Other Fan Fiction ❯ Anectdote : High School Uneasiness ❯ Anectdote: High School Uneasiness ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Anecdote-High School Uneasiness
The first step took out of my house on my way to high school was one of the most nervous moments of all fourteen years of my life. The hair on the back of my neck was on end; I was clenching and unclenching my fingers in my hand and palms. I could feel a drop of sweat from my temple fall to my cheek, my knees slightly buckling once the bus had come to pick me up. How were people going to view me? What kind of friends would I encounter? What types of groups would I go in? Who would tease me? Would I spend the rest of my high school years in some dark corner?
The first step I took off the bus was downright nerve-racking; I could hardly believe I had made it here in the first place. I was now an adolescent, no longer someone from an elementary school. Those memories and parts of experience were behind me now, all the trouble and recesses I had gone. Sure there would be ten minute breaks, but now, I would spend more time studying, writing, listening and trying my 100% for good grades and try to attain 38 credits and complete 48 hours of Community Service before graduating. But now back to the subject at hand.
I was actually happy when I saw former students from elementary school, it turn’s out that not everyone and everything was behind me after all, but distractions were unnecessary for being able to complete everything that was to be handed to me. But as they say, all’s fair in love and war, and the nervousness I was feeling then deteriorated once I saw students from before. So now today the shyness is gone and I’m still beginning my journey of being a young teenager.