Other Fan Fiction ❯ Marked ❯ Ambush ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

New York docks,USA
The girls hide inside a crate, waiting for Romera
Clover: Sam, when you decide on where to hide, try not to choose fish crates as hiding places! I am going to need a shower after this because of this fish smell!
Sam: Quiet! Here she comes.
Romera runs into the docks,searching for a boat to escape in.
Sam: On my signal, i will use by grapple band on that crane and crash into her. Once she is down, Alex will stun her with the irritation spray. Clover will cover both of us should she try to escape.
The girls understand there orders.
Sam: Ready, NOW!
Sam shoots her grapple from her grapple band at a the crane (remember she wasn't wearing her spy costume since she was hypnotized) She rappels half way and then swings at Romera, knocking her down. Alex leaps out of her hiding position and runs up to Romera and uses her irritation spray on her, stunning Romera.
Alex:Quick and painless.
Sam: Well, after what happened today, couldn't say it any better.