reiku and Daorth's battle. And there is still the fact of the orcs in the north. None of this is over. Although we rid ourselves of a great evil, the darkness is still rising, whether we like it or not.:
Reiku sighed and looked at Kiya. “Well, love,” he said with a smile, “What are we going to do?”
Kiya looked at him and the rest. “Keioke is right,” she said softly, “the war isn't over yet. I am ready to face anything, and I hope you all will be by my side when I do.”
Reiku looked at Kiya and said, “You know I am.”
“I am as well,” Keilila said, stepping forward.
“And I,” Lendell and Ryudo said together.
“Me too,” Mitt said, hopping up and down.
“I guess me as well,” Cliff said. He jerked a thumb at Mitt. “Someone has to keep an eye on this rat.”
“Hey!” Mitt exclaimed.
Keioke lowered her great head and nuzzled Kiya. :You know I am with you. I will never leave you.:
Kiya smiled and looked at them all. “Thank you,” she said softly, “I'm glad that I'm not alone.” She then looked up at Reiku and laced her fingers through his. “Let's go home,” she whispered.
Reiku nodded and they all left the tower. At the base of the fortress, where Daorth had fallen, Reiku retrieved his blade. The battle below was now over and their army gathered around them, thankful to see that they were all alright. There were a lot of losses among them and as soon as Kiya performed the Sending of Souls, allowing the souls of their dead comrades to go to heaven, they left the old city of Riverside. As they left the once great city, no one saw the tiny buds that started to push their way through the blasted land, beginning life all over again.