Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Sacrifice ❯ And It All Comes Tumbling Down ( Chapter 37 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



Chapter 37: And It All Comes Tumbling Down

By: Melissa Norvell


Azmy sat a tray of nikuman on top of an old, hardwood bar where everyone except Tsurugi and Hiroshima sat in pivoting bar stools made out of the same dark finish wood. She told everyone that she was done and smiled and she took the now-empty tray and held it down against her pastille green apron with small, pink posies on it. The nikuman sat in a a decorative china plate on the middle of the bar.

"I hope you like them."

"As long as it's not salad," Chichiri shuddered in horror at the recollection of the deranged goddess and her plant minions. He was glad to be away from Flora at this moment in time.

Ko thanked the girl as she reached over and took one of the pork-stuffed buns from the table.

"No problem," Azmy looked to the other female. "I figured that I should make myself useful. I feel bad because I couldn't do anything in battle." The look of happiness faded into a downward gaze as guilt resurfaced in her large eyes.

"Don't feel bad," Musashi reconciled. "You did the best you could and that's all that truly matters."

The girl smiled at him and closed her eyes, happy to get words of approval from the Wind Cavern. "Thanks Musashi, I feel a lot better."

"Oh, you're welcome."

Across the room, Tsurugi and Hiroshima stood by some pictures that hung on the wall. The blonde angel cradled his dark counterpart in his pale arms. "You know, Hiro-kun, I think you're beautiful," he complimented. Tsurugi thought that Hiroshima needed to hear a compliment since he seemed to feel insecure about it when it was brought up.

"Beautiful my ass, I'm covered in blood and beat all to hell," the spiky-haired man narrowed his eyes, his frown deepened and he turned his head away. Even though he'd won, he knew that it wasn't his shining moment. Hiroshima would have liked to come out of a battle a little better off then what he was.

"Everything is beautiful in its own way," Tsurugi closed his eyes and smiled kindly at the dark man. His hug tightened a little, but not too much. He didn't want to injure his partner any further.

"So?" Hiroshima was being stubborn. "Monsters like me cannot be beautiful."

"Well, you're the most beautiful monster I've ever seen," the blonde neared his face. He leaned in to capture his lover's lips. The other male told him that he was corny before his lips were locked in a sweet kiss. It was short, however. He didn't want the kids watching him at a time like this.

"Guess I'll have to show you how beautiful you are to me," Tsurrgi's lips brushed against his as he uttered the words. He leaned in and kissed Hiroshima again. This time the stubborn angel gave up his little fight and decided to slowly wrap his wounded arms around him. The tooth marks stung against the soft cloth of his love's shirt and Tsurugi's black feathers stuck to his flesh wounds but he didn't mind. The pain didn't seem so bad when he was being loved like this. Hiroshima returned the kiss with a sensual and passionate one himself.

Tsurugi pulled away after the kiss had intensified and uttered Hiroshima's pet name lowly as he blushed.

"What?" The injured man was a little zoned out by the heat of the moment as a slender hand was laid on his shoulder.

"I love you. Never doubt that. I think you're beautiful," heavenly blue eyes burnt into the ghostly blue of the legend. Hiroshima could tell that his words were genuine.

"Well you have to think something of me or you'd never want to have sex with me," the other man said in a nonchalant tone.

"True, I can never say no to you," Tsurugi rested his head on Hiroshima's well-built chest and slowly trailed a hand down it. He felt the muscles slowly shift beneath his palm. "We should be more discreet around the kids."

"Why? It's not like they don't know about us."

"I wished that I could heal you," the blonde's expression softened and regret reflected in his lazy eyes as he lightly reached over Hiroshima's shoulder and touched one of the ling, busted-off bones that protruded from the large tufts of blood-stained, black feathers on his back. "You must hurt…so badly…I wished I could get rid of that curse."

"It's fine," Hiroshima dismissed the subject.

"No, it's not," Tsurugi pulled his head off of the other man's chest and leveled him with a chilling gaze. "You know why." He warned. He didn't like it when Hiroshima acted that way with him. It may be acceptable with the children, since they didn't know him but they were mates and secrets shouldn't be kept. Hiroshima's eyes shifted away in defeat. "You can't always be strong. You can't take all of this on your shoulders."

"Yes I can. That's what this curse allows for. I take all burdens upon myself," he argued in a calm voice.

"No angel can take that all on themselves. It turns them crazy," Tsurugi warned. It was overbearing to a being that was not created to take on the burdens of everyone that stood within their radius and Tsurugi knew that Hiroshima had been taking the kid's burdens upon himself. That was the biggest reason that they weren't seriously hurt or dead. Their pain wasn't worse because Hiroshima had taken nearly half of it. He was surprised that the legend was so mentally stable now.

"I already am crazy," the legend knew that it was more than evident that he was insane. "Mad Angel Hiroshima…I like the sound of that. Besides, my father took all burdens and evil upon himself and if I am to one day take his place then I must learn to do that as well."

Tsurugi looked down in defeat. He knew that Hiroshima was right on that call. "I suppose that I really can't stop you when you are this set on something. I'm just worried about your condition…and at times like this; I can really tell how much you're dying inside."

The words cut deep. Deeper than any physical wound that could ever befall him, it was an emotional sort of depth that would sear its way into his heart and leave a scar. Hiroshima's eyes widened and he stared at Tsurugi with a mix of emotions. He was rendered speechless, for he couldn't really say anything to help or hinder the situation. Part of him didn't want the blonde angel to care so much and yet, part of him felt guilty for past decisions that caused the curse to be bestowed upon him.

"Hiroshima! Tsurugi!" Azmy called out for the two of them. They both looked at her in unison as she told them to head over to where they were because they needed to talk. Tsurugi closed his eyes and sadly walked by Hiroshima without a word. The spiky-haired man sighed and looked at the ground with his hands in his pockets as he followed him up to the group, who were seated around the bar with the nikuman. Some of them had already been eaten. Azmy smiled at the two angels from the other side of the bar.

"I made nikuman and tea for everyone," she held out a tray with several small tea cups. "Here."

The injured angel picked up a nikuman and studied it. He was used to meats and things that were classified as survival food. The nikuman was a whole new concept to him.

"These are good. I rarely eat human food so I haven't tried these yet," Tsurugi commented. Unlike Hiroshima, he knew what a nikuman was. He'd just never tried one before.

"If you don't eat human food, then what do you eat?" Ko looked away from her food to question the angel.

"Milk and sunshine," Tsurugi replied with the odd combination of items.

"Milk?" Ko asked. It seemed inhuman to just drink milk alone. The human body could only live so long on liquids alone.

"Milk doesn't kill anything and it isn't made from a previously living thing."

"You eat sunshine?" Chichiri asked. It wasn't the milk that confused him; it was the concept of eating sunshine. He wanted to know how a task like that was even possible.

"We don't eat it, our body absorbs it," Hiroshima informed dryly. Chichiri was such an idiot sometimes.

"Oh, I was wondering because if I see you out there with your mouth open it would kind of freak me out," the blonde looked a little disturbed at his mental image.

"You'd catch more wind and bugs then anything," Ko commented as a disgusted but seemingly cute noise escaped Azmy's lips.

"Your mouth would dry out really fast," Fife chimed in happily as the unamused look on Hiroshima's face only grew.

"You people are stupid."

"At least we didn't get our asses kicked by a vacuum cleaner," Keiji told him with a bit of a smile.

"I told you never to mention that again!" Hiroshima yelled, irritated that he would take a stab at him for something like that.

"Don't have a heart attack! Sheesh!" The white-haired girl took her hands from her ears. The angel's voice sounded off in her head like a fog horn because he was so close. He had a baritone voice and was the type of person who, if trying to be quiet couldn't unless he were silent, so yelling only made it louder.

"So, what's with the group discussion?" Fife wanted to get to the actual point of the group being together.

"Keiji called us all over here, actually," Azmy looked to the green-haired boy.

"I was wondering how much money everyone had since we've defeated Flora. I figure that we should probably leave soon," Keiji wanted to make sure that they had enough money to get to the next town. If they needed to stay in the City of Plants a bit longer to get a few yen more than they should just to be safe.

"I lost my money when our hotel got smashed," Azmy looked down. She had lost the money when she had fallen through the floor.

"Same here," Ko looked a bit guilty. "I was in a dead sleep." She didn't have time to get her money at all. She had only been concerned with her own life and not her money.

"I have a little money in my pocket," Undine pulled out a handful of coins and laid them on the sleek surface of the bar.

Hiroshima put one coin on the table. "I lost most of it getting slammed around by those plants," he said lowly. The legend knew that he was being irresponsible by not worrying about their earnings but he'd rather save his allies' lives then worry about something as petty as money. The angel had lived the majority of his life with little or no money so having some really didn't mean much to him.

"Mine was dumped upside down," Chichiri pouted.

"I'm afraid I lost mine as well," Tsurugi told them.

"Seems everyone got caught up in things and left it behind," Musashi replied.

"Money wasn't the first thing on our minds," Hiroshima stated or at least, it wasn't the first thing on his.

"I have no money. I'm irresponsible," Fife's happy voice chimed in as if it were some sort of joke. No matter how serious the subject was, the blue-haired man's light-hearted comment was the truth not just about himself but about everyone in the group.

"Looks like we need to get jobs again," Keiji remembered his last experience with holding down a paying job.

"Time to work again," the happy teen seemed thrilled about starting a new job.

"It was actually fun last time, except when that kid set himself on fire," the shy girl let the sweat run down the back of her head and looked a little nervous.

"I'd love to help but I must get to Lord Raiki. I'm sure he could use my assistance," the Wind Cavern stated. As much as he wanted to stay and help everyone further, he knew that his duties lay elsewhere. "Thank you for the nikuman. It was very good."

"Thank you," the girl beamed, "you know, I'll miss you, Musashi."

"Yeah, we've had you here so long it feels like you're one of us," Chichiri said a little ruefully at the fact that Musashi would be leaving. Since Musashi was in another world that he had no possibility of traveling to and chances are that he would not be able to see him again after he left.

"Who is us?" Hiroshima arched an eyebrow at the blonde. The last time he had checked, he wasn't in any group of people and he most certainly didn't want to be like everyone else.

"We are us," Chichiri thought Hiroshima knew that they were a team. Why would he ask a question like that?

"You're a part of us whether you like it or not, Hiro-kun," Tsurugi smiled and held a tea cup of green tea.

"Thank you all for your hospitality. I'll miss you all," Musashi's voice was a little rueful itself. The Wind Cavern didn't want to leave but in a way he was happy to be headed back towards Cloud Kingdom. It was a bitter-sweet parting for him.

"Hey, we'll miss you too. You were a real hero back there and if it wasn't for you then Elf Kaizer would have slaughtered us," Ko replied with a smile.

"It's nothing really. I'm glad I could assist."

"I bet Raiki will be very proud of you," Tsurugi complimented.

"You think so?" The Wind Cavern's face lit up with happiness.

The angel nodded in response. Musashi then said his good-bye and everyone in the room said their good-byes. Then, wind started to blow. At first it was a gentle breeze but then it turned into a fierce gale as streams of white smoke swirled around him, causing his hooded shirt and feathers to wave in the wind repetitively.

"Remember, next time you hear the winds speaking, feel free to talk back and I will listen," Musashi's final words were spread through the winds as his form was engulfed by the swirling smoke and he disappeared.

"I definitely will, my friend," Tsurugi said softly.

"We'll miss you," Ko shouted after him as Azmy cast a saddened gaze towards the flood. She looked as if she might start to cry at any minute.

"Don't cry," the wingless angel's deep voice cut through her thoughts like a knife slicing through hot butter.

"Huh?" She snapped her head up and looked to the tall man who stood in front of her.

"When people pass in and out of your life you must never look back. It will only make you sad. Always look forward. That way, the grief isn't so hard to bear," his voice, although cold, sounded sincere in an odd way and there was a strange softness to it that she couldn't quite place.

"Right…Thanks Hiroshima," Azmy smiled a sorrowful smile at him.


"Well," Ko stood and looked at the others, "let's go and make some money!"

Fife agreed.

"Are you going to work at your last job?" Keiji glanced at the happy teen.

"Perhaps," Fife replied in his usual falsely happy tone.

Green eyes narrowed as Keiji devised a plot. He wanted to know where Fife worked and why it was such a big secret. 'This will be the perfect opportunity. I'm going to finally find out what you do, Fife and why it's such a big secret.'


Fife walked along some of the alleyways that lined a dark side of town that lay within a slum-type area of the city. There were hardly any lights and the alley ways were dingy and most of the houses appeared to be uninhabited and run-down. Fife walked alone along the soiled paths and turned one of the corners.

A few feet behind him, Keiji peered out from around a building and dashed after him. 'Why is Fife here? Is this where he works? Looks more like a place that the yakuza would meet in.' He thought as Fife turned his head to look behind him. Thinking quickly, Keiji dove behind a nearby building. The blue-haired boy peered down the alley a little more before advancing. Keiji moved out from the wall and then ducked behind the nearest trashcan, crouched down. He carefully peered out from around the can.

He continued to move down the wall until he could see the feminine male again. There was a small clearing in the set of alleyways. Fife was standing a person's length away from another young man who appeared a little older than him. The two of them were talking but Keiji was too far away to distinguish any words.

'What are they talking about? I can't tell what they are saying…' All the green-haired boy could make out were faint mumbles. After a few minute of mumbles the man reached forward and handed Fife a decent sized bag of money. Fife smiled as the money was sat in his hands. He played his usual happy façade as the two of them walked off down the alley together.

'I've got to follow them.' Keiji darted after them. He made sure to keep out of their eyesight. The alleyway soon ended at a small house that looked to be in a little better condition than the rest, although it had shown its age by the flaking paint on the outside.

'That must be where he is.' Keiji darted underneath a window. 'What now? Do I look? I mean, I know I don't have any business prying but I have a feeling that something is wrong. I've put this guy through enough. I can't just ignore it. When he can't tell me where he works then there's something definitely wrong.' The battle with his good and bad sides continued until he had finally made his mind up to look "Here goes," he said to himself, as if to prepare himself for what he was about to see.

The green-haired boy stood up to peer inside of the house. What he saw sent a mix of strong feeling through his body.

Fife slid his shirt down his shoulders as the other young man laid on a large bed nude. Keiji's forest green eyes widened in surprise and horror and all he could do was utter an incoherent noise as his mind produced several images both fact and fictional. First, there was a brief flash of a nude Fife, then of the other man, a close up of the devilish smile that had been on his face as he watched the other male undress. Keiji's form was shaken and he took a step back. He could feel his stomach churn and his head spin. His nerves were shaken and his body trembled.

He put a hand over his mouth as he could feel the substances from his stomach attempt to force themselves up his trachea. 'I think I'm going to be sick.'

He ran at full speed back to the group.


He stood, crestfallen beside of the wingless angel. Everyone had gotten back from their part time jobs and he had spent the entire time following Fife around the alleys. His hair shaded his eyes and a frown was plastered on his face.

"I wonder where Fife is," Azmy said out loud. He was going to be late again, just like the last time.

"Well, all we can do is wait," Ko took a seat in one of the barstools.

"Maybe he works longer shifts then we do," the shy girl pointed out.

"True, he very well could. I didn't think about it that way," Chichiri said.

Hiroshima didn't say a word. He just listened to everyone else wonder about Fife's current condition. He knew. He knew why Fife was late, he had seen the vision before everyone headed out to find jobs but there was nothing that he could do to stop it. This was something that Fife wanted, and as an angel he could not alter fate.

"You knew…You knew, didn't you?" Keiji's stern and upset voice caught Hiroshima's ears. He knew that it was directed at him and that the green-haired male was probably angry with him.

He closed his eyes and looked a little defeated, "yes."

"Why didn't you stop him?" The other male looked at him with anger on his face. He could tell that Keiji was mad, even though his voice was so calm it held an edge to it.

"It is forbidden that angels, as divine beings interfere with the actions of mortal humans. If you were there, why didn't you stop him?" Hiroshima peered into the boy's eyes.

"Because…" Keiji turned his head away. "I didn't want him to know that I knew."

"Well, you'll get your chance," the legend commented as the door swung open and Fife walked through. He held the bag of money and had a bright smile on his face, as if nothing had ever gone wrong.

"I'm back!" He chimed. "Sorry it took so long. I ran into come complications but I think the amount did more than compensate for my time off." At the end of his sentence, he noticed that Keiji was extremely close to him, his hair still shaded his eyes and his fists were balled tightly. He was nearly trembling in resentment. His happy voice made him shudder in disgust. How dare he show his face and offer to give them money that went to a cause like that?

"Oh, hello Keiji-kun!" Fife beamed.

He was greeted by a harsh smack to the side of the face. It was so hard that his hair went completely to one side, as did his body. The sound of money hitting the floor could be heard as the bag spilled coins everywhere. Ko, Chichiri, Azmy and Tsurugi all looked surprised at the young man's violent actions.

Fife sat on the ground with a hand to his face. His cheek was red and stung like fire.

Ko stood up in her seat. "What the hell, Keiji!? Why did you do that!?" She shouted infuriated at the green-haired boy. You don't just smack someone who brought money in the door, no matter what they did that was wrong!

"Listen here and I'll make this crystal clear…NO ONE is selling their body for money! Got it!" Keiji stood above Fife and glared him down with cold eyes.

"So…You found out," Fife's voice was calm. It didn't sound so happy anymore; in fact it was more real and full of regret for what he had done. He knew that he was eventually going to get found out, the only question was how Keiji knew. He must have followed him.

"You're a prostitute Fife?" Chichiri was a little surprised.

"Yes…I am. You can make fun of me now," the feminine one frowned and his eyes looked saddened as if he might cry but the tears never came. "Go ahead, tell me how degrading it is but it's not like I can help it."

"You'd better tell me what's going on," Keiji kneeled beside of him and continued to bore a hole through his soul with his eyes. "You can't afford to lie at a time like this."

To Be Continued…


Nikuman- Pork buns. In anime, they look like white onion-shaped things with pork inside. They can be bought at stores around Japan.

Yakuza- Japanese gangs that were ruthless and very deadly.