Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Rekindling The Bond ❯ The Man Named Virgil ( Chapter 6 )

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Kyle awoke with the sun in his eyes, his body still felt a little sore but he did not feel the bone chilling coldness that he felt the night before. He blinked a few times before he examined the room around him. He was in a bedroom, was this a dream? He was in the exact same bed he wish he could be in, the heavy covers, the fluffy pillow, everything was here. The room had wooden cedar walls that looked like they were stained long ago. Paintings of forests, oceans, and lakes were hung on the walls too, making it feel safe and warm. A window to the right of him shone the morning sun. He was so deep in thought that he did not notice the bedroom door was open and someone was looking at him.

“I see that your awake,” a old mans voice said. Kyle jumped in surprise and quickly moved his head to the left.

“Yea, where am I?” Kyle asked still tired.

“You mean you don’t remember, you are the one that showed unannounced at my door and passed out,” the old man said giving off a raspy laugh resulting in a rough cough.

“Yes,” He placed his hand on his forehead, “Now I remember, sorry about that. Whats your name?” Kyle asked reaching his other hand up to his neck and noticing their was a bandage rapped around it.

“Virgil, yours?” he asked. Kyle looked over this man named Virgil he was in his middle seventies and wore a plaid long sleeve shirt with blue jean pants. His skin was lightly tanned from the many years of sun that his skin was exposed to.

“It’s Kyle and thats all you’ll need to know,” he answered in a cold voice as he looked down at his covered feet. Then it struck him, he remembered what Father Hagen said about an old man called Virgil. His eyes widened in shock and he turned his head to him again. “Old man, do you know a priest called Father Hagen?” Kyle asked quickly.

“Yes, Father Hagen I haven’t heard his name mentioned in many years. How do you know of this person?” He asked curiously.

“I have another person I want to ask you about,” Kyle said ignoring the question given to him, “I was told by Father Hagen that you would know of a man who calls himself Night Wolf.”

For the first time Virgil’s eyes widened, his old, tan, rugged skin seem to lose color completely. His eyes dilated and he said nothing in response. “It’s best that you leave now, I rather not talk about that name in this household.” His voice was raspy and sounded old beyond his years, as he left the room.

Kyle was confused about what was happing, he needed answers and he knew that this man had them. Kyle jumped out of the bed and quickly followed the old man who now sat in a rocking chair near the fire. By now the fire was smoldering and it seemed to mirror the old man’s feelings.

“I need answers,” Kyle said quietly almost to himself, “I am on mission and Adann Baine is the person I am looking for, he has an alias and calls himself the Night Wolf.”

Virgil sat quietly looking at the fire not bothering to look at Kyle’s face. “Forget that name and go, you of all people should not get mixed up with him. Why is it that you are searching for this Devil anyways?” Virgil’s eyes turned towards Kyle as he sat in the other chair.

“Adann Baine killed someone very close to me and ruined the life that I once lived. I need him dead at all costs, even if it is to lose my own life.” Virgil now looked old and sad as if he too was remembering a loved one.

“I too lost someone very close to me by that Devil of a man.” His voice seemed to echo in the quiet room, “She was the love of my life.”

Kyle leaned over in his chair as he gestured with his hands expressing how he felt, “I know you know where he is, tell me and I can help you seek revenge...!”

Virgil cut him off as if he was not even listening to Kyle’s outrage, “I too am a Baine, and my wife and I use to have a son named Adann.” Kyle’s mouth dropped and his eyes widened. “That is why you were sent to me by Father Hagen, he knew.”

Kyle was shocked to such an extent that he was speechless. Leaning back in his chair Kyle found the only words he could say, “Where is he?” his voice was like poison dripping from a snake’s fangs.
