Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Wet Closet ❯ Guy ( Chapter 2 )

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“Damn alarm clock…” muttered the guy groggily while struggling from his sheets.
The morning sunlight peeks through the slits of the window curtains hitting the 16-yearl-old's eye that was shielded with his left arm the moment he hit the snooze alarm mercilessly and getting off from his bed to start his usual routine. He really never bothered to fix his bed for their maid would do it for him anyway. And so, he dragged himself to the bathroom across the bed for lukewarm shower.
After fifteen minutes stay in the shower, he turned off the faucet, grabbed the towel from the rack and circled it around his waist. He looked over the mirror-cabinet above the sink to get his toothbrush and toothpaste and started brushing his teeth while walking towards his wardrobe beside the foot of his bed to grab his uniform. The uniform consists of a white Chinese-collared buttoned-up shirt with a packet-patch in the left side and zipper-up navy blue ankle length pants with pockets in both sides, not to mention his necktie, same color with his pants.
The second he took hold of his uniform, he dress up as fast as he could for he saw his alarm clock saying 8:45 am, in other words, if he didn't move now, he would be late and hear the lecture of their homeroom teacher which is annoying. As he finished grooming and brushing, he grabbed his Jansport bag leaning on his chair located at his study table.
As Gregor San dashes down stairs anticipating for breakfast, a realization dawned to him. `It seems he would taunt me again' the fact that his brother never forgets to piss Gregor whenever he catches his looming form. But right now, he's too late…
There, sitting at their dining table is his brother, knife and fork at hand and was about to eat the bagel but soon followed with his words…
“You're in a hurry, why don't you take breakfast with me…”Not waiting for Gregor to reply he added while smirking, “I forgot you're afraid of your teacher's scolding”.
There's the blow but Gregor just walked straight away finding their door to exit. He saw his bike leaning at the side of his door debating in his thoughts if he would ride it or not, at the end though, he chose not to `I might do something improper if I ride that thing'.
On his way he broods about their situation. His brother does everything just to make him feel down and he doesn't know the reason behind it or since when did it started that way. Despite that, it's still his obligation to adjust for him, supposedly for his older to the both of them so, he never bothered fighting back yet there will be a day he would clear things.
`Absolutely, the problem is…If he's going to listen and not to be stubborn about it, knowing him-`
His thoughts were cut off when he suddenly recalls why he's in a hurry. He ran like he's being chased by his rabid fan girls for it's only five minutes before time.
` Next time I'll never think while walking…'
He arrived at school exactly 9:00 and proceeded to his chair at the back beside the window sill waiting for their math teacher and homeroom adviser at the same time.
`I haven't come up with a plan yet'
Not too long, a chubby, large-frame woman entered the class greeting them good morning indicating the lessons will start an hour for each subject.
Math = 9:00 -10:00am
English = 10:00 - 11:00 am
History = 11:00 - 12:00 pm
Lunch = 12:00 - 1:00pm
Science = 1:00 - 2:00 pm
Physical Education = 2:00 - 3:00pm
Clubs = 3:00 - 5:00 pm
So, the `B-O-R-I-N-G' day begun, first subject is math in which Ms. Rueda discussed about x and y coordinates and anything follows. Gregor just ignores it; too busy formulating an escape plan while leaning his chin in his closed fist, elbows supporting its weight which is situated at the side of his table, without realizing the stares of his classmates.
“Ahem, Mr. san, could you explain this equation…” tilting her head at the side pointing him what she mentioned.
On the green board written: x=/x1-x2/
`I'm sick? No, too pathetic. Injured? Too exaggerate…' He left his train of thought as he stood up and said, “Whatever, x-coordinate is equal to the absolute value of difference of x sub2 and x sub1 hence, getting the value of x-coordinate, do I need to get further?” he answered briefly while holding a smirk on his face. How he enjoyed the absurd reactions of the teachers whenever they thought they could humiliate students who they thought are not aware of answers when it comes to recitation, probably they could…but not to Gregor.
“No need, well done Mr. San, you could take your sit” “As you say so” Indeed, he sits as the class schedule goes on, just thinking all day about his escape plan and ignoring every discussion but answers whenever he's called…as the Club practices come for the last activity of the day…'Shoot!'
“Gregor, coach's calling you; you better head-off to the gym now.” Marvin, his classmate and teammate said.
“So much for a plan huh?” Gregor muttered to no one in particular. To no avail, he made his way to the gym located in the next building. While walking at the side walk with roof, he catches a glimpse of girls laughing, but not the kind of laugh out of happiness, out of bullying instead. Suppose to be the leader in Gregor's opinion, Sheila Santos is waving a headband with springs at both sides heading outside the gates.
Just looking at the headband makes you presume it's for toddlers not for girls like Sheila Santos would use as a fashion statement. In short, it's not owned by one of them and base on their looks, it seems they really took it to someone…
`But who? And who in their right minds would wear that?'
Curiosity gets the best out of Gregor. He analyzes things even though it just occurred in a short time and doesn't need to look further. Yet, he just does it out of curiosity nothing more nothing less. Furthermore, he only keeps his musings and such to himself; he's not much to talk. One of the things that made him popular to his female schoolmates who sees silent type people are cool or charming (Whatever you call it).
After much contemplating about what just happened, he finally arrived at the gym. It's just the usual basketball court where there are two basket rings at the opposite sides and the polished floor has lines, curves and circles drawn at the sides and center of the court. Surrounding the court are several seats for the audience, above it are the lights and computer scoreboard and timer, and the speakers hanging at the highest corners of the gym.
The five players, including Gregor lined up as the coach standing in their front was about to announce something. It seems important as the five players could feel the seriousness of their coach's expression.
“Ok Nickhigh Team! The Competition with the Rainsville high would be held one month from now. Rainsville high is also known for the team with no loosed match yet, that rivals us, our team. We can't afford to lose if we want to gain the National Championship Cup. Let's give our best to reach this victory, our victory!” The coach said with serious yet determined voice at the same time.
`This reminds me of avoiding being a coach someday' Gregor thought meekly.
“Yes Coach!” all of the 4 players replied except for Gregor but they didn't noticed it and just proceed. The coach whistles loudly then shouted “Begin!”
The players run back and forth with the each fighting over the ball to dribble, guard and shoot. When the ball was passed to Gregor, he run quickly to the other side of the court aiming for the basket as he got faster and his dribbles are much harder. As he got nearer, atleast three players guarded him to catch him off-guard to take the ball out of him. However, because of Gregor's speed and stamina, he managed to pass through them with ease without loosing the ball then, he jumped high enough to reach the basket, and his body was coming nearer to his goal when suddenly …
All players ceased and stared with bemusement. Gregor lied on his back on the floor, right hand clutching the side of his head and eyes were half-closed with a red liquid sliding down his face. `The hit was pretty hard for I'm bleeding' He thought while standing up to see who blocked his attempt. There, standing beside him and clutching his head as well was Marvin.
“Sorry men, I don't intend to bang your head but to spunk the ball out of your hand...” Marvin said apologetically as he helped him stand up.
“No need to apologize what's unintentional.” Gregor replied while glancing at him as he motioned for Marvin to go with the players.
The coach whistled then approaches them. “Continue the game! And San, go to the clinic to fix that then straight to your house and rest, we need your skills, so we can't risk of losing you on the team.” Coach said thoroughly.
Well, Gregor had been a basketball player since his freshmen years, thus, gaining the Most Valuable Player title, for their team never loosed a game yet thanks to his skills and he's series of rebounds, lay-ups and 3-point-shots that he can execute without breaking sweat. Needless to say, Gregor is the trump card of the team.
He didn't argue with it for that's what he's planning from the start. He made his way to the clinic at the ground floor which is three staircases away. Then, he entered the glass-door giving a medical atmosphere and saw the nurse looked up to him, the nurse dressed in a white shirt and dress with a `nurse' kind of hat above her head and her hair tied in a tight bun.
He's amazed with the abashed face of the nurse but quickly got back to her senses and brings out the first aid kit in one of the white cabinets with a red cross painted in front of it.
He motioned for Gregor to sit in one of the chairs and then get started. First, the nurse cleaned the wound by wiping it with damp cloth, then poured a betadine unto the cotton and applied it to his wound. Lastly after that, she applied the band-aid in the wounded spot. She fixed the first-aid kit and throws the used cottons as she looke up at Gregor and said, “Done, you could go now and please be careful next time, it's traumatizing to see a student bleeding.”
`And she says she's a nurse' “Yes, thank you” he replied as he left lazily. Since he can't go home for its still club hours, he just decided to take a nap somewhere. He's looking for his options while strolling aimlessly.
`Rooftop? I don't think so, not an anime character. Classroom or grass field? Both way, many could see me and that includes the fan girls which is worse than being seen…'
While weighing his options he didn't know he's heading for the bathroom and the fact that a girl was running and entered it. He notice that he's in front of a door that reads…
`Male's Bathroom'
`This is where my feet brought me. Not bad, I'm here anyway, mind as well sleep here'
He turned the knob of the door for it to open. There are 5 cubicles each has a toilet inside and across from each cubicle, there's a sink attached to the wall and the main color of it is maverick blue (Simply blue for single-minded). He walked in, went straight to the right corner near the window that can fit one human body (If you're not fat enough) then he flopped down, putting his two hands under his head that served as his pillow.
He was about to be unconscious when a girl banged one of the cubicles's door then pointed at him accusingly saying, “You pervert! What are you doing at the girl's bathroom?!” Even if he looks sleepy, the fact that the girls tearstained face didn't escaped his eye, but he doesn't intend to mention it especially to a girl who called him a pervert.
“Take a look at the door and see who's the pervert, woman” he spat with a slight hint of irritation. She turned her head grumpily as she walked over to the door to see that she's in the wrong bathroom. To cut further embarrassment, she hurriedly turns the knob to get out, only to find out that it wouldn't badge.
“What's wrong with this?”
Gregor decided to check the girl to get back to his nap sooner. He approached her and ask, “What is it now, woman?” “The door knob won't turn!” the girl replied.
“Set aside” the girl did as she was told, as Gregor tried to see for himself…it really is wouldn't badge, so that means one thing…
“Don't tell me we are locked?” the girl said unconvincingly as she crossed her arms under her chest as he take a look at him, which she was a bit unnerving for he looks dead serious. `I don't like this' she thought nervously.
“Yes we are locked” as he glanced at the window seeing that it's becoming dark outside which means…”And it seems we would be stuck hear longer than we want to” at that said, the girl crouched and started crying again muttering curses which were muffled.
Gregor was trying to think straight but couldn't because of the weird girl's wailings...
'This is going to be a long night'