Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Wet Closet ❯ Play ( Chapter 5 )

[ A - All Readers ]

A tale is a fictional story that usually features extraordianry characters and enchantments, often involving a far-fetched sequence of events to a happy ending.
A toddler commonly believes in this kind of story; especially the happy ending part. Some would even go to the point of making it their reality like believing there would be a knight in the shining armor that would come to ask their hand. It sounds nice but not to our certain teenagers today.
For teenagers, tales are absurd, ridiculous and absolutely impossible. Impossible is an understatement but ridiculous and absurd are somehow correct. How can a prince fell in love with a lady who he just met? You can't even call it love for most of the fairy tales say “he was mesmerized by her beauty...” which means it's just attraction.
“Hmm….It's not that bad…” Shannon muttered as she looks through the pages of the book.
Indeed, the book may look as if it's not for children. Yes, it has pictures but the way the words were delivered, it's pretty deep for a simple story-telling for kids. And the cover, instead of a colorful output with the prince and his princess or something of those kinds, it's just a simple crimson and a hard-bound book.
“Not bad? It has been bad since we we're assigned to do this.” Gregor told Shannon grumpily.
Shannon can't blame him for being in a sour mood. She's well aware of the reason why. All she can't understand is, why he's too-
“Please, I haven't seen a real stage play yet.” Bridget confessed to them while still in pleading form.
“Then go to Broadway in America.” Gregor suggested with sarcasm on his voice.
“I would if mom's not busy…” the toddler said as if she would cry any minute.
`Tsk, too mean for kids' she approached him in his back intending to do something…
“Then, wait for your mom to be not.” He ended not noticing the toddler's teary eyes and crossed his arms. Then…
“Worry not Bridget, ofcourse we will do it, just direct us, okay?” Shannon accepted with bliss acting like she didn't hit him.
Gregor was about to yelp in the sudden hit yet touched his head to ease the pain instead.
`She hits hard for a girl.'
“Are you-“he was about to question her acceptance but, “So, Bridget, tell us what to do-“She gets their attire at the bed and handed the one for Gregor,”-should we get dressed first?”.
`And did I mention she cuts my sentences often…'
“For real! You would do it?” the toddler can't help to keep her excitement on what the weird girl just said.
“No” Gregor.
“Yes” Shannon.
A hint of confusion appeared in the toddler's face. How is she supposed to know if it's `yes or no' if the two of them answered `yes and no'. So, she looks at them to know what will happen next.
“Yes we will.” The gal insisted as she started to untie her necktie and unbutton her shirt. “Hold my costume first.” The costume was handed to Bridget.
When she was about to unbutton the third button of her blouse, two hands circled both of her wrists. Shannon looked up to see Gregor's frowning appearance.
He sighed, closed his eyes and opened them after five seconds then he asked, “What do you think you're doing?”
“Well, I'm getting ready until you stopped my hands. Could you let go now?” she laughs so carelessly.
Gregor stared at the weird girl's eyes for a moment. Trying to tell her through his eyes that they could choose not to do this, which they don't have to and they could find a way for Bridget to change her mind. He failed miserably though, for the gal just smiled back at him and waited for his grip to release her wrists.
Sighing in defeat, he released her as she started to unbutton the third button. When she was about to reach the fourth button…
The gal raised her head again, “You're not supposed to change here.” Gregor turned his back after he said that.
“Why not?” hands at her back and waited for the guy's reply.
`Is she weird or just plain stupid?' He faced her and said, “I'm here.” He points at himself.
“So?” Gregor arched his left eyebrow. Then slowly, she got his point. Who the hell would change clothes in front of someone? Or in their case, in front of the opposite sex. It's not that Gregor would take a peek; it's the last thing on his mind. What he's trying to avoid is to accidentally see what he should not. He's lazy but not perverted so; he made her aware of it. However, her reply has taken him by surprise yet again…
“Ahaha, it's alright. I trust you.” she finally replied after getting it and went back to changing clothes. Seeing that she's going to change again, he turned his back abruptly.
And that, I tell you, shut Gregor completely. He doesn't know whether to be grateful or just ignore it. It's just three simple words that were said by the weird gal, no big deal. So why does his brain keep on repeating those lines?
Ahaha, it's alright. I trust you
I trust you
I trust you
`Me? How?' Well, for someone lazy, it's easy to ignore it and that's what Gregor had thought. In order to divert his thoughts, the guy started changing attire as well. Ofcourse, he made sure his in good distance away from the weird gal and changed as fast as he could.
Bridget has been observing all this time. When she first saw both of them in the hallway, she only followed them out of curiosity. Now, she finds it very amusing to watch them and she's starting to like the weird gal. Aside from Shannon being nice to her, the toddler finds her weirdness funny. Especially when it took Gregor off-guard…very amusing.
`That's a revenge for being grumpy to me.' Bridget thought as she laughs inwardly.
“Argel! Do you have an assignment in English?” his friend's usual greeting every morning he arrives at the gates.
“No, I'll do it in the classroom.” he replied nonchalantly and continued walking in the school's sidewalk towards the high school building.
“What!?” his friend stopped walking, Argel being two feet distance away from her now.
Argel, whose hands were now inside his pockets, ceased as well. He turned his head sideways, a lone eye looking at his friend. She knows that position so well; it indicates he will listen to whatever you say but urging you to make it fast for he doesn't have all the time.
“You always have an assignment…” she stated in disbelief.
“Well, now I don't.” he started walking again and heard his friend's rushing footsteps behind then continued.
As she catches up to his pace she continued,”But, you always have and….I always don't.” she paused for they are now ascending upstairs. It takes a lot of breath you know. They have reached their classrooms at the third floor, just across from Gregor's classroom, as she talked again at their seats, “You're not like that. I always copy yours, not the other way around and-“
He looked at his friend and smirked, “So you have, I'll copy it then.” and snatched his friend's notebook from the bag then, started copying.
`And that means he doesn't want to tell it.'
`What's taking her so long?'
It's been half an hour already and Shannon's not yet coming out from the playing station. Given the fact that the weird gal was the first one to change clothes, he can't quite decipher why she's taking this so long. He wanted to start this `thing' sooner and doesn't want to delay it any further. No, Gregor's definitely not excited about the play; he wants to end it swiftly than ever. Hence, they should start early or better yet, in this instance!
The door opened slightly, and then a head popped out from its opening. It's none other than Shannon with a slightly puffed look on her face.
“Finally.” He said hiding the hint of impatience.
Yet, Shannon just stayed that way, no trace of moving out from the door. It's as if her body's glued to it.
“Gregor San…” she started.
“Gregor” he said.
“Just Gregor.” he clarified.
“What now?” he really tried to hide his impatience, but it's beating him.
“You see…I can't zip up the gown in my back…” she was about to continue but chose to close her mouth because she's not sure if she should tell her next words.
Without wasting anymore time, Gregor approached her and ordered her to turn around as he finds the zipper in the lower part of the gown, taking no notice of the weird gal's bare back. He found it instantly and zipped it up with ease.
“There, let's go. Bridget's waiting at her mini auditorium right next to this room.” He said and then started to go.
There's suddenly an arm around his own as a voice said, “Thank you, Gregor.”, then she let go of his arm and skipped towards the next door.
“Ms. Bridget, the props we're all prepared.” One of the Zildjan's loyal servants said.
Just then, the two main casts of Bridget's play have arrived.