Other Fan Fiction ❯ Rough Cuts ❯ Zone 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
i have no idea how to squirm out of this shit.
i dont even know what i did wrong. it's not like i'm a terrible person. its every other asshole out there got nothing better to do then fuck with us regular old bad shit everyday people.
*cigarette sizzles*
it was fucking Monday. *chuckles* figures right? everybody hates Sunday more than Monday, actually. See Monday is the worst day of the week, new work week, no room for fun and laziness, dumbasses.  But Monday goes by like nothing, and you stressed all day Sunday, that it racked you up with stress and ruined your whole day worrying about stupid shit. Yeah, regular old Monday...well except for the whole apocolypse thing. I mean it swept through the entire globe by wednesday, so it was still as productive as a monday normally is. infact it was honestly my best day at work ever.
fuck my boss, he never did anything, he got paid to fuck the intern and fire good men. whos boss doesnt though? I mean there's all this bullshit about destressing from work and home and everybody's eachother's bosses. we all hate eachother for bossing eachother around and stressing eachother out.
maybe thats what this whole things rooted down to? basic emotion. anger, rage, pain. all of it. everyone's been pissed off enough at work to punch someone or at least imagine it. and everyone's imagined murder. we wouldnt be human if not. you can lie to everyone but you cant lie to yourself. only you know you thought it. its a secret, see? all of us are sinners. we're all tainted and damned, we're all driven by greed and envy and gluttony. dont get me wrong i ain't religious or nothin. fuck the afterlife or nonessential elements of political correctness.
humans are just stubborn. and nosy bastards too. we have to know everything. if theres a hole we dig deeper, if theres a line we stand in it, if theres any source of secret somethingness over across this silly tiny area and no one knows for sure if its real, we have to search for it. so of course theres this unknown source leaking unknown secrets about this secret unkown thing, and everybody has to have it. has to see it. has to KNOW what it is. blind basic instinct.
yeah sure, whatever, 'back on topic'...prick. well i blame humans stupid nosy nature for this one. not me. i acted on the same instinct. i felt the danger, hence i appropriately responded the human, or i guess american, way and used lethal force. it's not like anyone really cares now that we know for sure my fear was rational.
my aggressiveness was strength brought on by adrenaline in a clear cut self defensive situation akin to a survival situation. i felt the need to survive, and my brain told me what i had to do to attain that task's completition.
*cigarrete sizzles*
*cough, inhale*
i wouldve broke down like a ninny bitch, i'm sure you'd know the sensation. you cant exist in this world and deny it. so then you'll also understand why i didn't while she was there.
what your not gonna edit me out this time? fine i'll level with you, as long as we stay on the same page now. yeah, i know why i'm here, dick, not to 'tell my side' i've got none. you want info on the girls. you oughta just leave 'em be before they make you toys in their playground. they're not one's meant to be fucked with.
*scuffling, grunting*
*shotgun cocked*
yeah, bitch, go ahead n shoot me, you fucking pussy. cant play like a man get off his battlefield. cuntbag. they'll treat you same as they do any enemy of they're flock.
*gun shot*
*click clack*
*bullet case drop*
*static, end of tape*